HomeMy Public PortalAboutAAC Minutes 1986 05/07AIRPORT COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 7, 1986 Members present - Ron Deip, Lyn Ciark, Biii Wiiiiams, Bud Schmidt, Kirk Braun and Biii Dorris. 1^ LEASE FOR HELICOPTER OPERATION Biii Wiiiiams requested that the City Lease an area on the south side of the diagonal. taxiway (west of T-Hangars) on the grass for a heiicopter Landing area. The USFS wiii have oniy one heiicopter operating from McCaii in 1986^ The Lease wouid extend from 6/10/86 to 9/24/86^ A service truck, chase vehicie and traiier house wouid aiso be sited on the Land, The committee recommended certain Limitations be piaced in the agreement, as foiiows: 1^ No buik fuel. storage; 2^ Requirement of standard fuei fiowage fees/ 3^ No vehicuiar crossings of the airport by these vehicies^ The Committee recommends that a short term Lease be executed to accommodate this operation. 2^ MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS The Committee inquired about the status of the south windsock, biue taxiway Lights, the anguiarity of the beacon and vasi Lights. 3, REVISED MASTER PLAN Raiph Kangas presented the revised Master Pian and noted severai items, particuiariy the financial. pian^ He asked the Committee to review the draft and comment by May 19th^ He aiso requested that the Committee recommend that the Council, set a pubiic hearing for June 2, 1986, for receiving pubiic comment (required by FFA) on the pian. The Committee recommends that the Councii set this item for hearing on June 2, 1986^ 4^ COMPLETION OF EASTSIDE TAXIWAY Raipb Kangas discussed the pianned scheduie for compietion of the taxiway. He estimated that Idaho Sand and Gravei wiii compiete paving by June 10, 1986^ Seai coating wiii require three con- secutive hot, dry days and may not occur until. Juiv. Painting wiii foiiow^ 5^ The Committee asked Mr. Kangas to try to arrange the marking of the ramp and tie -down areas prior to Memor\ai Day. City crews wiii sweep and wash the tie -down area,. TIE -DOWN ENVELOPES The Committee considered Ron Deip's proposai for a tie -down fee enveiope^ The committee recommends that the city print such materiais in two coiors for distribution by the FBOs^ The city shouid rebate a portion of each fee to the respective FBO for this service. The c(ty's address shouid be printed on the reverse side for maiiing and each ticket shouid be Logged. (attachment) 7^ PORTABLE UNICOM The committee recommends that the Airport purchase a portabie UNICOM radio to be used by anyone operating a vehIcie on the Airport (especIaiiy by Pubiic Work Crews and Fire Chief) Cost $299^00 (attachment) 7, NEXT MEETING The committee wiii meet at 7200 A.M. Monday, May 15, 1986, at the Pancake House to review the Master Pian^