HomeMy Public PortalAbout19320303CCMeeting196 Clerk of Council Mayor Savannah Besch, Tybee Island Ga., March 5, 1932. A meetin was held today at 4; 0.m., consisting of Mayor Gamble, Yr. M. W. Lippitt, Yr. E. G. Butler, representing the Mayor and Council- men ta.nd Yr,. 2. S. jukins, r. J. h. Hyington and Mr. S. Y. Harris, composim.± the committee representing the People's Co. Yr. Harris said that his idea, was that an orderly plan should be arrived at •to go into details—Mayor Gamble. told him on the back page of the documents he .had the regular source of incomeLfor the past sixr years was shown, he said the only income of the Town was from Real Estate taxes, licenses, and police court fines and forfeits. He called attention t the fact that the income from licenses and police court were considerbly lower than the income of former years, he said that part of the method of accounting was defective and that a new system • had been recently installed, as rearding the it 3f salaries shown in the •auditors report of the toll abcont that it , that it represented salariesbaid to Lhe toll collector to the foreman and labor constrict- ing the boardwalks and jetties and to the youn lady who •furnishes music for the boardwalks—Mr.•3yinton said every item should be accouni 0 I ed for--Col.Butler, refering to Yr. ByintlIon, said you cant exoect oeoole to work for nothirw and when work is required it iE necessary to have it done and when it is one , you have to -pay for it-Mayor Gamble said another item that was included in the salaries was the salary of •the police department darinp; the summer months which was char to the toll.. account—Mr. Harris, the best way to get at things is to take each department, in other words how was each de-oaTtment oaid and how was salary paid, etc. --The audit by Eaton Sassy & Co. , does not agree with the Mayors fildres, as a. very lost motion in the police department.-- • o:yor Gamble said that that police department is ooerated by two men .••••••• es regular Officers—Yr. Harris, at a cost of abut V2700.00 a year, TraTi3US items for the police department such as uniforms, new motor- .. cycle when needed, new automobile 7her needed and gasoline and Oil, and • small incidental items composing expenditures of the _police department, the••recorder yets a salary of .)600.00 per year, the question of salaries he..=jU.d not think Inc men paid too hitzh—Mayor Gamble said Inc Mayors salary was .600.0.0 per year, his secretaty :240.00 per year, clerk of council 2400.00 per yeaT of which had 300.00 was paid Yr. BuOkley as superVisor of liLe-guards, tha, Mayor said his plans •was to cut Illr - Buckleys salary to :1600.00. as clerk of council and. ::150;00 as supervisor of life-guards-Col.Butier said that he .did not think that Mr. Buckley . salary shoUld be cut as he was not over paid and further as Mr. EuckleyAmk.s had to spend the summer at Tybee .in connection with Inc Town work, he :Imp felt, that he should be compensated for it--Mr. .3yinton asked if the Town hired any lifeuards?--Mayor Gamble said only on Sundays and holidays when the beach was crowded, he said the Town Attorney get a feeof.3250.00 per year—Mr. Harris sugzested consolidating the Town Attorney and recorder. and let•the same be handled by one man, roc also asked 11 the Town • ., VD 11 197 , * . !A had a regular paid Sanitry inspector—Mayo „2-,m0 b -, ...,,, , r ' ''.^1= i--i'onmed irn that 'one eki was emoloyed durin,- the SIEIncr m_nths at .V75.00 9er montn--the matter of garba7,e disoos=-1, the only cost with this is paylnc2: the convict drivers who w3rk on Sundays and i1 y, -he mLtter of he rest room, an old „ nero Tomer] is hired 1,1rin,„ the su,:.,of -flonths to look after it aind cep it clFan, the auditors fee is :i600.00, yin L; lady plays masic—Mr. Harris item of salaries total ',W3990.00 for opertin;; uhe Town/-Co1 . ilutler sug- 3-este' tht, som„. younp-, la7yer be employed to act as recorder, he said he Understood the Saw:,nncn electric Co., ME oed 6500.00, he went to say that present critism was caused by the Town soendirh: more money than it is takinz in and ttat Lhe Town is bein,LT kept in iebt, he said what his ('committee sujests is tht te. Town build no more improvements until the Town is solvent--7yor Iamble informed in that if taxes tfht Eredue the Town could be collected the Town woula not be S3 0::d off financially-- r. Harris asked how muc tne a-yoroximate cost was due the Scvnnan .,illectric Co., each yeary-Yayor 7arlib1e said that about ;i14400.00--Mr. Syinjton said thLt tc,CL are too mLny city li.nts on the island, vil asked if the li:hts at till station were not oat or t:,e city limits.....1„y . -or Cantle said no—Yr. Harris said the beoole at _.,still Station help con- siderbly in Lt 1r li7hts and insisted on navin; ii.,;nts in thz7;t,part of the Town—Mayor C,,,,mble said he felt if the people 7:1'13 visited Tybee and are not oio-berty owners, should contribute to the up keep of the Town-- it was fouhl oa:. tnp,t. (:ui6e a numJer Jr peojle visit the town and wear , their Catnin,,. suits and (-Ling their jW171 lunch and not spent a cent on the Island—Mrs. judkins said Jaite often darin Lt e summer months silt had seen tne Lamas family all in oa.thin7 suits ,;o-in to Tycee and sne was inCormed thattney never cohricated nothin_-, to tne support of tne fown. Mayor Gamble sEid it wa :-.. hiL idea not to m::-..,,e any new streets this year 111 and do very little reoairin, LO said he expected to have a much better ilncome from the toll collectiJn for the forth co=inz year—Yr. byington asked him what made ni-m think the toll collecti,n wouli be better this year than last--rayor 3 mote said ne expected more peo_..le from the interix this ye r, lie to better r.ads--:7r. 3yinp:ton said ,assuning that the Tybee _each Co., and the Tybee -,eacn U.D., -)ay there oack taxes next year, Lnd which tey sh,u1:, be mado to ay, hLs tits been included in the new O:Aget-- 1,ayor C-amble said yes--Col. =utler asked if 1:,r. 3yington wo.ill be willing to buy hotel Ty'-,ee under existing conditions—Yr. 7),yinton said no--Lr. Liopitt said he new positively th,t the ooerLtprs of hotel Tybee had lost thousL-nds of dollars every year and are still losini-, bat they continue to carry on feIlinF that t.L.e, notel is •one of the main asLets of the beach-- 1:r. 3yinton said he assuel thLt the Town conter,-,,)lated borrowing more Troney •luring the forth cominL. ye,.r--1:ayor ?amble sail tnere is no alternate but for the Town to borrow—Lr. Larris said some people were under the imreSsion that the fyoee AeLch Co., is rannin, fyb,e—Layor gamble said lets discuss Venetian Terrace—it was oriinal unclaied low marsh lands and that the Tycee 3each Co., in connection witn the Globe Dredzin,: Co., have it in approximately 1±3 ,000.00 to mLke the land what it is today and i and it certainly is an asset to Sav,.nah each, and as said with conditions as they ere Tybee 3eacn Company should be 7.j.ven every assistEnce as they have not been able to dispose of tneir hollings--:,:r. harris said he did not 111 necessary,he sid t,le I7Eyor justified his pozition due to the factthLt the think the Town was in such bad financial fix, strict economy would be money was spent for major improvements—Yr. yington, assuminp- that when the new taxes come in tnL,t, the currant year taxes of the hotel Tycee and Lhe Tybee -3each Co. 'would also b- -p)-id --1" i- -oir - to be d---,- ----t e LA x _.. o , : i c , la 1 , ,/ ,..)i., c., e ..) it--Col. 3utler sail to him tnLA you will no find any city or county that the balk of the taxes comes in from three or four lar,;e3 proJerty owners, also asked Yr. 3yinton what his opinion was relative to I:otel Ty'lDee . 198 • ... I ' would he suggest the el it i Town Sor taxes--Mr. Byinten said he did not come to discuss that--111x. Harris Said what Yr. Byirw:ton was tryin to say the idea that the Town should nut anticivate irig in money that it does not et in when taxFs are aid--Mayor Gamble the assumption is when a buth7et is T-flad up is that there . all tmxe_a will be paid when they are due no one knoT.in whether the back Lax oayers ro ein; to pay on time or , • not--r. Harris the present administriotien when it came into office teekg • A over aooroximately :_,1:';,e00..00 in baok debts' from the former administration— Col. Butler Isked if there is any TQWh in the Country tnat did hot owe more thmn that-- Mr. Harris, he did net thin there should be any critizem about the Towns exbenditures o money, said Tybee has created better oppunities than ever 'before--Yr. Byinton asked if the Town anticipated • selling parkin -spaces to auto's--Mr. judkins asked • if the oroperty ownrs would have to pay for oarking spaces—Mayor Gamble said nor This was about the substance of the meeting and there was a spirit of CO- oberation and cordiality existicu7 all threh the time of the meeting. There bein no further bUsinass the meetin . was adjeurrid subject Lo the call•of the Maor. Clerk 01. Council ayor • Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. March 4, 1932 The regular Eeeting of Ceuncil was held today at 4;. o. m. and was attended by Mayor Gamble who presided and Councilmen Espy, Walthour,•3rooks, Logan and Cann. The Mayor informed Council that he hobed to be able to call a public meetin of property owners on Tybe just as early as possible to discuss, the Town affairs and particularly the water an fire protection situation. Building Insoector Ownes made several sues tions• as to correctinq some of the )!C sent building ordirace24, and on motion of Yr. /al hour that they be adopted md trade Dart of the •orecnt buildinu7 ordinance seconded by MT. Loan 1 1 motion oassed; Ari_12)E1.-illYT TO •17UTLTY"..7. OR7DTTATw.-. IT XnAJSYij) 7 T inn AITL]lr'-.7': 07 7201: ii Cii. that from and after this date thebui1ding Ordinance of Town of Savannah Beach shall be amended so as to read as follows; 111, 7E,C111":,7,:N 2. (add to section '2) All ',permits, .where new -..•construction_ it to be,: done, must thow -- the " lot number,. and in what ..wardthe lot. is 1oca..ted, also a set of building .plans drawn to. scale vith specif'icationt.•. SECTIOV- 6. . xcavate for .footing,i coluans to adeth n,-)-t" lets than25feet below grade level.; Faundati3n -must -:be .at -:12east 20 : by 20 inches