HomeMy Public PortalAboutAAC Minutes 1985 11/20November 20, 1985 Meeting Attendance: Don Fitzwater, Cliff Lutes, Ron Delp, Kermit Pe~erson, Lyn Clark, and Bill Dorris. Directions was given to Cliff Lutes and Don Fitzwat'er to work with city crews onsnow removal and storage. To make helicopter parking on diagonal taxi way. To leave more room on the North and South taxiway for ski runway. Committee requested copies of Nov. 6th minutes. Fueling plan for airport was tabled, but Ron Delp advised the ci~ny to notify Pioneer Aviation of possible change in fuelzng procedures, regardingpresent pumps owen air craft only · Give copy~f ~e~" Letter w~th next minutes. Have Bud S~hmidt---che~,.with~, city on bi l/li.ng and col~R..qting Procedures. , Next ineetings agenda: Fueling procedures,~:-~'p.o~'t~-"en/bill{~g and collecting, leasing tie down to FBO'S. · ' ' ~- '~ ....... Next meeting to be held 12/11/85. dist~ tio Th~:~ $ !the grin or th~ ment :, funds t~ finafided ':.~ Ta wASHtNGTO~ The Aviation.!.?Admirfistrati0n !has pro- posed~a.broad"revisio~of its airport certif{c~ti6i4 iihie'{.' 'th 'ni~j~e:' them easier., to, und~r,~tand,. 'to~ CO.~p!y. With .and' i~ :efif6~e:'. ..... :- ' :' ' ' ):'... ' · Th:e::. ' 'pr. 0poh~d'~< itile :incI'ffd~s Cl~ahges'.:.'invOlVing,.:;an.' .'~irp0rt'~ r~p0nsibility' for the ~afetY 'of fUel-' ing Opei'ations and..:i'i'in'i, the re': q'uiren~en~s"/i'~or'.,.cr~/sh, .firel and res-cue 'eqi~ii~ment. hi 'Smail~r air, ports .... : ....... ,.:.. . .., some :~9~ ~ir'.carki'e~: airp6~ts cur,. r~ntlY :h~l~.:Opet~'ting :.Ceftifi'chtes f~bm'F~:~i,Of the'~; 4i9 ar6 served. tm~he'duled ch~Tiers.i. '. :~; . 'Th~' ~[e~'..~fi:~ueiing .0p~rations'i re~luireh p~.0t~Ctf0fi agaifi:~t,'f, ire and - exPlosi0n 'an~tgregbnti0nlo'f'the use of:: .con~atd~'.:i ffi~,. 5:~' '9~f ]~i ~the-;. Which 'can qUences..In.t~.~ea,:~the.propd~hl'' storage ::j;and':..M,fi~g;~: ~ ~qlq~ risks ': of: fire;'.' c'on~htib~ m~fU~li~g'. O~ator~"~ohld ~a~ quane~ly:::~ t~o! r 6spsfi~ibiHfy.'ff0~:'providing dry. fuel, FAA officials said. !:.~Ahother!~Op~on ~Wo~d require airPO~t::operatdi-StO.~.e~er~ise:over~- sight of 'fueling 'agents.'.~.precautions against fire ;,,~nd~., explosions :' but Would not require ithem:to oversee misfueling:'::a~d~'i'~ontaminatior~ precautions. Iri.response, to~ a~ com gressional request, this alternati~re lool~s at the possibility of ~volUntary adherence: 4o.~ industry standaids, including those ;~deScribed in~ an FAA .': advisory"', circular. :: on..:'the storage~ handling and dispensing of fuel.'-.;, '-- - ~ =,The: FAA proposal, would change the ,requirements for. fire4~htin~ and. i:esctie ,vehicles, at .smaller .air; ports. The:"proPb~a}~.~OOld':'det~r; mine~)n".a <ca~b:?~h.'~flis ::the sP~j~ifiC: :vehiCl~.'~,r~',,,~ement~ ~for aircraft..'~en~:~:~e .. -'TUnd~r ~e:pt6~o~l~ll ~tgen- . e'~Sh~ required/to duty';:-~-'~ :the': ::?~P6~. · Vehicle~ :w:0~ req~emen~ for. fi~figHti~gfoa~ W6~ld be' upg~h~d,~ -sta'ndaFdh a:wriff~n~s~b~rem'~'al:plhfi'a~t~~ ~nd~-";'ahH?¢ sl~h::-: begin. It, Wo~d~Y~ict :'ae~s:'6f in the oee:~ .... .'"'V: :', ;,',:::d,: :' ...... ":'_ ."-'" ......