HomeMy Public PortalAbout1999-06-16 Town of Truckee TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES June 16, 1999, 2:00 P.M. Truckee Donner Public Utility District Conference Room 11570 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, CA CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Susman called the special Council meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers: Drake, Florian, McCormack, Schneider, and Mayor Susman ALSO PRESENT: Stephen L. Wright, Town Manager; Jill Olsen, Administrative Services Director; Tony Lashbrook, Director of Community Development; Tom Covey, Director of Public Works; Dan Wilkins, Town Engineer; Gary Jacobson, Captain/Police Chief; Dan Olsen, Animal Control Supervisor; and Vicki C. Soderquist, Town Clerk PUBLIC COMMENTS - None COUNCIL IMMEDIATE PRIORITIES 4.1 1999/2000 Fiscal Year Budget Workshop Animal Control - Mr. Wright stated that the proposed budget included the following staffing increases - one fulltime animal enforcement officer and a part-time kennel attendant. The CIP included supportive equipment, vehicle costs, and computer software upgrades. Mayor Susman questioned if the requests were needed to maintain the level of'service or would they increase the level of service. Mr. Olsen stated that the proposed staffing would increase the level of service and education, but also keep up with growth. Mayor Susman questioned ifa response had been received regarding the fee increases in the contract areas. Mr. Olsen replied that there had been no response from Sierra County or Loyalton. He would not hire the new officer until that was resolved. Councilmember Schneider questioned why vehicle abatement was done by Animal Control. Mr. Olsen replied that they took over the duties in 1995 as they were already in the field. At the present time it was a more involved process due to hearings, etc. Mr. Lashbrook noted that it could be shified to Code Enforcement. Councihnember Drake questioned how the kennel would be staffed. Mr. Otsen stated that it would require a five-day per week/four hour split shift. Mr. Wright stated that two people could fill the position. Mr. Olsen stated that only he and the secretary would be in the office. The animal control officers would be working out of the kennel. Councilmember Schneider stated that an issue raised by the public was more weekend and evening patrols. Mr. Olsen replied that with the new officer they would be able to utilize early morning and evening patrols, as well as two officers on weekends. The officers would also share the kennel responsibilities on the weekends. Councilmember McCormack questioned the increase in hours. Mr. Olsen replied that there would be an 82% increase. Mayor Susman questioned the vehicle status. Mr. Olsen replied that one vehicle was due to be immediately replaced and there was a CIP item to replace another vehicle next year. Councilmember Drake questioned the increase in citations. Mr. Olsen stated that there were 105 citations issued last year and they estimated there would be 400-500 citations issued by the end of the current year. Councilmember Drake questioned the purchase of shotguns. Mr. Olsen replied that they were safer than using 9 mm because there were usually people and traffic near by, they also wanted to get away from long rifles. Mayor Susman questioned the percentage of fines received. Mr. Olsen replied that from an $80 fine the Town would get $20. He hoped to explore the possibility of getting out of the court system and handling animal control citations like parking fines. Mr. Olsen stated that the new position would have to go through the DMG process. All Councilmembers supported the use of temporary help until the position could be filled. Law Enforcement - Mr. Wright stated that most of the budget was contract related activities. He noted that the position of narcotics deputy did not exist - there were fourteen deputies. The budget included an additional dispatcher and $22,000 for the portion of the school resoumes officer, which the School District was not funding. $18,000 was included for enhanced vehicles (upgrading to Expeditions, or comparable, due to thc problems with the size of current vehicles). He had requested an analysis to justify the upgrade, but the funding was included. Councilmember Drake recommended that consideration be given to the addition of a mechanic in Public Works to do routine maintenance on the Police Department vehicles. Mr. Wright replied that the difficulty was space, they needed a shop that could handle all Town vehicles. Mr. Wright stated that the boating enforcement supplies were new. Councilmember Drake explained the difficulty of installing/retrieving buoys. Councilmember McCormack recommended that the Town not place buoys in the Lake. Mayor Susman stated that it was not a large amount and recommended that from a policy standpoint the Council could evaluate it in the future. Councilmember McCormack stated the Council needed to address the staffing issues regarding the school resources officer. Mr. Wright stated that if the Town funded the unfunded portion of the school resources office it would probably not be traffic but general law enforcement. Councilmember McCormack agreed that there was a need for that. Councilmember Drake expressed his concern with the Town funding the other half of the school resource officer for the School District, he recommended that the position stay one half time. Councilmember McCormack questioned if that would be affective. Captain Jacobson replied that the officer did counseling, wrote all reports involving the schools, and coordinated DARE activities. If the position was fully funded he would keep the officer at the school on a full time basis. There was an escalation of school violence throughout California and they were not seeing weapons and they wanted to keep it that way. Mr. Wright stated they would be reducing the level of service but noted that the Council had increased it the year before when COPS money was obtained and the position created. Mr. Wright recommended that if the Council funded the staffing level that they assign the manpower assignments to the Captain. Captain Jacobson stated that he presently used the position to provide assistance for general law enforcement and would continue to do that. Planning - Mr. Lashbrook stated that the budget included payment for the Planning Commission, i.e. $100/month per commissioner. Mr. Wright stated that the change in policy would be agendized for the July 1st meeting. Councilmember McCormack questioned if the amounts budgeted aimed at doing Town of Truckee June 16, 1999 Special Page 2 the work in the timeframe the work could be done or was money holding them back. Mr. Lashbrook stated projects were scheduled in order to reach equilibrium of staffing, Planning Commission availability and Council availability to deal with the issues, it was the most efficient scheduling of time. Mayor Susman questioned the level of service in Building and Safety. Mr. Lashbrook replied that they had added two temporary positions - a building inspector and counter person. The Department did not want to use contract plan checking. There was currently a huge backlog due to TTSA sewer fee increases; i.e. they had to have a permit issued prior to July 1st. Mr. Wright noted that anything submitted today would not have a permit issued by July 1st. MI'. Lashbrook stated that if they did not see a reduction in the workload after July 1st they may be back to Council for additional funding. There was no real way to gauge what would happen through the season. Redevelopment Agency - Councilmember McCormack noted that l 5% of Mr. Wright's time had been budgeted in the RDA. Mr. Wright stated that there was a high expectation that he would be spending much more time on redevelopment activities: Needs Assessment Study - Councilmember McCormack stated that last year the Council had budgeted $2,000 for the needs assessment activity. They would not know if there was any benefit received until the second cycle, therefore he recommended continued support at $2,000. Mr. Wright stated that there was an additional $5,000 in the Council budget that could be utilized. Councilmember McCormack recommended that it be identified in the budget for further review prior to additional funding. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: Town Hall - Mr. Wright stated that a Town Hall was on the Council's priority list. Staff was proceeding with the needs assessment process to determine the footprint, parking requirements, etc. Glenshire Bridge - Mr. Wilkins informed the Council that the contractor was "dragging his feet" in his opinion, but staffwas holding the liquidated damages over their heads. They had eighty working days to complete the project (mid-m-late September). Councilmember McCormack questioned when demolition of the old bridge would occur. Mr. Wilkins stated that it would not be until next year. Mr. Wright stated that staff would put more pressure on the contractor and express the Council's concerns. Downtown Drainage - Councilmember McCormack stated that he did not feel the Council could offer any other input on the project. Mr. Wright stated that staff would proceed to advertise the project. Councilmember McCormack agreed and felt it could be brought back as a consent item to award the bid. Hw¥ 267/Glenshire - George Robertson, Glenshire, questioned the problem with the intersection. Mr. Covey replied that in the mornings the traffic backed up on Glenshire beyond the two lanes. Councilmember Schneider requested a recap at the end of year indicating the amount of grants received and applied for. Measure A - George Robertson, Glenshire, questioned why the figures varied from year to year. Mr. Wilkins replied that the Town anticipated approximately $790,000/year in revenues and the budget sheet reflected what staff anticipated to be spent for that particular year. In some cases they may save revenues from one year to do a bigger project the next year or save to pay back revenues for Town of Truckee June 16, 1999 Special Page 3 a project done the prior year. Ms. Olsen stated that a portion of the budget was also going to repay the loan for prior Measure A roadwork. Guardrails - Mayor Susman questioned if Caltrans funding was available for the proposed widening of Glenshire Drive. Mr. Wilkins stated that they anticipated using AB 1600 funds. Councilmember Schneider questioned if the widening project would include bike lanes. Mr. Wilkins replied that there would be 4ft shoulders that could be used as a bike lane. Trout Creek Restoration - Councilmember Schneider questioned if staff would be working with habitat restoration groups. Mr. Wilkins replied that they were working with Lahonton and were applying for a grant from the State Water Resources Control Board. Mr. Wright noted that there could be a General Fund commitment in the future. Tahoe Donner Connector - Councilmember McCormack questioned when the study would be available to the public. Mr. Wilkins stated it would be brought to Council in approximately six weeks. Mayor Susman questioned what the triggers were. Mr. Covey stated that the key was to do the study right away because the Town did not want development telling them where to put the road or what would best serve PC2. Mr. Lashbrook stated that the Town needed to develop a decision path with trigger points for spending. Downtown District ROW Survey - Councilmember Schneider questioned the $10,000 expenditure. Mr. Wilkins replied that it was for a surveyor for title searches and to research disputes. Councilmember Schneider did not feel it was enough money. Mr. Wilkins replied that the project was $80,000 with half in the Downtown Streetscape project. DT Parking & Streetscape - Councilmember Drake felt there needed to be a cut off from Town funding at some point. Mr. Lashbmok stated that the next step would be a petition from members of the district requesting the Council to formally initiate the process. Truckee River Trail - Councilmember Schneider questioned if Rotary was asking for more than was budgeted. Mr. Lashbrook stated they had requested $26,000 for design. Councilmember McCormack stated that he was not seeing the whole picture, but was not opposed. Mr. Lashbrook stated that the Town's comrmtment was for a segment of trail that would actually be built to connect Regional Park to the pedestrian bridge (West River Street). 5. ADJOURNMENT. Mayor Susman adjourned the meeting at 4:46 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vicki C. Soderquist, CMC~ Clerk Town of Truckee June 16, 1999 Special Page 4