HomeMy Public PortalAboutAAC Minutes 1990 05/02AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES May 2, 1990 Attending: Bill Williams Rick Fereday Ed Parker Bill Dorris Chuck Sundby Bud Schmidt 1. Dienhard Lane Summer Traffic Control: Chief Parker and Mr. Williams presented the results of their discussions to plan for fire season traffic control. This matter will be rescheduled for the June 6th agenda (ems' 2. Capital Projects, Preapplication: Chuck Sundby recommended that, based on a new FAA Airport Planning Circular, the Dienhard Lane relocation should not be addressed in the preapplication. He recommended repair and rehabilitation of the parking ramps and new jet ramp (old USFS Borate area) for 1992-1993 funding. The estimated cost is $500,000 of which the City must locate $25,000 (5%) for the local share. Those attending asked that the preapplication be considered on the next agenda. Meanwhile, the City must address a crack sealing program to preserve existing asphalt on the GA ramp. Estimated cost is $5-10,000. FAA does not participate in maintenance /repair efforts such as this. 3. Hangar Leases: Grading plans for leases was discussed and a City engineering firm (Toothman-Orton) affirmed that a grading plan for each tenant should be required of each lessee as a special condition. 4. Minimum Standards: Copies of a "final" draft were distributed. This will be rescheduled to the next agenda. ARTHUR . SCHMIDT Airport Manager MINIMUM STANDARDS for Leases for Private Uses or Commercial Operations tne MCCALL MUNNICIPAL AIRPORT MCCALL, IDAHO I. tDefinitions: Words not defined herein shall be given te meaning ordinarilyrtmanagement and operations .used in A. Airport Authority: The governmental entity or agenccaselcthe Citand operates peraMcCal s Idaho. airport facility, in this B. FixBase Operator (FBQ): Any person, firm, partnershipor corporation undertaking a, business to perform any of the services to the public aviators, aircraft or, app r en Base as ( after described in Section IV is C. Airport Tenant: Any person, firm, partnership or corporation which eases,airport land for sole use by the Lessee for either aviation related uses such as a hangar or non -aviation related commercial uses shall be an airport tenant. D. Air ort: All of land, building, utilities, equipment, runwas, taxiways, avigation facilities, avigation easements, and other appurtenances necessary to he operation oe United StatesMGovernmenAirport owned by thefirCity II. McCall Municipal Airport haStandards e a been adoptedLto: at the A. Ensure the safe and efficient operation of the McCall Municipal Airport; B. Enhance the orderly growth of the airport; C. Preclude granting of an exclusiveright or franchise to conduct aeronautical activities in violation of Section 308(a) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 and subsequent amendments; D. Conform to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent amendments; E. Conform to Part 21 of the U.S. Department of Transportation Regulations; F. Assure to all lessees the availability of airport property on fair and reasonable terms and without unjust discrimination. III. General Standards for all Lessees: A. The following requirements are applicable to all leases made between any person, firm,ppartnership or corporation and the airport authority: i. Time for Construction o Improvements: A11 lessees shall mce substantial progress toward construction of the buildings and physical facilities anticipated by the lessee within twelve calendar months after execution of the lease. Completion and occupancy of the structures must occur within twenty-four months after the date of execution of the lease. Failure to achieve either substantial progress or completion shall constitute cause for thCityto cancel the lease or to extend the completion daes for construction. 1 2. Insurance: Ail lessees shall protect the ublic and the airport Dut~o~i~y f~om .all %awful ~amages, c±aims, or £1aDill~y Dy noldlnq a comprehensive general liability insurance policy from a company authorized to do business in the State of I~aho with limits of not less than: For FBO's: Qb9 Sin~l~ Limit (CS~) $1 000 000 for laDlll~y inc£u~ing pro~ucts~ ' ' Certificate of Insurance on all aircraft owned, leased or controlled by the FBO. For Tenants: Owners, l_and~lor_ds, and tenants insurance, Combined sing£e ~.imlt (CSL): $500,000. A certificate of Insurance on the aircraft. These minimum limits may be increased by State or City legislation. The.City of Mc.Ca.l~l shall be named on a certificate of insurance wnlcn shall be forwarded to and filed by the City Clerk at P.O. Box 1065, McCall, Idaho 83638. Failure to carry insurance or insurance of the prescribed coverage shall render any lease null and void. 3.~ R_eversion of Improvements: .Tit. le to .any. a.n~d~ all buildings and apDuftenances, wnicn mav De DUl±t on Authority p~rop, er%y, ~hall revert to tSe Authority, when an~if ~he subject lessee vacates the lease for any reason. 4. Ta~es upon Improvements:. All lesseeD~ s.hall, upon completion of construction of facl±i~ies, enroll the buildings, structures and other taxable per. sonal p. roperty on the tax rolls of Valley County an~pay all. taxes and assessments levied agains% sal~ property. 5. Subordination: All leases .betw~een .less.ees .and the A~thority shall be subordinate to ~ne provisions of any existing or future agreement between the City of McCall, Idaho and the United States government relative to the operation or maintenance of the Airport, the execution of which has been or may be required as a condition precedent to the expenditure of federal funds for the development of the Airport properties. All contracts and leases between such operators and the Authority shall be subordinate to ~he right of the Authority durin~ the time of war or national emergency to lease ~he landing area or any part thereof to the United States Government fqr military or emergency use, and if any such lease is so made, anyprovisions of any contracts or leases between the City a~nd..the~ lesse.es .iD co_nflic~w~i~th the provisions o~ the ±ease to ~ne uovernmen%. shalI be suspended for the duration of the conflict or emergency. 6. Subleasing: No lessor shall sub.le_as.e, or..sublet any premises leased from the airport Au~nor~y, or assign any such lease, withou% first securing writhed approval of the prop. osed sublease from the Authority. Any such sublet~ing or assignment shall be subject to all of the Minimum Standards herein set forth. 7. Lease ~erms: Be~innin~ September 5, 1984, leases to Fixed Base Cperato~s and airport tenants shall be limited to a maximum of ~wenty (20) years with an.option to renew such lease for ~uccessive perloas of five (5) year ~olten (10) year periods, not to exceed in a~l a total lease term 5f forty (40) years, including such renewal periods· · Lease Rates: The rates for land leases shall ~e ~et from time to time b~ Resolution of the McCall City Council. Differential rates may be set for bare ground, for land covered by buildings and structures, and by other classes of property as may be determined by the City to be equitable. The City may elect to defer, discount, reduce, increase, adjust or otherwise amend lease rates when it is found that such amendment or adjustment will aid, assist, promote or encourage al~por~ develgpments which are consistent with the goa±s the airport. 9. Lease Rate Adjustments: All leases currently in effect shall-continue under the terms an~ conditions for adjustment of lease rates as agreed to therein. A~i leases approved following adoption of these Minimum Standards, shall be reviewed annually and if the ~ercentage increase of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Urban Workers ~verage) for ~he twel~e.(12l ~al~ndar months prior to ~he anniversary ~ate o~ tne ±ease increases by 3% or Greater, then the lease will be increased by the CP~ percentage. 10. ~onstruction Standards: All construction on the ~rport shall be done in conformance with the City s adopted building and fire codes. All construction must be completed udder a bgildiQg permit. Further, construction snall conform ~e~ign staq~ar~s se~ out ~y the ~ity's zoDing~pd~ an~ any a~itiona± criteria ~or constr~c~lon ~hiqh ma~e adopted by the City for airport evelopment All construction on the airport will conform to the City!s.curr~nt %~rpo~% ~ayopt ~an as approved by the ~e~eral Aviation A~mlnlstra~lon. 11. ASSignment. Transfer and Conveyance of Leases:. Airport l%ases ~av be assigned, transSerred, and conveyed upon written approval by the City. 12. ~mendin~ Leases: Existing leases may be amended proyi.~ed~that the amendment brings all Drovisions oz ~ne ±ease into conformance wltM these Minimum Standards. 13. Default.' In the event a lessee or sublessee fails-~y fully with these minimum standards, the Authority shall, in writing, notify the lessee statin~ the violation and providing reasonable time, but not less than 10 calendar d~ys after receipt by the lessee, to correct the deficiency. fthe deficiency is not corrected after the ten ay not~f~c~t~gn PgriOd, the City may issue a no~ice o~ ~ezaul~ an~ terminate the lease or in the event a sublease is in default, wi~hdraw.app~qval of the sublease and declare such instrument 14. U~ilitv Service COSTS; All lessees shall connection ~nd use fees for any utilities usedP~ connected on the leased premises, including but not IV. limited to electrical power, water, sewer, garbage, gas and telephone services. 15~ Riahts of Lessees: All lessees shall have the riaht ih commOn with o~hers to use ~ublic areas of th~ airport including runways, ta~iways, ~pro~s, roadwayS, parking areas, landing llqhts, avlgatlon devices and signals for the takeoff, flying and landing of aircraft owned by the lessee. 16. Maintenance of Leased Premise~: All lessees shall keep and maintain the leased premises in a neat and orderly manner. This provision shall include keeping grass cut and buiIdings painted as well as proper temporary storage, disposal of debris, garbage and other waste materiaI arising out of its occupancy on the airport. 17. Rights of Lessor: The Airport Authority reserves-the following r~ghts: A. To develop and improve the airport facility. B. To enter upon any leased premises at ~easo~ble ~img~ fo~ ~he pqrpose o~ making lnspec~lons ~o ~e~ermlne compliance with these minimum standards, fire codes, building codes or ~ny covenant or condition of any contract or Lease. C: To protect the aerial approaches to the airport from obstructions incIuding the right to prohibit the erection or construction of buildings, signs, and structures by any lessees which wouId constitute a hazard to aircraft. StaDdards for Fi~ed Base Operators: A. Persons, firms or corporations undertaking to provide any aviation service to the public shall, in addition to meetinq the general standards (Section III] outlined above, shall meet the standards outlined in this section. B. ~ Fixed Base Operator shall not engage in any business or activity other than that approved by the terms of the lease with the Airport Authority. Such activities are hereinafter ~eferred to as "FBO Categories" which shall be specl~ed .i~ t~e leas~ and ~he special standards appllcaD±e ~o eacn category ~approved shall be me~ and conformance main~aine~. C. Any FBO wishing to engage iQ activities not authorized by the lease or wishing to discontinue operations ~n any category shaI1 seek a ~e~se amendment from the Airport Authority for permission to do so. D. Eac~ FBO ~hal~ provide its own buildings, p~qnDel equlpmen~ and other appurtenance or ~aclll~les necessary to carry ou~ its obligations to the public unaer any category authorized. E. Each FBO shall determine its own fees, rates, and ~h~ges fg~ ~e~viq~s which shall be equally and za~rly applied ~o all users of those services. F. Each FBO shall maintain reasonable business hours, and sha~l provide adequate staff to carry out its obligations to the public under any authorized FBO category. G. The rights granted under a lease are non-exclusive and the Airport Authority reserves the right to grant, similar privileges~to another operator or opgrators zor provision oz services unaer any FBO category. H Prior to granting a new FBO lease, the Cit~ may · reaui~e an economic impact study ~rom the appIican% ou%llning the need for additional services, deficiencies of current services, and other such information as the City may specify· I. The area of land leased shall be of sufficient size to accommodate all buildings, parking areas, snow storage areas, aircraft parklnq and, in addition, a~y.%an~ expected tq ~e ~eeded for ~uture 9x~ansion oI tne Duslness activity. The minimum ±or size shall be that s~ecified by the city for lots in the City,s "Industrial" zone. Smaller lot sizes shall ~equlre apprgval throuqh the City's Plan~iQg and gnl~g proceaures for Variances Urom the ±or size stanaar~. J. Minimum Standards by FBO Category: CATEGORY "A": Flight Instruction & Aircraft Rental A Fixed Base Operator in this category shall: 1. Have available on a full time employment basis a minimum of one instructor pilot with appropriate an~ current Federal Aviation Aa~inistration pilot and medical certificates. 2. Provide and at all times maintain a minimum of one (1) ~ircraft owned or leased b~iandxed underBa the exc£usive control of this se prator which ar9 prqpe~%y equipped ~n~ e~eral Aviation Administration certlzicate~ for flight instruction and rental· 3. Provide a classroom an~/or qf~ice space,.to include restrooms an~ parking space ~or customers. 4. Demonstrate the continuing ability to meet requirements for certification of flight instructor .RerspD~e% ~n~ .aircraft by e ~eaeral Aviation A~mlnlstratlon. 5. Assure that personnel opera'ting rental equipment obtained from the Fixed Base Opera~or have appropriate and current Federal Aviation Administration pilot and approved medical certificates. CATEGORY "B": Aircraft Charter and Taxi: 1. Have available a minimum of one Federal Aviation Administration certificated Dilot with current commercial and instrument ratings and approved Medical Certificate. 2. Provide a minimum of 500 square feet in a building fo~ passenger shel%er, restrooms, telephone, etc. 3. Provide satisfactory arrangements for the checklnq in qf passengers, handling of l~ggage, ~icketlng, and ground transportation, etc. 4. Provide and at all times maintain a minimum of o~e (1) currently certified and continuously airworthy aircraft owned or leased by an~ under the exclusive control of this Fixed Base O~e~ator, Droperly certificated for air charter or air taxi service· CATEGORY ~C~: 1. Crop Dusting and Spraying Furnish suitable arrangements in compliance with State and Federal requ. lations governing agricultural spray opera%ions for the safe loa~ing, unlgadlng, stQrage and containment of noxious chemical materials. 2 Furnish .a minimum of one (1) aircraft with ' ot. ne aircraft will ~e suitably equipped ~i~ ~,,]~lural operations w~th a~equate ~a ~-~---7~_~ -~~ cnemical ~pray mlx~u~ u~ ~t~ .... . orce to otBer d~ ersal by wind ~ t or DP r ort. The ~1o operational areas ~-rrent Fe~ral will have approRr~u.~ ~'b~%' __~ a~roved Aviation Administration p~l~u ~,u ~ medical certificates. 3. Provide a minimum of 1,g00~squar~ feet of shop or storage space and vehicle parking. 4. Provide all EPA approved containment, wash-down and controI facilities for any and all hazardous materials used in the opera~ion. Aircraft Sales Have a sales or distributorship franchise from a recognized aircraft manufacturer. 2 Have available during normal working hours of ' 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Federal Aviation A~ministration certificated and currently airworthy aircraft for sale. 3. Have a minimum of one (1) fully qualified demonstrator pilot emplo~e~ with current. ~nd apDropr~ate ~ederal Kviation Administration p~lot and approved medical certificates. 4. ~n~inimum of 1,09Q square feet of office space customer parking. CATE~RY "E": Aircraft, Engine, Propeller & Accessory Maintenance: 1. Provide a minimum of 2,000 square feet of hangar, shop, and storage space. 2. Furnish facilities and equipment for airframe and power plant repairs w~t~ at least one dulv Federal Aviation ~ministration certified A&P Mechanic and such other personnel as mav be necessary. Such airframe and power pIant repair shall include facilities for both major ana minor repair of light aircraft and engines used in private aviation. 3. A Fixed Base Operator in this category may engage in the 5uying and selling of new an~ u$9~ aircraft, a.~rcraft ~arts .and_equSpment wltnou~ meeting tne requirements oz category "m". CA. GORY "F": Radio and Instrument: 1. Provide a minimum of 500 square feet of shop and storage space. 2. Have available on a full time basis Federal Aviation Administration certificated technicians in the field of aircraft electronics and/or aircraft instruments with Droper Federal Communications Commission license to conduct comDlete aircraft transmitter, receiver and an%ennae repair. CATEGORY "D": 1. 3. Provide satisfactory arrangements for access to and storage of aircraft Delng worked on. CATEGORY "G": Sale of Aviation Petroleum Products and Ramp Service: 1. Storage and handling of aviation fuels will be in accordance with American Petroleum Institute Bulletin No. 1500, Dated October 1976. 2. Hav9 personnel on full time duty during normal business hours. 3 Provide for aircraft parking and tie-down · areas with adequate tie-down facilities including approve~ rop9s or chains and chocks, for a minimum of ten aircraft. 4. Be required to install and use at all fueling locations adequate grounding rods to reduce the hazards of static electricity, and maintain adequate fire extinguishers. 5. CQnstruct or have available a building with a minimum of 200 square feet conveniently located and comf°r%ably heated with waitinq room for passengers and crew of itinerant aircraft while being fqeled, including sanitary restrooms and public telephone. 6. A Fixed Base Operator in this category may engage in the Duying and sglling.of ngw an~ used aircraft, aircraft parts, ana equlpmen~ without meeting the requirements of Category "m". 7. Payment of Fuel Fee: Operators in this category shall be obligated to charge, collect, report and remit the fuel flowaqe fee set ~y ~t~e authority on all fuels sol~ from the zle~a. Airport Tenants: A. Hangars: 1. Upon adoption of these minimum standards, Drivate hangars shall be constructed according to a single design approved by the Authority. 2. Hangars must be used Drincipally for storage o$ aircrDft. Ancillary ~ses, e~q.~ for s~orage oI persona£ effects is permitted as a secondary use. 3. Fuels and other flammable materials shall not be stored in hangars. Hangar tenants are specifically prohibited from fueling their own or others aircraft in their hangars. 4 Airport tenants are specifically prohibited ' fro~ engaging in activities reserved for FBO s, namely those activities sDecified in Section IV, ~lxed Base Operator Categories. B. Industrial Tenants: . Persons, firms or corporations 1. Persons, firms or corporations wishing to lease airport land for non-aviation purposes shall make application to the City and shall meet the general conditions for leases as applicable. Other standards may be developed 7 VI as the pro~osed use reqqires by the city, its Airport A~visory Committee, or its Planning and zoning Commissions as are appropriate. 2 Commercially and .industrial tenants are · 'ficallv prohibited from engaging in specl ~ ~ , ' ' ' reserved for F~O s6 namely tnose actlv~t%es . ' ' i activities sp~qlfle~ in sect on IV, Fixed Base Operator categories. · stin Leases· Existing Leases shall be subject A Exi g .- 'nimum standards in cee reGulrements and mi ...... ~f~ at th~ time the lease was adopte~, un~l± the lease is assigned, transferred, conveyed or abandoned· At ~hat time, conformance wit~ these standards shall be required. F1 ing Clubs: A non-profit flying club meeting the · owln reGuirements shall be exempt from the B f~l ' g the following minSR~m stanaards but shall meet conditions: 1. Each member of the club is an owner of the aircraft or a stockholder in the corporation; 2. The club derives revenue from its use of the aircraft not greater than the amount necessary for the actual use, operation, maintenance, and replacement of the aircraft; 3. The club will annually file a list of members or stockholders with t~e city; 4. The club's aircraft will not be used by anyone other than a club member and shall no~ be rented for any commercial purpose whatever; 5. Student instruction may be given to club members only, provided that such instruction Ss ~proyide~ 5y a currently licensed FAA Instructor; 6. Provide the city with liabilit~ insurance coverage otherwise reference~ in these standards required for private ~enants on the field. eet these standards sha~l, after due notice Failure $om . re uired to meet result in the club being q ,, ,, ~ lt~t~se O~e~o~ ~a~%~d~s~ ~ V ~~ryo ~V ~ t ~A~ ~ Flight instruction ~nu ~tT~ categories as may De appropr~au~. eder 1 and State AGencies' Leases with Federal and ~Z_~ ~-,~= ~ ~ the United States Fov~st ~e~vic~ the ~a~, NCAA^ ~.%. 3%~%h%5.~%~n services on the Idaho ior facilities ~n~ ~_~t~,,~_~ .... c*=~a~ds McCall Airport are exempt zrom ~nes~ ~-~x~, ..........