HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 02:033No 02-33 Date °f Ad°pti°n~AN UA R Y 1]' 20[}~ I/ESOIA.'TION ADOPFING A FI.ICXIBI~E BENEF[ I'S PI.AN WHEREAS, thc Borough of Cartcrct xxishcs to adopt a cal'ctcria plan xxithin thc context oFsection 125 of the Internal Rcxcnuc ('ode R)r the benefit oCthc emplo>cr's eligible tropic> ecs. NO\V, TtlEREFORE, BE IT RESOI,VED. that tlnc Bot'ough o1' ('afield l~crcb\' adopts the Flexible BenelSts Plan {consisting el'tile flexible benclits plan doctllllell/. thc Adoption Agreement. and component bcnclSt plans and Policies) fbr thc Employer named hcrch~ bcloxx cfi~ctixc as of thc date specified in thc Adoption Agl-CCllqCll/. RESOLVED FURTIIER, lhat any oflSccr of thc Clllplo)rcl' Hlay, xxilhout a Etrthcr resolution, cxcctltc the Adoption Agrccnlent and 0% rclaled docknncnts or compliance with applicable ibderal, state and local laxx. PATRICK DEBLASIO Bodv \Vit[~ Legal Authorit_~ ol'EmpIo}cr To Pass Rcsolu/ion: Max, or and Council Dale of Ol'licial Meeting o1' Authorit? alt v, hicln Resolution xxas I.cgall> Passed: January 17, 2( 02 Adopted tiffs 17Ih dav. Of Januar\,_ .o0. ~ '~ and ccrlilied as a Il'tlc COp) O1' dlC ori~hqal on Janklarv l 8. 2( 02 KAIIILEEN M. 13ARNEY, RM('('MC Municipal Cleric RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE ~ R COUNCILMAN YES NO [ NV A.B. COUNCILMAN [YESI NO [ NV i A.B. ! ?^RIS! ~ . ~glt_k0.R0 x~ _ REIMAN ~ SOHAYDA i x i I ~ , RIOS [ x _SOSNOWSKI × ' i Ii X - Indicate Vote AB - Absent NV - Not Voting XOR - Indicates Vote to Overrule Veto Adopted at a meeting of the Municipal Council