HomeMy Public PortalAbout19320323SCMeetingSavL nnah Beach, Tybe"el Island, Ga. March 23, 1932. A special meeting, of Council was held today by Mayor Gamble who presided and Councilmen Logan. at 4: p.m. and was attended ispy, Brooks, `galt'hour and The Mayor informed Council that the Mexican Petroleum Company hatere= '(ete of quested that they be given a note for the oa.lanc9 due : hem amounting batme.m to elev en hundred forty 41140.76) dollars and seven,ty4 six cents, so he die asked that he be given the a.;.th rity to :rive them U. note made psyable May 313 1232, which when :iue will be re ?_;_aced 1/2 giving them a new noteltt e° for the to lance , Yr. '1Jalthour made s motion that the Mayor be given the authority to handle -Nita the Mexican Petroleum Co moany as suggested by the Mayor, this was seceniel by Yr. ?rooks and tre motion passed. Yr. G D. Cutan,requeetei per�.iesior; to erect a Roller Coaster on his �v.eS property on the Strand, Coancii decided that wasct € matter, ` that the �ct14r as'tc;- new adrinstration should r andle and decided to let tae matter wait until `then. A letter was Lad from the estate of J. . Joyce relative to the two Ia1a-F;,,4 old buildings of theirs at Lovells St..tion, the Town had requested "kee 114`'' that they tear these buildings 'down as they were unsightly and con- °- t`/4° °t*t stitated a fire hazard, in which they agreed to permit the Town to ��- 0,1.` °^ tear down, _provided they be re- iroursed for some of the lumber that L —seAs was in them, so on motion of Mr. o spy that they be re- imbursed to cover the cost of tie old t_._ :eria-.1 which was seconded by Mr, 'ralthour the motion passed. The Mayor informed Council thet the property owners in the vicinity of load. Second avenue between ninth snd ter to streets, r_L d complained that it ra'tt& was absolutely ima_ ssible to get to t.eir cotta -ges due to the lack oftW* a hard surfaced road, the nyor sgested the t if possible this one block should be paved, ee said the shell would cost about - 800.00 7''`11 £here if usiri oil for an ei sateen foot street, it would cost about %250.00. A statement of the obligations due the Town by the Tybee 'Beach Co., 5%) amounting to :7142 80.78 78 was 'read by the L ayor and he said that the Tybee Beech Co. , was making a recuest that they be paid for the streets in Venetian Terrace and other parts of the Island dedicated to the Towne Mr. Walthour suggested that as the Tybee Beach Co., is indebted to the Town for taxes he though e that the adjustment of streets and taxes should be dune now, 'Er. Logan suggested that it be understood that the 'Globe Dredging Co., and the Logan and 2a_j.lsen interests be considered in the transaction also, I."r. `nialtt o.dr° said the Tycee 3each Co., would settle with Logan-and Paulsen ms's r rr"r iir their interests in the streets, he said the Tybee .Beach Co., is to ,deed -all of the streets to the Town for a consideration of 42100.00, Mr. Brooks made a notion that the Town bay these street for "12100.00, this was seconaed by i;?r. espy and the rroion passed. n;SOLJTIOZ �Z.� ., , .�aO♦JVi;D by the Mayor and Councilmen of aave.nah Beach, Island, Ga., at a regular meetin ' called, at which said meeting tY Qf.- the - Councilmen were present an all ' votlitte iii 44 it wee Cowie 4n t Val tho xr,: who because, oft being. ,intep®'*te e I eaFlu Cony, ,i squall f .ad Mane If- troll,' tin ` z r voting, ,that ,the town of •Savahh4h-Beaehs'Tarbee,141and, 1 9014.fir.11461 in Its purchaee froM the TYhee'BeaehzP9MPagY ..he44..elr(P4 Tybee,Beach Company-in the strestsujanes,,rqads and-allsrefiplat portion of_SavarinahBeach,,TybeeIsland, known as,*Vinieian *4;errace"4 and also in any and all other streets, lanes, roads and alleys within the corporate limits of said Town, the fee of which or any interest therein 'is held or claimed hy said TYheeeaell_Co-TPg.117 oftheLabove-,describs4,:plAT-PhaP,tPA,40 J:470PqtY-.07rekltheiTyhee BeaCh.jCompany.,.An'said *Venetian Terrace* shall,.beassepsed fori,municipal ta±es'ati.:the present valuation, for a period of ten (10) years immediately succeding the date of this resolution, provided, however, tbat-said asseasai vainkliPh4AltariPlYsogi4UtPs84P4 ,;:,,PEPPeFYcefche lYtmeFTiea;11 Company-44-,VeasallTorraes-wasy_44ax emajn.aiid conveyed by ti4ellkc1W:411g: tb.ie -PqFi-44•' 7 7, the n f on -17 pro:prty Put - • new fiscal ,". 1 7 -7; be adp.-.)ted which In cocplicarce recuire::erts of tht carter in reference to the mEmP:ers to candle t_e election for a :'(-yor arl six Councilmen t be-held April ith, 132, Lr. LJ 'an male notion that the follow- in r-ane,:.ers be aointel: John J. Owen, Manley, J. A. Samuels, and C. Larmon, this was sec oy _lispy an the motion pas-sed. The follo-in- Ordinance prescrielh,; a volih, )1ace in the Town was adopted on motion of Lr. _;spy seconded oy r. althour. 3 .:ORDTITA7JO,L, ORDIAl-CE 2:cI3I:-' T PL0 1 Ti E TOW.Y 07 SAVATAH 3ACli, TYBii; ISLAND, ADR THIL; 2IJE:P33 I4' OF E.OLDIfG alicTiox 1. -11; IT 3E-1,T) by the 1:_ayor and Councilmen of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga., in reE;ular meetin, assembled, that from and after the pa.ssa,„:e •of this Ordinance the votin,gplace for all elections 3: the Town of SavannLh ',each, Tybee Island, Ga., shell be the buildini7,0 known as the Town IL11, situated in the public park of tie Town of Savannah -3each, Tybee IslEnd, Ga., on Butler ave., c-r_Tol, 2. B.J2 IT ',;tRTR o1T),-,I-2) by the aatiLority aforesaid thH,t, all Ordinance or yrts of Ordinances in conflict here- with, be and the same are nereby repealed. Under the requirements of the rown Charter the following.'named'p'ersons have announced their intentions of becoajnr Caridates for the offices L' of SavEn,-ch 7each, Tybee Island, Ga., set o-ppthsite their names in the election to be hell ::onday April 4, 1932. For Mayor, Thomas Gamble, for Councilmen, 4. G. Logan, W. 2. Brooks, R. 'M. Demere, H. Y. Righton, J. Ferris Cann and Sam Blumenthal. ;There bein-: no further business Co,ncil adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. Clerk o %Council. Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga., April 1, 1932. The regular meeting of Council was held today at 4; p.m. and was attended by Mayor Gamble who presided a-.ni Councilmen Logan, Brooks, Horovitz, Cann, Walthour and Towri Attorney McIntyre. Mr. J. 71-. T310 -_znt, Asst. G. A., of the Central of Ga. R. R., had jf,o written the Mayor a letter ir.iforr: it _ hire that the money lost onthe monthly on the operation of the bus to Savannah Beach is around '$mss 350.00, he sent a schedule of proposed rates that the Central intends putting into effect, this was received as information. The notes of several of the previous meetings was read and on motion of Mr. Horovitz that they be a ioy>ted, seconded by '"r. Brooks and the motion passed. � r Cann , d ve„ �C= The Mayor asked. ._r. Cann if he had done �:.nytr�in _ as yet relatives to the conveyance of the streets in Venetian Terrace to the Town,'- ni���° Yr. Cann said that he was h.andlinr wit the several parties at irlter:s;t;`' they had a.✓reed to nave t: e ne-cees ry papers dra._n conveying therr interest in the streets of Venetian ferraee. The io_ayor read a coyly of a letter that ne pad written to Mr. A. P. er ) Solomon Jr., of the Tybee Water darks in reference to the franch ,Xise, which was in answer to nis statement that his company would not N.,,„ *..1.v� accept the franc ise for the new skater works System, the followingAr,a4 is a copy of the letter written to Mr. Solomon: March 29, 1932. Mr. A. P. Solomon Jr., Ty-bee Water Works Co., Savannah Beach, Ga. Dear 1r. Solomon: I beg to advise you that at a lamely attended recent meeting of property owners and citizens of Sa.wnn .h -?eac1 in present- ing my report I advised them that you had notified me that your company would not accept the franch«ise and contract which the joint committee of citizens and Aldermen had prepared. The Town meeting then authorized the continuance of the joint committee referred to for the purpose of continuing its efforts toward securing an adequate supply of water for the Town of Savannah 'each for fire protection a.nd for domestic purposes. Accepting; your statement we consider the matter of the contract and frnchaise finally terminated.