HomeMy Public PortalAbout19300515CCMeeting138 Savannah Beach Tybee Island,Ga., May 15th 1930. A special meeting of Colincil was held to-day at 4:00 p.m. and was attended by Mayor Gamble,who presided, and Councilmen Espy, Walthour, Farr and Horovitz and also Mr. George 1.Tiedeman Chairman of the Chatham County Commissioners As there was no business to come before the old board before it retired the Mayor said that he wanted to take the occasion to thank each of the Councilmen for their splendid support and co-operation given him during the two years just past. Council then adjourned. Cavannah Beach,Tybee Island,Ga., May 15th 1930. Immediately after the adjournment of the old board, the ME,yor called the new botrd to,order,those present being Mayor Thomas Gamble and. Councilmen J.Ferris Cann, H,Horovitz, Henry C.Walthour, Carl Espy and William M.Farr,Town Attorney McIntyre and Mr. George W.Tiedeman, Chairman of the Chatham County Commissioners. Mr, Tiedeman administered the following oath to Mayor Thomas Gamblei Thomas Gamble do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and honestly perform the duties of Mayor of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island,Ga., to the best of my skill and ability without favor or affection, SO HELP ME GOD. Mr. Tiedeman then administered the following oath to Councilmen Carl Espy, Henry C.Walthour, William M.Farr and H,Horovitz; I, Carl Espy, Henry C.Walthour, William M.Farr, Heyman Horovitz do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and honestly perform the duties of Councilman of the Town of Smannah Beach,Tybee Island,Ga., to the best of my skill and ability w_thout favor or affection, SO HELP ME GOD. Councilmen Cann and. Logan not being present did not receive the oath of office. Mr. Tiedeman was thanked for his courtesy in administering the oath of office to the Mayor and. Councilmen and the Council also expressed to him its appreciation ofthe continuns,generous co-op eration of him and his fellow-commissioners in all matters per- taining to the welfare of Tybee Island,Ga., Mr. Tiedeman was then excused. tin '4 Council then went into session. ea The salary of Recorder was fixed, for the ensuing year at $ 600.00 per annum, on moton of Mr. Walthour,seconded by Mr. Espy, and passed unanamously.. • 139; The salary of Clerk of Council and Ex- officio Treasurer was fixed, for the ensuing year at 2400.00 per annum, on motion of Mr. Walthour,seconded by Mr.Horovitz, and apssed unanamously. The salsgy of Chief of Police and Ex- officio Tax Collector was fixed, for the ensuing year at 1500.00 per annum, on motion of Mr. Walthour,seconded by Mr. Espy,and passed unanamously. The fee to be paid the Town Attorney for the ensuing year was fixed at 250.00 per annum, on motion of Mr.Walthour,seconded by Mr. Horovitz,and passed unanamously. Mr. Walthour made a motio* that Heyman Horovitz be elected Recorder of the Mayor's Court and seconded by Mr.Espy the motion passed. Mr. Walthour made a motion that Henry M.Buckley be elected Clerk of Council and Ex- officio Treasurer and seconded by Mr. Horovitz the motion passed. N, Mr. Horovitz made a motion that Dennis Lysaught be elected Chief of Police and Ex- officio Tax Collector and seconded by Mr. Espy the motion passed. Mr. Horovitz made a motion that ',rank P.Mclntyre be elected Town Attorney and seconded by Mr. Es ,y the motion passed. appointed Mr. Horovitz made a motion that Dr. H.Y.Righton bexakmkkad Chair- man of the Sanitary Board and seconded by Mr. Waithour the motion passed Mr. Htvovitz made a motion that Cord McCraken be elected Electrical ✓ Inspector and seconded by Mr. Espy the motion passed. Mr. Valthour made a motion that Mr. William M.Farr be elected Chairman of Council and seconded by Mr. Espy the motion passed. Mr. Walthour made a motion that Mr. Carl Espy be elected Vice - Chairman of Council and seconded by Mr.Farr the motion passed. NiumMaxxxxxxxlminsytmax AxwmiNgxtEmpmrwpc Mr. Walthour made a motion that Dr. Victor H.Bassett be appointed Health Officer and seconded by Mr. Espy the motion passed. • !Me Mayor announced the following standing committees for the ensuing Two years; 140 Fiance; Walthour,Espy,Farr. Assessments; Farr,Cann,Logan. Police; Logan,Espy,Walthour. Lighting and Water; Cann,Farr,Horovitz. Streets and Lanes; Horovitz,Cann,Walthour. Drainage and Sanitation; Espy,Logan,Farr. Mr. Horowitz made a motion that the Mayor be directed to ask for bids for supplying the necessary materials for a fifteen feet boardwalk, this was seconded by Mr. Walthour and the motion passed. The following resolution by Mr. Farr secnonded by Mr.Walthour was unanamously adopted; BE IT RES sliVED, by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach,Tybee Island,Ga., that a cordial invitation be, and it Is hereby, extended to the Georgia Press Association to be the guests of the Town of Savannah Beach at a seashore dinner, dance and bathing party at Savannah Beach on the occasionof its July outing. RESOLVED FURTHER that the Mayor be requested to place this invitation in the hands of the President Press Association. There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. // k ■of.A.A A4 —4A64-4444 Mgyor. Savannah Beach,Tybee Island,Ga. May 21st 1930. A special meeting of Council was held to-day and was attended by Myaor Gamble,who presided, and Councilmen Espy,Hrorvitz and Walth- our. The Mayor inforemed Council that as the Radio Service Laboratory had installed the ampli.4ing system on the boardwalk, he wanted the authority to pay them, Mr. Waithour made a motion that the follow- ing resolution be passed, Mr. Espy seconded, and the motion carried; Resolution. RESOLVED ty the Mayor and. Councilmen of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island,Ga., in regular meeting assembled, that the agreement of the Radio Service Laboratory,as contained in that certain writ- ing,bearing date of May 12,1930,and providing for the inatallation of certain 4 Dynamic Cone Units and other articles, as contained in said agreement, be and the same is hereby aceepted and that Henry M.Buckley, as Treasurer of Savannah Beach,Tybee Island,Ga., is hereby authorized and instructed to make and deliver, those cer- tain ten (10) promissory notes, each in the sum of 50.00,and all bearing date of May 13,1930, and maturing monthly successive- ly. The said notes to bear interest from date at the rate of 7% iler annum from late and to contain a provision forthe payment of attornegg fees in the event of default.