HomeMy Public PortalAbout19320401CCMeetingSavannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga., April 1, 1932. The regular meeting of Council was hel.i today at 4; p.m. and was attended. by :.'ayor Gamble who presided and Councilmen Logan, Brooks, Horovitz, Cann, Wa.lthour and Town Attorney McIntyre. P. r. J. '. Blount, Asst. G. A. , of the Central of Ga. R. . , had 1fto r.a`y written the Mayor a. letter informirz hi a that the money lost onthe monthly on the operation of the bus to Savancah Beach is around '$ws -ta :350.00, he sett a schedule of proposed rates that the Central intends puttin g into effect, this was received as information. The notes of several of the previous meetings was read and on motion of Mr. Horovitz that they be adopted, seconded by '. "r. Brooks and the motion passed. Aftf The Mayor asked err. Cann if he na,d done anytning as yet relative to the conveyance of the streets in Venetian Terrace to the Town, Cann said that he was handlir ,, with the several parties at interest '`1v' err they had o reed to have t:...3 necessry papers Ira.Tn conveying the interest in the streets of Venetian Terrace. The Mayor read a coy of a letter that he had written Solomon Jr .., of the Tybee Water :corks in reference to which was in answer to pis statement that its company accept the franci se for the new Water works System, is a copy of the letter written to fir. Solomon; Mr. A. P. Solomon Jr., Tybee Water Works Co. , Savannah Beach, Ga. to Mr. A. P. l- set -t e t' I A the franchise, would not the followingA ,,a�� s . March 29, 1032. Dear Mr. Solomon: I beg to advise you that at a largely attended recent meeting of property owners and citizens of Savannah 3eac1ib in present- ing my report I advised them that you had notified me that your company would not accept the franchaise and contract which the joint committee of citizens and Aldermen had prepared. The Town meeting then authorized the continuance of the joint committee referred to for the purpose of continuing its efforts toward securing a_.n adequate sup)ly of water for the Town of Savannah Beach for fire protection and for domestic purposes. Accepting; your statement we consider the matter of the contract and franchaise finally terminated. 4 You stated to me that you would submit another pro- position. If you do so I will take oleasure in laying it before this joint committee at its meeting. Sincerely yours, TOW Y 07 SAVAK 79EACH, Thomas Gamble, Mayor. There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call of the Layor. Mayor. Savannah Beach, Tybee Island* Ga. April 4, 1932 A special meeting was held today at 5 p.m. at the Town Hall on the Island, to repeiire the report of the election mamagers, this was attended by Mayor Gamble who presided, and Councilmen, Walthour* Espy, Cann and Logan. The following report of the election was made by the election managers, Messrs. John J. Owen, E. E. Harmon and. R. H. Manely, as follows; W�, the undersigned duly appointed Managers of the /gWI-,- election held at Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Chatham County, Gas., " upon the 4th day of April, 1952, for the purpose of electing a Mayor ftal,t, and six Councilmen, do each hereby certify under oath that the said C--election was held in the manner and at the time contained in the notice calling said election and that the laws of the State of (a., DONS6„4 and of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, were in all respects fully com- atAN plied with and that said election was faithfully and impartially con- ducted and that the results of said election were as dollows, To al Number of votes cast 77 Total Number of votes cast: For Thos. Gamble-Mayor Sam Blumenthal Councilman W. P. Brooks Councilman 1. ?erris Cann Councilrnan E, M. Demere Councilman 77 R. T. Righton Councilman 77 77 77 77 .11111M01.01.11. 77 77 as follows:- ...••■■■• We, therefore, declare the result of said election to be For Mayor- For Councilmen:- Thomas Gamble Sam Blumenthal W.P. Brooke J. Ferris Cann R. M. Demere William G. LoR n H. Y. Righton 1