HomeMy Public PortalAbout19330714SCMeeting103 Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. July 14th, 1933. A special meeting of Council was held to -day at 4:00 p.m. and was attended by Mayor Lewis, who presided, and Councilmen Logan,Blumenthal,Sharpley, Demere,Cann and Righton and Messrs. A.B.Lovett,Dr: R.V.Harris,J.P.Miller and Harvey granger. The report of the speeial committee requesting federal aid was read by Yr. Lovett and Councilman Cann moved that Mr. Lovett and the committee be thanked for their efforts, Councilman Demere seconded same and the motion passed. (See report next attached). Council Cann moved that the following resolution requesting federal aid be passed,Councilman Logan seconded and the motion passed. RESOLUTION. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Tones of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga., in meeting assembled, at which meeting mire than a majority of Council were present, that the report submitted to said meeting by a commitee of citizen Chatham County, `eorgia, and tax payers of the municipality of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga.,makin; suggestions as to public improvements needed within the municipality of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga., to be consummated through the success - ful application ofthis municipality by funds to be dreived under the Industrial R::coveyy Act, be ans the same are hereby approved. AND The Mayor of _the .Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga., is hereby authorized, empowered and vested to persue said recommendations and todo all within his power to obtain from thelndustrial Recovery Corporation or such other govermental agency,as may have thepower to grant the necessary funds, and accomplish the objects recommended by the said citizens com- mittee, and the Mayor is hereby further vested with full dis- cretion as to the procedure in the matter and may unite with other municipalities in joint submission of pland for the accomplishment of the purposes outlined in said repett, and shall do all things and pay any and all expenses and employ such agents as may, in his discretion be necessary or proper to bring about quick realization of the matters recommended as vital to the welfare and further growth of said municipal- ity. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all sums spent or directed to be spent by said Mayorin the furtherance of this authority are hereby appropriated from the general funds of this municipality to be disbursed, by the Treasurer upon proper voucher of said Mayor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that that the report of the citizens committee be and the same is hereby made a part of this resolution and along herewith shall be spread upon the minutes of said municipality. Mr. Granger stressed the importance of having the County take over Tybee Railro ;d to convert into a highway after some discussion Councilman Cann moved that the County of 104 Commissioners be petitioned to acquire the right of way of the Tybee railroad from Savannah to Tybee, and also that the co- operation of the )ayc r bf :the Cfty rf Savannah, the Chamber of Commerce and all of the civic bodies be requested, Councilman Logan seconded and the motion passed; RESOLUTION. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Ton of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga., in meeting assembled, at which meeting more than a majority of Councilmen were present, that this municipality with such other mun- icipalit *es within the limits of C atham County, Georgia, and other agenices do petition the'Commi sioners of Chatham County, Georgia and ix- officio Judges thereof to acquire the right -of -way of the Central of Georgia Rai.lway,Company, including all bridges, said right -of -way extending from the City of Savannah to the municipal limits of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga., and within the limits of the municipality of Sava nah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga., in ghe event there is a question as to title of Said municipality to the right-of- way of the Central of Georgia Railway Company wihtin the municipal limits of said torn, and to urge said County Commissioners and Ex- Offico Judges thereof that as soon as possible after the acquisition of said right -of -way that the same be converted into and used as a roadway for the alai convenience of all persons visiting Tybee Island, Ga. BE IT FURTHER RESOLTilD that the Mayor is hereby vested, on behalf of this municipality to take such steps and to do such things as will properly present the object of this resolution to the Commissioners of Chatham County, Georgia. The Mayor thanked the special committee and Mr. Granger for appearing and they were excused. Councilman suggested that thpt application should be made at once for federal aid to widentthe streets on the island. Councilman Righton moved that all encroachments on streets that prohibited vehicles from passing be removed, at this time Councilman Righton asked to be excused, and after some discussion Councilman Cann moved that the motion be passed temporarily, Councilman Sharpley seconded and the motion to table same was passed. Trades and Labor Assemble requested that e committee be appointed to confer with them, it mks decided to let the Mayor meet them. Councilman Logan called attention to the TWW not replacing the surfaces on the streets where they tore same up to lay pipe, the Town Attorney wa.s instructed to noti €ythem that the streets must be restored and any damage that may result from the bad condition of the streets will be against the TWW. There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the Cal of The Mayor. .vrtev, Clerk of Council iay_or. 1 Hon. J. C. Lewis - page 2 July 11, 19 States Army engineers seem to prefer in this section a bulkhead with groins extending into the sea properly apacId. A diagram is attached to this report which indi- cates a plan which may serve as a basis for consideration of a bulkhead and groins to extend from the south end of the Island to the existing beach protection at the north end. The War Department is now engaged in similar beach protection at Fort Screven. Steel piling and steel bulkheads are being used. The cost is approximately ►35.00 per linear foot of beach protection. There are 10,000 feet, more or less, on the Island which seem to need protection,_ If the same character of construction were employed, the cost would be approximately $550,000. Perhaps if creosoted piling were employed, the cost might be less. The National Industrial Recovery Act expressly provides for the Federal Administrator of Public Works to include in his program, among other things, '"public works for prevention of coastal erosion". The President, with a view to increasing employment quickly, is authorized through the administrator or through such other agencies as he may designate or create either to himself construct or cause to be constructed any public works project in- cluLied in the program, or upon such terms as he shall prescribe make grants to municipalities for the construction of any such projects, but no such grants shall be in excess of 30 percentum of the cost of the Labor and materials employed upon such projects. Your committee understands that the financial condition of the Town of Savannah Beach is such that the governing authorities could not consider financing, even on a long term loan obtained from the Government, 70 per -cent of the cost of labor and materials for such construction. The Committee therefore recommends that the Mayor and Aldermen authorize the filing of an application for the project, VIZ., bulkheads and groins, for the entire beach where not now provided, and that the President be requested to construct or cause to be constructed the works project, the whole cost to be paid out of the funds available under the National Industrial Recovery Act.. In this connection the committee suggests that the project be presented not as a local one for theTowa of Savannah Beach or for this section, but as a Georgia project, one of benefit to the whole State, and that *aphasia be laid upon the fact that Tybee Island is a playground and health center for the entire State of Georgia and for a large part of South Carolina; that Georgia has only two public beaches that are utilized by the public to any great extant (Tybee and St. Simons Islands), and that by Hon. T. C. Lewis - page S au1y 11, 1933 far the greater number visit Tybee Island. Figures should be compiled, to accompany the application, showing the approximate number a anneal vieito v a I tan ,_°` and vi si tors a ... # days,. - .Sunda r, an• ldsys, . the a ez ninI , the Property investment on the island, the public inAmoyenienta. made within the last few years on the island, including ,i ed_ roa s and- waterworks ayetem t -necessity for pro - tection of the reservation owned by the Government at Fort Screven, and the means employed therefor, and other pertinent facts. To your committee it is net unreasonable to ask that several hundred thousand dollars be allotted to Georgia for the protection of its principal beach, under the cir- cumstances. )/ TYBLR ROAD Your Committee also feels that some provision must be made for relieving the traffic congestion on United States Route 80 from the City of Savannah to Tybes Island, known as the Tybee Road. A sub - committee has care- fully considered plans for relieving this traffic condition. While the National Industrial Recovery Act appropriates $400,000,000 for emergency construction of public highways and related projects, and Georgia's part of that fund may approximate $10,000,000, it seems doubtful that a sufficient allocation could be obtained for this section to construct a new road or to double the present width of the road. We are informed that to double the width of the present toad might cost approximately $1,000,000. Your Committee has therefore sought to find: some other means for relieving the traffic congestion. learn that the Central of Georgia Railway will soon abandon its railroad from Savannah to Tybes Island. We learn also that when the extension of President Street is completed by the city, and a road constructed by the county from the eastern terminus of President Street as extended to Deptford Plantation, a highway might be constructed from Deptford to a point connecting with the existing Tybee road near Bull River along and over the present roadbed of the rail- way, and that the distance would not exceed 7 miles. The distance to Tybee would be reduced approximately 4 miles. There would be only one stream to bridge, St. Augustine Creek, and the railroad bridge over that stream might be utilised. Our information is that the roadbed of the railway could be made to serve by extending its width about 5 feet, 4 feet on each side. At small cost, we think the county convicts might be used for that purpose. Cut back asphalt for a hard surface could probably be laid for a cost not exceeding $200.00 per mile. If eastbound traffic were directed. by Victory Drive and westbound traffic via such a new road, or vice versa, the traffic conditions 1 Hon. J. C. Lewis - page 4 July 11, 1933 on the highway could be greatly improved. It may be possible to secure a conveyance of that portion of the right of way of the railway to Chatham County in consideration of the county relieving the railway ratably for a part of the 1933 ad valorem taxes assessed against the property. An effort might then be made to have the Chatham County Commissioners endeavor to undertake the construction, and pay for it out of county funds, or alternatively, to obtain from the State Highway Department or the emergency road fund under the National Industrial Re- covery Act a sufficient sum to pay for the construction, assuming that the cost might be kept within a reasonable amount. If the railway abandons this property, there is a possibility that the title may revert to the proprietors of the abutting land. In that event, if hereafter it should be determined to try to utilize the roadbed of the railway, the property would have to be acquired by purchase or con- demnation, and if meanwhile the steel bridge of the railway over St. Augustine Creek were dismantled, a new bridge would have to be constructed. It seems to your Committee, there- fore, advisable for ther governing authorities of Savannah Beach to recommend to the County Commissioners that they acquire, if possible, the roadbed and bridge of the railway between the points indicated, on such basis as might be agreed upon between the Commissioners and the railway's officers or receiver, to the end that ultimately it might be widened and hard-surfaced either by the county, the State Highway Department, or such other agency as the United Statist may utilize for construction work under the emergency road appropriation. Your Committee recommends accordingly. MUNICIPAL AUDITOR ruff A sub-committee has also considered the advisability of having a municipally owned auditorium on Tybee Island. It is believed that such anauditorium would bring a larga number of visitors to the island who would spend several days at a time, attending conventions, meeting of trade associations, religious conventions, and other like meetings. At the present time there is no auditorium where such meetings can be conveniently held. Many coastal resorts provide such an auditorium and find them of much benefit. It has been suggested that the owners of the Hotel Tybee be consulted with a view of ascertaining under what conditions the municipality might acquire title to the hotel pavilion, and whether or not for a. reasonable cost it might be converted into such an auditorium properly inclosed with glass or otherwise and with convenient seating arragge- ments. That pavilion is now being.used very little if at all, r Bon. X. C. Lewis - page 5 July 11 and is getting in a bad state of repair. Perhaps at no 11110 t great cost it could be so converted. It is even thought if so converted it might be made to produce revenue by granting concessions to commercial enterprises for some portions thereof, such as bathhouses, restaurants, soft drink establishments, etc. 1935. A sub-committee from this Committee is now con- sidering this matter further and asks that they be continued in order that they (1) may develop the attitude of the present owners of the Hotel Tybee, and (b) may obtain esti- mates as to the approximate cost of so converting the pavilion into an auditorium. AUTOILOBTIR PARKING The parking of automobiles on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays continue a grave problem on the island. While the facilities have been greatly extended, they are still inadequate. While perhaps federal funds could not be ob- tained for the purpose, and this recommendation may not be strictly within the province of this committee, we neverthe- less recommend that the existing boardwalk and hard surfacing of the strand be continued between 17th and 18th Streets, in accordance with the plan submitted herewith. You already know the approximate cost of such an improvement. OTHER IMPROVEMENTS Your Committee has also considered the advisability of hard surfacing the eastern part of Butler Avenue, now occupied by railroad tracks, when the tracks are removed, and the beautifying of the center of the street with a park- way, grass, palms, etc. However, we are informed that the Mayor and. Aldermen now have such plans under consideration, and while your committee is favorable to the suggestion, makes no specific recommendation with respect thereto. It was also suggested to your Committee that a project for the construction of a concrete pier on the inlet be considered. In view of the other improvements proposed, and believing them to be of greater value, your committee is not inclined to recanmed the construction of such pier at this time. PROCEDURK RECOMMENDED Under the National Industrial Recovery Act, to obtain funds either to aid municipalities in public work projects or to have them constructed by a federal agency, an application must be made in writing to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works at Vashington, D. C. The form of such application is attached to this report. The 41. # Hon. J. C. Lewis - page 6 July 11, 1933 application must be submitted through the State or Regional Administrator. The present Administrator is the Secretary of the Interior, Mr. Ickes. We understand he will probably name soon a regional administrator for this section of the country, and that the State will have an advisory board of three. There will also be a technical advisor either for the State or the region. Preliminary plans of any public works project, with estimates of cost and as much detailed apecification as possible, should accompany the application, together with the other facts called far the application. The purpose of the National Industrial Recovery Act, as stated in it, is to increase employment quickly". We believe the Federal Administrator is anxious to get actual construction of these projects started at once. We therefore urge that no delay be allowed in determining what public projects will be applied for, and in presenting the applications with the facts required. RECOMM3NDATIONS Your Committee therefore recommends: (1) That a resolution be adopted by the Mayor and Aldermen of Savannah Beach authorizing an application to be made to the Federal Public Works Administrator for the con- struction of a public works project to prevent further coastal erosion on Tybee Island, to be constructed by the President or such agency as he may create or designate, at the cost of the United. States. (2) That a resolution be adopted memorializing the Chatham County Commissioners, and ex-officio Judges, to acquire from the Receiver of the Central of Georgia Railway title to the railway's rightof way and bridges from Deptford. Plantation to a point north of Tybee Road near Bull River in exchange for a reasonable pro-rate abatement of county, ad valorem taxes for 1933 assessed againet that property: and that a committee fram your body advise with such Caal- missioners concerning the practicability of widening, improv- ing and hard-aurfacing said right of way and roadbed so ac- quired, either (a) at the cost of the county, (b) by the State Highway Department, to become a part of U. S. Highway 80, or (e) at the cost of the United. States under Federal Emergency Road appropriation. (3) That the sub-committee from this Committee be continued, with leave to report later, on the possibility of acquiring a municipally owned auditorium on Tybee Island, at a reasonable cost to the municipality. (4) That the Strand between 17th and 18th Streets be hard-surfaced, and that the boardwalk there extended, if Hon. J. C. Lewis - page 7 July 11, 1933 possible to provide more adequate parking facilities for automobiles on Tybee Island. Your Committee appreciates the honor of being allowed to serve in this capacity. We stand ready to meet with your Honorable Body at any time you may suggest if you wish to consider with us personally the recommendations contained in this report, and the means to be employed to carry them into execution. Respectfully submitted, A.. B. Lovett, Chairman.