HomeMy Public PortalAbout2001 - Wears Creek Flood Mitigation Study - Draft Reportl .J J -1 _J J J· ]. J J J I State of Missouri Division of Design and Construction Wears Creek Flood Mitigation Study Jefferson City, Missouri January 2001 Draft Report Hl\ HDR ENGINEERING, INC ll Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................•............................. 1 2. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 3 2.1. STUDY AREA ....................................................................................................... 3 2.2. PURPOSE ................................... ·········· ................................................................. 3 2.3. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................... 4 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS .............................................•............................•.•......... 5 "l 3 .1. PROVIDED INFORMATION ..................................................................................... 5 3.2. STAGE FREQUENCY ANALYSIS ............................................................................. 9 3.3. CoiNCIDENT FLow FREQUENCIES ...................................................................... 12 4. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES ............•..............................•..............•..•......... 14 4.1. ALTERNATIVES AND ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................... 14 4.2. INTERIOR DRAINAGE MODELING ....................................................................... 15 4.3. LEVEE SYSTEM ANALYSIS ................................................................................. 18 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................•........................... 24 -, 6. REFERENCES .•..................................•................•..••............•.............•................... 26 i 7. APPENDIX A: HEC-IFH INPUT AND OUTPUT DATA ................................ 28 .... 1 I --' l -I _j ""l I __ j i _j 1 .J I _j _j Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. 1. Executive Summary The use of a levee and flood gate system in Jefferson City to reduce flooding in the Capitol Complex area was evaluated for feasibility by HDR Engineering. As a part of this process analyses of flood hydrology, hydraulics and coincident flow conditions of the Missouri River and Wears Creek were performed. Use of the levee system/flood gate alternative was found capable of effectively reducing flooding within the complex. However, the primary drawback of this system was found to be the quantity and sizes of pumping stations required to pass Wears Creek flows past a closed flood gate into the Missouri River. The total costs of such a system would likely be in excess of $20 million. Based upon what is known about annual costs of damages in the Capitol Complex, it is doubtful that this level of expenditure could be justified. Methods were found for reducing the pumping costs associated with this control system but they resulted in a corresponding decrease in the level of flood protection. Other alternatives were identified during the study as potentially able to reduce the flooding threats. While not studied in detail these methods include: A) Wears Creek Bank Storage and Protection. This alternative could take advantage of the parking lots along Wears Creek and use them for increased detention. This could include terracing the parking lots and including floodwalls between the parking lots and the buildings. B) Railroad Embankment Capacity Upgrade. The constriction caused by the Railroad Culvert is the greatest single factor controlling Wears Creek flood elevations upstream. Enlargement of this opening could substantially decrease flooding caused by Wears Creek although it would not increase protection from Missouri River. C) Upstream Detention Storage._Detention upstream of the developed Wears Creek Basin could potentially reduce Wears Creek peak flows, thereby reducing the probability of flooding in the capitol area. State of Missouri -I-1/15101 Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. D) Tie Back Levees. Levees can be placed around the Capitol area which provide protection from both Missouri River flood levels as well as Wears Creek flooding. While this type of infrastructure may require a greater investment in levees and flood walls, it will minimize the need for large pump stations due to the small interior drainage area. E) Protect/Move Sensitive Property. The costs to move sensitive property, or to individually protect sensitive property, may be less than constructing physical barriers to keep out all flood flows. F) Combinations ofthe above. Future studies need to review the potential for combining portions of the alternatives presented above in a cost-effective manner. Regardless of the potential solution ultimately selected for additional study, the coincident flow analysis of the basin provides insight into the flooding problems of the basin that will be useful for future evaluations. Rigorous development of the probabilities associated with the coincident flow of Wears Creek and the Missouri River had not been previously performed. State of Missouri -2-1115/01 ll l ., ' I ! 1 I i _, ! I : I j Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. 2. Introduction Over the last century, downtown Jefferson City has experienced extensive damage due to flooding. The flooding has been a result of the Missouri River water levels as well as the water levels along Wears Creek. Flood flows, profiles and flooded areas for the various frequency events on Wears Creek used within this study have been based on FEMA's report, which are based on an assumption of 100 percent coincidence with the Missouri River flows. 2.1. Study Area The study area includes the right bank Missouri River floodplain in Jefferson City, Missouri and the floodplain of Wears Creek, which enters the Missouri River at approximately River Mile 143 .3. The Jefferson City gauge on the Missouri River is located at mile 143.9. The Missouri River floodplain, right bank extends approximately from mile 143.2 to mile 143.7 on the Missouri River and backwater from floods on the Missouri River extend upstream into the Wears Creek floodplain about 1.75 miles to the Highway 54 Bridge across Wears Creek. Flooding also occurs upstream in the North and East branches of Wears Creek. 2.2. Purpose The ultimate purpose of this project was to evaluate the feasibility of additional flood control measures capable of minimizing flood damage near the mouth of Wears Creek Basin in the City of Jefferson City, Missouri Capitol Complex area. Hydrologic and hydraulic investigations were performed to identify these measures and evaluate their effectiveness. Measures which were considered and evaluated include flood gates, levees, and pumping stations designed minimize flooding near Capitol Complex. Other alternatives were identified but not evaluated in detail. While the feasibility of reducing overall damages within the Capitol Complex was the primary goal, of particular concern was the Truman State Office and Health Lab/EDP. State of Missouri -3-1115101 l _J Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. These buildings have first floor elevations of 563.5 and 560.0 msl., respectively. The Missouri River stages for the 1 00-year and 500-year events at the mouth of Wears Creek are 557.4 and 560.0 msl. These buildings would therefore be subject to flooding at recurrence intervals greater than or equal to the 500-year event from the Missouri River. Studies by the US Army Corps of Engineers (COE) have identified the potential for increases in Missouri River Flood elevations over the next 30 years. These estimates raise the 1 00-year Missouri River flood event by up to 2.3 feet. This change makes the State Offices target elevations subject to inundation by events as frequent as a 1 00-year event. Increase levels of risk due to this increase are also evaluated. 2.3. Methodology In order to model the complex nature of the Jefferson City downtown area, several different steps were followed. An HEC-RAS (US Army Corps of Engineers hydraulic model) model of Wears Creek was developed to determine the relationship between water elevation and flow rate along the Wears Creek profile. A coincident flow analysis was performed to evaluate the return period of stages in the downtown region of Jefferson City for existing, future, and proposed conditions. Finally, HEC-IFH (US Army Corps of Engineers interior drainage model) was used to model the hydrology and storage related pending in response to proposed levees and gates. Two-foot contour mapping was used for establishing stage storage relationships. In order to ensure a constant point of reference, all elevations were compared just downstream of State Highway 50 in order to evaluate the effects on flooding of the different options. This report describes the procedures followed, the assumptions made, results, and recommendations for further study of potentially feasible flood control options. The cost of the levee and gate option is conceptually evaluated and included. State of Missouri -4-1115/01 ) ! j I ! .. , I l .. ) ) ' ' I • .J I ·' .1- .J ' Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. 3. Existing Conditions Existing conditions were evaluated first. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) provided flood stages for the Missouri River in draft studies for the Missouri River Levees. Wears Creek flood flows provided by the COE were used for the Wears Creek flood flow frequencies (COE, 2000). Several studies have been performed by the COE on the trend of increasing stages for historic discharges in the Missouri River. These studies resulted in higher stages under future conditions, up to 2031 ft-msl. The impacts of these higher projected stage elevations were also investigated. Throughout this report, present conditions are referred to as 1997 stages. Future conditions are referred to as 2031 stages. Proposed conditions refer to hydraulics due to potential alternatives such as levees, gates and pumps. 3.1. Provided Information 3.1.1. Wears Creek Flood Frequency COE provided the initial flood frequencies used for Wears Creek. These corresponded to email correspondence with the COE, as well as the values included within the hydraulics model provided by the COE. The 2-year and the 5-year flow frequencies were extrapolated from the provided flows using plotting positions on logarithmic probability paper. The Wears Creek flow frequencies and the extrapolated curves are below in Table 1 and Figure 1 . Table 1: Wears Creek Flood Frequency E xceedance Frequency Return P eriod Flow 50% 2 year 2 ,300 20% 5 year 4 ,028 10% 10 ye ar 5,900 2% 50 year 9,130 1% 100 year 11 ,175 0.2% 500 year 15 ,150 State of Missouri -5-1115101 --i Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. Wears Creek Discharge Frequency 100000 10000 .1! 1000 u ~ E' .. ~ u ~ ....-1-- f.--1--' ...- ----- !--""" ...-1--- f.---:-1.-- .. i5 100 10 Exceedance Frequency(%) Figure 1: Wears Creek Flood Frequency 3.1.2. Missouri River Flood Frequency _..... ,.-~-----~ __. ~ 0 "' N -I() N -I() 0 0 ci ~ 0 ci Missouri River flood frequency stages were provided in the Missouri River General Reevaluation Draft Report (COE, 1999). In the COE report, 2.33 feet was added to flood stages to compensate for the trends in increasing stages for future stages on the Missouri River. This stage adjustment was made across the board on the 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, and 2000-year flood elevations in tables B2.35-B2.40 of the COE, 1999 report. It is likely that this value may vary between recurrence intervals. However, since no other published information was available, the 2.33 additional feet was added to all events evaluated within this report. The current and future stages are shown in Table 2. State of Missouri -6-/115101 ., I .J _j I Wears Creek Flood Control Table 2: Missouri River Flood Frequency Stages Exceedance Frequency Return Period Current Stage Flood Stage Flood Stage 543.1 50% 2 year 543.5 20% 5 year 549.0 10% 10 year 552.6 2% 50 year 555.8 1% 100 year 557.4 0.2% 500 year 560.1 3.1.3. Missouri River Stage Duration Curve HDR Engineering, Inc . Future Stage (+2.33 ft) 545.4 545 .8 551.3 554.9 558.1 559.7 562.4 The stage duration curve for the Missouri River was calculated using daily stage elevations provided by COE. A stage duration curve represents a description of the percentage of time that a river stage is exceeded at any given time. It is important to recognize that this percentage is different than that used to describe event recurrence intervals. The stage-duration curve is presented in Figure 2. State of Missouri -7-1115101 I .J l ! I ! J Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. Missouri Stage Duration Curve 120% --~···· -··---~----~ -··-----~----------.--l I -I v / I ' 100% ., Ell% u c "' 1 w 60% c " I I I z ~ IIi c. 40% 20% 0% / 515 520 525 535 545 550 555 560 565 llllasouri EI8YIItion Figure 2: Missouri River Stage-Duration Curve at Jefferson City (1900-2000 daily flows) This curve was also prepared for future conditions on the Missouri River (with the proposed Missouri River levees as described in COE, 1999) by adding 2.33 feet to all stages. 3.1.4. Existing Conditions Hydraulic Model An HEC-RAS model of Wears Creek was provided by the COE at the beginning of the project. This model was used as the base for subsequent Wears Creek hydraulic modeling. It was annotated on the model received that it was not complete and should be checked before application. The model appeared to be a translation of an HEC-2 to an HEC-RAS model. Cross-sections were checked for evident errors including missing high or low chords, incorrect or missing ineffective flow areas, and mismatched manning's "n" values. State of Missouri -8-1115101 j ' I i .J I J ' -I _j ' ! ' ' ..J Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. The model was substantially revised and updated to accurately represent hydraulic conditions at bridge crossings as well as overbank conditions. Modifications were based upon available mapping and descriptions of river crossings. No field verification was performed for this analysis. 3.2. Stage Frequency Analysis Coincident flow analysis was performed to evaluate the effects of the dual probability of flood flows on Wears Creek, tailwater on the Missouri River, and independent flood stages on the Missouri River. The resulting stage frequencies were then compared to the reduced stage frequencies of the various alternatives to estimate the improved level of protection provided. 3.2.1. Coincident Flow Analysis The first step to computing the stage frequencies is to perform a coincident flow analysis on Wears Creek with respect to Missouri River stages (tailwater elevation). Procedures for coincident flow analysis are provided in the lecture notes "Hydrologic Probabilities, Workshop VII, Coincident Frequencies" developed by the COE as part of their internal training program. A key assumption of this theory is that the Missouri River stages and the Wears Creek flows are independent and therefore the probability of tail water and flood flows occurring at the same time can be computed using total probability theorem. Though some dependency exists between the two variables, the relatively large size difference between the Missouri River and Wears Creek basins makes the assumption of independence reasonable. The procedure required three pieces of information: the flood frequency of the tributary, the stage duration curve of the receiving stream, and the relationship between the flow tributary flood frequencies and the receiving stream stages. The Wears Creek flood frequencies and Missouri River stage-duration curve are shown in the provided information section. State of Missouri -9-1115101 -~ I Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. The elevations at State Highway 50 due to the flood frequencies on Wears Creek and the Missouri River stages were modeled using HEC-RAS. Tables 3 and 4 show the relationships for 1997 and 2031 respectively. Table 3: Relationship between Missouri River Stages and Wears Creek Flood Frequencies (1997) Stage on %Time Wears Creek Stage at State Highway 50 Missouri Stage (2-yr) (10-yr) (100-yr) (500-yr) River Exceeded 2300 cfs 5900 cfs 11175 cfs 15150 cfs 520.9 95 543 550.9 558.7 560.6 524.3 90 543 550.9 558.7 560.6 529.4 50 543 550.9 558.7 560.6 536.9 10 543 550.9 558.7 560.6 540.0 5 543.5 550.9 558.7 560.6 549.4 2.5 550.5 555.2 558.7 560.6 Table 4: Relationship between Missouri River Stages and Wears Creek Flood Frequencies (2031) Stage on %Time Wears Creek Stage at State Highway 50 Missouri Stage (2-yr) (10-yr) (100-yr) (500-yr) River Exceeded 2300 cfs 5900 cfs 11175cfs 15150 cfs 523.2 95 543 550.9 558.7 560.6 526.6 90 543 550.9 558.7 560.6 531.7 50 543 550.9 558.7 560.6 539.2 10 543.2 550.9 558.7 560.6 542.3 5 544.5 551.4 558.7 560.6 551.7 2.5 552.7 555.8 558.8 560.7 As shown in the tables above, many of the resulting stages within Wears Creek are not affected by the Missouri River stages. The HEC-RAS runs show that the Wears Creek Stale of Missouri -10-1115101 .. , .. l _.l l J Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. flood profiles are controlled by the culverts under the railroad embankment near the mouth of Wears Creek rather than the Missouri River, until the culverts are submerged. Because only 6 to 11 percent of the Missouri River daily stages submerge the culverts, the stages at State Highway 50 are usually controlled by Wears Creek Flows. This is also shown in Figures 3 and 4 below: Stage Frequency at State Highway 60 Baaed on 1997 Missouri Stag .. ~r-+--+~+-+-+-+--+--r--+~-4-+-+-r-4--4--+--+-+-+-~~--4-~ ~5r-+--+~+-+-+-+--+--r--+~_,-+-+-r-+--~-+--+-+-+-4-~--4-~ ~~+--+~+-+-+-+--+--~-+_,_,-T-+-r~--1--+--+-+-+-1-~--1-~ S45r-+--+-r+-+-+-+--+--r--+_,_,-+-r-r-+--+--+--+-+-+-+-~--4-~ 0000000 C) ,.... CD U') "" I") N 0 0 Miuouri R;_. ~ 65-49.4 X 5J6.5 :1534.5 ·~.8 +528.4 •525.8 •523.8 .520.1 Figure 3: Stage Frequency downstream of Highway 50, 1997 Missouri River Stages State of Missouri -11-1115/01 -1 Wears Creek Flood Control 560 555 = .. "' !! IJl 550 545 Stage Frequency at State Highway 50 Based on 2031 Missouri Stages ----t----·-· ... 1- ExcHdance Frequency ('.1.) HDR Engineering, Inc. Missouri Ri- Stages .. 523.23 y 526.08 :0:528.13 •530.68 +533.08 -536.83 • 540.78 •551 .68 Figure 4: Stage Frequency downstream of Highway 50, 2031 Missouri River Stages 3.3. Coincident Flow Frequencies Because Jefferson City downtown is in the floodplain of the Missouri River, the potential of flooding due to Missouri River flood stages, regardless ofthe Wears Creek flows, needs to be incorporated. The probabilities of the two events happening simultaneously are additive. The resulting frequency curves for 1997 and 2031 are shown in Figures 5 and 6 respectively, and are compared in Figure 7. State of Missouri -12-1115101 ·-1 i ·' ' I --j .I ' ' _j :.J I . .J l I __) ") J ' -~ ..J ; ...J .. J Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. 565 560 555 c: tJ "' . Iii 550 545 540 Stage Frequency at State Highway 50 Based on 1997 Missouri Stages j • It • • It • • • ~ • • • ~ • .. ., 0 "' "' • ~ • • • • • Wears Creek Coincident Stages • C001bined Probebilitie• of Missouri and Wetn Creak • Missouri Frequency Stages Figure 5: Stage at State Highway 50, 1997 Missouri River Stages 565 560 555 550 545 540 "' "' Stage Frequency at State Highway 50 Based on 2031 Missouri Stages • It • 4 • • • • • It • le It ~ • ie • • • ~~~~~g~ Exceedance Frequency ('lo) • • • ~ • ~ • Wears Creek Coincident Stages • Combined Probabil~iea of Miaaouri and Wean Creek • Mi .. ouri Frequency Stage• Figure 6: Stage Frequency at State Highway 50,2031 Missouri River Stages State of Missouri -13-1115101 :__~ . r ! ...J Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. 565 560 555 550 545 540 -- Stage Frequency at State Highway 60 1997 vs. 2031 Missouri Stages ~ v r--~ ~ v v v / v v / i/ .;' v ~~~~~~~ ~10 Exceedance Frequency(%) "' j ~ / -- I -2031 Combined Probability -1997 Combined Probability I Figure 7: Stage-Frequency at State Highway 50, 1997 vs. 2031 Missouri River Stages An important result highlighted in this graph is that the cumulative effect of the future stages on the Missouri River on the stages at State Highway 50 is approximately 1.5 feet for the 1 00-year event. This is less than the 2.33 feet of increased Missouri River stage. 4. Analysis of Alternatives 4.1. Alternatives and Assumptions The goal of this study is evaluate the feasibility of constructed measures in reducing the frequency and extent of flood damage. The alternatives evaluated focused primarily on a levee and floodgate system designed to minimize the impact of Missouri River flood stages causing flooding within the Capitol Complex. The levee and floodgates provide this protection by providing a physical barrier between the Missouri River and Jefferson City. However, complications arise when determining how to avoid flooding of areas interior to the levees by flows from Wears Creek. This may be accomplished by State of Missouri -14-1115/01 I I ·-' ) ' I J I ~) I _j I -4 ' ' I ' I I __ , _j Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. providing pumps to discharge interior flows past the levee system into the Missouri River. A key feature then is the efficient sizing of the pumps required to pass this flow. In order to determine the feasibility of this overall system, the extent of the protection, the frequency of remaining potential flood damage, the size of the levees and gates, and size of the pumps need to be determined. The primary variables in the design of this system include the height of the levee, the operating plan of the floodgates and the pumping system. Optimal final design of these features is well beyond the scope of this study, therefore a series of assumptions were made and evaluated as to potential feasibility. Most of this iterative procedure revolves around gate operation and pumping rates since the setting of levee heights is normally more straight forward. 4.2. Interior Drainage Modeling The evaluation of this system used portions of the flow frequency analysis, the stage discharge relationship derived from the HEC-RAS model, the stage storage relationships of the Wears Creek basin, operating assumptions for gate and pump operation and the COE Interior Drainage Model, HEC-IFH. The model was used to generate the flows and hydrology of Wears Creek and evaluate the ponding in the basin in response to Missouri River stages and closed floodgates. The model ultimately determined the effects of gates and levees on Capitol Complex flood stages. Levees investigated were assumed to be placed at (as modifications to the existing structure) or near the existing railroad embankment at the mouth of Wears Creek. 4.2.1. Basin Runoff Data The SCS Curve Number method was used in HEC-IFH to estimate flow rates and volumes. The required parameters for the SCS method are the basin size, curve number, percent impervious, type of unit hydro graph and time of concentration. State of Missouri -15-1115101 Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. The basin area was calculated using the Delorme mapping software as 14.27 mi2• The total area was verified by delineation on the aerial photo. The percent impervious was calculated using the aerial photo in GIS and delineating the different land uses. Using a weighted average the total impervious area is estimated at 65%. Delineation of sub- watersheds is shown in Figure 8. Land use characteristics ofthese basins are presented in Table 5. Table 5: Estimate Land Use Areas Basin Area (sq. mi.) Type of Area % Impervious 0.72 Industrial 80 2 5.47 Commercial 70 3 4.28 Residential 45 4 3.32 Commercial 70 5 0.21 Commercial 70 Figure 8: Watershed and Land Use Boundaries State of Missouri -16-1115101 l I i j I J l __j ) 1 !, J I ! .I -I I -·' I I . ~ .. Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. The curve number was calculated from the types of soil in the different branches of the Wears Creek Basin. The north and east branch have a soil type B which is approximately 35% of the total basin. The Frog Hollow Branch (main branch) has a soil type classified as soil type C. This is the remaining 65% of the basin. The soil types were pulled from the Master Plan for Wears Creek, written in 1970. SCS lag-time was required for the IFH program. The time of concentration was calculated using SCS methodology. SCS lag-time was calculated by multiplying the time of concentration by 0.6. This was taken from section 9.23 in the Handbook of Hydrology written by David R. Maidment. The SCS lag-time was calculated to be 2.1 hours. This value was input in the Basin Runoff Data section of IFH. The unit hydrograph used was the SCS Dimensionless. 4.2.2. Exterior Stage Elevation HEC-IFH requires the exterior stage elevations to estimate the pumping head. The exterior stage elevations used are from the COE-Draft Report for the Missouri River written in 1999 and are listed in the "provided information" section. 4.2.3. Outlet Data The outlet is considered to be the downstream face of the Railroad culvert. The outlet data has been developed from the COE HEC-RAS data from 1980. Two concrete boxes (2-18'x12') with a manning's coefficient of0.02 are located under the railway embankment. The inlet and outlet for the two boxes are at an elevation of 528 feet. Total length of the culverts is 94 feet. The entrance loss for the box is 0.5. The top of the embankment covering the culvert is at an elevation of 554 feet, which is the top of rail elevation for the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Stale of Missouri -17-111510/ -, ' j Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. 4.2.4. Stage-Storage Data The stage storage data is based upon 2-foot contour lines of Jefferson City. The 3-D analyst extension for Arc View determined the areas at different elevations. The elevation-area data was checked by tracing the contour lines in Arc View. This data was used to determine the elevation of pending behind the levees following closure of the flood gates. 4.2.5. Precipitation Data The precipitation data is from TP-40. The 500-Year event precipitation data was extrapolated using a log curve from the TP-40 data. The precipitation data used is presented in Table 6. Table 6: TP 40 Precipitation Data for HEC-IFH Duration 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 0.20% 1 hour 1.66 2.08 2.42 2.80 3.10 3.41 4.10 2 hour 2.00 2.53 2.91 3.33 3.71 4.13 4.95 3 hour 2.20 2.82 3.25 3.71 4.06 4.54 5.40 6 hour 2.60 3.32 3.81 4.56 4.87 5.52 6.60 12 hour 3.15 3.91 4.55 5.18 5.78 6.44 7.70 24 hour 3.50 4.54 5.26 5.95 6.73 7.39 9.00 4.3. Levee System Analysis 4.3.1. Description The levee options investigated include modification of the existing railroad embankment at its present elevation by fitting flood gates through the opening, and raising the levee as well as the railroad embankment to an elevation sufficient to keep out the Missouri River 500-year flood stage. The objective of the various pumping schemes is to eliminate damages related to the Missouri River flooding while keeping ponded flood elevations State of Missouri -18-1115101 ~ : i ; I i -, I J --, ~ ··--' ' i .J I ·-' l I _j _j ! _j Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. due to Wears Creek flows at or below the existing flooding elevations. This approach ultimately provides an overall reduction in frequency of flooding within the Complex. Assumptions used in the evaluation of various alternatives include: a) Reduce the damage elevation ofthe 100yr Wears Creek flow to 556.0 ft. b) Reduce the damage elevation of the 500 yr Wears Creek flow to 558.0 ft. c) Reduce the damage elevation of the 100yr Wears Creek flow to 556.0 ft; considering the probability that the gates will be closed due to 1997 Missouri River stages. d) Reduce the damage elevation of the 500 yr Wears Creek flow to 558.0 ft considering the probability that the gates will be closed due to 1997 Missouri River stages. e) Reduce the damage elevation of the 100yr Wears Creek flow to 556.0 ft considering the probability that the gates will be closed due to 2031 Missouri River stages. f) Reduce the damage elevation of the 500-yr Wears Creek flow to 558.0-ft considering the probability that the gates will be closed due to 2031 Missouri River stages . Figures 9 and 10 show five different pumping schemes and their effect on the elevations in reference to the return period of the flow on Wears Creek. Figure 9 shows elevations starting to level off at 554 ft-msl because of overtopping of the existing railroad embankment. Figure 10 shows elevations with a levee elevation exceeding 561.0 feet, built to hold in the Missouri River 500-year flow. State of Missouri -19-111 5/01 Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. Pondlng Elevations vs. Pumping Rates Existing Railroad Embankment (664.0 ft) ti---r--T-5i;~;;;;;;$:;:~~'-"'=p--t---1---j---f--1----j---j---t------j --5300 c1s Pumping ~,---4400 c1s Pumping 5800 c1s Pumping -H---+---+--i---+--+--+---i---+----1--+--+---+--+--+---+----i 1 --7400 c1s Pumping --8245 c1s Pumping 520.0 -'-+--t----+----il---t---+--+-----il----+----+--+--f----i--+--+---+----' 0 co 0 .... 0 ... 0 .... "' Exceodanco Frequency(%) "' 0 "' 0 0 "' 0 0 0 0 Figure 9: Ponding Elevations vs. Pumping Rates, Existing Embankment Overflow Pondlng Elevations vs. Pumping Rates Existing Railroad Embankment (561.0 ft) 565.0 ......-::: 560.0 ~ v ~ -? ::;:::. / /""' 555.0 ~ v v v 550.0 / ~V I/ L v --4400 c1s Pumping = 545.0 ---5300 c1s Pumping ,; 5800 c1s Pumping 01 ~ --7400 c1s Pumping "' 540.0 --8245 c1s Pumping 535.0 530.0 525.0 520.0 ~ 0 :Zl 5! 0 0 0 ~ "' "' -"' "' -"' 0 .... ... "' N 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exceedanco Fraquoncy (%) Figure 10: Ponding Elevations vs. Pumping Rates, Raised Levee Embankment State of Missouri -20-1115101 ---; ' , -; -, , _j i _J I , _, Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. Ponded water occurs when the gates are closed and Wears Creek floods. The levee gates during this analysis close when the Missouri River stage exceeds 539ft (1 foot short of the top of culvert at the Railroad embankment). By taking into account the chance that Wears Creek flooding occurs when the gates are closed, the probable volumes behind the levee are decreased. Because the future river stages are higher than the current stages, the chances of the gates being closed is higher during the future conditions, and results in greater flood volumes. Figures 11 through 13 illustrate how the probabilities change for the gate-closed conditions in reference to the different pumping rates. 565.0 560.0 555.0 550.0 c: 545.0 & a 540.0 535.0 530.0 525.0 520.0 0 " '/ 0 ... / -Galea dOsed by 2031 Elevation& Pondlng Elevations vs. Probability of Flow 4400 eta of Pumping ~ ---/ / // E..CMdanca Fr-.quency (%) ~ / ? v "' 0 - N -on 0 0 ~ 0 0 -Gates dosed by 1997 Elevation& -Rega!ISess ot Gate Closed Probability Figure 11: Effects of gates closed on elevation frequency for 4400 cfs of pumping Stat e of Miss ouri -2 1-1115101 _.J Wears Creek Flood Control 565.0 560.0 555.0 Pondlng Elevations va. Probability of Flow 6800 eta of Pumping r- __..... ------/ b/ v v; v HDR Engineering, Inc. - '/"' / v ~ v 550.0 c: 545.0 g l! "' 540.0 535.0 530.0 525.0 520.0 / 0 ... -Gates closed by 2031 Elewlions 0 .., 0 N / -Gates dosed by 1997 Elevations "' N 0 0 ci "' 0 0 0 0 -Regardless of Gate Closed Probability Figure 12: Effects of gates closed on elevation frequency for 5800 cfs of pumping 565.0 560.0 555.0 550.0 c: 545.0 g .;! 540.0 535.0 530.0 525.0 520.0 Gates closed by 2031 Elevations Pondlng Elevations va. Probability of Flow 7400 eta of Pumping v ..-- ...- - :/ v / / ,..V / -___, "' .... I "' 0 .... 0 c) - 0 0 -Gates closed by 1997 Elewticns -Regardless of Gate Cioled Probability Figure 13: Effects of gates closed on elevation frequency for 7400 cfs of pumping State of Missouri -22-J/15101 -1 i I I -1 -1 j .j "] i _) I l _, _, Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. Table 7 shows the pumping required to maintain ponding elevations below 556.0 for 100 year and 559.0 ft for 500 year Wear Creek flows, depending on the probability associated with the gates closed. Table 7: Results of Alternative HEC-IFH modeling Alternative Gate Closed Target Target Required Number of Probability flow Elevation Pumping 500 cfs Pumps Assumption recurrence (ft) Rate (cfs) Required A Full Probability of 100 556.0 7500 15 Wears Creek Flood Flows B Full Probability of 500 559.0 7500 15 Wears Creek Flood Flows c Present Missouri 100 556.0 4400 9 River Stages D Present Missouri 500 559.0 5300 11 River Stages E Future Missouri 100 556.0 5300 11 River Stages F Future Missouri 500 559.0 5900 12 River Stages These pumping rates are required to eliminate the effects of induced stages on Wears Creek flow elevations caused by Missouri River stages. The pumping required to reduce all Wears Creek flood elevations to within the banks, with levees in place is fifteen 500- cfs pumps. However, this can be reduced to 11 to 12 pumps if coincident flow concepts are taken into account. The analysis shows that with the closure gate in operation flood stages for the selected frequency events increase over pre-project conditions. State of Missouri -23-1115101 Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. 4.3.2. Effects on Flood Frequency As is shown throughout the report, the difference between flood damages from the 1997 and the 2031 stages on the Missouri River is significant. Regardless of the ultimate solutions identified, this fact should be used to ensure that the 2031 stages be the design events of future studies on the basin. 4.3.3. Conceptual Costs Conceptual level costs were developed and presented in Table 8. These costs are very rough and are primarily intended for use in comparison studies only. Additional design work would be required to develop cost estimates within 10%-to 15% of actual. They are based on the idea that the capitol complex will be presented to the 500-year event under future elevated Missouri River bed conditions. This will require a pumping capacity of 5900 cfs or roughly 12 500-cfs pumping stations. Table 8: Conceptual Cost Evaluation (Net present value) Component Cost Pumps $15 -$22 million Levee $5 million Gates $1.5 million O&M $0.5 million Total $22-$29 million 5. Conclusions and Recommendations As shown in Table 8, the cost associated with the construction of the levee and the pumps is significant. Other alternatives may offer similar protection at a less cost. Several alternatives are listed below: State of Missouri -24-1//5/0/ ! i .J __ ; -l l i . i .J I _.) I _j ! --1 -' i I _j I I .> J Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. A) Wears Creek Bank Storage and Protection. This alternative could take advantage of the parking lots along Wears Creek and use them for increased detention. This could include terracing the parking lots and including floodwalls between the parking lots and the buildings. B) Railroad Embankment Capacity Upgrade. The constriction caused by the Railroad Culvert is the greatest single factor controlling Wears Creek flood elevations upstream. Enlargement of this opening could substantially decrease flooding caused by Wears Creek although it would not increase protection from Missouri River. C) Upstream Detention Storage._Detention upstream of the developed Wears Creek Basin could potentially reduce Wears Creek peak flows, thereby reducing the probability of flooding in the capitol area. D) Tie Back Levees. Levees can be placed around the Capitol area which provide protection from both Missouri River flood levels as well as Wears Creek flooding. While this type of infrastructure may require a greater investment in levees and flood walls, it will minimize the need for large pwnp stations due to the small interior drainage area. E) Protect/Move Sensitive Property. The costs to move sensitive property, or to individually protect sensitive property, may be less than constructing physical barriers to keep out all flood flows. F) Combinations o(the above. Future studies need to review the potential for combining portions of the alternatives presented above in a cost-effective manner. Regardless of the potential solution ultimately selected for additional study, the coincident flow analysis of the basin provides insight into the flooding problems of the basin that will be useful for future evaluations. Rigorous development of the probabilities associated with the coincident flow of Wears Creek and the Missouri River had not been previously performed. State of Missouri -25-1115101 __ j Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. 6. References US Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Draft General Reevaluation Report Appendix B Engineering and Design Analysis for Missouri River Levee System Unit L142, Jefferson City Missouri, April, 1999. US Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Draft General Reevaluation Report and Environmental Assessment with Appendices A and C through H, Missouri River Levee System Unit L142, Jefferson City, Missouri, April1999. Christopher Erickson; Email correspondence; December 16, 1999, Topic: Pumping and Wears Creek. US Army Corps of Engineers, "Hydrologic Probabilities, Workshop VII, Coincident Frequencies" US Army Corps of Engineers, EM 1110-2-1415, "Chapter 11, Frequency of Coincident Flows", March 5, 1993 US Army Corps ofEngineers, EM 1110-2-1415, "Chapter 12, Stochastic Hydrology", March 5, 1993 US Army Corps of Engineers, Flood Plain Information, Wears Creek, Jefferson City, MO 1969 Homer and Shifrin, City of Jefferson, MO, Storm Drainage Improvements, 1963 Chapter 31, Storm water Management Policy on the Selection of Storm Water Projects City of Jefferson Department of Public Works INC., Policy for City Participation in Residential Stormwater Improvements, 1993 State of Missouri -26-1115101 1 J "1 _J j . ! I I I .J --'1 I _I i ~J ! I -~ I ! 1 --' _; Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. R.W. Booker & Associates, Master Plan for Wears Creek, Jefferson City, M0,1970 S& V Consultants, Storm Water Modeling of East Tributary of Grays and West Branch of Boggs Creek Drainage Basin for City of Jefferson, 1996 US Army Corps of Engineers, Wears Creek, Jefferson City, MO General Design Memorandum, Original and Copy, 1971 US Army Corps of Engineers, Wears Creek, Feasibility for Flood Control, Jefferson City, MO, 1974 Review Report on Wears Creek in the Vicinity of Jefferson City, MO State of Missouri -27-1115/01 ' I ; -I ' ..J ' I . I· J j ' I ~ Wears Creek Flood Control HDR Engineering, Inc. 7. Appendix A: HEC-IFH Input and Output Data State of Missouri -28-Ill 5/01 -'4 i I I J I .. 1 i .i ~ I I _j I .. J I .. qJt1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS +---------------------------+ Perform Interior Analysis I + ---------------------------+ Plan ID 1997A1 Description reduce 1997 lOOyr to 556.0 w/ hi levee ----------------------------+ --------+ ----------------------------------------+ I ModiDule I Module Description ----------------------------+ --------+ ----------------------------------------+ 1 3asin Average Precipitation STORM tp-40 data for jefferson, mo Runoff Hydrograph Parameters BASIN RUNOFF PARAMETERS Interior Pond ELEV STAGE-STORAGE 3ravity Outlets OUTLET OUTLETS !Pump Data 1997A reduce 100yr to 556 Exterior Stage 1997-10 Missouri River 1997 elevation-10 year Auxiliary Flow WEIR railroad embankment +----------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ ANNUAL series Computation Time Interval (e.g. lHOUR, lDAY, ... ) Number of Time Intervals 2PrtScr 3Index 4 5 6DOS 7 8 Press <FlO> to Proceed to the Menu 5MIN 350 9 lOExit + -------------------------------+ 1.ptlHEA 02.01.00 .Study ID WEARS Lan ID 1997Al Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ Begin 01/0005 End 0 2/051 0 D . Analysis Input Summaries -Pump Station Data PUMP Module ID 1997A reduce lOOyr to 556 +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ Maximum Pump Start Pump Stop Maximum Pump Pump Capacity Elevation Elevation Total Number Unit ID (cfs ) (ft ) (ft) Head (ft ) +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ 1 1 485.0 539.00 538.00 29 .00 2 SMALLl 485.0 540.00 539 .00 29 .00 3 SMALLl 485.0 54 0 .00 539.00 29.00 4 4 970.0 541.00 540.00 29.00 5 4 970.0 541.00 5 40 .00 29.00 6 5 970.0 542 .00 541.00 29.00 7 -8 9 10 +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ -Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 lOExi t lptlHEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS ·lan ID 1997Al Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Va lues Event [50%] 20 % 10% 4 % 2% 1% 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Maximum I I Va l ue Da/HrMn +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevat ion (ft ) 546.96 1/15 2 0 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 17.2 1/1520 Interior Storage (ac-ft ) 74.8 1/1520 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1/0 0 05 Positive Head (ft) -4.74 1/1520 Negative Head (ft) -14.75 1/0225 Pump Head (ft) 1 3 .66 2/0 14 5 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ lHelp 2PrtS c r 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO > to Return lOExit l _j I iptlHEA 02 .01.00 Study ID WEARS i .an ID 1997Al + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K . Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% [20%] 10% 4% 2% 1% 0.2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ I M~~~:~m I Da /HrMn I + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft ) 554 .68 1 /1550 Interior Area Flooded (ac ) 76.1 l /l550 Interior Storage (ac-ft ) 367.9 1 /1550 Exterior Elevation (ft ) 551 .70 1 /0005 Positive Head (ft ) 2.98 1 /1550 Negative Head (ft ) -14 .99 2 /0510 Pump Head (ft ) 13 .67 1 /0315 + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 Press SPACE to select; lptlHEA 02.01.00 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ I I tudy ID WEARS J lan ID 1997Al Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I 1 1 .J ; l _j I J __ I j J ' ' -' 1Help 0 r e ss +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50 % 20 % [10 %] 4 % 2% 1 % 0.2 % S P F +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I M~~~:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior El evation (ft) 555.8 2 1/15 3 0 Interior Area Flooded (ac ) 93.3 1/1530 Interior S torage (ac-ft) 4 6 4.8 1/1530 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1/0005 P o si t ive Head (ft) 4.1 2 1/1530 Negative Head (ft ) -14.43 2/0400 Pump Head (ft) 13.66 1/0440 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ 2 PrtScr 3 S PA CE to s e lec t; 4 5 6DOS 7 Press <FlO> t o Return 8 9 lOE x it lO Exit ·J lpt1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS lan ID 1997A1 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K . Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 2 0% 1 0% [ 4%] 2% 1% 0 . 2 % S l? F + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Maximum I I Va l ue Da /HrMn + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation ( ft ) 556 .38 1 /1515 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 1 0 0.8 1 /15 1 5 Interior Storage (ac-ft ) 5 1 8.5 1 /1515 Exterior Elevation (ft ) 551.70 1 /0 0 0 5 l?ositive Head (ft ) 4.68 1 /1515 Negative Head ( ft ) -1 4 .92 1 /192 0 l?ump Head (ft) 13.69 1 /05 1 5 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ .Help 2l?rtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 l?ress Sl?ACE to select; l?ress <FlO> to Return lptlHEA 02.0 1.00 )tudy ID WEARS .?lan ID 1997Al +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Anal y sis by Even t s -Maximum Values Event 5 0 % 20 % 10 % 4 % [2 %] 1 % 0 .2% SPF 9 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I M ~~~:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (f t) 556.62 1/1505 Interior Area Flooded (ac ) 104.0 1/1505 Interior Storage (ac-ft ) 543.3 1/1505 Exterior Elevation (f t) 551.70 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 4.92 1/15 0 5 Negative Head (ft) -14.59 2/0425 Pump Head (f t ) 13.6 6 1/1120 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ 1 He lp 2 PrtScr 3 4 5 6 DO S 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press cF10> to Return lOExit l OEx it I I J i.pt1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS : _an ID 1997Al +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% [1%) 0. 2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ I I M~~~:~m I Da /HrMn I + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 556.92 1 /1500 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 107.9 1 /1500 Interior Storage (ac-ft ) 575.5 1 /1500 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1 /0005 Positive Head (ft) 5.22 1 /1500 Negative Head (ft) -14.84 1 /1955 Pump Head (ft ) 13.60 1 /2015 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 Press SPACE to select; lptlHEA 02.01.00 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ ., l .tudy ID WEARS Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I _] 'lan ID 1997Al +-------------------------------+ l .J l i -' 1 j -; J K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% ~% 2% 1% [0.2%] SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I I M~~~:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 557.35 1/1450 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 113.5 1/1450 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 622.7 1/1450 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 5.65 1/1450 Negative Head (ft) -14.46 2/0445 Pump Head ( ft) 13. 67 1 I 0245 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 Press SPACE to select; 4 5 6DOS 7 Press <FlO> to Return 8 9 ., .. ' 10Exit lOExit ~pt1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS Lan ID 1997A1 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ M. Event Comparisons -Rainfall-Runoff Data · · "-JNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi ) I ----------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ Lower Sub-Basin I Upper Sub-Basin Exterior Basin +------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Event (in) (in) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs) ·(in ) (in) (cfs) ----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ 50% 3 .0 0.4, 4904 . 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 20% 4.3 0.5 7068. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 10% 5.1 0.5 8541. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 4% 5.8 0.5 10077. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 2% 6.6 0 .5 11137. 0.0 0 .0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 1% 7.3 0.5 12498. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.2% 8.8 0.5 15087. 0.0 0 .0 0 . 0 .0 0.0 0. SPS 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. +----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 lptlHEA 02.01.00 · i :tudy ID WEARS 'lan ID 1997Al .ANNUAL series 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot 10Exit Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ N. Event Comparisons -Maximum Flows (cfs) Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi) +--------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ Inflow Outflow +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Event I ~~~~~d I I~~~~io~ I Seepage! Gravity' Pump loiversionloverflowl +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ 50% 0.0 4904.0 0.0 0.0 4303.0 0.0 0.0 20% 0.0 7068.0 0.0 0.0 4354.2 0.0 677.6 10% 0.0 8541.0 0.0 0.0 4354.2 0.0 2645.9 4% 0.0 10077.0 0.0 0.0 4354.2 0.0 4875 .3 2% 0.0 11137.0 0.0 0.0 4354.2 0.0 6086.2 1% 0.0 12498.0 0.0 0.0 4354.2 0.0 7605.4 0.2% 0.0 15087.0 0.0 0.0 4354.2 0.0 1042 6 .3 SPF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note: Total Interior Inflow includes .Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. ~ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Press <FlO> to Return l '1 _j I -~tlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS ~an ID 1997Al n.NNUAL series + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ 0. Event Comparisons -Flood Volumes (ac-ft ) Storm Area: 14 . 2 7 ( sq mi ) ~--------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ I Inflow Volume I Outflow Volume +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Event / ~;~~~d I I~~~~~o: I Seepage ! Gravity/ Pump /oiversion /overf low l +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ 50% 0.0 1986.6 0.0 0.0 1989.7 0.0 0.0 20 % 0.0 2913.3 0.0 0.0 2866.9 0.0 53.3 10% 0.0 3535.4 0.0 0.0 3211.4 0 .0 329.7 4% 0.0 4082.1 0.0 0.0 3403.2 0.0 685.0 2 % 0.0 4657.6 0.0 0.0 3744.1 0.0 918.2 1% 0.0 5146.2 0.0 0.0 3872.4 0.0 1279.2 0.2% 0.0 6339.3 0.0 0.0 4382.0 0 .0 19 63.1 SPF 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ~--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note: Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. ~elp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Press <FlO> to Return lptlHEA 02.01.00 -~ -tudy ID WEARS lan ID 1997Al +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ .. J ' -· _J .1.Help R. Event Comparisons -Frequency Ana lysis ANNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ Event Maximum Interior Elevation (ft) Max i mum Maximum Interior Total Area Flooded (ac) I nter ior I nflow (cfs) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 50% 546.96 17.2 4904.0 20% 554.68 76.1 7068.0 10% 555.82 93.3 8541.0 4% 556.38 100.8 10077.0 2% 556.62 104.0 11137.0 1% 556.92 107.9 12498.0 0.2% 557.35 1 13 .5 15087.0 SPF 0.00 0.0 0.0 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot Press <FlO> to Return 10Exi t .1ptlHEA 02.01.00 .Study ID WEARS + ---------------------------+ Perform Interior Analysis I + ---------------------------+ Plan ID 1997A Description reduce 1997 lOOyr to 556.0 w/ hi levee ----------------------------+ --------+ ----------------------------------------+ I Mod 1 uDle I Module Description ----------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ ' Basin Average Precipitation STORM tp-40 data for jefferson, mo Runoff Hydrograph Parameters BASIN RUNOFF PARAMETERS Interior Pond ELEV STAGE-STORAGE Gravity Outlets OUTLET OUTLETS \Pump ~ata 1997A reduce lOOyr to 556 Exterlor Stage 1997-10 Missouri River 1997 elevation-10 year , Auxiliary Flow WEIRHI Railroad Embankment at 560 ~ ' + ----------------------------+ --------+ ----------------------------------------+ Help ANNUAL series Computation Time Interval (e.g. lHOUR, lDAY, ... ) Number of Time Intervals 2PrtScr 3Index 4 5 6DOS 7 8 Press <FlO> to Proceed to the Menu 5MIN 350 9 lOExit , lptlHEA 02. 01.00 ;tudy ID WEARS >lan ID 1997A +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I Begin 01/0005 +-------------------------------+ End 02 /0510 lHelp D. Analysis Input Summaries -Pump Station Data PUMP Module ID 1997A reduce lOOyr to 556 +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ Pump Number Pump Unit ID Maximum Pump Start Pump Stop Maximum Capacity Elevation Elevation Total (cfs) (ft) (ft ) Head (f t) +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ 1 1 485.0 539.00 538.00 29.00 2 SMALLl 485.0 540.00 539.00 29.00 3 SMALL1 485.0 540.00 539.00 29.00 4 4 970.0 541.00 540.00 29.00 5 4 970.0 541.00 540.00 29.00 6 5 970.0 542.00 541.00 29.00 7 8 9 10 +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 10Exit Press <FlO> to Return l .J l I "l -'-~t1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS .an ID 1997A + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries J + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event [50%] 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 0.2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ I I M~:~:~m I Da/H rM n I + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 546.96 1/1520 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 17.2 1/1520 Interior Storage (ac-ft ) 74 .8 1/1520 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) -4.74 1/1520 Negative Head (ft) -14.75 1/0225 Pump Head (ft) 13.66 2/0145 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ l Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return i .J +-------------------------------+ lptlHEA 02.01.00 J tudy ID WEARS lan ID 1997A Hydrologic Analysis Summaries \ +-------------------------------+ '') .J l I .J J l 1 ..J l _, I .J i ~ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% [20%] 10% 4% 2% 1 % 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I M~~i:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft ) 5 55 .07 1 /16 05 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 82.1 1/1605 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 399.2 1/16 05 Exterior Elevation (ft ) 551.70 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 3.37 1/1605 Negative Head (ft) -14.75 2/0440 Pump Head (ft) 13.67 1 /0315 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ lHe lp 2PrtScr 3 ~ 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lOExit lOExi t _ptlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS lan ID 1997A + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% [10%] 4% 2% 1% 0.2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation ( ft) 557.95 1/1630 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 121.3 1/1630 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 692.9 1/1630 Exterior Elevation ( ft) 551.70 1/0005 Positive Head ( ft) 6.25 1/1630 Negative Head ( ft) -14.61 2/0430 Pump Head (ft) 13.69 2/0255 + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 ~ress SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lptlHEA 02.01.00 +-------------------------------+ ' i :tudy ID WEARS Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I >lan ID 1997A +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% [4%] 2% 1% 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I M~~i:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 560.29 1/1630 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 148.6 1/1630 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 1010.0 1/1630 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1/0005 i -Positive Head (ft) 8.59 1/1630 Negative Head (ft) -18.31 1/2140 Pump Head (ft) 13.69 1/0515 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ ~Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lOExit lOExit ., ! ; .I l .L.f?t1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS Lan ID 1997A +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% [2%] 1% 0.2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ I Maximum I I Value Da /HrMn +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 560.83 1 /1 605 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 154.5 1 /1605 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 1091.2 1 /1605 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1 /0005 Positive Head (ft) 9.13 1 /1 6 0 5 Negative Head (ft) -16.06 1 /2210 Pump Head (ft ) 13.66 1 /1 120 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ _j J Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return i I .I lpt1HEA 02.01.00 ~ ;tudy ID WEARS J > l an I D 19 9 7 A +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I I _j -1 j .. , i I ' _j i i ..• J +-------------------------------+ K . Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% [1%] 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I I M~:i:~m I Da /HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 561.36 1 /1545 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 160.4 1 /1545 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 1174.8 1 /1 545 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1 /0005 Positive Head (ft) 9.66 1 /1545 Negative Head (ft) -14.55 2 /0425 Pump Head (ft) 1 3 .58 2 /0250 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ 1Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lOExit 10Exit .Lpt1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS ian ID 1997A + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% (0. 2%) SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 562.04 1/1525 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 167.8 1/1525 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 1285.9 1/1525 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 10.34 1/1525 Negative Head (ft ) -14.47 2/0440 Pump Head (ft) 13.67 1/0245 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 Press SPACE to select; lptlHEA 02.01.00 :tudy ID WEARS 'lan ID 1997A 4 5 600S 7 8 Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ M. Event Comparisons -Rainfall-Runoff Data 9 lOExit .NNUAL series Storm Area: 14 . 2 7 ( sq mi ) +----------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ Lower Sub-Basin I Upper Sub-Basin Exterior Basin I +------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Event (in) (in) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs) (in ) (in ) (cfs) -----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ 50% 3.0 0.4 4904. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 20% 4.3 0.5 7068. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 10% 5.1 0.5 8541. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 4% 5.8 0.5 10077. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 2% 6.6 0.5 11137. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 1% 7.3 0.5 12498. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.2% 8 .8 0.5 15087. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. SP S 0.0 0.0 0 . 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. ~----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ lHe lp 2 Prt S cr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Press <FlO> to Return lpt1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS F . an I D 1 9 9 7 A ~AL series + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ N. Event Comparisons -Maximum Flows (cfs) Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi) ·--------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ j I Inflow I Outflow +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Event I ~~~~~d I I~~~~~o~ I Seepage! Gravity' Pump I Diversion loverflowl +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+-~------+ 50% 0.0 4904.0 0.0 0.0 4303.0 0.0 0.0 20% 0.0 7068.0 0.0 0.0 4354.2 0.0 0.0 10% 0.0 8541.0 0.0 0.0 4354.2 0.0 0.0 4 % 0.0 10077.0 0.0 0.0 4354.2 0.0 879 .3 2% 0.0 11137.0 0.0 0.0 4354.2 0.0 2486.9 1% 0.0 12498.0 0.0 0.0 4354.2 0.0 4802.1 ; .. 0.2% 0.0 15087 .0 0 .0 0.0 4354.2 0.0 8257.6 ; i _J j .. , i i J SPF 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note: Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Press <FlO> to Return , lptlHEA 02.01.00 1 ,tudy ID WEARS _) _'lan ID 1997A +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ I i ~.J -, i I 0. Event Comparisons -Flood Volumes (ac-ft ) ANNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi) +--------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ I Inflow Volume I Out f low Volume I +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Event ~~~~~d I I~;~~~o~ I Seepage' Gravity' Pump IDiversionloverflowl +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ 50% 0.0 1986.6 0.0 0.0 1989.7 0.0 0.0 20% 0.0 2913.3 0.0 0.0 2918.5 0.0 0.0 10% 0.0 3535.4 0.0 0.0 3540.0 0 .0 0.0 4% 0.0 4082.1 0.0 0.0 4021.5 0.0 6 4 .4 2% 0.0 4 657.6 0 .0 0.0 4374.9 0.0 285.9 1% 0.0 5146.2 0.0 0.0 4506.4 0.0 6 4 3.8 0.2% 0.0 6339.3 0.0 0.0 5015.6 0.0 1328.0 SPF 0. 0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note: Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Press <FlO> to Return lptlHEA 02.01.00 -, S t: udy I D WEARS ... an ID 1997A l + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ R. Event Comparisons -Frequency Analysis ANNUAL series Storm Area: 14 . 2 7 ( sq mi) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ Event Maximum Interior Elevation (ft) Maximum Maximum Interior Total Area Flooded (ac) Interior Inflow (cfs) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 50 % 546.96 1 7.2 49 04.0 20% 555.07 82.1 7068.0 10 % 557.95 121.3 8541.0 4% 560.29 148.6 10077.0 2% 560.83 154.5 11137.0 1 % 561.36 160.4 12498.0 0.2% 562.04 167 .8 15087.0 SPF 0.00 0.0 0.0 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ J Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot Press <Fl O> to Return ~ _; ' I ~ lOExit ~~tlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS Plan ID 2031Al +---------------------------+ Perform Interior Analysis I + ---------------------------+ Description reduce 2031 lOOyr to 556.0 w/ hi levee ~---------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ .. I I ModiDule I Module Description ----------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ 1 3asin Average Precipitation STORM ~ _Runoff Hydrograph Parameters BASIN ' Interior Pond ELEV 3ravity Outlets !Pump Data l Sxterior Stage j ~uxiliary Flow OUTLET 2031A 2031-10 WEIR tp-40 data for jefferson, mo RUNOFF PARAMETERS STAGE-STORAGE OUTLETS reduce lOOyr to 556.0 Missouri River 2031 Elev 10-year railroad embankment +----------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ . ..., I .J ANNUAL series Computation Time Interval (e.g. lHOUR, lDAY, ... ) Number of Time Intervals 5MIN 350 l l Help 2PrtScr 3Index 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 lOExit -1 I ; -' l I I I ,.; i .. J I ...) l _) ; ..j _.J ' i ~ Press <FlO> to Proceed to the Menu lptlHEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS ·lan ID 2031Al +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I Begin 01/0005 +-------------------------------+ End 02/0510 lHelp D. Analysis Input Summaries -Pump Station Data PUMP Module ID 2031A reduce lOOyr to 556.0 +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ Pump Number Pump Unit ID Maximum Pump Start Pump Stop Maximum Capacity Elevation Elevation Total (cfs) (ft) (ft) Head (ft) +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ 1 1 485.0 539.00 538.00 29.00 2 SMALLl 485.0 540.00 539.00 29.00 3 SMALLl 485.0 540.00 539.00 29.00 4 4 970.0 541.00 540.00 29.00 5 4 970.0 541.00 540.00 29.00 6 5 970.0 542.00 541.00 29.00 7 5 970.0 542.00 541.00 29.00 8 9 10 +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 lOExit Press <FlO> to Return -~tlHEA 02 .01 .00 Study ID WEARS lan ID 2031Al + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event [50%] 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 0. 2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation ( ft) 542.84 1/1355 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 6.7 1/13 55 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 28.6 1/1355 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) -11.19 1/1355 Negative Head ( ft) -17.04 2/0335 Pump Head (ft) 16.00 1/0915 + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ -Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 ~ress SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lptlHEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS lan ID 2031Al +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% [20%] 10% 4% 2% 1% 0.2% SPF 9 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I M~~i:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Int e rior Elevation (ft) 552.39 1/1545 Interio r Area Flooded (ac) 43.3 1/1545 Inte rio r Storage (ac-ft ) 23 1 .5 1/1545 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) -1.64 1/1545 Negative Head (ft) -17.25 2/0510 Pump Head (f t ) 16.01 2/0150 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ ~·.~.Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPAC E to selec t; Press <F lO> to Re turn lOExit lOExit ., ! I ' ' ·-' _J ; I _J lptlHEA 02.01.0 0 Study ID WEARS I ,an ID 2 031Al + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% [10%] 4 % 2% 1 % 0.2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Maximum I I Va l ue Da /HrMn +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft ) 555.12 1 /15 40 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 8 2.8 1 /15 40 Interior Storage (ac-f t ) 4 0 3.1 1 /15 40 Exterior Elevation (f t ) 55 4 .03 1 /0 00 5 Positive Head (ft) 1.0 9 1 /15 40 Negative Head (ft ) -16.86 2 /0 4 2 5 Pump Head (ft) 1 6 .01 1 /10 0 0 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 Press SPACE to select; lpt1HEA 02.0 1 .0 0 tudy ID WEARS _lan ID 2031Al 4 5 6DOS 7 8 Press <F l O> t o Re turn +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis S u mmar i es I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50 % 20 % 10% [4%] 2 % 1% 0.2 % SPF 9 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I I M~~i:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Int e rior Elevation (ft) 5 5 6.07 1/1 5 25 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 96.8 1/1525 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 488.2 1/15 2 5 Ext e r i or Elevation (ft) 554.0 3 1/0 0 0 5 Positive Head (ft) 2.04 1/1525 Negative Head (f t ) -19.43 1/1840 Pu mp Head (f t) 1 6 .02 1/19 2 5 +-----------------------~-------+----------------+---------+ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 ?ress SPACE t o s elect; Pre ss <FlO > to Re turn l OExit lO Exi t I I ...., I i 1.ptlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS · Lan ID 2031Al + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% [2%] 1% 0.2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 556.37 1/1510 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 100.7 1/1510 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 517.9 1/1510 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 2.34 1/1510 Negative Head (ft) -17.24 1/1855 Pump Head (ft) 16.00 1/0420 + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 Press SPACE to select; 4 5 6DOS 7 Press <FlO> to Return 8 9 lpt1HEA 02.01.00 ' >tudy ID WEARS )lan ID 2031Al +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ ! i i . ...J . .! I ··' . ....J K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% [1%] 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 556.69 1/1505 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 105.0 1 /1505 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 551.3 1/1505 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1 /0005 Positive Head (ft) 2.66 1/1505 Negative Head (ft) -17.56 1/1910 Pump Head (ft) 16.02 1/0420 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 I Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Re turn lOExit lOExit "] I J ..., i J -I I lpt1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS I .an ID 2031Al + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% [0. 2%] SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ I I M~~~:~m I Da/HrMn I + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 557.19 1 /1455 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 111.5 1 /1455 Interior Storage (ac-ft ) 605.4 1 /1455 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1 /0005 Positive Head (ft) 3.16 1 /1455 Negative Head (ft) -17.14 1 /1950 Pump Head (ft ) 16.00 1 /0250 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ l Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 lOExit Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return , lptlHEA 02.01.00 ! )tudy ID WEARS +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I I ~lan ID 2031A1 +-------------------------------+ . i I M. Event Comparisons -Rainfall-Runoff Data _j \.NNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi ) I ' ; ••. J -'! i ' __ .J I ~ I +----------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ ! I Lower Sub -Basin I Upper Sub-Basin I Exterior Basin I +------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Event (in) (in) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs) ~----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ 50% 3. 0 0.4 4904. 0.0 0 .0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 20% 4.3 0.5 7068. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 10% 5.1 0.5 8541. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 4% 5.8 0.5 10077. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 2% 6.6 0.5 11137. 0.0 0.0 0 . 0.0 0.0 0 . 1% 7.3 0.5 12498. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.2% 8.8 0.5 15087. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0 .0 0 . SPS 0.0 0 .0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . +----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot 10Exit Press <FlO> to Return .~tlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS lan ID 2031Al Z\NNUAL series + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ N. Event Comparisons -Maximum Flows (cfs ) Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi ) + --------+ ------------------------------+ ------------------------------------+ Inflow I Outflow I +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Event ~;~~~d I I~~~~io~ I Seepage! Gravity ! Pump IDiversionloverflow l +--------+----------+----------+--~-----+--------+--------+---------+--------+ 50% 0.0 4904.0 0.0 0.0 4 94 9. 6 0.0 0.0 20% 0.0 7068.0 0.0 0.0 5300.1 0.0 0.0 10% 0.0 8541.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 1244.5 4% 0.0 10077.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 3341.8 2% 0.0 11137.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 4842.7 1% 0.0 12498.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 6469.5 0.2% 0.0 15087.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 9360.4 SPF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0 .0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note: Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Press <FlO> to Return lptlHEA 02.01.00 _J ;tudy ID WEARS )lan ID 2 031Al +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ ·-' _j --· 0. Event Comparisons -Flood Volumes (ac-ft) ANNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi l +--------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ Inflow Volume I Out flo w Volume I +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Upper I Interior I Seepage! Gravity! !Divers i on! overflow ! Event Routed Total * Pump +--------+~---------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ 50% 0.0 1986.6 0.0 0.0 1992.1 0.0 0.0 20% 0.0 2913.3 0.0 0.0 2 921. 3 0.0 0.0 10% 0.0 3535.4 0.0 0.0 342 7 .7 0.0 11 2 .1 4% 0.0 4082.1 0.0 0.0 3679.5 0.0 408.8 2% 0.0 46 5 7.6 0.0 0.0 4038.6 0.0 627.6 1% 0.0 5146.2 0.0 0.0 4202.5 0 .0 946.9 0.2% 0 .0 6339.3 0.0 0.0 4756.1 0.0 1588.6 SPF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note: Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. ~ !Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 P l ot lOExit Press <FlO> to Return l J .., I :..,JtlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS -_an ID 2031Al + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ R. Event Comparisons -Frequency Analysis ANNUAL series Storm Area: 14. 27 . (sq mi) + -----------+ -----------+ -----------+ -----------+ Event Maximum Interior Elevation ( ft) Maximum Maximum Interior Total Area Flooded (ac ) Interior Inflow (cfs ) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 50% 542.84 6.7 4904.0 20% 552.39 43.3 7068.0 10% 555.12 82.8 8541.0 4% 556.07 96.8 10077.0 2% 556.37 100.7 11137.0 1% 556.69 105.0 12498.0 0.2% 557.19 111.5 15087.0 SPF 0.00 0.0 0.0 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ -~ Help J 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot l J :~ _) l i .J j I ·-' Press <FlO> to Return lOExit lptlHEA 02.01 .00 ,sr-.udy ID WEARS + ---------------------------+ Perform Interior Analysis I + ---------------------------+ Plan ID 2031A Description reduce 2031 lOOyr to 556.0 w/ hi levee ·---------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ • I I ModiuDle I Module Description ----------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ !Basin Average Precipitation . Runoff Hydrograph Parameters i Interior Pond ! ~~ravity Outlets Pump Data ·; ::xterior Stage j 1\uxiliary Flow STORM BASIN ELEV OUTLET 2031A 2031-10 WEIRHI tp-40 data for jefferson, mo RUNOFF PARAMETERS STAGE-STORAGE OUTLETS reduce lOOyr to 556.0 Missouri River 2031 E l ev 10 -year Railroad Embankment at 560 +----------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ -, I l ; ""' .. Help ANNUAL series Computation Time Interval (e.g. lHOU R, lDA Y, ... ) Number of Time Intervals 2PrtScr 3Index 4 5 6DOS 7 8 Press <FlO> to Proceed to the Menu 5MIN 350 +-------------------------------+ 9 lOExi t , lptlHEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS _; ~ lan ID 2031A Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I Begin 0 1/0005 ! _j +-------------------------------+ End 02 /05 10 D. Anal y sis Input Summaries -Pump Station Data PUMP Module ID 2031A reduce lOOyr to 556 .0 +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ Pump Number Pump Unit ID Maximum Pump Start Pump Stop Max imum Capacity Elevation E l evation Total (cfs) (ft) (ft ) Head (f t) +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ 1 1 485.0 539.00 538.00 29.00 2 SMALLl 485.0 540.00 539.00 29 .00" 3 SMALLl 485.0 540.00 539.00 29.0 0 4 4 970.0 541.00 540.00 29 .00 5 4 970.0 541.00 540.00 29 .00 6 5 970.0 542.00 541.00 29.00 7 5 970.0 542.00 541.00 2 9.00 8 9 10 ~ +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ lHe lp 2 P rtSc r 3 4 5 6 DOS 7 8 9 lO Ex i t Press <FlO> to Return -~ _j lpt1HEA 02.01.00 ~~udy ID WEARS 1 .an ID 2031A + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event [50%] 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 0. 2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ I I M~~~:~m I Da /HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 542.84 1 /1355 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 6.7 1 /1355 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 28.6 1 /1355 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1 /0005 Positive Head (ft) -11.19 1 /1355 Negative Head (ft) -17.04 2/0335 Pump Head (ft) 16.00 1 /0915 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I _Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 ., I : . ..J I _j I i .J i l _; Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lpt1HEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS clan ID 2031A +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K . Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% [20%] 10% 4% 2% 1% 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I I M~~i:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 552.39 1/1545 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 43.3 1/1545 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 231.5 1/1545 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) -1.64 1/1545 Negative Head (ft) -17.25 2/0510 Pump Head (ft) 16.01 2/0150 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ 1Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 ~ress SPACE to select; Press <FlO > t o Return 10Exit lOExit .Lpt1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS lan ID 2031A + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% [10%] 4% 2% 1% 0. 2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Maximum Value I Da/HrMn I + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 555.90 1/1605 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 94.4 1/1605 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 472.3 1/1605 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 l/0005 Positive Head (ft) l. 87 1/1605 Negative Head (ft) -16.99 2/0420 Pump Head (ft) 16.01 l/1000 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ J _: Help 2 PrtScr 3 4 Press SPACE to select; 5 6DOS 7 8 9 lptlHEA 02.01.00 :tudy ID WEARS Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I . .J •lan ID 2031A +-------------------------------+ : i ' ., J K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Eve nt 50% 20% 10% [4%] 2% 1% 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 558.63 1/1625 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 129.4 1/1625 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 779.1 1/1625 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 4.60 1/1625 Negative Head (ft) -16.82 2/0405 Pump Head (ft) 15.99 1/0235 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ ~ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 ~ress SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return 10Exit lOExit lptlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS lan ID 203lA +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% [2%] 1% 0. 2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I I M~~i:~m I Da/HrMn I + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 560.14 1 /1625 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 146.9 1/1625 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 986.6 1/1625 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 6.11 1/1625 Negative Head (ft) -25.80 1/2055 Pump Head (ft) 16.00 1 /0420 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ ---1 i .Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 _ _; I i I .. J _j Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lptlHEA 02.01.00 >tudy ID WEARS _)lan ID 2031A +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% [1%] 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I M~~i:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 560.94 1/1600 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 155.7 1/1600 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 1108.1 1/1600 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 6.91 1/1600 Negative Head (ft) -16.98 2/0445 Pump Head (ft) 16.03 2/0220 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO > to Return lOExit lOExit lptlHEA 02.01.00 ,sr.udy ID WEARS I .an ID 2031A + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ M. Event Comparisons -Rainfall-Runoff Data ' 'j JNUAL series Storm Area: 14 . 2 7 ( s q mi ) -, ' j ·---------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ Lower Sub-Basin I Upper Sub-Basin Exterior Basin +------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Event (in) (in) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs) ·---------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ 50% 3.0 0.4 4904. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 20% 4.3 0.5 7068. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 10% 5.1 0.5 8541. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 4% 5.8 0.5 10077 . 0.0 0 .0 0 . 0.0 0.0 0. 2% 6 .6 0.5 11137. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 1% 7.3 0.5 12498. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.2% 8.8 0.5 15087. 0.0 0 .0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. SPS 0.0 0.0 0 . 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0 .0 0. +----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 lptlHEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS ~lan ID 2031A ANNUAL series 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ N. Event Comparisons -Maximum Flows (cfs) Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi) +--------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ Inflow Outflow I +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Event I ~;~~~d I I~~~~io: I Seepage! Gravity! Pump !Diversionloverflowl +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ 50% 0.0 4904.0 0.0 0 .0 4949.6 0.0 0.0 20% 0 .0 7068.0 0.0 0.0 5300.1 0.0 0.0 10% 0.0 8541.0 0. 0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 0.0 4% 0.0 10077.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 0.0 2% 0.0 11137.0 0.0 0.0 5 32 1.8 0.0 405.8 1% 0.0 12498.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 2813.6 0.2% 0.0 15087.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 6760.1 SPF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note: Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Pre ss <FlO> to Return J J lptlHEA 02.01.00 C::t:udy ID WEARS ian ID 2031A ~UAL series + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ 0. Event Comparisons -Flood Volumes (ac-ft) Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi ) +--------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ I Inflow Volume I Outflow Volume +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Event I ~;~~~d I I~~~~~o: I Seepage! Gravity! Pump IDiversionloverflow l +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ 50% 0.0 1986.6 0.0 0.0 1992.1 0.0 0.0 20 % 0.0 2913.3 0.0 0.0 2921.3 0.0 0.0 10% 0.0 3535.4 0.0 0.0 3539.0 0.0 0.0 4% 0 .0 4082.1 0.0 0 .0 4082.8 0.0 0 .0 2% 0.0 4657.6 0.0 0.0 4648.6 0.0 18.8 1% 0.0 5146.2 0.0 0 .0 4836 .3 0.0 314.7 0.2% 0.0 6339.3 0.0 0.0 5390.5 0 .0 953.2 SPF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note : Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage . Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Press <FlO> to Return 1 l .pt1HEA 02.01.00 j :tudy ID WEARS +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I .J .c1 l an I D 2 0 3 1A ' ' __; +-------------------------------+ R . Event Comparisons -Frequency Analysis ANNUAL series Storm Area: 14. 2 7 ( sq mi) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ Event Maximum Interior Elevation (ft) Maximum Maximum Interior Total Area Flooded (ac) Interior Inflow (cfs) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 50% 542.84 6.7 4904.0 20% 552.39 43.3 7068.0 10% 555.90 94.4 8541.0 4% 558.63 129.4 10077.0 2% 560.14 146.9 11137.0 1% 560.94 155.7 12498.0 0.2% 561.75 164.7 15087.0 SPF 0.00 0.0 0.0 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 1Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot Press <F lO> t o Return iOExit ~~tlHEA 02.01.00 _Study ID WEARS + ---------------------------+ Perform Interior Analysis I + ---------------------------+ Plan ID 203181 Description reduce 2031 500 y r to 559 .0 w/ hi levee ·---------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ I Modi 0 ule I Module Description ·---------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ 1 3asin Average Precipitation STORM tp-40 data for jefferson, mo Runoff Hydrograph Parameters BASIN RUNOFF PARAMETERS ' i [nterior Pond ELEV S TAGE-STORAGE 3ravity Outlets OUTLET OUTLETS \Pump Data 2031B Reduce ~OOyr to 559 with high levee 1 Sxterior Stage 2031-10 Missouri River 2 0 31 Elev 1 0 -y ear ! ~uxiliary Flow WEIR railroad embankment _! +----------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ J l I ~ Help ANNUAL series Computation Time Interval (e.g . lHOUR, l DAY, ... ) Number of Time Intervals 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 Press <FlO> to Proceed to the Menu 5M I N 350 9 lOExit +-------------------------------+ .LptlHEA 02.01.00 ~ Study ID WEARS . Lan ID 203181 Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ Begin 01/0005 End 02/0510 ., --! .i ; ··' l I I .. I D. Analysis Input Summaries -Pump Stat ion Data PUMP Module ID 20318 Reduce ~OOy r to 559 with h igh levee +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ Maximum Pump Start Pump Stop Maximum Pump Pump Capacity Elevation Elevation Total Number Unit ID (cfs ) (ft ) (ft ) Head (ft ) +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ 1 1 485.0 539 .00 538.00 29.00 2 SMALLl 485.0 540.0 0 539 .0 0 29.00 3 SMALLl 485.0 540 .0 0 539.00 29.00 4 4 970.0 541.0 0 540.00 29.00 5 4 970.0 541.0 0 540.00 29.00 6 5 970.0 542.00 541.00 29.00 7 5 970.0 542.00 541.0 0 29.00 8 SMALL2 485.0 54 2 .00 541.00 29.00 9 10 +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6D OS 7 8 9 lOExit lptlHEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS ·lan ID 203181 Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries \ +-------------------------------+ K . Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event [50%] 20% 10% 4% 2% 1 % 0 .2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I M~~i:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 543.83 1/1 410 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 8.4 1/1410 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 36.1 1/1410 Exterior Elevatio n (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) -10.20 1/1410 Negative Head (ft) -1 7 .33 2/0500 Pump Head (ft) 16 .00 1 /0 9 15 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ lHelp 2Prt Scr 3 4 5 6DO S 7 8 9 ?ress SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lOExi t __ , _j .1ptlHEA 02.01.00 ~ Study ID WEARS ian ID 203181 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ .., K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% [20%] 10% 4% 2% 1% 0.2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft ) 550.44 1/1535 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 32.7 1/1535 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 160.8 1/1535 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) -3.59 1/1535 Negative Head (ft) -16.84 l/0200 Pump Head (ft) 16.00 1/0520 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ J Help 2PrtScr 3 4 Press SPACE to select; 5 6DOS 7 8 9 .J j _j lptlHEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS •lan ID 2031Bl Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Va l ues Event 50% 20% [10%] 4 % 2% 1% 0.2 % SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I M~~~:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 554.50 1/1545 Int e rior Area Flooded (ac) 73.4 1/1545 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 354.2 1/1545 Exteri or Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 0.47 1/1545 Negative Head (ft) -16.99 2/0440 Pump Head (ft) 16.01 1/1000 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ ~ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return ~ J lOExit lOExit I .. i -=> I i I __ , l i i lpt1HEA 02.01.00 St:udy ID WEARS : .an ID 203181 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% [4%] 2% 1% 0. 2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ I I M~~~=~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 555 .80 1 /1530 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 92.9 1 /1 530 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 462 .4 1 /1530 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1 /0005 Positive Head (ft) 1.77 1/1530 Negative Head (ft) -16.88 2/0425 Pump Head (ft) 15.99 1 /0 235 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ -:J Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return I _, 1 lptlHEA 02.01.00 ! ;tudy ID WEARS .J ~:-1 an I D 2 0 3 1 B 1 +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I ., l _j l I _j J ., I I -l -·' j i __J +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% [2%] 1% 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I M~~i:~m I Da /HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 556.23 1/1515 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 98.9 1/1515 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 503.8 1/1515 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 2 .20 1/1 515 Negative Head (ft) -16.89 2 /0 445 Pump Head (ft) 16.00 1/0420 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return l ._:j ! -~ lOExit lOExit lptlHEA 02.01.00 .St:udy ID WEARS I an I D 2 0 3 l B l + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K . Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% [1%] 0 . 2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Maximum I I Value Da /HrMn + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 556.58 l/1505 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 103.4 l /1505 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 539 .0 l/1505 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554 .03 l /0005 Positive Head (ft ) 2.55 l /1505 Negative Head (ft) -16.70 2 /0435 Pump Head (ft) 16.02 l/0420 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ 1 I ) Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; 1 lptlHEA 02.01.00 i tudy ID WEARS J _ l an I D 2 0 3 l B 1 Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ ., K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% [0. 2%] SPF ! J 1Help 0 ress +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior El e vation (ft) 55 7 .11 1 /1455 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 110.4 1/1455 Int e rior Storage (ac -ft) 5 9 6.3 1/1455 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Pos i tive He a d (ft) 3.08 1/1455 Negative Head (ft ) -16.68 2/0155 Pump Head (ft) 16.00 1/0250 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ 2PrtScr 3 SPACE to select; 4 5 6DOS 7 Press <FlO > to Return 8 9 10Exit lOExit ..... ' I l .i ., ! ·-i ) .. I I ; .J lptlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS I .an ID 203181 1 1 JNUAL series + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ M. Event Comparisons -Rainfall-Runoff Data Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi) ·---------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ I Lower Sub-Basin I Upper Sub-Basin I Exterior Basin +------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Event (in) (in) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs ) (in) (in ) (cfs) ----------+------+------+-------+------+-------+-------+------+------+-------+ 50% 3.0 0.4 4904. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 20% 4.3 0.5 7068. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 10% 5.1 0.5 8541. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 4% 5.8 0.5 10077. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 2% 6.6 0.5 11137. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 1% 7.3 0.5 12498. 0.0 0 .0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 0.2% 8.8 0.5 15087. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. SPS 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. +----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Press <FlO> to Return l, lptlHEA 02.01.00 i tudy ID WEARS .J .. l an I D 2 0 3 1 B 1 +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ N. Event Comparisons -Maximum Flows (cfs) l J ANNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi ) J i I _] j I j +--------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ J Inflow J Outflow I +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Event I ~~~~~d I I~~~~io: I Seepage! Gravity' Pump lniversionloverflowl ·+--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ 50% 0.0 4904.0 0.0 0.0 5465.9 0.0 0.0 20% 0.0 7068.0 0.0 0.0 5753.9 0.0 0.0 10% 0.0 8541.0 0.0 0.0 5805.6 0.0 495.5 4% 0.0 10077 .0 0.0 0.0 5805.6 0.0 2594.5 2% 0.0 11137.0 0.0 0.0 5805.6 0.0 4140.1 1% 0.0 12498.0 0 .. 0 0.0 5805.6 0.0 5878.1 0.2% 0.0 15087.0 0.0 0.0 5805.6 0.0 8786.6 SPF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note: Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. 1Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot 10Exit Press <FlO > to Return . ...; I i . j .Lpt1HEA 02.01.00 ., Study ID WEARS lan ID 203181 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ 0. Event Comparisons -Flood Volumes (ac-ft ) ~UAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sqmi ) +--------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ I Inflow Volume Outflow Volume I +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Event ~~~~~d I I~~~~~o: I Seepage' Gravity ' Pump loiversionloverflow l +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ 50% 0.0 1986.6 0.0 0.0 1997.4 0.0 0.0 20% 0.0 2913.3 0 .0 0.0 2918.1 0.0 0.0 10% 0.0 3535.4 0.0 0.0 3511.9 0.0 29.5 4% 0.0 4082.1 0.0 0.0 3793.2 0.0 293.2 2% 0.0 4657.6 0 .0 0.0 4166.3 0.0 497.8 1% 0.0 5146.2 0.0 0.0 4349.2 0.0 801.6 0.2% 0.0 6339.3 0.0 0.0 4 941. 3 0.0 1407.8 SPF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ .. , * Note: Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. -·' ' Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit lptlHEA 02 .01.00 ;tudy ID WEARS , 'lan ID 2 03181 Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ R. Event Comparisons -Frequency Analysis ANNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi ) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ Event Maximum Interior Elevation (ft) Maximum Maximum Interior Total Area Flooded (ac) Interior Inflow (cfs) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 0 .2% SPF 543.83 550.44 554.50 555.80 556.23 556.58 557.11 0.00 8.4 32.7 73.4 92.9 98. 9 103.4 110.4 0.0 4904.0 7068.0 8541.0 10077.0 11137.0 12498.0 15087.0 0.0 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 1Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot Press <FlO> to Return l OEx it ~~tlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS Plan ID 20318 + ---------------------------+ Perform Interior Analysis I +---------------------------+ Description reduce 2031 500yr to 559.0 w/ hi levee ----------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ I ModiuDle I Module Description ----------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ 3asin Average Precipitation !Runoff Hydrograph Parameters ·Interior Pond ::;ravity Outlets JPump Data Sxterior Stage 1\.uxiliary Flow STORM BASIN ELEV OUTLET 20318 2031-10 WEIRHI tp-40 data for jefferson, mo RUNOFF PARAMETERS STAGE-STORAGE OUTLETS Reduce JOOyr to 559 with high lev ee Missouri River 2031 Elev 10-year Railroad Embankment at 560 +----------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ ANNUAL series l Computation Time Interval (e.g. lHOUR, lDAY, ... ) 5MIN ·; I ' ' .J i _) -, ' I I I J ~ ' __) i _j Help Number of Time Intervals 350 2PrtScr 3Index 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 lOExit Press <FlO> to Proceed to the Menu .., l ~ ; .J ' i I _J i : ----· i i I _j + -------------------------------+ ~ptlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS .Lan ID 20318 Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ Begin 01/0005 End 02/051 0 D. Analysis Input Summaries -Pump Station Data PUMP Module ID 20318 Reduce ~OOyr to 559 with high levee + --------+ ----------+ ----------+ --~ -------+ ----------+ ----------+ Maximum Pump Start Pump Stop Maximum Pump Pump Capacity Elevation Elevation Total Number Unit ID (cfs) (ft ) (ft ) Head (ft) +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ 1 1 485 .0 539.00 538.00 29.00 2 SMALLl 485.0 540.00 539.00 29.00 3 SMALLl 485.0 540.00 539.00 29.00 4 4 970.0 541.00 540.00 29.00 5 4 970.0 541.00 540.00 29.00 6 5 970.0 542.00 541.00 29.00 7 5 970.0 542.00 541.00 29.00 8 SMALL2 485 .0 542.00 541.00 29.00 9 10 +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 lOExit Press <FlO> to Return _, ) i ~ ., ' ' ' .. i lptlHEA 02.01.00 St:udy ID WEARS l' . an I D 2 0 3 1 B + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event [50%] 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 0.2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ I I M~:~:~m I Da/HrMn I + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 543.83 1 /1410 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 8.4 1/1410 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 36.1 1 /1410 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) -10.20 1/1410 Negative Head (ft) -17.33 2 /0500 Pump Head (ft) 16.00 1/0915 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 Press SPACE to select; 4 5 6DOS 7 Press <FlO> to Return 8 9 l lptlHEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS , _•lan ID 2 031B +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ i I J I _, I _ __j ~. . ' '. K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% [20%] 10% 4% 2% 1% 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I I M~:~:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 550.44 1/1535 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 32.7 1/1535 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 160.8 1/1535 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) -3.59 1/1535 Negative Head (ft) -16.84 1/0200 Pump Head (ft) 16.00 1/0520 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ 1Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lOExit lOExit -, I i i lptlHEA 02.01.00 · C:.tudy ID WEARS lan ID 20318 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% [10%] 4% 2% 1% 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 554.72 1/1555 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 76.8 1/1555 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 371.2. 1/1555 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554 .03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 0.69 1/1555 Negative Head (ft) -16.85 2/0400 Pump Head (ft) 16.02 2/0150 + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ _J ·-1 ~ .Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lptlHEA 02.01.00 ~ 3tudy ID WEARS .?lan ID 20318 +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ · K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% [4%] 2% 1% 0.2% SPF 9 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 557.70 1/1615 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 118.1 1/1615 Interior Storage (ac -ft) 663.5 1/1615 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 3.67 1/1615 Negative Head (ft) -18.66 1/1915 Pump Head (ft) 16.03 2/0205 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Pres s <FlO> to Return 10Exit lOExit 1.pt1HEA 02.01.00 -Study ID WEARS + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I I ; ' _, ., I 1 , an I D 2 0 3 1 B + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% [2%] 1% 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I I M~~~:~m I Da/HrMn I + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 559.32 1/1625 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 137.5 1/1625 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 870.9 1/1625 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0 005 Positive Head (ft) 5.29 1/1625 Negative Head (ft) -17.59 1/2010 Pump Head (ft) 16.00 1/0420 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ J Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 .J i -~ I i J ' J ! ' ..) i j j .J ; _) Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lptlHEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS lan ID 2031B +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% [1%] 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+-~--------------+---------+ I I M~~i:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 560.64 1/1605 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 152.5 1/1605 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 1062.8 1/1605 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 6.61 1/1605 Negative Head (ft) -16.68 1/0230 Pump Head (ft) 16.03 1/2330 +-------------------------------+---------~------+---------+ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 ?ress SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lOExit lOExit :..t?tlHEA 02.01.00 ~Study ID WEARS : .an ID 20318 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% [0. 2%] SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 561.59 1/1535 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 162.9 1/1535 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 1211.7 1/1535 Exterior Elevation (ft) 554.03 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 7.56 1/1535 Negative Head (ft ) -20.80 1/2115 Pump Head (ft) 16.00 1/0250 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ ~ Help 2 PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I lptlHEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS ·lan ID 2031B +-------------------------------+ M. Event Comparisons -Rainfall-Runoff Data 9 lOExit .NNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi ) +----------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ Lower Sub-Basin I Upper Sub-Basin I Exterior Basin I +------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff 1 . Event (in) (in) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs) ·----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ 50% 3.0 0.4 4904. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 20% 4.3 0.5 7068. 0.0 0.0 0 . 0.0 0.0 0 . 10% 5.1 0.5 8541. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 4% 5.8 0.5 10077. 0.0 0.0 0 . 0.0 0.0 0. 2% 6.6 0.5 11137. 0.0 0.0 0 . 0.0 0.0 0 . 1% 7 .3 0.5 12498. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.2% 8.8 0.5 15087. 0.0 0.0 0 . 0.0 0.0 0. SPS 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 0.0 0.0 0 . c----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ -' lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6 DOS 7 8 9P l ot lOExi t Press <FlO> to Return _, j :..~t1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I ., ; ~ ·-.an ID 20318 +-------------------------------+ I .., I l J .I ., i .j N. Event Comparisons -Maximum flows (cfs) WNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi ) ~--------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ I Inflow Outflow +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Event ~;~~~d I I~~~~~o: I Seepage! Gravity ! Pump loiversionloverflowl +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ 50% 0.0 4904.0 0.0 0.0 5465.9 0.0 0.0 20% 0.0 7068.0 0.0 0.0 5753.9 0.0 0.0 10% 0.0 8541 .0 0.0 0.0 5805.6 0.0 0.0 4% 0.0 10077.0 0.0 0.0 5805.6 0.0 0.0 2% 0.0 11137.0 0.0 0.0 5805.6 0.0 0.0 1% 0.0 12498 .0 0.0 0.0 5805.6 0 .0 1932.3 0.2% 0.0 15087.0 0.0 0.0 5805.6 0.0 5941.9 SPF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note : Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit lpt1HEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I J lan ID 20318 +-------------------------------+ ., i I I .. ~ l I I .J i J ., ·) ! ; 1 i ) J ' .) 0. Event Comparisons -Flood Volumes (ac-ft) ANNUAL series Storm Area: 14. 2 7 ( sq mi) +--------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ I Inflow Volume I Outflow Volume I +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Event I ~;~~~d I I~~~~io: I Seepage! Gravity! Pump loiversionloverflowl +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ SO% 0.0 1986.6 0.0 0.0 1997.4 0.0 0.0 20% 0.0 2913 .3 0.0 0.0 2918.1 0.0 0.0 10% 0.0 3535.4 0.0 0.0 3540.6 0.0 0.0 4% 0.0 4082.1 0.0 0 .0 4085.4 0.0 0.0 2% 0.0 4657.6 0.0 0.0 4662.9 0.0 0.0 1% 0.0 5146.2 0.0 0.0 4972.9 0.0 175.9 0.2% 0.0 6339.3 0.0 0.0 5572.0 0.0 77 1.7 SPF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note: Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. .~.Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Press <FlO> to Return ipt1HEA 02 .01.00 ,Study ID WEARS :: _an ID 20318 -1 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ R. Event Comparisons -Frequency Analysis ANNUAL series Storm Area: 14 . 2 7 ( sq mi ) + -----------+ -----------+ -----------+ -----------+ Event Maximum Interior Elevation ( ft ) Maximum Maximum Interior Total Area Interior Flooded Inflow (ac) (cfs) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 50% 543.83 8.4 4904 .0 20% 550.44 32.7 7068.0 10% 554.72 76.8 8541.0 4% 557.70 118.1 10077.0 2% 559.32 137.5 11137.0 1% 56 0 .64 1 52.5 1 2 498.0 0.2% 5 6 1 .59 1 62.9 1 5087.0 SPF 0.00 0.0 0.0 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ j Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot ··, I I ! -' _, Press <FlO> t o Return 10Exit +---------------------------+ .... J?t1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS Perform Interior Analysis I + ---------------------------+ Plan ID 199781 Description Reduce 500yr to 559 w/ hi levee ----------------------------+ --------+ ----------------------------------------+ I Modi 0 ule I Module Description ----------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ 3asin Average Precipitation jRunoff Hydrograph Parameters Interior Pond 3ravity Outlets tp-40 data for jefferson, mo RUNOFF PARAMETERS STAGE-STORAGE OUTLETS Reduce 500yr to 559 jPump Data l Exterior Stage i Auxiliary Flow ..1 STORM BASIN ELEV OUTLET 19978 1997-10 WEIR Missouri River 1997 elevation-10 year railroad embankment 1 J I I ""] ., J "l J -, I I i .J I I 1 _, "I I i i ..J i i .J l I J j J ~----------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ Help ANNUAL series Computation Time Interval (e.g. lHOUR, 1DAY, ... ) Number of Time Intervals 2PrtScr 3Index 4 5 6DOS 7 8 Press <FlO> to Proceed to the Menu 5MIN 350 9 10Exit ..._ .t:=>t l HEA 0 2 . 0 l. 0 0 Study ID WEARS . Lan ID l997Bl + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ Begin 01/0005 End 02/0510 D. Analysis Input Summaries -Pump Station Data PUMP Module ID 1997B Reduce SOOyr to 559 + --------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ Maximum Pump Start Pump Stop Maximum Pump Pump Capacity Elevation Elevation Total Number Unit ID (cfs ) ( ft ) ( ft ) Head ( ft ) +--------+----~-----+----------+----------+----------+----------+ 1 1 485.0 539.0 0 538 .00 29.00 2 SMALLl 485.0 540.00 539.00 29.00 3 SMALLl 485.0 540.00 539.00 29.00 4 4 970.0 541.00 540.00 29.00 5 4 970.0 541 .00 540.00 29.00 6 5 970.0 542.0 0 541.00 29.00 7 5 970.0 542.0 0 541.00 29.00 8 9 10 +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 lOExit lptlHEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS ·lan ID 1997Bl Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ ., K. Analysis b y Events -Maximum Values Event [50%) 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 0. 2% SPF ' I .J +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Inter i or Elevation (ft) 54 3 .49 1/1400 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 7.8 1/1400 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 33.3 1/1400 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1 /0005 Positive Head (ft) -8.21 1/140 0 Negative Head (ft) -14.77 2/0330 Pump Head (ft) 13.70 1/1950 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ _, 1Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 P ress SPACE to sel e ct; Press <F lO> t o Return lOExit -, i I J ... t;->t1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS : .an ID 1997B1 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% [20%] 10% 4% 2% 1% 0.2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ I I M~:~:~m I Da/HrMn I + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 552.00 1/1545 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 38.0 1/1545 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 215.9 1/1545 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 0.30 1/1545 Negative Head (ft) -14.78 2/0420 Pump Head (ft) 13.70 1/2105 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lptlHEA 02.01.00 tudy ID WEARS lan ID 1997Bl +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% [10%] 4% 2% 1% 0.2% SPF 9 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I I M~~~:~m I Da /HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 555.11 1/1540 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 82.5 1/1540 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 401.8 1/1540 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 3.41 1/1540 Negative Head (ft) -14.57 2/0425 Pump Head (ft) 13.66 1/0440 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ 1Help 2PrtScr 3 Press SPACE to select; 4 5 6DOS 7 Press <FlO> to Return 8 9 10Exit lOExit ~~t1HEA 02.01.0 0 _ Study ID WEARS lan ID 199781 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 1 0 % [4%] 2% 1% 0. 2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft ) 556 .07 1/1525 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 96.8 1 /1525 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 48b .O 1/1525 Exterior Elevation (ft ) 551.7 0 1 /0005 Positive Head (ft) 4.37 1/1525 Negative Head (ft) -14.59 2/0405 Pump Head (ft) 13.69 1/0515 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ ~ Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lpt1HEA 02.01.00 . tudy ID WEARS -~ •l an I D 1 9 9 7 B 1 +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% [2%] 1% 0.2% SPF 9 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I I M~:i:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 556.36 1/1510 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 100.6 1/1510 Interior Storage (ac-ft ) 517.0 1/1510 Exterior Elevation (ft ) 551.70 1/0005 Positive Head (ft ) 4.66 1/1510 Negative Head (ft ) -21.05 1/1855 Pump Head (ft) 13.68 2/0230 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ ~ .tHelp 2 PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lOExit lOExit J _l ! . ~ ~,;t1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS : .an ID 199781 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% [1%] 0.2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ I I M~~~:~m I Da/HrMn I + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 556.69 1/1505 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 104.9 1 /1505 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 551.0 1/1505 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1 /0005 Positive Head (ft) 4.99 1/1505 Negative Head (ft ) -21.42 1 /1910 Pump Head (ft) 13.69 2/0225 + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 ~ress SPACE to select; 4 5 6DOS 7 Press <FlO> to Return 8 9 lptlHEA 02.01.00 i tudy ID WEARS , lan ID 199781 +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ _j J I ! i K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% [0.2%] SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 557.19 1/1455 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 111.5 1/1455 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 605.3 1/1455 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 5.49 1/1455 Negative Head (ft) -14.55 2/0440 Pump Head (ft) 13 .67 1/0245 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ ~ .l.Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return I _ _; -) lOExit lOExit pt1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS -lan ID 199781 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ M. Event Comparisons -Rainfall-Runoff Data ., ~NNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sqmi) i _j ----------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ Lower Sub-Basin Upper Sub-Basin Exterior Basin +------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ Total Total Peak Total Tota l Peak Total Total Peak Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Event (in ) (in) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs) ----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ 50% 3.0 0.4 4904. 0 .0 0.0 0. 0.0 0 .0 0. 20% 4.3 0.5 7068. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 10% 5.1 0.5 8541. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 4% 5.8 0.5 10077. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 2% 6 .6 0.5 11137. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 1% 7.3 0.5 12498. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.2% 8.8 0.5 15087. 0 .0 0.0 0 . 0.0 0.0 0 . SPS 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 0.0 0.0 0. +----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot Press <FlO> to Return lptlHEA 02.01.00 '";tudy ID WEARS 'lan ID 199781 +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ Analysis Input Summaries A. Data Management Summary B. Rainfall-Runoff Summary C. Gravity Outlet Data D. Pump Station Data Event Comparisons M. Rainfall-Runoff Data N. Maximum Flows 0. Flood Volumes P. Gravity Outlet Analysis Q. Pump Analysis R. Frequency Analysis 10Exit , Analys i s by Event s -' E. Rainfall-Runoff Data Analysis Error Messages F. Interior/Exterior Data S. List Warning/Error Messages G. Detailed Inflow Data H. Detailed Outflow Data I. Detailed Grav. Outflow Data J. Area Floode d Data j K. Maximum Value s L. Inflows and Outflows ~ ... Help 2 PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 lOExit Press Letter; or use Arrow Keys and <Enter> to Se lect ., ., ' .. , i i ·' ; I -, i I i j [ I .J _j ., I i I J I I : ~ . . -~tlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS lan ID 199781 ANNUAL series + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ N. Event Comparisons -Maximum Flows (cfs ) Storm Area: 14.27 (sqmi) + --------+ ------------------------------+ ------------------------------------+ I Inflow I Outflow + ----------+ ----------+ --------+ --------+ --------+ ---------+ --------+ Event I ~;~~~d I I~~~~~o~ I Seepage! Gravity! Pump loiversionloverflowl +--------+----------+----------+--------+~-------+--------+---------+--------+ 50% 0 .0 4904.0 0. G 0.0 5132.3 0.0 0.0 20% 0.0 7068.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 0.0 10 % 0.0 8541.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 1211.9 4% 0.0 10077.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 3327.8 2% 0.0 11137.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 4798.7 1% 0.0 12498.0 0.0 0.0 ·5 321.8 0.0 6456.4 0.2% 0.0 15087.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 9350.1 SPF 0 .0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note: Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit lptlHEA 02.01.00 ; t udy ID WEARS >lan ID 199781 Press <FlO> to Return +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ 0. Event Comparisons -Flood Volumes (ac-ft) ANNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi) +--------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ Inflow Volume Outflow Volume I +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ I Upper I Interior I Seepage! Gravity' loiversionloverflowl Event Routed To tal * Pump +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ 50% 0.0 1986.6 0.0 0.0 1993.1 0.0 0.0 20% 0.0 2913.3 0.0 0.0 2918.5 0.0 0.0 10% 0.0 3535.4 0.0 0.0 3431.8 0.0 108.8 4% 0.0 4082.1 0.0 0.0 3677.8 0.0 406.8 2% 0.0 4657.6 0.0 0.0 4046.3 0.0 617 .9 1% 0.0 5146.2 0.0 0.0 4213.1 0.0 941.2 0.2% 0.0 6339.3 0.0 0.0 4766.4 0.0 1579.4 SPF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note: Total Interior Inflow includes Rout e d, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. ~. lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Plot lOExit Press <F lO> to Return .~.~tlHEA 02.01.00 ~Study ID WEARS Lan ID 199781 ~ : ., + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ R. Event Comparisons -Frequency Ana lysis ANNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ Event Maximum Interior Elevation ( ft) Maximum Maximum Interior Total Area Flooded (ac) Interior Inflow (cfs ) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 50% 543.49 7.8 4904.0 20% 552.00 38.0 7068.0 10% 555.11 82.5 8541.0 4% 556.07 96.8 10 077.0 2% 556.36 100.6 11137.0 1% 556.69 104.9 12498.0 0.2% 557.19 111.5 15087.0 SPF 0.00 0.0 0.0 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot Press <FlO> to Return i i _I .J _; _;::: • lO Ex it ., 'I i I ·; I ' ' I i l ' .I ' l i j 1 i I j I j . . ~ptlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS Plan ID 1997B + ---------------------------+ Perform Interior Analysis I + ---------------------------+ Description Reduce 500yr to 559 w/ hi levee ----------------------------+ --------+ ----------------------------------------+ I ModiuDle I Module Description ----------------------------+ --------+ ----------------------------------------+ ' Basin Average Precipitation STORM tp-40 data for jefferson, mo Runoff Hydrograph Parameters BASIN RUNOFF PARAMETERS Interior Pond ELEV STAGE-STORAGE Gravity Outlets OUTLET OUTLETS jPump Data 19978 Reduce 500yr to 559 Exterior Stage 1997-10 Missouri River 1997 elevation-10 year Auxiliary Flow WEIRHI Railroad Embankment at 560 T----------------------------+--------+----------------------------------------+ .Help ANNUAL series Computation Time Interval (e .g. lHOUR, lDAY, ... ) Number of Time Intervals 2PrtScr 3Index 4 5 6DOS 7 8 Press <FlO> to Proceed to the Menu 5MIN 350 +-------------------------------+ 9 lOExit lptlHEA 02.01.00 )tudy ID WEARS )lan ID 1997B Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I Begin 01/0005 lHelp +-------------------------------+ End 02 /05 10 D. Analysis Input Summaries -Pump Station Data PUMP Module ID 19978 Reduce 500yr to 559 +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ Pump Number Pump Unit ID Maximum Pump Start Pump Stop Max i mum Capacity Elevation Elevation Total (cfs) (ft) (ft) Head (ft) +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ 1 1 485.0 539.00 538.00 29.00 2 SMALLl 485.0 540.00 539.00 29.00 3 SMALLl 485.0 540.00 539.00 2 9.00 4 4 970.0 541.00 540.00 29.00 5 4 970.0 541.00 540.00 29.00 6 5 970.0 542.00 541.00 29.00 7 5 970.0 542.00 541.00 29.00 8 9 10 +--------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 lOExit Pre ss <FlO> to Return J .-~; i i .J .~..pt1HEA 02.01.00 ,Study ID WEARS lan ID 19978 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event (50%] 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% 0. 2% SPF · + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 543.49 l/1400 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 7.8 1/1400 Interior Storage (ac-ft ) 33 .3 1 /1400 Exteri or Elevation (ft) 551.70 1 /0 005 Positive Head (ft) -8.21 l /1400 Negative Head (ft) -14.77 2 /0330 Pump Head (ft) 13.70 1/1950 + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ :: Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 .J Press SPACE to select; Press <Fl O> to Return lptlHEA 02.01.00 :tudy ID WEARS , ,lan ID 19978 +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Eve nt 50% [20 %] 10%. 4% 2% 1 % 0 .2 % SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I I M~:~:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 552.00 1/1545 Interior Area Flooded (ac ) 38.0 1/1545 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 215.9 1/1545 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.7 0 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 0.30 1/1545 Negative Head (ft) -14.78 2/0420 Pump Head (ft) 13.70 1/2105 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to sel ect; Press <FlO> to Re turn < .. lOExit 10Exit ' -' l . .. ~ -"-Pt1HEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS lan ID 19978 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% [10%] 4% 2% 1% 0.2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ I I M~~~:~m I Da/HrMn I + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 555.86 1/1605 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 93.9 1/1605 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 468.7 1/1605 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1 /0005 Positive Head (ft) 4.16 1/1605 Negative Head (ft) -17.74 1/1840 Pump Head (ft) 13.66 1/0440 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ -j Help 2 PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 l i I _j i j -, ! J -, i I I .• J I i _J , d I I --" J Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return lptlHEA 02.01.00 >tudy ID WEARS )lan ID 19978 +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% [4%] 2% 1% 0.2% SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I M~~~:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) 558.62 1 /1625 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 129.2 1 /1625 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 777.2 1 /1625 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 6.92 1 /1625 Negative Head (ft) -14.76 2 /0450 Pump Head (ft) 13.69 1/0515 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ 1Help 2PrtScr 3 Press SPACE to select; 4 5 6DOS 7 Press <FlO> to Return 8 9 lOExit lOExit ~ptlHEA 02.01.00 .. Study ID WEARS lan ID 19978 + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I + -------------------------------+ ~ I "J I K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% [2%] 1% 0. 2% SPF + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ I Maximum I I Value Da/HrMn + -------------------------------+ ----------------+ ---------+ Interior Elevation (ft) Interior Area Flooded (ac) Interior Storage (ac-ft) Exterior Elevation (ft) Positive Head (ft) Negative Head (ft) Pump Head ( ft) 560.10 146.5 981.1 551.70 8.40 -18.04 13.66 l/1630 l/1630 l/1630 l/0005 l/1630 l/2055 l/1120 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ -' Help 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to select; Press <FlO> to Return .J lptlHEA 02.01.00 .tudy ID WEARS ; •lan ID 19978 +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ i J ! I K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% [1%] 0.2 % SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I I M~~i:~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft ) 560.93 1/1600 Interi or Area Flooded (ac) 155.6 1/1600 Inter ior Storage (ac -ft) 1106.4 1/1600 Exterior Elevation (ft) 551.70 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 9.23 1/1600 Negative Head (ft) -14.71 2/0500 Pump Head (f t) 13.56 1/0320 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ ~ lHel p 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9 Press SPACE to s e lect; Press <FlO> to Return " . . lOExit 10Exit . .... .. _ptlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS + -------------------------------+ -1 -·)lan ID 19978 Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ l i J .: .. , i I .I ~ I i i _j _) K. Analysis by Events -Maximum Values Event 50% 20% 10% 4% 2% 1% (0.2%] SPF +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ I I M~:~=~m I Da/HrMn I +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ Interior Elevation (ft ) 561.74 1/1535 Interior Area Flooded (ac) 164.6 1/1535 Interior Storage (ac-ft) 1237.2 1/1535 Exterior Elevation (ft ) 551.70 1/0005 Positive Head (ft) 10.04 1/1535 Negative Head (ft) -23.60 1/2145 Pump Head (ft) 13.69 2/0125 +-------------------------------+----------------+---------+ .Help 2PrtScr 3 ~ress SPACE to select; 4 5 6DOS 7 Press <FlO> to Return 8 9 lOExit lptlHEA 02.01.00 l )tudy ID WEARS j )lan ID 1997B +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I I I .J l ! I .J J .! J i ! .) j +-------------------------------+ M. Event Comparisons -Rainfall-Runoff Data \NNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi ) T----------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ I I Lower Sub-Basin I Upper Sub-Basin I Exterior Basin I +------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Total Total Peak Precip Losses Runoff Precip Los ses Runoff Precip Losses Runoff Event (in) (in) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs) (in) (in) (cfs) ~----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ 50% 3.0 0.4 4904. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 20% 4.3 0.5 7068. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 10% 5.1 0.5 8541. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 4% 5.8 0.5 10077. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . 2% 6.6 0.5 11137. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 1% 7.3 0.5 12498. b.o 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.2% 8.8 0.5 15087. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . SPS 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0 . +----------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+------+------+-------+ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Press <FlO> to Re turn _ptlHEA 0 2 .01 .00 Study ID WEARS 'lan ID 19978 ANNUAL series + -------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ N . Event Comparisons -Maximum Flows (cfs ) Storm Area: 14.27 (sqmi ) + --------+ ------------------------------+ ------------------------------------+ I Inflow I Outflow I +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Ev ent ~;~~~d I I~~~~~o: I Seepage! Gravity! Pump loiversionl o verflow l +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ s 'o% 0.0 4904.0 0.0 0.0 5132.3 0 .0 0 .0 20 % 0 .0 7068.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 0 .0 10% 0.0 8541.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 0 .0 4% 0.0 10077.0 0.0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 0.0 2% 0.0 11137.0 0 .0 0.0 5321 .8 0.0 292.4 1% 0.0 12498.0 0 .0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 2780.5 0.2% 0.0 15087.0 0 .0 0.0 5321.8 0.0 6720.7 SPF 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note : Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliar y , but does not include Seepage. -LHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Press <FlO> to Return lptlHEA 02.01.00 . 3tudy ID WEARS +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I 1 ?lan ID 19978 +-------------------------------+ 0. Event Comparisons -Flood Volumes (ac-ft ) ANNUAL series Storm Area: 14.27 (sq mi ) +--------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ I Inflow Volume Outflow Volume I +----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ Event I ~;~~~d I I~~~~io: I Seepage! Gravity' Pump loiversionloverflowl ;-+--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ J. ; -, _) 50% 0.0 1986.6 0.0 0.0 1993.1 0.0 0.0 20% 0.0 2913.3 0.0 0.0 2918.5 0 .0 0.0 10% 0.0 3535.4 0.0 0.0 3543.3 0.0 0.0 4% 0.0 4082.1 0.0 0.0 4088.0 0.0 0.0 2% 0.0 4657.6 0.0 0.0 4650 .7 0.0 11.7 1% 0.0 5146.2 0.0 0.0 4844.5 0.0 309.4 0 .2% 0.0 6339.3 0.0 0.0 5405.7 0.0 943.7 SPF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +--------+----------+----------+--------+--------+--------+---------+--------+ * Note: Total Interior Inflow includes Routed, Lower Runoff and Auxiliary, but does not include Seepage. ~ lHelp 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 7 8 9Plot lOExit Press <FlO> to Return '') -] . . . ... LptlHEA 02.01.00 Study ID WEARS ?lan ID 19978 +-------------------------------+ Hydrologic Analysis Summaries I +-------------------------------+ R . Event Comparisons -Frequency Analysis ANNUAL series Storm Area : 14.27 (sqmi ) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ Event Maximum Interior Elevation (ft ) Max i mum Maximum Interior Total Area Flooded (ac) Interior Inflow (cfs) + -------_·.---+ -----------+ -----------+ -----------+ 50% 543.49 7.8 4904.0 20% 552.00 38.0 7068.0 10% 555.86 93.9 8541.0 4% 558.62 129.2 10 07 7.0 2% 560.10 146.5 11137.0 1% 560.93 155 .6 12498.0 0.2% 561 .74 164.6 15087.0 SPF 0 .00 0.0 0.0 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ -1 lHelp j 2PrtScr 3 4 5 6DOS 8 7 9Plot _; .. I I I .I .. , i I _) '-I -j .J i .. I Press <FlO> to Return lOExit