HomeMy Public PortalAbout2012-07-12 HPC MINUTES Village of Plainfield Historic Preservation Commission Record of Minutes Date: July 12, 2012 Location: Village Hall Chairman Bortel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken; Commissioners Kachel, Bright, Olsen, Hendricksen, Buchanan, Rapp, and Chairman Bortel were present. Commissioner Derrick was absent. Also present were Michael S. Garrigan, Village Plan ner and Merrilee Trotz, Recording Secretary. Chairman Bortel led the pledge to the flag. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Bright made a motion to approve the Ag enda. Motion seconded by Commissioner Hendricksen. Voice vote: All in favo r. Motion carried 7-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Hendricksen made a motion to accept th e May 24, 2012 minutes as presented. Commissioner Kachel seconded the motion. Voice vot e: All in favor. Motion carried 7-0. CHAIR’S COMMENTS: None COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENT: (Items not on the Agenda) No one approached the microphone. STAFF REPORT Mr. Garrigan indicated there are no new landmark ap plications, a demolition permit for the 14927 S Route 59 has been received and is being hea rd tonight. Mr. Garrigan indicated the watch list remains the same. Mr. Garrigan further reported that extensive work h as been undertaken on 24018 W Lockport (formerly known as Baci restaurant); the mold mitig ation process is completed on the first floor and basement; a contractor has been approved for ro of repairs; we are looking into RFPs for business concepts for adaptive uses for the buildin g; 1 tour was given to a commercial Historic Preservation Commission Minutes July 12, 2012 Page 2 of 7 developer. Chairman Bortel asked if the HPC could possibly take a tour of Baci before the property is sold. Mr. Garrigan replied that a tou r could be arranged. Regarding the visioning for Route 59 - we have reta ined the services of Civic Artworks which is a firm that concentrates in receiving or recruiting “crowd sourcing” as a way of public outreach to build a consensus along the corridor to reach ou t to the stake holders and to all of Plainfield to try and build a consensus for the corridor. NEW BUSINESS: Case No. 1583-061112.HPC 14927 S Route 59 Chairman Bortel asked for a motion to open the publ ic hearing for Case No. 1583-061112.HPC. Commissioner Kachel made a motion to open the publi c hearing. Commissioner Rapp seconded the motion. Vote by roll call – Bright, y es; Olsen, yes; Hendricksen, yes; Buchanan, yes; Rapp, yes; Kachel, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 7-0 Mr. Garrigan indicated this is a public hearing and asked that the record reflect that appropriate notice has been published and posted in accordance with state statue and all applicable local ordinances. Mr. Garrigan summarized his staff repo rt. The property known as 14927 S Route 59 is located between Main Street and Lockport Stre et; is currently zoned R-1; and the Comprehensive Plan identifies future use as BT “Bus iness Transition.” A pre-application meeting was held and the applicant wishes to procee d with the demolition of said property. The applicant has no redevelopment plan and is simp ly seeking to proceed with demolition of the structure and feels a vacant lot would be more marketable. A re-development plan is a requirement under the Village’s demolition ordinanc e. Mr. Garrigan indicated the property has been identified as a future landmark on an individu al basis and within a future historic district in addition to being identified as a contributing stru cture; and based on the urban survey this property is one of the better examples of an Uprigh t and Wing dating back to 1845 within the Village. Mr. Garrigan explained the widening of Route 59 to 5 lanes has not significantly impacted the property; there remains a setback of 24 feet from I DOT’s right-of-way in addition to the seven (7) foot sidewalk. The Comprehensive Plan identifi es this property as Transitional Commercial and the purpose of this zoning district is to encou rage the conversion of single-family homes along Route 59 into professional and commercial use s while maintaining the historic character of the area. The applicant is requesting demolition due to their inability to locate a purchaser for this property. Mr. Garrigan reviewed the items the HP C should consider if the Commission determines a community impact study is required. Mr. Garrigan explained the future vision for Route 59 is now under discussion by the Village Board and staff has been directed to do some resear ch on how other communities handle Business Transition districts. Staff anticipates t hey will be in the position to bring a report to the Village Board on the Business Transition Distri ct within the next several months. Staff is looking for direction from HPC and has provided alt ernative motions. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes July 12, 2012 Page 3 of 7 The applicant, Sandra Bennett, 22500 W. 143 rd Street, daughter of the owner, Dorothy Carey was sworn in. Ms. Bennett explained her mother l ives on a small pension, savings and social security; the house has been on the market for over one year; feels the best option is to demolish the house; another option is to redo the exterior o f the house; said her mother asks that the community impact study be waived. Commissioner Kachel asked if they have tried to ren t the property. Ms. Bennett felt a renter would not live in this house unless extensive work was done to the inside of the house. Commissioner Kachel said this property is in a Busi ness Transition District; stated there are currently 3 vacant lots along Route 59 (the Quinn h ouse lot, the Baptist Church lot, and the old gas station and the house on Route 59 at Route 30.) Commissioner Kachel also described the development of the commercial areas (Walgreens and the Bryant corner.) Ms. Bennett felt if the lot were vacant it could benefit the owners of the property to the north or south. Chairman Bortel explained the current zoning and th e vacant lots. Ms. Bennett stated she is not asking for a zoning change. Ms. Bennett stated her mother is eligible for the freeze on taxes and that the taxes will probably triple when her mother passes. Chairman Bortel said the house could be landmarked and possibly sold. Ms. Bennett feels the house should be sold for fair market value. Commissioner Hendricksen indicated this commission is advisory only; understands the applicant’s needs are economic; explained if the ho use is demolished a buyer would still need to build a structure like the neighboring structures. Commissioner Hendricksen suggested the applicant wait until the Village Board makes a deci sion on the zoning before the house is demolished. Ms. Bennett feels it would be cheaper to construct a new building than to make modifications to her mother’s house. Commissioner Hendricksen suggested the applicant wa it until the zoning is determined for the Route 59 corridor rather than spending $10,000 to $15,000 to remove the house and provide landscaping to the area now. Ms. Bennett feels no one wants to live on Route 59 and that there should be special treatment for the people who live on these corridors; people should be allowed to demolish the houses if they feel that is the bes t way to get the amount of money for the property. Commissioner Kachel indicated the BT District was s et up for the homeowners to have a better use for their homes as these homes could be convert ed into a business. Commissioner Kachel feels removal of this house at this time would hurt the applicant more than waiting until the zoning is determined. Ms. Bennett does not want to rent the property; stated some tenants do more damage to a house. Ms. Bennett stated her mot her wants to tear the house down now. Chairman Bortel described the current vacant proper ties along Route 59 and proposals that have not been approved or are still on hold; indicated t here are other properties having better accessibility that have not been re-developed; indi cating it is a tough economic time. Thomas E. Carey was sworn in. Mr. Carey suggested the HPC find a buyer who can landmark the property and restore the house. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes July 12, 2012 Page 4 of 7 Commissioner Olsen mentioned that a landmark is by owner consent. Commissioner Kachel again suggested the applicant w ait a few months until the zoning is determined; if it goes commercial maybe someone wou ld buy this house and the houses to the north and south; if it is BTD you can advertise the property as such. Mr. Carey felt the Commission did not want the hous e torn down, but there is a tipping point where we cannot keep the house any longer. Commissioner Bright made a motion to close the publ ic hearing. Commissioner Rapp seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Olsen, yes; Hendri cksen, yes; Buchanan, yes; Rapp, yes; Kachel, yes; Bright, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 7-0. Commissioner Hendricksen made a motion to recommend that the owner of 14927 S. Route 59 complete a Community Impact Study for the subject p roperty. Commissioner Bright seconded the motion. Commissioner Kachel amended the motion that the own er complete a Community Impact Study for the subject property or in lieu thereof wait un til the zoning is approved for the Route 59 corridor. Commissioner Hendricksen agreed to the a mended motion. Commissioner Bright seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Rapp, yes ; Buchanan, yes; Hendricksen, yes; Olsen, yes; Bright, yes; Kachel, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 7-0. Case No. 1589-070912.COA 24210 W. Lockport Street Commissioner Olsen recused herself from the meeting . Chairman Bortel asked for a motion to open the publ ic hearing for the COA. Commission Bright made a motion to open the public hearing. Commissi oner Kachel seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Hendricksen, yes; Buchanan, y es; Rapp, yes; Bright, yes; Kachel, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 6-0. Mr. Garrigan summarized the staff report indicating this application is a Certificate of Appropriateness to modify the southern and eastern elevations of 24210 W Lockport Street located within the Downtown Historic District; the urban survey identifies this property as a contributing structure and further identifies this property as a Pyramidal Hip Cottage dating back to approximately 1925. Mr. Garrigan indicated the applicant is proposing to remove the front porch on the southern elevation and replace it with casement windows and on an interim basis replace the front hip roof with a gable roof. Unde r the Historic Preservation article of the Zoning Ordinance (Article XV), Section 9-149(2), a COA is required prior to the issuance of a permit for minor and major work involving any new or other con struction, alteration, repair, demolition, relocation, or other material changes that affect t he exterior architectural appearance of the structure or site that is either designated individ ually or is within a historic district. Mr. Garrigan stated a new stair and entrance would be m oved to the eastern elevation in addition to an electronic hide-away lift which would meet the A DA standards required for the building. The applicant proposes to add approximately 11 feet to the south and once this expansion is Historic Preservation Commission Minutes July 12, 2012 Page 5 of 7 completed the proposed gable roof would be replaced with a hip roof. The picture window has already been removed. Mr. Garrigan indicated some concern that the modifi cation would significantly modify the integrity of this house; asked for input of the HPC to determine whether there is support for the modifications to the southern elevation; moving the main entrance to the eastern elevation; and filling in the main porch area with casement window s. Randal Lambert, 15005 S Bartlett Ave., was sworn in . Mr. Lambert said we can take the change of the hip roof to the gable roof out of the pictur e for now; the proposal was to take the hip roof to a gable for now and when the addition was added the roof would continue back to the hip roof. Commissioner Hendricksen asked for the setback of t his building compared to the neighboring buildings. Mr. Lambert said from the edge of the s idewalk to his building is 11 feet; the neighboring buildings vary from 6 feet to 15 feet. Mr. Garrigan stated you can have zero setbacks in the B-5 District. Commissioner Hendricksen felt the hip roof is a man datory architectural feature; if the expansion was not completed then there would be a g able roof instead of the hip roof. Commissioner Hendricksen likes the windows and the tapered column but suggested keeping the porch feel even if it was only 3 feet deep; liked t he idea of the lift for appearance and ease for customers. Mr. Lambert stated cost of the lift was $4,000 versus the cost of a ramp of $11,000. Chairman Bortel suggested keeping the porch and add ing a wraparound deck to the west for additional seating. Commissioner Kachel suggested keeping the look or f eel of the post on the corners; also liked the lift. Mr. Lambert explained the drawings and stated when it is done it will be this house with almost double the width; stated it would have the hip roof . Mr. Lambert explained two options of proposed seating; and explained the difference in r evenue between the two options. Mr. Lambert described other restaurants in the area that have u tilized their porch areas. Commissioner Hendricksen asked the reason or benefi t of putting in the restaurant first and adding the addition later. Mr. Lambert explained i t was financing. Chairman Bortel asked what was to prevent Mr. Lambe rt from not completing the second phase. Commissioner Kachel suggested adding a feeling of t he columns on either side. Mr. Lambert said the pyramidal column will stay and indicated t he drawing shown was incorrect. Commissioner Kachel suggested bringing the window i n the porch area down a little and wrap it around so it would look like a porch. Commissioner Hendricksen suggested the floor space would not change; likes the hip roof; suggested Mr. Lambert keep the look of the porch. Discussion was held regarding the existing windows. Mr. Lambert indicated the windows have to be changed per the building code. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes July 12, 2012 Page 6 of 7 Commissioner Bright asked the distance between this property and the property to the east. Mr. Lambert said 9 feet at the front property line and down to zero at the back property line. Commissioner Bright asked the distance between the properties after the addition. Mr. Lambert said 16 inches at the back corner and 30 inches at the front of the addition and 5 feet off by the lift. Commissioner Kachel indicated lowering the windows in the one section will allow people to see in. Mr. Lambert stated he wanted to put the porch swing back in also. Chairman Bortel asked about the siding. Mr. Lamber t indicated it would be new cedar siding 5-1/2 inch with 3-1/2 reveal. Chairman Bortel wanted to be sure that the plans wi ll be completed as proposed. Commissioner Hendricksen suggested this case be tab led until the changes were available for review. Mr. Lambert preferred the commission vote tonight. Discussion was held regarding the letter of agreeme nt. Mr. Garrigan indicated parameters need to be set or provisions made for such items as the materials, the recessed porch and the hip roof. Some discussion was held regarding the proposal of the letter of agreement. Discussion was held on retaining the look or ghost feel of the front porch; how the windows might give the appearance of a front porch; and if the building code would allow the windows to go to the floor. Commissioner Hendricksen indicated Mr. Lambert need s to sell the commissioners and the building department on what Mr. Lambert is going to do not the reason for Mr. Lambert’s decision; would like the drawings touched up to sho w the suggested changes. Mr. Lambert asked if there could be a special meeting. Chairma n Bortel suggested the commission would want to see the architectural drawings for the COA even if a tentative approval was given. Mr. Garrigan indicated it would be more complicated to prepare a letter of agreement without the elevations. Commissioner Hendricksen agreed the co mmission would like to see sketches of the front of the building. Chairman Bortel indicated t he commission could hold a special meeting July 26 th . Mr. Garrigan agreed the applicant should return with revised conceptual plans consistent with the commissioners’ comments in 2 we eks. Commissioner Kachel suggested Mr. Lambert bring in the information on the proposed do or, windows, lift and even the roofing materials for the packet. Commissioner Hendricksen suggested Mr. Lambert could bring in a spec sheet that could be initialed for the agreemen t. Commissioner Hendricksen made a motion to continue the public hearing for the Randal Lambert COA for 24210 W. Lockport Street to a Speci al Meeting of the Plainfield HPC to be held July 26 th . Commissioner Buchanan seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Kachel, yes; Bright, yes; Buchanan, yes; Rapp, yes; Hendricksen, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 6-0 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes July 12, 2012 Page 7 of 7 Commissioner Bright made a motion to close the publ ic hearing. Commissioner Kachel seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Hendricks en, yes; Buchanan, yes; Rapp, yes; Kachel, yes; Bright, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 6-0 OLD BUSINESS: Chairman Bortel indicated the Historic District Si gns should be done this month along with the posts for Bartlett and Amboy S treets. COMMITTEE REPORTS : None DISCUSSION: Discussion was held regarding knowledge of any bank s that might lend money for projects such as the two cases before the commission tonight. Ch airman Bortel suggested he could contact IHPA and see if they have resources in the area. Chairman Bortel suggested including the realtors in town when discussing the zoning for the Route 59 corridor. ADJOURN: Commissioner Bright made a motion to adjourn. Comm issioner Hendricksen seconded the motion. Voice vote: All in favor. 0 - opposed . Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p. m. __________________________ Respectfully submitted, Merrilee Trotz - Recording Secretary