HomeMy Public PortalAbout19320929SCMeeting49 pay this amount to the Collector of Customs, Savannah,Ga., Mr. Cann made a _motion. :. :that:: the Mayor- -be. given ° =the authority requested this was seconded by Dr. Righton and,the motion-passed-unanamously. The Mayor informed 'Caunc.ii:that'he had been requested by the Atlanta Journal to take some space in the proposed rotogravure section that will soon be issued, on thethe occasion of the two- hundredth anni- versary of the State of Georgia, hessaid- that -as the Journal had al- ways been very kind -and given generously of their space to the island that he felt that at beast-a quarter-page-ad costing $ 150000 should be taken with them and he wanted the authority to spend this amount - Mr. Cann made a motion that the Mayor be granted the authority requested - this was seconded by Mr. Sharpley and this motion passed unanamously. There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call Of the ' Mayo r. ;Clerk of tunci. Mayor. - o- o- o- o- o-- o =o- o- o- o- o- o- o -o -o -o Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. September 29, 1932. A special meeting of Council was held to- day•at 4:00 p.m. and was attended by Mayor Gamble, who presided, and Councilmen Cann, Demere and Logan and Sharpley. The Mayor informed Council that the resolution passed on May 16th, 1932 consolidating the several notes with the Liberty National Lank and Trust Co., amounting to $.6000.00 did not have a clause in it providing for renewals and that the bank is now requestinga new resolution having the renewal clause inserted, therefore he wanted the authority to have a new resolution drawn up that would be ac.• ceptable to the bakk - Mr Cann made a motion that the following resolution be passed this was seconded by Mr Demere and the motion passed unanamously ; RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of Sav- annah Beach,Tybee Island, On Council assembled, that WHEREAS on May 16th,1932 a resolution was adopted consolidating three notes due t e Liberty National Bank and ,Trust Company by theMayor and Councilmen of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island and reducing thesaid three notes so that the entire indebtedness due the Liberty National Bank and Trusf Company, after said consolidation and reduction,wasthe sum of 6000.00, to be represented by a note of Savannah Beach,Tybee Island, due sixty days after date, in the sum of $ 6000.00, and executed ir,the name of the corporation by the Mayor and Counvlmen of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, and attested by the Clerk of Council; and WHEREAS said note 'has been reduced to,the sum of 50 5500.00, but upon exallaugtion of the resilution of May 16th,1932, it was discovered that/arty specific authority given the Mayor on behalfof said Town to execute renewal notes: FORE*, NOW,THENO IT OL RESVED thatbsaid indebtedness'of 35500.00 • now due the.Taiberty National7BankandTrust-Campany andrepresented by a note.of said. Savannah:..Beachivlybee-IsIandi-dated September 14th, 1932, and due_thirty-days-After:-datai-be-pail in such installments as may be determined by the. Mayor Kik itamtmakkamit-of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, with the approval of the Liberty National Bank and Trusy Company,: and renewianotes be issued for: the them remaining indebtedness until the entireindebtedness has been coMpletely-paid; all such renewal notes shall befor such time as may be determined by the Mayor of Savannah Beach,Tybee Island* and the. Liberty National Bank and. Trust Company and shall bear interest from date at the rate of 7% per annum. BE IT FURTHER RES)LVM that these renewal notes be executed in the name of the town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, by Sts Mayor, attested by the Clerk of Council. The rpport of the Assessment Cbmittee, placing a valuation on some 0±' property of Town, was read, as follows; 3 .300000' 1000.00 33000.00/ Lots 57-58-59, ward 3 0 32733, " 5 Public Park, containing 66 building lots 3 500.00 each Buildings in public park; Schoolteachers cottage Chief of Police house Lieut of Police house. Convict camp buildings; 1 Dormitory 1 quartermast-r byilding 1,11ess Hall & Kitchen 1 Feed Storehouse 1 Wagon shed 2 Small out-buildings Parking areas; Fourteenth-Fifteenth streets section Sixteenth-Seventeenth streets section 1 lot at First Avenue and. Chatham Avenue 1 Court room and Jail 1500.00' 2000.00/ 1500.00/ 1500..0V 1500.00/ 1500.00/ 500.00/ 300,0D/ 200.00/ 20000.00 20000.00 1800.00' 1500.00/ • 90800.00 Mr Shargley made a motion that it be adopted, this was seconded by Mr Cann and the motion passed unanamously. The Assessment Committee reported that new assessments amounting to324550.00, covering the ersedtion of new buiLdings si*ce May 1, 1932 would be pro-rated and placed on the tax digest. 1 1 There beeng .nAG .further - business Count l-' adj aurned subject to the call of the Mayor. 1 Clerk of Council. Mayor. Savannah Beach, 'ybee Island, Ga, October'6th 1932. The regular meeting of Council was held to -day. at ,4:00 p.sj.,and was attended by Mayor Gamble, who presided, and Councilmen Loan Blumehthal and Demers: and Cann, Town Attorney McIntyre, Mr. E.B. Izlar and Mr. A.P.Solomon,jr. The Mayor called the meeting to order. Mr. Izlar was requested to present his petition - he said that his reason for appearing before Council was to try and get the Eastern extension of lot 94, ward 4, to the low water mark, adjusted, in 1905 the Georgia Legislature authorized the Town to sell the east ern portion of lots 94- 95 -96, ward 4,*a special act of theLegis- lature authorized the Town to sell to °. .B©han,yo high water mark, through the oversight of the attorneys drawing up the deeds the boundaires were omitted, the proper desrciption of the prop- erty was not made, he asked that if this statement was correct would the Town recognize the extensi1 to the high water nark as his property.of lot 94, ward 4. Mr. Izlar also said that-by warted,tO take up the natter of his 1932 taxea,, which ate atap-reeent unpaid, due to the poor season financially, just closed he did not make any Money, he would like to sell one of his lots to the Town to assist him in paying his taxes, if the Town does not buy it he does not know what to do, -Mr Izlar was excused, the matter of lot extension wasreferred to the Town Attorney for handling as to the sale of the lot to the Town,Council was of the opinion that it should not be done. Mr. A.P.Solomon,jr., representing the TT !.'W presented a letter from the President of the compan$ outlining a new proposition in connection°withthe proposed waterworks system, as follows;