HomeMy Public PortalAbout22-03RESOLUTION NO . 22-03 A RESOLUTI ON OF T HE TOWN C OMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF GULF STREAM, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLIS HING WATER RATES AND CHARGES BY RESOLUTION AS PROVIDED IN ORDINANCE NO. 03/4 AMENDIN G CHA PTER 34 UTILITIES AT ARTICLE II SECTION 34-26 FOR THE OPERATION OF THE WA TER D ISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FOR THE TOWN; PROVI DIN G AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WH EREAS, Ordin ance No . 03/4 of the Town of Gulf Stream Code of Ordin ances provid es th at the Town Commission shall establish reasonable utility rates a nd charges based on the cost of pro viding water service; a nd WH EREAS, Ordin an ce No. 03/4 further pro vides that these utility rates and charges shall be set forth in a Resolution adopted by the To wn; WH EREAS, it is necessary that the Town Commission amend the water rates a nd charges to reflect the increased costs of the Town of Gu lf Stream of obtaining and pro vidi ng water to the T own of Gulf Stream . NOW, THER EFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE T OWN C OMMISSI ON OF THE TOWN OF GULF STREAM. FLORID A, AS FO LLOWS: Section 1. established. A. Residential Service: 1. Water Rates an d Charges. The fo llowing water rates a nd charges are hereby In dividually Metered Service a. Applicability: Water service for all residen tial dwellin g units with individ ual water meters. b. R ate per Bi-Mon thly Period: 1. Customer Billing Charge- The customer billing charge shall be $9.37 per bill rendered . 2. Base Serv ice Charge- The base service charge shall be $63.75 3. Gallon Rate- The rate for each one thousan d (1,000) gallon s or fraction thereof for all quan tities of water passed thro ugh the customer's service meter shall be determined in accordance with the followin g schedule: Gallons Meter per Consumptio n Block Serviceable Lot Size Parameter Rate per metered co nsumption 0 - 16,000 sq. ft. 16,001- 19,000 sq. ft. 19,001- 23,000 sq. ft. 23,001- 28,000 sq. ft. 28,001-34,000 sq. ft. 34,001-40,000 sq. ft. 40,001- 50,000 sq. ft. 50,001- 60,000 sq. ft. 60,001- 70,000 sq. ft. Residential Service Category First Block Second Block $3.39 1 0 to 20,000 2 0to20,000 3 0 t 20,000 4 0 t 20,000 5 0 t 20,000 6 0to20,000 7 0to20,000 8 0to20,000 9 0to20,000 $3.61 20,001 to 80,000 20,001 to 96,000 20,001 to 112,000 20,001 to 140,000 20,001 to 164,000 20,001 to 198,000 20,001 to 244,000 20,001 to 300,000 20,001 to 350,000 Third Block Fourth Block $5. 03 80,001 to 100,000 96,001 to 120,000 112,001 to 136,000 140,001 to 170,000 164,001 to 200,000 198,001 to 243,000 244,001 to 300,000 300,001 to 370,000 350,001 to 433,000 $8.76 Above 100,000 Above 120,000 Above 136,000 Above 170,000 Above 200,000 Above 243,000 Above 300,000 Above 370,000 Above 433,000 For individu ally metered lot sizes abov e 70,000 squ are feet, the con sumptio n blocks will be determined in div idually by the Town on a basis consistent with the rate stru ctu re for other in dividually metered residential custo mers where a site -by -site an alysis will be perfo rmed by the To wn to determin e the estimated irrigated area such that the u sage blo cks will be determin ed as follows: i. The first block will be equal to the other residen tial service categories an d will encompass the first 20,000 gallon s of metered water con sumptio n; ii. The second block will be equal to approx imately 1- inch of irrigation applied to the irrigated area; iii. The third block equal to approx imately 0.25 inches of irrigation applied to the irrigated area; an d i v. The fo urth block in e xcess of the sum of the pre vious blocks . The rates applied to the determined co nsumption will be the same rate as charged to other c ustomers withi n this class for each respective consumption block. 2. Master Metered Service a. Applicability: For water ser vice for all purposes in residential dwelling units which o ne single meter ser ves more tha n o ne pri ncipal residential dwelli ng unit . b. Rate per Bi-Monthly Period: i. Customer Billing Charge- The customer billi ng charge shall be $9.37 per bill rendered. ii. Base Service Charge- The base service charge shall be $63.75 per i ndividual dwellin g unit served by the single meter . iii. Gallon R ate- The rate of $3 .39 for each o ne tho usand (1,000) gallo ns or fractio n thereo f for all qu antities of water passed thro ugh the customer's ser vice meter shall be charged. 3. Commercial an d Pu blic Au thority Service: a. A pplica bility: Water serv ice for all purposes considered as non-residential, not including water service associated with in div idu ally metered irrigatio n service . b. Rate per Bi-Monthly Billing Period: i. Cu stomer Billin g Charge - The customer billin g charge shall be $63 .75 per bill rendered. ii. Base Service Charge - The base service charge shall be determined by the meter size servin g each cu stomer according to the followin g schedule: Bi-Monthly Base Service Meter Size Charge 5/8 & 3/4 inch 1 inch 1 1/2 inch 2 inch 3 inch 4 inch $63.75 $149.51 $287. 08 $455.66 $897.07 $1,399. 39 iii. Gallon Rate- The rate of $3. 61 for each on e thousand (1,000) gallon s or fraction thereof for all quan tities of water passed through the customer's service meter shall be charged. 4. Irrigation Service: a. Applicability: For all in div idually metered water service used exclusive by residential and n on -residential accou nts for lawn sprinkling, irrigation of pervious su rfaces and o ther related service. b. Single Family Residen tial Service i. Rate per Bi-Mon thly Billin g Period: 1. Cu stomer Billin g Charge- The cu stomer billing charge shall be $9.37 per bill ren dered. 2. Base Service Charge- There shall be no base service charge impo sed per dwellin g un it in accordan ce with this schedule where a water meter for non - irrigation purposes is located at the same service address. A base service charge of $63. 75 per accou nt shall be cha rged for all a ccounts. 3. Gallon Rate- The rate for each one thousan d (1,000) gallon s or fraction thereof fo r all quan tities of water passed through the cu stomer's service meter shall be determined in accordance with the following schedule: Service Category First Block Second Block Third Block Serviceable Lot Size Parameter Rate per metered consumption 0 - 16,000 sq. ft. 16,001- 19,000 sq. ft. 19,001- 23,000 sq. ft. 23,001- 28,000 sq. ft. 28,001-34,000 sq. ft. 34,001-40,000 sq. ft. 40,001- 50,000 sq. ft. 50,001- 60,000 sq. ft. 60,001- 70,000 sq. ft. $3.61 1 0 to 80,000 2 0 to 96,000 3 0 to 112,000 4 0 to 140,000 5 0 to 164,000 6 0 to 198,000 7 0 to 244,000 8 0 to 300,000 9 0 to 350,000 $5 .03 80,001 to 100,000 96,001 to 120,000 112,001 to 136,000 140,001 to 170,000 164,001 to 200,000 198,001 to 243,000 244,001 to 300,000 300,001 to 370,000 350,001 to 433,000 $8.76 Above 100,000 Above 120,000 Above 136,000 Above 170,000 Above 200,000 Above 243,000 Above 300,000 Above 370,000 Above 433,000 For indiv idually metered lot sizes ab ove 70,000 square feet, the co ns umptio n blocks will be determin ed individually by the Town on a basis consistent with the rate structure fo r o ther individually metered residential customers where a site -by -site analysis will be performed by the Tow n to determine the estimated irrigated area su ch that the usage blo cks will be determi ned as follows: A. The first block equal to approximately 1- inch of Irrigation applied to the irrigated area; B. The secon d block equal to approximately 0.25 inches of irrigation applied to the irrigated a rea; and C. The third block in ex cess of the sum of the previou s blocks. The ra tes a pplied to the determined consumption will be the same rate as charged to other customers within this class for each respective con su mption block. A. Min imum Bill: In all instances, the su m of the Customer Billin g Charge and the Base Service Charge as determin ed in accordance with this sectio n will be the minimum bill fo r water services. 5. Commercial, Public Authority, Mu lti -Family Service: a. Rate per Bi-Mon thly Billin g Period: 1. Customer Billing Charge- The Custome r Billing Charge shall be $9.37 per bill rendered. 2. Base Service Charge- The Base Service Charge shall be determin ed by the size serving each customer according to the following schedule: M eter Size 5/8 & 3/4 inch 1 inch 1 1/2 inch 2 inch 3 inch 4 inch Bi-Monthly Base Service Charge $63. 75 $149. 51 $287. 08 $455. 66 $897. 07 $1,399. 39 3. Gallo n R ate- The rate of $3.61 for each one thousand (1,000) gallons or fraction thereof fo r all quantities of water passed through the cu stomer's service meter shall be charged. ATTEST: Sectio n 2_ Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage and to each billing thereafter until s uch time as these utility rates a nd charges are ame nded by a subsequent Resoluti on. PASSED AND ADO PTED by the Town Commissi on of the Town of G ulf Stream this 8`' day of July, 2022. TOWN OF GULF ST COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER CO MMISSIO NER