HomeMy Public PortalAbout19290906CCMeetingTybeelGa.,ALglist 2nd 1929.. The regular Meeting of Council was held to-day eat 4:00 p.m, and was attended bY the Mayor,who presided,and Councilmen Horovitz,Logan, Espy and Walthour. 119 Mrs.E.J.Bergman has requezted• that a lir:tht be placed at Estill Ave.. and McKenzie street,Mr. Walkhoursugested.that the mater be in- • vestited and if contions warranted it that a light be placed there Yr. Loan wac appointed a committee to see if a light was needed there. .7r.i:]spy informed Council tha.t Mrs. Adelite Graham was. promised that • Third street would be opened for her. and the work has not been started yet so it W9,9 decided to open th:.s .street at once. IheOrdinance regulating the parking of automobiles on certain stre(Jts. came up and on motion of Mr..Espy tht,. it be ado-.pted,seconded Mr.Walthotv it was place J. on seconereading anii . passed unanmously. ORDINANCE. An to be entitled " An Ordinance to control and regulate ttra:fc in the Tpwn of Tvbee by desiftna,tin7 Certan park- ing Space and. estatlishing rule s for the use thereon; to provide punishMent for any violation ard for other purposes: 3ECTION I -.BE IT .0.:LiA7=1 77 .THE MAYtn AND COUNCIL-YEN of Savannah Beach,Tybee Island,in Council assembled that from and• after the passage of thit Ordinance t soothern and northern fifteen foot, resectively of 14thil5t1.,1.6th and 17th streets in said Town, • • between thenstrand and the railroad are hereby desin: ted as• parkin/7 space; also the southefn and northern fifteen feetlrespeti7e1y,of 15th atd.16th streets in sold Town between. Butler Avenue and 3rd Avenue are designated as parking space. .....aECTION 2 - 7E IT "FURTHER °RDA= by the atthority . aforesaid that all vehicles of any and every hind and char&cter osing said parking . spaces,shall be earked atean•angle of 45 .degrees withthe.northern and souther:: lines of said Streete,resPectiVely and within the sapce herein designated as parkin space. 'In the use of the northern strip of t1-16 said ahove•described Strees,the angle of 45 degreesshall be made by the vehicle being parked to- ards the northeast an in the 'use or the southern strip of said abo,lo described -Streets, the angle•of 45 degrees shall he made by the vehicle 7),:...r7E6d towarde thesouthetzt.- SECTION' -3 IT 7-JRT]ThR ORB4TT.TED by the authority aforeeaidthat ary driver of vehicle violatihft the 'terms of this Ordinance shall e,upon conviction. in Polce Court of Town,bc fined in a sum of no more than :) 100,00 or imprisoned • for a period of not more than thirty days,eithsr or both,or any • portion of either or both in the discretion of said Police Court of said Town,for each and•every violation hereof. 'ECTION 4 - 7E IT ==. OfINED ty •the authority aforeSaid that all.ordinanoes and parts of btdinances iri . c6nflict hereof bo and the same are hereby repealed. 120 There being further besiness Council adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. O f Counci Mayor. Town of Tybee,Ga.,September 6th 1299. The regule r meeting of Council wae hell to-day •at.4;COp.m..and was attended by the Mayee,who pesided,and Councilmen Logant, Walthour andeTarr. A letter was read feem Mr. 7rPd Weseels requesting the Town to put a booth in .the a-oeroaching Geceria State. ?air during fair • weele,but Couneil .was he cninion that it shfluid not be done. co-mittee on fire eretectien was created and Messrs.Logan,horovitz- and, J.H.MtKenna were apeeinted on this conmittee,with instructions Le work ott some elan ef fire erotectien on ths island. It was decided to continue the automobile cellecti-.)ns throughout the year,under the sueervieien ef the Police Committee. It was decidee to send. a. resolution to State Senator Myrick and the three Legislaters,Messre,Aleander,Grayon and • thanking t,.enT, for their efforts in having itxxix g. legislation passed that • aUthoritedetheepaving of the road to Tybee. The Ton Attorney was instructed. to draw IAD_ same. T .MayofeinforMed......Ceeln.C"ile...that it•we)e1el•be.n4CAeeeYt.b.e'bre(14 • of eetetanding billsmect.,• and• • ir-J•sed •[t autority- be L:i-179-r, Ljn to rebtito •a loan with one • tLe local bankF,Yr Walthaur 7,71e a• motion the t the Tiiayor be fr= ohe of•tha•lacal• banks tee :meet e CaSuL tefioien Ll the Town,this was seconded by Mr. "1„:i and the motion' -.)et flanamtzsly. RESOLITTTY. thc, be. and .h2 is heTeby erethoriZed Jfrecte,for tho of.su)l)Tyin a ce,isual deficiency in• revenue no eaistin.o 1.pw fro..sch bankeor. banks of the • City. of Sava...;:nah as nay ho selectLl by him,the-sum of Three • Yfrousard Dollars (;.;) 3000.00) for such time and -upon such terms or shall agree or to•evidence said loan by ex- ecutir in the name of and on behalf of the Mayor and Council- ran of the Tovn of ybee a note or notes nut exceeding in the 70:,,.reEate• the prinical sum of Three Thousand D.ollars(3000.00). note or notes :2hall be ear ted under:the official teal of tLl rayor and Ceunailen ef the Tor•of Tybae attested -by the Clerk of Council. There 1Dein. no fJrthor bo ine oncil adjrned subject to thc•cal c:f the 1:ayor. Clerk Of CoJncil • 1,,-yo •