HomeMy Public PortalAbout19340604CCMeeting140 turn to be issued to patrons or guests of their places of business, tickets to be good only in parking vehicles on the Western side of the 35 foot drive on the Western side of the Strand. 4. It was moved and seconded and passed that the Town pay the costs of Court but not any Attorneys fees. Mr. Solms was called into the Council Chamber and the Mayor submitted the Town's proposition to him. Mr. Solms asked permission to study the proposal and submit same to his associates. Council agreed to this and Mr. Solms was request- ed to confer with the Mayor relative to his decision. There being no further business Council adjourned, su•ject to the call of the Mayor. 00000000000000 mayor. Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga.,, June 4th, 1934. The regular meeting of Council was held at 4:00 ` P. M., and was attended by Mayor Bright who presided and Councilmen Cann, Blumenthal, Righton, Sharpley and Logan, Town Attorney F. P. McIntire and Messrs. H. P. Anderson and E. J. Haar. Mr. Anderson petitioned that he be granted a reduction in the assessments on his property or that he be granted the disoount on the back taxes due by him. Mr. Anderson was excused. After some discussion, it was moved and seconded and passed that the matter be referred to the Assessment Committee. Mr. Haar, representing Solomon and Minnie Williams, petitioned that his clients be permitted to operate a soft drink stand on the property near Fort Screven. Mr. Haar was informed that the Police Committee had reported unfavor- ably on permitting this place to operate . And on motion moved and seconded and passed, it was decided that the re- port'of the Police Committee be adopted and that no license be granted to operate the place.in question. Mr. Haar was excused. The minutes of the meetings of May 7th, 16th and 24th were read and adopted except as to that portion of the minutes of l lay 7th, in which Council reduced the assessments on the property of Mr. Samuel Blumenthal, $2500.00. Council man Righton moved that this matter be reopened. The Mayor appointed Dr. L. W. Shaw as Health Officer for the ensuing term. Dr. Charles H. Sipple petitioned that he be allow- ed the discount on his 1933 taxes. It was moved and second- ed and passed that the petition be refused. Mrs. W. C. Russell petitioned that she be permit- ted to pay her 1934 taxes taking advantage of the discount and paying her 1933 taxes,at a later date. But it was moved and seconded and passed that if the 1933 taxes were paid now that she would be granted the discount on the 1934 taxes. It was moved and seconded and passed that an ex- tension be allowed on the discount period for paying taxes to June 15th. It was moved and seconded and passed that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in meeting assem- bled, that all monies collected by or paid to the munici- pality aforesaid shall be deposited in some bank or banks in the City of Savannah, Georgia, to be from time to time selected by the Mayor of said municipality, in the name of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, and to be with- drawn therefrom only upon checks signed in the name of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, by Henry M. Buck- ley, Treasurer of said municipality and countersigned by Orrie E. Bright, as Mayor. In the absence or disability of the Mayor, such checks shall be countersigned by J. Ferris Cann, as Chairman of Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Revolution be furnished to each bank, in which an account is had. There being no further business Council adjourned subject t the call of,the Mayor. Savannah Beach,Tybee Island,Ga. July 6th, 1934. Due to the lack of a quorum the regular meeting was not he $ to- day. Clekof Counc'' .. "/ Iayor. 141