HomeMy Public PortalAboutR 98:017 98-17 [).lo o1' At{tlplio" JANUARY ~ 1998 I~I(SOLU*I'ION TO (;O INTO CIX)SEI) SESSION WlIEREAS, SectionSol'lheOpenPublicMeeti"gsAcl, Chapler231 I'.L. 1975. pe~ mits the exclusion of Ihe public fi om a meeli.g i. cet lain ci~ cumslances; WIIEREAS, this public body is oF the opinio, thals.chcircumstancesplesently exists; NOW, TIIEIIEFORE, lie IT IH~S¢)I,VEI) by Ihe Mayor and Council oflhe BoloughofCmletet, Cotmtyof Middlesex, SlateofNewJe~sey, aslbllows: I. The public shall be excluded flora alle,ding, discussing or pa~licipating in the heleinafler specified subject mallels. 2 The genelal nature oflhe subjecl mallei lo be discussed is as follows: Litigation and Personnel Ma[r~erz~, 3. It is anlicipated at this time thai lite above stated subject matte~ will be made public: upqn conclusion of the above matte~_a~_ This .esoh. tio. shall take ell'eot hnmedialely. Alloptcd ul a mccli.g o[ Ibc Mu.icilml C.tmcil January 8, 1998