HomeMy Public PortalAbout19320304CCMeetingfhe suw.est tc own sell it for taxes—Yr. Byington said he did not come. to discuss that--.11r. Harris Said -hat Y. Byinton Was tryinF to say . the idea that the Town should not anticipate u tt-i-ng in money that it does •H• npt p:..et it -when taxes are paid--Mayor Gamble the assumption is when a bthr.et is made up is that ther e. all taxez will be paid when they are due no one kno7in whether the 1001', tax •:)ayers are wOing to pay on time or .4 k.• n0t--Yr. Harris thepresent administration when it came into office took over abbroximately 1,O00.00 in back debts from the former administration-- Col. Butler asked if there is any TOWri in the Country tnat did not owe more than that-- r. 'Harris, he did not think there should be any critizem about the Towns expenditures o Tr:ney, said Tybee has created better oppunities than ever before--Yr. ayinton asked if the Town anticioated • selling parking•spaces to auto's—Mr. JUdkins asked if the property ownrs would hay.e to pay for parking so aces--Mayor Gamble said 'no: This was about the substance of the neetirn and there was a spirit of co-- operation and cordiality -existin all throgh the time of the meeting. There bein no further busintass 'the meeting was ad.'iollrned subject Lo the call•of the 1,7ayor. Clerk oi Council -- -dayor Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. March 4,• .1932 The regular meeting of Council wat held today at 4;, p. m. and was attended by Mayor Gamble who presided and Coancilmen Espy, Walthour, Brooks, Logan and Cann. The Mayor informed Comicil that. he hoped to en able to call a public meeting of property owners on Tybee just as early as possible to discuss. the Towo . affairs and particularly the water aryl fire protection situation. uiiding Insoector Ownes made several suggestions as to correctin• some of the present buildin ordirahceZ, and. on motion of Yr. Jalthour that they be adopted md made oart of the present buildin ordinance seconded by MT. Loan motion oassed; TO iT 0-a:DAI.Y..1..-]7) 77 T-11'!] cy? TO-,V1: 3A7 at\-'.17,H,..2Ch C OJL A2 that from_and after this date the'building Ordinance of Town of Savannah Beach shall be amended so as to read as follows; gl, S}CTIi 2 (add t sectiOr -2) All nrits, where nel),.–oonstruction_it to be -:done,. lot.numOcr.. and iri.vhat:.war4the lot is ....located, also 'a set of building plans drawni.toscale -with. specifications. ECT1O 6. • 11-;),0 xcavte forLall.foOting,icolumns,„ tol,adelDth.ntles,s below grade level. ., Eoundution must.,--be, at -deaSt 20 - by120 inches V 1 14 and not less than 12 inches trick, subjects to irsaectors approval,: The N botton of all footings to be well rammed a d tamped .ready to receive the footings; all footings to be of concrete, the mixture to be cernent,sand_ e and crushed stone, or brick, in tr_eproper oroportions. ;,very pier shall be built of concrete or approved brick, �, y concrete -or brick piers, shall be laid in Portland ce�ent mortar. aver exterior pier shall be securely anchored to the ce ms or girders at the level of each tier where buildings are over 4 feet L:cove grade level. All piers she 11 be not less ta.n 10 oy 10 inches except corners and angles, which shall be 20 by 20 incnes. YJ piers to be over 10 feet on centers or apart. S.ECTIOI■ 11. Lumber must be of good grade, preferably yellow pine or cyoress. 199. First floor and second floor -- joists 2 by 8 or 2 by 10 according: to spans, 16 inches centers, and to be bridged every eight feet with 1 by 3 cross bride. Corner posts -- 4 by a, or two pieces 2 by 4 spiked to- zether, also window and door openings to be double le studded. All inter- - mediate studding 2 by 1 inches not over 20 inch centers. l -� - -� by 6 and lar -er according to weigh t of building, • which must be:.approved: by inspector. i16 inch centers. Porch floor -- joists to be not less than 2 by 8 inches, All fraTle buildings must be not less than 20 feet apart, that is not less than 10 feet on each side from the property line. Brick veneer or other single masonry wall cast be not less than 1b feet apart. That is 7 1/2 feet on each side from the property line. B IT TFURTER O_ D .I ' 0 that in all other respects the bilding or,dinence remains unchanged and in force. There being-no further ba ;iness Council adjourned ba'oject to the call of ' t tie Mayor.