HomeMy Public PortalAboutAAC Minutes 1986 06/04'At ) AIRPORT COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 4, 1986 Those in attendance were Ron Deip, Biii Wiiiiams, Lyn Ciark and City Administrator Bud Schmidt. PILOT SHACK TREES: Biii Wiiiiams asked that power be dropped whiie the trees are feiied^ Schmidt agreed -to contact Idaho Power, Pioneer Aviation and the Bureau of Aviation (if the VASI'S have to be shut off) - SOUTH WINDSOCK� At 1:00 P^M^ this date, the Location of this fixture wiii be determined by Ciark, Deip and Chaifant^ PART 135 CERTIFICATION, RON DELI::' The Committee reviewed the certification process and the impiications for the Minimum Standards. Bud Schmidt reported that he had discussed this matter with both FBO's who beiieve the city has an obiigation to protect their investments at the Airport. Further, untii such time as the Minimum Standards are vioiated, the city is not in a position to impose itseif in the certification process^ Finaiiy, reporting vioiations of the Minimum Standards wiii be the responsibiiity of the FBO's^ When a compiaint is Lodged with the city, then compiiance with the Minimum Standards can be requested. Mr. Deip indicated he fuiiy understood the intent and stipuiations of the Minimum Standards and that his activities do not constitute com- petition for the FBO's^ He agreed to fiie a copy of the executed certification aiong with a Letter ciarifying the nature and extent of the services he intends to provide when and if the Part 135 Cert- ification is approved. The Committee aiso discussed Landscaping and tree pianting aionq the Highway 55 perimeter of the Airport and the need for grass and weed controi. Committee members were advised of direction to Smith and Kangas Engineers to proceed with design of the on -site NDB^ Severai members feif this to be too expensive and inquired whether they might under- take the approach design. PARKING FEES The Committee reviewed the agreement with FBO's to refund 25% of transient fees and 10% of resident fees which FBO's Lease in the city's behaif^ Pioneer wiii tag transient spaces 13 through 34, and McCaii Air Taxi wiii tag spaces 35 through 58^ I Resident rentais wiii be handied as foiiows',. FBO wiii compiete information card on rentor^ FBO wiii contact Aita Pierson by phone to determine avaiLab ie resident spaces and advise of rentai^ FBO wiii ass iqn number of space, take check payabie to "City of McCaii A\rport" and drop information card and check into drop box for city pick-up. City wiii rebate rentai commission at end -of -month^ On Transient Parking, enveiopes wiii be numbered consecutiveiy and the City wiii caicuiate commission and rebate monthiy^