HomeMy Public PortalAboutAAC Minutes 1985 11/06AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES NOVEMBER 6, 1985 Attendance: Cliff Lutes Bud Schmidt Don Fitzwater Delp y;1 Clarx Kc_mic, Peterson Sandy Passmore, Passmore Aviation Kirk Braun, Pioneer Aviation Tie -Down Anchor Sealing ge"-*-6.744- 444) Afttoti.41 azci44. PIA-L Councilman Lutes identified a problem with water intrusion in the joints around the tie -down anchors. He recommended that anchor perimeters be sealed by city crews to avoid having the anchors heave with the ground freezing/thawing action. The Committee was concerned and asked the staff to handle this matter immediately, weather permitting. .) Tie -Down Assignments The matter of airplane tie -down parking was discussed. The Committee determined that the following.concerns were relevant in the assignment of these spaces: 1. minimize congestion and ground traffic confusion; 2. minimize snow plowing problems; 3. minimize administration billing and enforcement. The Committee assigned Section identifers to tie -down areas and determined the type of parking to be permitted in these sections: (Sections are identified on the attached map.) (3.) Section A, 12 tie -downs Resident parking Section B, 14 tie -downs Transient parking Section C, 16 tie -downs Transient parking Section D, 16 tie -downs Transient parking Section E, 12 tie -downs Resident parking Section F, 18 tie -downs Resident, parking Section G, 9 tie downs Resident parking This allocation provides 51 Resident tie -downs and 46 Transient tie downs. The Committee recommends that the City Council adopt the Parking Plan, described above for allocation of new and existing tie -downs at the McCall Airport. The Committee requested that the City Administrator work with Pioneer•Aviation and McCall Air Taxi to develop joint City/FBO means of administering transient parking. UNICOM: The letter sent to Pioneer Aviation regarding UNICOM operation was noted. Page 2 (4.) Passmore Aviation Lease Sandy Passmore's concerns about their lease were expressed. The Passmore Aviation operation does not meet standards for a Fixed Base Operator. The fee for developed and underdeveloped ground is changed. The Committee re- commends that an appropriate tenancy agreement be developed with Passmore Aviation with the following specification: 1. the Passmore Aviation be recognized asa tenant, not an FBO,,with a limitation of services to aerial agricultural spraying; 2. that a fee structure recognizing both "open/undeveloped" ground and "developed/developable" ground be set and applied to this lease. The Committee recommends a rate for open ground of 4¢ per sq. ft. and for developed land at .0530 per sq. ft., the 'current rate. The Committee recommends that on "open/undeveloped" land that is leased, permanent structures, paving or amenities be prohibited, and that only amenities and appurtanences necessary for aircraft and public safety be permitted, for example, tie -down anchors, underground fuel/chemical storage tanks and fences. The lessee should be permanently responsible for removal and safe disposal of such amenities as are installed during the lease period. Note: The Committee determined to review FBO Minimum Standards. (5.) T-Hangar No. 4 The Board reviewed the Citadel Lease on T-Hangar No. 4 and the subsequent purchase by Mr. Woods. The Committee recommends that pending. review by the City Attorney, ,the City draw a lease with Mr. Woods for T-Hangar No. 4. This action assumes Mr. Woods payment of past due and current lease payments. (6.) Next Meeting The Committee's next meeting will be Wednessay, November 20, 1985, at 7:00 A.M. at the McCall Fire Station. Topics to be discussed are Helicopter parking, and time permitting, the Airport Fueling Plan. V10N■ 11,,r1,4 . 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The bare land I lease at the airport is unimproved and has very limited access. The access is through a large depression or down a narrow road. It is not accessible in the winter as the city piles snow all around it. McCall Air Taxi; and Pioneer Aviation also lease bare land but theirs is paved or graded gravel. The city provides year round access. I am charged the same rate per square foot as the FBO's. I feel this is unequitable. I would like the rates to be re- viewed and the rate for unimproved land to be decreased appropriately. Thank you. Sincerely, Sandy Passmore Manager Ai -ort Advisorx'CommitteeMsp�~ng October 23, 1985 � -- -e�_ _ __ _ '_ Members in attendance� Ron Dip' Lyn Ciark, Kermit Peterson, Biii Wiiiiams, Counciiman Ci(ff Lutes, City Administrator Bud Schmidt and Fire Chief Don Fitzwater^ The Committee met on Wednesday, October 23, 1985, at 8:00 A.M. at the McCaii Fire Station,. The Committee discussed protocoi, procedures and responsibiiities of City Staff. They aiso discussed various administrative _affair s .'ece|v/nq atte"t/on, Particuiariy the foiiowins items presented by or, Deip� Designation of transient vs permanent tie -down spaces/ Assignment of spaces to existing customers and notification ie+terj Notification letter to waiting List customers and assign- ment of spaces/ B|iiinq/coiiection procedures` ` Formuiate poiicy and aircraft, 6^ FormuLate PoLicy and e |-f`or-�adminLi�strat'i on of transient spaces/ 7Snow riowino needs/ i nq of heLic,pters^_p.uiicY/raTes/ Fueiing of heiicopters, poiicy/ Unicom operation, -Procedure to direct transients rate scheduie for Large, transient Two other Airport issues were noted'� a^ the NDB, b^ the need for piantinq ground cover between the runway and taxiway. The Committee determined to ask Mr. Deip assisted by Chief Fitzwater to prepare a Letter to bring UNICOM transmissions into FCC compiiance. Committee members wiii review the Letter prior to noon October 29th, The Committee _decided _to address the !��[!�'us���esti�on���reLa'ted_�o�-- -_-_ fie -down spaces, assiqnment of spaces, fee scheduies, etc., at the next meetinq^ This meeting w<iL be heid at the McCaii Fire Station on Wednesday, November 6' I9S5, a_t7:OOA^M^ ---___- Aiso to be discussed wiii be snowpiowinq and the Passmore situation issue (see attached ietter)^ Other items wii| be noted ;n future minutes as pending items before the Committee. -- — The Committee asked that Chief Fitzwater immediateiy commence *hatever action is necessary to remove the wrecked aircraft from the fac/i(tv^ ^ " Passmore Aviation DJa WA & McCALL, ID z 4 ri%lr f, ". ,17z t _.. A 9 Box 1277 McCall, Idaho 83638 22 Oct, 1985 I'o: Mcalt Airport Committee and the McCall City Council Dear Sirs, I would like to request that The bare land I lease at the our lease fee be reviewed. airport is unimproved and has very limited access. The access is through a large depression or down a narrow road. It is not accessible in the winter as the city piles snow all around it. McCall Air Taxi. and Pioneer Aviation also lease bare land but theirs is paved or graded gravel. The city provides year round access. I am charged the same rate per square foot as the FBO's. I feel this is unequitable. I would like the rates to be re- viewed and the rate for unimproved land to be decreased appropriately. Thank you. Sincerely, Sandy Passmore Manager