HomeMy Public PortalAbout01/18/83 CCM161 PAYROLL JANUARY 18, 1983 7015 Robert Anderson $674.02 7016 Mark Moran 604.90 7017 Michael Rouillard 778.04 7018 Michael Sankey 839.70 7019 James Dillman 749.27 7020 Robert Dressel 659.57 7021 Steve Scherer 45.00 7022 Director of Int.Rev. 1056.60 7023 Comm. of Tax. 499.00 7024 PERA 568.65 7025 Soc. Sec. Ret. Div. 149.55 6624. 3o ORDER CHECKS 1802 U.S. Postoffice 219.70 1803 Soc. Sec. Ret. Div. 149.55 1804 PERA 644.42 1013.67 162 The Council of the City of Medina met in regular session on Tuesday, January 18, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. Present: Mayor, Thomas Anderson; Councilmembers, Thomas Crosby, Wilfred Scherer, Anne Heideman, William Reiser; Clerk -Treasurer, Donna Roehl; Planning and Zoning Administrator, JoEllen Hurr; Police Chief,Michael Sankey; Public Works Dir- ector, James Dillman; Attorney, Michael Nash; Engineer, Glen Cook 1. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS Police Chief additional items Remove item regarding Park Dedication Fees 2. MINUTES OF JANUARY 4, 1983 JoEllen Hurr asked that minutes reflect the fact that she was in attendance. Regarding Albert Saari Subdivision, she asked that minutes state that parcel C has suff- icient septic system soils under the existing ordinances. Jiotion by Heideman, seconded by Scherer to approve minutes of January 4, 1983, as amended. Motion declared carried 3. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Hamel Test Well Engineer, Glen Cook presented specifications for the drilling of an 800 ft. test well on the existing well site on Hamel Rd. He stated that the only benefit received would be in- formation and cost would be approximately $12,000. He explained that a 200 gpm well would cost approximately $25,000 and a 500 gpm well would cost about $50,000. He stated that the engineering fee would amount to about 10%. Motion by Scherer, seconded by Heideman to advertize for bids for a test well on February 11, 1983, at 10:00 A.M. and to correct minutes of the December 21st. meeting to indicate the identical bid date. Motion declared carried 4. MINUTES OF JANUARY 4, 1983 Thomas Crosby asked that Deferred Compensation Item 4, Page 156, information be corrected to read:" An employees salary is reduced in the appropriate amount and the asset is the property of the city." Regarding the Nunn -Radtke item 5, page 157, he asked that the minutes be corrected to indicate that he had been involved in the sale to the Deters (owners before Debbie Kemp.) Motion by Crosby, seconded by Heideman to approve the amendments to the January 4, 1983 minutes as presented. Motion declared carried 5. INSURANCE Fred Geddelman, Insurance Consultant, reviewed his memo regarding insurance bids that had been received. Thomas Anderson presented comparison figures of various bidders. Mr. Geddelman stated that the Lehn and Eckes bid requires that property, vehicles and Work- ers Compensation insurance be accepted together. Council discussed various options, dividends and coverage under the three bids. Motion by Crosby, seconded by Heideman to award the following insurance bids: Workers Compensation to the Dorweiler Agency through the League of Cities. Public Officials Liability and Umbrella Liability with 1 million dollar maximum and $250 deductible to the Lehn and Eckes Agency through the Home Insurance Company. Property, Liability and Vehicles to the Wayzata Insurance Agency thorugh Western Insurance. Motion declared carried Thomas Crosby stated that his motion was based on the need to choose the best cOVeragec'or the city at the best price. 6. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT Hamel Treatment Plant JoEllen Hurr reported that she had attended the Metropolitan Council public hearing regarding various projects and learned that the Hamel Treatment Plant would be phased out before 1986. Also that the city possibly could not expand the Hamel service area. Woodlake Sanitary Landfill JoE11en Hurr reported that the agreement with Hennepin County regarding long term liability had been approved by the Board of County Commissioners at their meeting this morning and that a Task Force meeting had been scheduled for February 10th at 7:30 A.M. Planning Commission Appointment JoEllen Hurr reported that Harold Pederson, Lawrence Elwell, Bonnie Etzel and C.O. Dorweiler had all expressed an interest in serving on the Planning Commission. Mr. Dorweiler stated that he had been a member of the committee that had originally organized the Planning Commission, that he had been active in business in Hamel since 1928, has now retired and has time to participate and no conflicts. Regarding growth in the city, he stated that the Hamel area is curtailed by lack of sewer and high real estate costs and that outside of Hamel the fact that Medina is known as "horse country," should be taken into consideration. He stated that he would like to see Co. Rd. 116 extended and that rules were not strict enough when some homes were constructed in past years. Thomas Anderson asked Mr. Dorweiler if he could live within the ordinances. Mr. Dorweiler stated that there should be no compromise with a new area but that existing developed areas must be handled on a individual basis. Mayor Anderson stated that he had spoken with Bonnie Etzel and that she was not to knowledg- able with Medina outside of Hamel, but that she was for growth in the Hamel area; she also did not have to much information on the Co. Rd. 116 extension. Anne Heideman suggested that individual council members should contact the other residents that are interested and that a decision could be made at the February 1st meeting. Motion by Scherer, seconded by Heideman to table Planning Commission appointment until Feb- ruary 1, 1983 pending determination if those members whose terms are expiring in March wish to be reappointed, and to allow Council members time to interview those residents who have expresssed a desire to be appointed. Motion declared carried .982 Subdivision Approval Resolutions JoEllen Hurr reported that several subdivision approvals had been given in 1982 but that resolutions had never been completed. Attorney, Michael Nash, presented the appropriate resolutions. United Way/David Reiser Motion by Reiser, seconded by Heideman to approve Resolution 82-22B, approval of the United Way/David Reiser subdivision. Motion declared carried. Abstaining - Crosby United Way/Elizabeth Dovydenas Motion by Scherer, seconded by Heideman to approve Resolution 82-6A, approval of the United Way/Dovydenas subdivision. Motion declared carried. Abstaining - Crosby Brian Hendricks Subdivision Motion by Heideman, seconded by Crosby to approve Resolution 82-6B, approval of the Brian Hendricks subdivision. Motion declared carried Albert Saari Subdivision Motion by Heideman, seconded by Scherer to table action on the Saari subdivision application pending clarification of data regarding private roadway. Motion declared carried Philip Sullivan Subdivision Motion by Heideman, seconded by Crosby to adopt Resolution 83-4, approval of the Philip Sull- ivan subdivision. Motion declared carried 47. WEED INSPECTOR Thomas Anderson reported that he had appointed Art Schoening as Weed Inspector for 1983. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Orono Community Education Motion by Crosby, seconded by Heideman to enter into a agreement with the Orono Community Education Department to provide summer recreation programs for Medina residents, cost to be determined after the end of the summer if 1983. Motion declared carried Suburban Community Services Motion by Crosby, seconded by Heideman to enter into agreement with Suburban Community Ser- vices to provide a coordinator for the 1983 Senior Citizens Program at a cost of $475. Motion declared carried Minnesota Parks and Recreation Association Motion by Crosby, seconded by Heideman to continue membership in the Minnesota Parks and Recreation Assn. at a cost of $50.00 for 1983. Motion declared carried 9. CITY LOGO At the suggestion of Jim Dillman, Council decided to solicit ideas for a city logo, through the February issue of the Medina Journal. 10. SENIOR CITIZENS SEWER AND WATER RATES Donna Roehl reported that a 62 year old resident had asked if Council would consider lowering the age at which a credit is given for sewer and water rates. Consensus of the Council was to retain the age at 65. 11. BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING Motion by Reiser, seconded by Scherer to hold the Board of Review meeting on April 19, 1983, at 6:30 P.M. Motion declared carried 12. NUNN-RADTKE, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Item 2 was changed to, "bathroom facilities shall be provided in the barn. The following sentence was added to Item 3: "Off-street parking shall be provided for Special Events. Motion by Heideman, seconded by Resier to approve Resolution 83-5, granting a Conditional Use Permit to William Nunn and Carey Radtke to operate a stable on Willow Dr. Motion declared carried. Abstaining - Crosby Regarding the variance, JoEllen Hurr stated that a parking plan had not been provided. Thomas Crosby asked if the city could require that buildings be brought up to state codes. Action on the variance application was tabled pending receipt of a parking plan and infor- mation from the Building Inspector regarding buildings and Building Codes. 13. NORTHWEST TRAILS ASSOCIATION Motion by Crosby, seconded by Heideman to authorize the Attorney to prepare an addendum to the agreement whereby the Northwest Trails Association will comply with the requirements outlined by the State in the agreement, and to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement after the addendum is completed. Motion declared carried 14. DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM Thomas Crosby reported that the cities of Minnetonka, Plymouth, Richfield and Minneapolis are among those cities participating in the program through hennepin County. He stated that he had spoken with Jerry Bischoff, of Aetna Insurance, who reported that the City of Minneapolis has a letter from 1972 stating that the program is allowable in the State. Motion hbHennetiin County,dunderwritten to participate Deferred mploye Compensation ro Planf if employees are desirous of participating, according to Resolution 83-6. '"_otion declared carried 165 15. TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY Donna Roehl presented list of tax forfeit property within the city, the majority, of which, is located in the Independence Beach area. Motion by Crosby, seconded by Heideman to disapprove of the sale of the properties by Hennepin County and to request that the Zoning Administrator present a plan for handling of the lots by the May 3rd City Council meeting. Motion declared carried 16. SUBURBAN POLICE RECRUITING SERVICE Michael Sankey reported that the Suburban Service is being merged into a Statewide group which will have access to more police officers seeking employment. Motion by Reiser, seconded by Scherer to adopt Resolution 83-7, participation in the Minn- esota Police Recruitment System. Motion declared carried 17. STOP SIGNS Police Chief Sankey stated that he had requests to replace Stop signs with Yield signs at the following intersections: Medina Rd. and Holy Name Dr.; Medina Rd. and Hunter Dr.; Medina Rd. and Brockton Lane; Holy Name Dr. and Lakeview Rd. Motion by Crosby, seconded by Reiser to approve the change in signs, as requested. Motion declared carried 18. WELCOME DRIVE Police Chief Sankey stated that there are three properties on Welcome Dr. that have junk cars stored on them but that he would suggest waiting until spring before enforcing the ordinances. 19. POLICE OFFICERS ACCRUED VACATION Michael Sankey reported that Michael Rouillard had accumulated 195 vacation hours and Robert Anderson had 165 hours of accumulated vacation. Motion by Heideman, seconded by Crosby to allow police officers to carry accrued vacation until July 1, 1983, due to extenuating circumstances in the Police Department in 1982. Motion declared carried 20. CIVIL DEFENSE Police Chief Sankey explained that the city is not eligible for Civil Defense funds because the population of the city is less than 5000. He stated that he would look into combining with Corcoran to secure funds as they have an approved Civil Defense plan. 21. BILLS Motion by Crosby, seconded by Reiser to pay the bills; Order Checks # 1802-1804 in the amount of $1013.67 and Payroll Checks # 7015-7025 in the amount of $6624.30. Motion declared carried Motion by Crosby, seconded by Scherer to adjourn. Motion declared carried Meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. �✓v "�r2�� Clerk -Treasurer January 18, 1983