HomeMy Public PortalAboutAAC Minutes 1985 09/11MINUTES - Airport ~isory Board meeting, September l l, 1985 Pr~esent: Kermit Peterson, Lyn Clark, Ron Delp, Bill Williams, Cliff Lutes, Bill Doris, Ralph Kangas, Don Fitzwater. Current airport project: Due to extended wet weather, sealing schedule for 9/10 - 9/13 will be deferred to week of 9/23. Runway sealing will remain as planned for week of 9/16 with runway to be closed and "X ed" as of 8 am, depending on the weather. Don will phone in NOTAM Monday am. Grass area parallel to west side of runway is suitable for "emergency" use. Proposal to move jet ramp area: Ail safety aspects and possible alternatives were considered. Bottom line is that the master plan would have to be changed~ FAA approval is necessary (which would jeopardize project if done now), and a net loss of six parking spaces would likely result. This is critical in that FAA not happy with increased inefficiency. (Spacings must conform to FAA requirements~ thus the loss). Decision was made to live with designation as now planned as it could always be considered for possible change in the future, especially if justified by actual safety problems. To clarify for non-aviation people~ "jet" in this case refers to any large aircraft of any type. Present growth restrictions in ramp area due to existing T hangars (# 1 - 8) not too relevant since, despite 5 year leases on ground area~ compensation at market value is FAA grant eligible~ assuming a grant program was available when needed. As interim alternatives to moving ramp area now, Unicom operator (Pioneer Aviation) could assist safety aspects during conjested times by suggesting most appropriate taxi/parking routings to moving aircraft via radio. Also, it is recognized that a great deal of any potential sa£ety concerns are related to conjestion and fueling operations, par- ticularly with poor visibility type aircraft, that may exist around Pioneer's fueling island. Since modern operations as well as the master plan call for fuelin~ aircraft via £uel truck~ Pioneer is urged to consider the removal of the above ground portion of this facility at the earliest appropriate time. T Hangar leases: At previous city council meeting, these leases were to be approved~ b~t ~on had requested, and was granted, time for the Airport Board to review them and make a recommendation. It turns out that these leases are for 5 years with a rental adjustment to be made each year based on the CPI for the previous year (calendar year). ~ith one exception~ all existing leases expired on 12/3~/8~; ~ (due to a renegotiated lease) is current and will expire ~2/3~/$?. As to rental fees, # ~,2,~,5 & 6 have been billed and are currently paid through ~98~. But # ~,? & 8, while ha~ng been billed, are currently paid only through ~98~. There being no ob- jections, the Board recommends approval of all leases (except #~) for another 5 years effective ~/~/~, including billing for ~955 at the CPI adjusted rate of ~0.0557 per sq. ft. The billing for #~ would be similar. The Board also recommends the City take whatever action~ including legal, necessary to collect past due rents promptly~ including ie~gal measures to preclude use until paid, if appropriate. It also recommends that the ne~ rental rates for 19~i~ be determined ASA~ so that billing can be timely made in January. Cover letter for current lease renewals should mention that since leases are for only 5 years, future renewal would depend on airport needs in relation to master plan of removal. This only to serve notice of potential. - 2 - Need for airport manager: This item discussed both in and out of meeting with unanimous recommendation that an appropriate position be created by the City. In view of many current on-going needs, an "acting" interim manager is needed and was recommended. Non Delp was asked, and volunteered, to assume needed tasks pending City Council approval for such this coming Monday evening. Cliff Lutes will discuss with Larry Craig before hand and v,~ill place question of both interim and permanent Airport Director/Manager on a./genda for Monday's counci~ meeting. Future Airport Board business will depend greatly on the action taken. Other items: Cliff will place T Hangar lease on Council a~genda so that members can be appropriately appraised of lease ~roblems and past due rents. Don asked about City liability in mo~ing aircraft-for sealing job. Concern was about lack of adequate tiedovrns in nonpaved areas. Suggest question be persued through City le~.gal. Cliff asked t~alph to include need for airport manager in his presentation ~ '] re airport project to City Councm .. FBO At Cmty Council meeting, Ron pointed out error in new wording for Standards inthat Board recommendation (as in new FB0 leases) called for np~ rental adjustment if CPI was less than 3%. City modified standards and a[.v. proved all three ?BO leases based~ recommendations. Ron Deip ~;opies to: ali. attendees, Kirk Braun (Pioneer Aviation), City file. CIIY DE ~cC~l.L Committee, BiLL ]()~~'~' Ki¥'k Braun, and ~ml"¥'W Schoeuh~t TO~ ~ j l"pOl"t F:'~OH: Jim Ssi th, ~irport Hana~' [lATE: J~oe 11~ 1~85 RE; Committee meeting general b~r~iness and FBO Leases / Committee members ~¥'esent were ~rmi~ F'etermon~ Ron DeLp~ ky~ CLark, Don I='itzwater~ Bi LL Wi LI. iamm, J m Smith~ end CI. iff I_utes, Bi LI. Dorris was present to discism the FBO Leases, Larry Schoenhut a~d Kirk Braun had been contacted but were unable to attm~(:l, Agenda items inl. c~;ded; Airshow - permission was granted by the City Counci L in a recjt~l, ation Counc:i I. mee'ting, The airport will. be cLosed for short period of time on the date of the airshowo Purchase of :3 acres on the west side of the Airpor't' - the FAA were considering not aLLowing ~he purchase of the 3 acres to be grant eLigibLe, A I.e~ter was writte~ to FAA re.[uesting that these area be grant el. igib[e, Yesterday in telephone conversation with RaLph Ka~gas~ Mike Crader indicated that FAA is going to 'Fund the p[;rchame but there wi LL be a met of special grant conditions placed ~pon i'['~ Tax Levy for the Airport - A Letter from the Ci'l:y of McCaLL was submitted to the VaI. Ley County Commissioners re.tuesting that there be taxes Levied for the two airports in Cascade and McCa[[, There was no response by the Commissioners at this time, A~yone who is involved with aviation should contact the Commissioners a;~d ask for their co~sidera't'ion of the Airport needs in VaLLey Couoty, o The FBOs a~"~a asked to pay '['heir Lease payments at the same rate ms Last year unti L a solution is rea(::hed regarding the new Leases · ° F'BO Leases .... Jim Smi'['h explained to the Committee that he and City Atto¥'ney~ Bob RemakLus meet with Larry Schoenhut~ representing both McCaLl. Air 'Taxi and F'ioneer Aviation, l'he items that were discussed as a problem inl. cl. uded,* ao The date change from JuLy - ,J~ne to January .... December, The change had been (:lone ss a convenience to the City and at this time there is no reason why we cannot go back to 'the origin scheduLe ot= JuLy - ,June, Date 06/11/85 Page I b + Use of the Consumer Pr'ice Index for' increasing the lease fees° Bill ]Dorris st'areal that he fel.~ tha~ an increase of over 46% was ~oo high~ Several of the committee members agreed. The Committee concluded i'hai' ~hm fair' and e.iui~able solution would be to in(:rease the leases using C,P,I+ bu~ limiting it to a maximum of 5X per year wi'l:h minimum of 7J~ per year, If for' exampLe the C,P,I, is 2,~g ther'e ~i L L be no increase but if the C~P,I, is then the increase ~i I.L be 5,~ o~ the o'[her ha~d if the C,F',I, is 6,5X the increase ~i I.L only be The Las'[ part of 'this pr'opomaL i~ t'hat the FBO leamem wi LL be adjumtmd annuaLLy and not' every five years, Gas tax - a .tuestion of '[he Legality of the gas tax was posed+ After reviewing the Idaho S'tate Sta'l:utes, RemakLus could find nothing that co'nfir'med or denied ~he City tl'~e right to Levy a gas tax+ ALL of 'l:he cities 'thai' were conta(:fed indicated fha~ '[hey c:harge a '"fuel flowage fee" and t'hat it is in~;orpora~ed in the I. eame agreemen~ Bi LI. Dorrim i~dic;a~ed that a~ far as he i~ (:onc:erned he recognized t'he need for the r'eve~ue and ham ~o problem paying the fee under a~ amendment ~o i'he Lease+ Dorris did mta~e t'hat he was ~ot mpeaking for Pioneer Avia'l:io~ o~ any of the~e imbues only for McCaLL Air Taxi. Dorris whe~ asked mugge~'l:ed tha~ the FBOs pay i'he fuel f Lowage fee monthly+ The Committee r'ecommends 'l:o the City Counci L the following, thai'+' 1.+ The clafes of the lease agreements will remain 'the same as in ~he pas'l:, ,July - ,J~ne+ The FBO Leases wi LI. be reviewed annuaLLy and increased in accordanr..e with the Consumer Price Index but only if ii' is ~% or higher and not more than 5%° The [;·P·I· wi LL be (:aL~uLated fr'om July---June of eac:h year° A '"fuel. fLowage fee" be included in the lease agreement, req. u iring mon'l:hLy paymeni's by -I:he FBOs+ Other items of discussion incLu(.ted; The use of a sonic: traffic counter o~ 'l:he runway to gather accura'te i nforma't i on regard i ng the number of mci'ua I. operat ion~+ Finding a be'l:l'er' way t'o a't'tach '~13e tie-down envelops 'l:o -I:he · l:ransimn'l: air~raf't+ Date 06/11/85 Page 2 Amend '['he ordina~ce regarding t'ie-down.~ to in~:Lude t'he uae of m chai n on ~he pl"op for 'Hnome p i Loi'm who are toni' i nua I. vioLa'tots and not wi kting 'to pay their fees~ A checl-¢ of the LegaLi'['ies of this i'tem is necessary. Post a sign at '['he en'[rance of '['he airpor~ ~el.l.i~g '[hose using the airport' '['hat if they are fra~scient' air(:raf'[ '['hen · ['hey wi I.I. have ~o pay a fee~ Fence those areas of ingress and egress that are not Tlecessary and coul. d become a safety aT~d securi'ty probLem, ¢.,+ 'the auto par~,'ing area its in need of gradiog and graveL+ If t'here are any changes or deLe'~ions please I. et me t,'now. Date 0~/11/85 Page Ci'['¥ of McC, aLI. F'. O, Box 10,<)5 HcCaLL, Idaho TO~ Aiport Committee:, / /~/~'- F'ROMt Jim Smi '['h, Airpor'l. Manag DATE~* May 1'?.~., .1.985 / ]',, ' RE; May 8th [.,ommittee Mee't'ing _y AIl commi'i'tee members were i~i attendaoce~ Braun~ Bi i.[ Borris and RaLph Kangas~ G{~est's i nc I. ur. led K i ri-,' RaI. ph Kangas was a~.~kecl 'to a'('tend the meeting -I,'o review 't'he Airport Gran't' an(J 't'o re(zeive g~idanc:e in re<.]ard to priorities, FJangms revie:-:~ed 'l:l'te preapl:>l, ic:a't'ion wi'l.'h 'l.he Commi'l:{-ee~ inclicating tha't' an estima'['e, oi': $9;?I0,000 ha(:l been m~d:)mit'l:ed 'l.o FAA, The final, priori'~'y List for c:on~.-st¥'u(:'l.ion includes** 1o para I. I.e I. 'l:m x i way ~ 2, cracl-,' and seal. coat, i~ncl, ucling marl.:incj 'the paved ,-50 paving tie-down 4o paving F'BO r'amp; ',5, paving .jet ramp~ 6, bui /ding hel. icop'l:er pad; 7, bui ld frontage road; and 8, fe;~c i rig, Kangas tol. d '{'he commi-t'tee tha'[' the drainag,e is a par'[' of each I. is't'ed i '1: em, There have been .:l.~testions-~ rai~.secl regarding '['he Land ac.:[[tisi'tion and 'l:he ~nee(:ls for' a Lo~nge¥' ¥'unwa¥, The exp I. ana't i on i nc Luded 'l.'he al-) i I. i 'l.¥ to Land I. arger aircraft and the (zl'~ange.in 't'he airport,s cLa.~.mificai'ion which wi I.I. increase 'l:he opport~znit¥ for future FAA f~nd'ingo The final cos.[, e.~'l.'imates and decision on the Land ac':L[tisition mum'[' be decided by the 'l:ime '~he projec'l: is bid in June so work can'begin in Ju. Ly'-Aug ~st, Concern was expre~.ssed regarding wha'l- '~he cons't'ruct'ion time mc:l'tecl~l.e would be and how it wotll, d af'Fec'[' '['he closure o'f' tine airpor'['+ Bi LL I)orris. s sugge~,;;'l.'ed '['ha'l- by I:)ui LcliT~g '['he paraLLeL taxiwa,/ firs'l. the airport closure 't'ime (:ou, Ld be minimized° ]Disscussion o'F '['he F.'AA L"}r'an't c:onc[t~ded with I(anga~s mnswer'ing some ge~e~"a [ .ii;est i ohs, Lyn C[a~"~ as~(e(:l abou'~ She possibi[ity of cementing in a slab fo~- the Ag FBO ope~-a~of and what~ i'~ a~ythinc] has been clo;~e i~ r'ecja~"d to the '~'he sLab wouLcl be possibl, e depending o~ cost mod a Letter has bee~ sent to Mi", CI-uzen, but h'e ha~ not i-eespooded, i(ir't Br'a[zn wa~ a~ed to 'fu~"nish the City with a Le'['fel" ~-egar'dincj the a i ~- Commi~ffee member's ~er'e io-¢or'med of' the Na'['iooal. Govet"~lor'*s Conve~tion on Aucjusf ~ ].~85~ and that 'thel"e wi LL be ~'~00 to 3700 peopl, e '¢Lyio¢j into the The Depal"'['ment of I_ands ha~ dec idecl 'H'iat they do not wan'~ to sell. the [5+ act"es '['o t'he t~i'l'y~ bu't to honor' '[he ease~ent, ['¢ you have any addi'~ions~ deLetion~ ol" cor'r'ection~ please Let me -,Nex~ ~i~-por'~ Committee meeting wi LI. b~ ~J~ne at' the F'anca~¢e Encl. o~ed i~ the 'Final. sec'tion Tot- your' Envil-onmen'tf~L '"~'~, .... Z Z o o ~ 62 OPENING STATEMENT Good evening. %he time is now 7:45 P.M. on April 15, 1985. I am Mayor Archer acting as hearing officer in behalf of the City of McCall. Tonight we will conduct a public hearing to consider the social, economic and environmental impacts of improving the McCALL MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. ne AIRPORT MASTER PLAN adopted by the City Council in 1981, sets forth certain development plans which would accommodate the projected increase airport demands over a twenty year planning period.~ Those development plans call for the extension of the runway as well as other "on site" improvements. Pursuant to federal regulations, the City of McCall must prepare an ENVIRON- MENTAL ASSESSMENT which addresses the social, economic and environmental impacts of the proposed 'runway extension, q~ne regulations further require the opportunity for public hearing to consider the merits of the ENVIRON>~ENTAL ASSESSMENT, and offer comments related to it. The ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT was made available for public inspection on March 13, 1985, at the McCall City Library and at City Hall. At the outset of the hearing this eyeing, a representative of SMITH & KANGAS ENGINEERS, INC., under contract to the City of McCall, will present a summary of the proposed projects social, economic and environmental impacts and their consistency with local urban planning. Other persons present desiring to do so, will be offered the opportunity to present written or oral comments on the con- tents of the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT. Written comments should be submitted in typewritten form with the persons name clearly typed, and with his or her signature and address clearly indicated. Written comments will be received by the CITY ADMINISTRATOR during normal work- ing hours at City Hall until 5:00 P.M. May 15, 1985, at which time the hearing will be closed. Oral comments presented tonight shall be re~orded.. When speaking, please step to the podium and give your name and address before commenting. Ail comments must be directed to the contents of the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT. Questions or debate directed to the hearing officer, Council members or Consultant regarding the recommendations of the AIRPORT MASTER PLAN or possible alternatives to it will not be responded to in this hearing. Please keep your comments brief and to the point. Ail comments, whether written or oral, will be included in the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT when submitted to the FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION for their draft of the final ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT. Mayor Archer: Mr. Ka'~, will you proceed now, please~-' Ralph Kangas: Thank you, Mayor Archer. For the record, I am Ralph Kangas of Smith and Kangas Engineers. In 1981, the City Council of the City of McCall adopted the McCall Airport Master Plan. ~is Master Plan was a result of a study based on the forecast of airport activities and in engaged activities at the McCall Airport in the next twenty years. The Master Plan calls for some improvements to be made to the existing airport. In very brief form those improvements are: 1. That the present airport alignment should be retained as is; 2. That an additional purchase of land is required in fee-simple for runway expansion at the south end of the existing runway; 3. That an easement across other lands on the South end of the runway be acquired for the clear zone. In addition to that we need to acquire a strip of land on the East side of the present runway to accommodate taxi-way clearances. The Master Plan also calls for zoning protection to be extended for future air- port expansions consistent with the present zoning ordinance governing the existing airport. There are provisions to extend and strengthen the existing runwaDto construct a 6000 ft. parallel taxi-way and to provide other on-site improvements, such as space for the development of privately owned and operated T-ban[ers, provide for the development of Forest Service fire fighting facilities, constructing 135 additional aircraft tie downs, increase the ramp area, construction of a helicopter parking spot for 2 aircraft, and the construction of an airport access road and off-street parking for 115 automobiles. The Master Plan basically identified three alternatives: One alternative was to do nothing; the second alternative was to move the airport to a new site; and the third alternative was to improve the existing site. The first alternative of doing nothing would restrict the accessibility of the air transportation in the McCall area and would j ebpardize the safety and efficiency of the operation of the existing airport due to the anticipated increased traffic usuage. For this reason the do nothing alternative was deemed unacceptable, The second alternative to move the airport to a new site would have required the abandonment of an existing investment presently made an investment that could not be duplicated. Furthermore, in order to more greatly utilize the McCall Airport it was deemed necessary to make provisions for a non-precision instrument approach. The present McCall airport site is the most favorable position in the Valley for an instrument approach in order to meet the minimum descent altitude restrictions. Any other location in the valley would have required higher minimum altitude re- strictions, which would have been unacceptable. Therefore~, the Master Plan identifies the third alternative as improving the existing site as the most favorable of those three identified. In identifying the needs of the airport in the next 20 years, the dimensional standards and safety requirements promulgated by federal air regulations, of course, are followed in so far as it is reasonable and prudent for the City of McCall to pursue federal aid funds to develop the 20-year plan.' Presently the City of McCall's airport is'what is termed as a Basic Utility Stage I. Within the 20-year planning period it is anticipated that the airport should have General Utility status. In order to do that there must be added to the existing. runway 1,090 linear feet of runway. The North end of the runway cannot be extended due to terrain clearance. There is barely the minimum distance required to the extension to the South and it's still in order to maintain glide snow clearance with the hill at the south end of the runway. The space barely meets the FAA ~' reqi~irements for General Utility design standards. Those design standards are promulgated based on the types of aircraft anticipated to be used by~ performance and by altitude, relative humidity of the site, in other words, density altitude performance of the aircraft. General Utility airports would serve all general aviation aircraft weighing 12,500 pounds or less. Presently the existing airport would accommodate approximately 75% of those aircraft weighing 12,500 pounds or less. That is the criteria for the Basic Utility Stage I. ~ Whenever there is need to extend a runway or to locate a new airport or locate a new runway alignment, the federal regulations specify that an environmental assessment and appropriate public hearing be held. That is why we are.here tonight. We're ta~ing about the impacts by extendinK the runway by 1,090 feet. Of the environmental consequences we must consider the first is Noise. The noise that we are concerned about, of course, is aircraft noise. Based on the projected operations in the next twenty years of planning period, the data would suggest that the noise levels outside the boundaries of the airport property would never exceed those that would normally be acceptable to a residential neighborhood. With that assessment we find that the noise levels would present no conflict with the land use suitability in the 20-year planning period. The next environmental issue to be considered is Compatible Land Hse. Apparently the predominent land uses around the airport vicinity and immediate airport vicinity are existing airport, agriculture, light industry and commercial activities. Ail of these land uses provide compatible land use interface between the airport and environmentally sensitive areas located within the City and surrounding areas. We find no incompatible~ land use with the expanded airport. The next items to consider are the Social Impacts. The proposed development in' our findings will not significantly impact the existing social structure of the community. No residences, farms or businesses will be required to relocate in order to accommodate the expansion. There will be no significant changes in traffic patterns or densities of habitation which will be directly attributable to the airport development. In considering induced Socio-economic Impacts, we find that the e~onomic stimulus from the above increased operations at the HcCall Airport will be significant to the total e~onomy of the City of McCall as well as YaLle~ ,County in general. In regard to Air Quality, we find that the pollution from engine emissions when the airport is in operation, will be insignificant because of the relatively small numbers of operation in the type of aircraft using the facility. In regard to Water Quality, we can find no significant permanent or intermitent water forces that would be affected by this development. A detention pond equipped with a petroleum skimmer has been incorporated into the airport design in order to protect ultimately the Payette River from a mass oil spill. For example, if a tanker should spill ten to twelve thousand gallo~s of fuel on the airport premises, that airport land ultimately drains, and not too far away, to the Payette River. We do have a detention pond and we have an oil skimmer that will ~facilitate picking up the oil before it reaches the river. -3- We find that in accordance with the National Transportation Act we have impacted no Parks and Recreational Areas adversely by this project. These are known as Section 4-F lands. Upon inquiry, the State Archeologist did not respond to the request regarding significant archeology in the area. It is assumed, therefore, that none exist. Biotic Communities: We find that this project will not significantly impact or modify any existing water courses, wet lands or water bodies supporting any biotic communities. We find the close proximity of the project to the City of McCall and existing agricultural and industrial commercial endeavors, we f~nd that the site is not a valuable habitat area for wildlife and therefore, we find we are imposing no dangerment to any of the threatened species. In regard to the Wet Lands, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service indicated that no wetland areas were identified as being significantly impacted, by the proposed project. Flood Plains: The proposed project site is located on an elevated bench adjoining the Payette River, and it is clear that it is outside the 100 year Flood Prone area as was deliniated by the United States Geological survey. No further Flood Plain provisions are required. Prime and Unique Farm Lands: We find in correspondence with the Soil Conservation Service that insofar as they did not respond, that we assume that there was no prime or unique farm site in the proposed project site in effect. Energy Supply of Natural Resources: We find minor increases in energy demands are anticipated as a result of the following electrical equipment in systems installed on the airport in the next 20-year period. We will require an additional 1,090 feet of medium intensity runway lighting. We will require internal lighting~ and outlets for aircraft T-hangers if in fact they are constructed. We will be requiring external lighting for auto parking and aircraft tie-down areas for security and safety reasons. There will be additional energy required to operate the visual approach smoke in- dicatDr~, runway identification light and non-directional beacon,~ and we would expect that the FBO's presently on the site will also encounter additional power consumption. Correspondence with the Idaho Power Company indicatea that there are no foreseeable problems with supplying the anticipated power demands over the next twenty years. This d~velopment should not result directly in the ~increased consumption of aircraft and automobile fuels. Automobile traffic flow should be improved by the relocation of the primary access approaches away from the busy intersection of Highway 55 and Deinhard Lane. That is, we are calling for automObile access from the Airport to be located on Highway 55 and one on Deinhard Lane substantiallY removed from that intersection in order to avoid traffic congestion. Construction of the parallel taxi-way should possibly decrease contention time of aircraft on the runway, thus decreasing the amount of'aviation fuel used during operation. L£~t Emissions: We find that due to the limited nature of increased lighting re- quirements and because of the existing airport and commercial development in the immediate vicinity of the airport, there should be no negative light emissions created by this expansion. Solid Waste Impacts: ~e find that the additional soli~ ~astes generated by this facility will be negligible. Construction Impacts: We find the anticipated negative impacts will include: a short term increase in the level of air borne particulates in the project vicinity caused by the earth work and burning of disposals and fuel burns. We will find possible short term increases in sediment levels ~affecting the downstream waterways as a result of temporary exposed embankments and cuts. We would expect to find in- creased noise levels in the immediate project area as a result of the construction activity. These impacts can be medigated through the course of construction spec- ifications. That is, the control or limiting of open burning, or alternatives to open burning, other air pollution controls, the working hour restrictions placed upon the contractor, urban and temporary water pollution control measures primarily involved with soil erosion, which again, these would b~ of a temporary measure be- cause mostly we have our detention pond operating. The soil erosion should be taken care of. Preparation of the Environment Assessment: Letters were sent to all of the property owners involved for the proposed project indicating that their lands were being con- sidered in the expansion of the project. There were also letters sent to potential entities and agencies that may have been able to indicate any environmental issues that we should have considered. Those agencies included the State of Idaho Historical Society, United States Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Services,. Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Environmental Protection Agency, Idaho Power Company, Farmers Home Administration, Community Programs Division, Soil Conservation Service, the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation. The agencies that responded to our in- quiries were United States Department of Fish and Wildlife Service, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Environmental Protection Agency, Idaho Power Company. The transcript of tonight's Hearing, as well as any comments received in written form between now and May 15th, will be included in appendicies D and E of this document will be forwarded to the Federal Aviation Administration. They will consider all the final documents and it will be their determination as to what the final 'Environmental Impact Statement will say. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Archer: Thank you, Mr. Kangas. Is there anyone here that wishes to be heard for the Environmental Assessment for the McCall Airport Extention? Warren Brown: Mr. Mayor, I have a few questions. Mayor Archer: Mr. Brown, will you go to the podium please. Mr. Brown: I don't know why I'm up here aZ I don't own the land I'm going to speak to. Mayor Archer: State your name for the record, please. .~r. Brown: My name is Warren Brown and I'm here to help Diane DeBoer tonight. Mayor Archer: Thank you. Mr. Brown: We're a little perturbed. Diane received a letter that indicated here, but that's the last we've heard about the Airport situation. Apparently the Idaho Land and Appraisal Company made an appraisal of the land where the airport is to be extended. It would seem to me that they should have come to the property owners and received permission to get on the land and make an appraisal and maybe to consult with the person about the fair value of the land, which was not done and we have to go back quite a ways on this airport to realize that the extension was made on airport the other time and that the air freeway was given to the City back in years past - maybe Ralph knows when; so we are not opposing an airport. We're very much in favor of an expansion of the airport and anything that's good for McCall. But I wonder now how we're going to arrive at a value of the lands being taken up, approximately 40 acres, I think, other than the Idaho Land va'lue. Question? Mayor Archer: Mr Kangas. Kangas: Mr. Mayor, if I may respond very briefly. The FAA through the Department of Transportation has some guidelines as t6 the appraisal and the procedures of land appraisals and to what they entail. I personally am not a land appraiser and I do not know these procedures. The consultant hired by the~City is certainly experienced in appraising land for all branches of the Department of'Transportation. I would suggest that Mr. Brown's comments regarding the method of which it was appraised and>.handled be made a matter of the record and forward it on to the FAA and in the meantime we could possibly get a clarification from the appraisor as to the regulations that he followed in raking the appraisal. I think that Mr. Brown's concern there is entirely valid and he is entitled to knowing what that procedure was. Mayor Archer: Thank you. Do you have any further questions, Mr. Brown? Mr. Brown: One question from Ralph, if I might. Has the Airport been designed? Kangas: Mr. Mayor, the Airport Master Plan layout has been designed to the point that we know, for example, how much footage of runway extension we're going to need and what facilities on the airport, both the land site and ground site of the airport we will need in the next 20-year planning period. There is some design work going on now including a parallel taxi way for the length of the existing runway, some tie-down spaces, helicopter parking, a jet ramp, auto parking, auto access, those sorts of things. At this point the plans on the drawing board do not affect the extension of the runway. We would expect that that extension planning design work would be done sometime in the next 5 years. Mayor Archer: Thank you. Mr. Brown: That's all I have, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Archer: Thank you, Mr. Brown. Jim Smith, will you expedite any help for Mr. Brown in answering his question. Jim Smith: You bet. ' Mayor Archer: Is anyone else present regarding the Environmental Assessment for the Airport extension? If there are no further comments and no one else wishes to be heard, I'll declare the Hearing closed for the Airport Environmental Assessment. The Hearing ended at 8:17 P.M. No written comments were received following Public Hearing. l'O; Airport' C om,', t'ee FROM; Jim Smith, Airpo¥"~ Maoag~ [,ATE: Febr~ary 1..9~ 1985 ~-- RE; Airpor~ mee'~'i~g minu'tes ~ Commi'~'~ee members prese~t' were Eermit' F'e'~erso~ Ron DeLp~ I...yn CLark~ [ion Fit'zwat'er, Bi LL Wi LI. iams~ .Jim Smi*h a;~d guem'~s I~mI. ph Ka;~gms and ..IoAone Curry. I'tems discussed were.' ConsuL'~ing EngiTleer RaLph Kaogas gave a pr-esen'ta~ion o~ '~he ~¥-ogress of ~he Airport' FAA The I. mnd ac.~uisi'tion and co~ls'truct'ion which had bee~ scheduled earLier ~o be done separately a¥'e now combined in'to one pro- ]ec ~ ~ The E~gineering mgreemen~ had ~o be redone which wiLL be presen*ed *o 'the Co~nci L on February 17~ 1985~ The F're.-mppl. ica'~ion was redone and has been se~lt' in *o FAA; The E~vironmen'~a~ Asssessme~t' hms bee~ reviewed by bo'~'h '~'he S*a*e and FAA, and comment's from boi'h agencies have been ¥'e~eived~ Af'~er '~he commenSs have been reviewed and mn .... swe¥'ed a public heari~g should be se~ for Apri L 1985; The Land appraisa~ and review hms been compl, et'ed~ ~ copy was received yes*erday a~d mvm i Lab Le for ~:ommi*t'ee members f. The es'timated cos'ts for cons*¥'uc~ion at~d ac?~uisi*io~ is $9~0,000. The Commi**ee ~i [I. have an oppol"'~uni~y bide are ¥'ec:mived *o review maid bide and if ~ecessa¥'y due to the '~'otaL doLLar amoun't' recommend m priority Lim't ~o '~he City Coupe:iL for g, Approved plans for T--har~gers are avai I. mbLe a't' Ci'['y I-.lal. L~ NDB - RaLph K~;~gam m~(:l ,Jim Smi'th met' wit'h Eddie C¥'~zen regarding him pi-opel"(y i'l'la~ is needed to i~s'tal, l. the NDB, ~r, exp¥'em~ed him desire 'to wo¥'R with the Cit'y bu'~' ~a~ted to mummate a deal ~it'h 't'he ~3*mi'e [lepa¥'fment' of L.m~dm ~'o pt~rchame · [he ~"ai Lroad ro~, After some di~cummion i'~ wa~s deQided '[o send MY', Cruzen m l. et~'er expl. ai~i~g the Ci'~y'~ pomit'ion and mugges'[ tha'~ a Leame may be more prac:-~ical, than fee mimpl, e p ~l"c:h ase · The Commit"eee member~ were m~de aware of '[he 'f'act '[ha* a~ i~-- divid~aL had been expre~miog his view fhai' 'the City of Mc:CaLL ~nd '~he City o'f Cascade shoul, d c:ombine effort's and have one ail ..... port. Ral. ph I(angas explained 'that due 'to aerooaut'ic reasons · he preme~ Lo~a'~ion for 't'he Nc:CaLL Hu~i~ipal. Airpor* is '~he beast and t'he safest. IDa '(' e 02~/06/85 Page 4. BiLL Wi LLiamt xpLained fo t'he (::ommi'tt'ee ,a'~ 't'he [.J,S. Forest' Seervice sc:'h~:dul, e for ac't~aL cons't'r~ic'tion of 'the wes'tside s~mokejumper base !'1~15 been s;et' back t'o fiscaL year 1987, 'T'he cle~ign Wi I.I. co~l'tinue 'through fiscal, y881" 1985, 5+ The F"BO Lease~ have no'l' been approved be(:a~zse bot'h Pioneer Avia*ion a~d N(:CaLI. Air Taxi have ret'~ined ~a~ a-~'torney hsv8 l-8.~es'~8d ~l fl188'l' J TIg WJ ~'l'l Jim Smi 'th and Ci '['y A-~i'orney Bob Remal.(I.~s~ The ,Euem*ioos raised ~are in ¥-eg~ard '[0 ~he from JuLy-,.]~;~8 ~0 ,.Ja~ual'-y-..[~ecembel" as Lease d~ 8Tld ~'l'l~ Legal. i*y of a gam The hex* mee'[ing wi LL be heLd Wed~emday~ ~"cl'~ 12, 1985, a'l' 'the F'ailcake Houme~ mmet'JTIg t'o begin a~ '?tO0 EncLosed i~ 8 colby of 8 SSillJll~l" Oll Ail-pOi-'[ Ma~agemen~ if you · ~0 8~'~eTId Lei' me J.(oow, We may be ~tbJ. 8 ~0 c:~ll"pooL dowtl, If ]'hel"e 81'e ~llly COI"i"sc~io~s ~'0 ~h858 miou'tes pl. eame Le'[ me Da're 03/08/85