HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 02:038I)IRI~CI'IN(; '1 III;; ISSI!AN('IC OF I~INGO 1.1CICNSES TO CARTERE~ JDff[SH CI3t~UNITY CENTER WIII~I~,EAS, application hag been piol:ellv Hlade to the rxla?l I~oIoti~}l c~C(Taitc~tet, Nc~w Je~sc~5' [:s' Carteret 3ewish Gormm~nity Center WIII~I~,I~AS, it aDpeaIs Ihnt the auulicam (s) i;/a~e qt~alitqed to be licensed and thai the of the applic:a~t (s); and ",%'111!;1~,15AS, the applicant (s) has/haxe sigtlillecl tJla{ the games will be played in accoidance with Iktdes 6, 7 nmi 8 or lite I.egalized (;ames oC Chance Comm'ss'o's Regt~latio~s NOW, '1'111¢1~,1/;1;OI/1~, lIE I'I AND I 1' IS IIISt~,ICIIY I~,ISSOLVEI), by the Mayo~ and C:ouncil of'the Borough c~/' C;Htclel. that lite Mtlllicipat (Helk is hetel)y authoiized and cli~ ected to exec:t~te Ihe ~Hcto~ semel~l o1'/l~c Nlaso~ a~lcl Co[mci[ by issutiHg, tl[)Oll p;ol)e~ p~ese~lufion offaDl)licatic~ a~cl IL'es, a ItlNL;() I.ICIZNSE to the applicant (s); llli; I1' IrI. II~,TIIEI~, 1/15SOl,Vli;l) th;~l 1~ cettilicd copy oFthis I[esolutiol~ be set:t fZ~thwith to the Legalized k ames of ('} ~ ceCNnlt~olt~ommission, 1'.O Boxd6000, ~qcxx'~tt k, New J e~ sey 07102 C lC 1~, I I Ii I(.'tkTl OiN I hereby cettiCy that this lkezolt*tio~ is a t~t:e copy of the oliginaI adopted by the Ma?[ :md (N)uncH oflhe llolos]gh of Ca~te~el, (~OtlHty Of Middlesex, State c*l-New Jersey, at the Council Meeting held on Janu~y 17, 2~2 DA'lED:_ Janpar'y 18, ~002 14. ATflI~EEN M BAI>,NEY Municipal Clerk PARISI RE[HAN RIOS X()IL - I~tdicnlcs Vole It} Ovel~ule Velo .Jo~nuary. 17, _ 2002