HomeMy Public PortalAbout19300606CCMeetingThe Newsome Lumner Company having completed their contract with the Town,for furnishing lumber for the boardwalk, the Mayor asked that a resolution be passed authorizing the payment of their account, Mr. Walthoyr made a motion that the following resolution be passed and seconded by Mr.Hrorvitz the motion carried unana ulsy; RESOLUTI )N. RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of Savannah Beach Tybee Island,Ga., in regular meeting assembled,that Henry M.Buckley, as Treasurer of Said Savannah Beach,Tybee Island,Ga., be authorized and directed.: to make and deliver to the Newsome Lumber Company a note in the name of Savannah Beach,Tybee Island,Ga., in the sum of 4010.40,dated May 22rnd,1930, and due ninety days after late and bearing interest at the rate of 7% per annum from date and con - tsining a provision to pay attorney's fees in the event of default; said not representing consideration money iue the said Newsome Lumber Company under the terms and provisions of thatbfertain agreement made onMarch 27th, 1930, between Savannah Beach,Tybee Island,Ga., and the Newsome Lumber Company, it appearing that the said New some Lumber Company has com lied with its contract as contained in said agreement and is now entitled to have and receive the abovedescribed note,as provided in said agreement. There being no further business Council adjourned subject So the call of the Mayor. Clerk of Council. Mayor. Savannah Beach,June 6th 1930. at 4:00 p.m. The regular meetingbof Council was held to- day /and was attended by the Mayor,who presided, and Councilmen rarSr,Walthour,Logan and Espy, and Dr. R.V.Harris. Dr.Harris spoke and said that he was appearing before for him- self and other property owners in the vicinity of Thirteenth Street at Dixon Station to Jetition Council to block off part of Th.rteenth Street so that automobilists could not drive to the head of the street on the Strand, he said that quite often scenes of indecency to place, people park there eat their lunnh and throw the trash on the ground, occupants of cottages going to the beach oftimes have go inti the weeds and cockspurs to get around the parked cars which causes quite a bit of inconven- ience and several children missed being run over, by inches,by cars backing out, he said that hewould bear the expenses of placing an obstruction in the street if the Town authorities would grant the request - The Mayor informed Dr. Harris that the 11‘. matter would handled at once and thanked him for appearing before Council, Dr Harris was excueed. The-matter was referred to the N Streets and Lanes Committee. Mr cal 142 Mr.I.Ferris Cann and Mr. William G.Logan were sworn in as Councilmen for the ensuing two years, by the Mayor, as folloes; I,J.Ferris Cann,William G.Logan do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and honestly perform the duties of Councilmen of the Twon 66 Savannah Beach,Tybee Island,Ga., to the best of my skill and ability without favor or affection,SO HELP MB GOD. A petition was presented from L.H.Smith requesting a refund on the fine imposed on his son, but no action was taken the matter being passed. Town Clerk Buckley informed Council that as the growing needs of the Town required more office space it was necessary that larger quarters acquired, he SaidiAhat after looking at sev- eral locations he found a suite of offices formelry occupied by G,S.Alexander & Co., on Bay and. Abercorn streets, that could be rented for the same same rental that the Town is Now paying for one office, Mr. Logan made a motion that if it was suitable that it be taken this was seconded by Mr. Walthour and the motion passed unanammusly. Mr. E.B.Izlar appeared before Council and requested that he be permitted 4opay„-,4current taxes so that he could take advan- tage of the discolti , Mr. Cann said that he could see no object- , inn to it and it the opinion of Council that Mr. Izlar be per- mitted to his current taxes. Mr. Cann said that e wished to call to the attention of Council the large number of people who come to Tyklee in bathing suits, and frequent the beach and surf, he said that the bath-houses lose from 33 to 40 per cent in its patronage, which is caused by this practise,he suggested that an ordinance be drawn prohibit- ing same. The Mayor was opposed to it saying that as the majority of these people were contributing the customery fee to come on the island to put in such an prdinance would have quite an effect on the income of the toll gate account. It was decided to pass the matter at this time. The Mayor informed Council that it was his intention to have beaches placed on the new boardwalk for the accomodation of the public. Ther being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. Clerk of Mayor.