HomeMy Public PortalAbout2012-02-21 ZBA minutes VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RECORD OF MINUTES DATE: February 21, 2012 Chairman Sobkoviak called the meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge to the flag. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Seggebruch, O’Rourke, Kiefer, Fulco, and Chairman Sobkoviak; and Fire District were present. Commissioners Renzi and Heinen were absent; Park, S chool, and Library Districts were absent. Also present were Michael S. Garrigan; Village Plan ner, Jonathan Proulx, Planner II, and Merrilee Trot z, Recording Secretary Approval of Minutes: The Zoning Board of Appeals minutes of January 3, 2012 were accepted as presented. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Chairman Sobkoviak asked for publ ic comments on items that are not on the agenda. There was no response. DEVELOPMENT REPORT: Mr. Garrigan stated he would g ive the development report during the Plan Commission portion of this meeting. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Case No. 1578-012414.V So. Plainfield M.O.B. Sign Varian ce Mr. Proulx stated this is a public hearing for a va riance being heard pursuant to public notice in accordance with state statute and all applicable or dinances. The applicant is seeking a variance to increase the height and sign area for a sign to be located in front of the new medical office located on the east side of Route 59 at Dayfield. Mr. Proulx pres ented a picture of the proposed sign indicating a n eed due to the higher grade of Route 59. Mr. Proulx re viewed the necessary findings of fact as noted in t he staff report. Staff finds that the height of this proposed sign is not excessive with the lower eleva tion of the building to Route 59; and the proposed sign des ign is compatible with other signage in the area. Staff believes unique factors exist that could result in an exceptional hardship in the absence of the reque sted variance. Staff believes visibility of signage is important for a commercial use; and the proposed monument sign will be consistent with other signage in the area. There was a previous request for increased height due to the elevation of Route 59 w hich was approved. Staff would look for a favorabl e recommendation. Michael P. Collins VILLAGE PRESIDENT Michelle Gibas VILLAGE CLERK TRUSTEES Margie Bonuchi Paul Fay Bill Lamb Garrett M. Peck James Racich Dan Rippy Plan Commission Minutes January 3, 2012 Page 2 of 2 Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Candice Williams, agent for Edwards. Ms. Williams indicated they believe this sign would be consistent with other si gnage in the area and would not be detrimental to t he property. Chairman Sobkoviak suggested focusing on the unique ness of the situation and location of the signage, the changing of the highway elevation and the speed limit along Route 59. Commissioner Kiefer asked if the zoning code should be adjusted regarding signage along this reconstructed area of Route 59. Mr. Proulx indicat ed the signage could be looked into and that might eliminate some variance cases as well as time and m oney spent by the applicant. Commissioner Seggebruch asked how it was determined this property would receive a Route 59 address and if this signage was for both lots; did not have a problem with the height but felt the sign area w as not needed as they could remove or reduce the reader bo ard. Mr. Proulx indicated Staff supported using a Route 59 address for marketing purposes; Lot 2 woul d be able to have separate signage. Commissioner O’Rourke asked about the location of t his sign in reference to the grade of Route 59. Mr . Proulx presented a slide showing Route 59 has a hig her elevation that the building. Chairman Sobkoviak asked for comments from the audi ence. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Scott Everly. Mr. Everly indicated the grade shown in t he slide was not shown to scale and Route 59 is actually higher than shown. Ms. Williams indicated the reader board will not sc roll. Commissioner Seggebruch felt the reader boa rd was not necessary if it is not going to scroll. Ms . Williams indicated the reader board would be used for other community services and events at the medical center. Commissioner O’Rourke indicated he had no problem with the size or height as long as it fits with other signage in the area. Mr. Proulx indicated there has been no contact from adjacent owners. Commissioner Kiefer made a motion that the Zoning B oard of Appeals adopt the findings of fact of staff as the findings of fact of the Zoning Board of Appe als and, furthermore, move to recommend approval of a variance to permit a ground monument sign of appr oximately 11’4” in height and approximately 72 square feet in sign area for the property located a t 16519 S Route 59. Seconded by Commissioner O’Rourke. Vote by roll call: Fulco, yes; Seggebruch, no; O’Rourke, yes; Kiefer, yes; Sobkoviak, yes; Motion carried 4-1. Adjourned at 7:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted by _________________________ Merrilee Trotz Recording Secretary