HomeMy Public PortalAbout5/12/1998City of Greencastle City Hall Four East Walnut Street Greencastle, Indiana 46135 Pamela S. Jones Clerk- Treasurer GREENCASTLE COMMON COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION TUESDAY, MAY 12,1998 7:00 P.M. PUTNA_M COUNTY LIBRARY The Greencastle Common Council met in Regular Session Tuesday, May 12, 1998, 7:00 p.m. at the Putnam County Library. Mayor Michael called the meeting to order. On the Roll Call, the following were found to be present: Councilor Roach, Councilor Hammer, Councilor Green and Councilor Masten. Councilor Baynard was absent. Clerk - Treasurer Jones stated Cemetery Superintendent Randy Robinson is at Tzouanakis Intermediate School to direct people to the Library since the meeting place has been changed. Mayor Michael announced this as Municipal Government Week and introduced Matt Greller from IACT. Several students were in attendance to help celebrate Municipal Government Week. Fourth graders present were Alice Moore and Stefanie Masten. Tyler Archer was present representing the third grade, Tyler Wade represented the second grade and Julie Black and Erin Elam were present representing the High School. ® Public Petitions and Comments There were no public petitions and comments. Department Reports Councilor Hammer asked Street Commissioner Wright when College Street Bridge would be complete. Commissioner Wright stated he was told depending on the weather it could be completed the first of next week. Councilor Roach questioned responsibility of right -of -way mowing stating there is a resident on South Jackson Street who thinks it is the City or State's responsibility to mow the right -of -way. Commissioner Wright stated he would talk to the property owner. City Engineer Ron Smith stated a pre - construction meeting was held this week for the 1998 Capital Improvements Project. Councilor Masten asked about the Capital Drive project and where it stands. City Engineer Smith stated that is a Redevelopment Project and Civil Engineering is the engineer for that project. Councilor Masten stated the project was suppose to be completed sometime this spring. Mayor Michael stated that a Notice to Proceed has not been signed. CT Jones stated a Notice to Proceed was signed by the Mayor August 1997. Mayor Michael stated the project has been held up, in part, by easement problems with the right -of -way from Marathon. Clerk- Treasurer Jones stated since Cemetery Superintendent Robinson is at Tzouanakis directing people to the meeting there is a request in his report that needs action by Council. The Cemetery " has hired Roger Burchett to replace Jack Coffman. Mr. Burchett is currently employed at the Street Department making $17,800.00. Superintendent Robinson has requested Mr. Burchett retain his current salary. CT Jones stated she spoke with State Board of Accounts and they said it was okay as long as we do not exceed the salary allowed in the Salary Ordinance. This is possible if Mr. Burchett does not start at the Cemetery until May 25th. Motion to allow Roger Burchett to move to the Cemetery with a salary of $17,800.00 was made by Councilor Masten, seconded by Councilor Roach. Vote was unanimous. Councilor Roach requested that condemnation papers be prepared for the next meeting regarding the properties on Columbia Street and Johnson Street. Approval of Minutes City Attorney Trudy Selvia stated that page four of the April 14th minutes should read, "...requested Ordinance 1998 -5 be tabled until the May 12th meeting," instead of "...requested Ordinance 1998 -5 be tabled at this time ". Councilor Hammer corrected the last paragraph on page one stating the sentence, "Mr. Parry stated that Greencastle has been a Tree City for seven years ", should be deleted. This is the first year the City of Greencastle has been a Tree City. Councilor Roach made the motion to approve minutes from April 14, 1998, Regular Session, with corrections, seconded by Councilor Masten. Vote was unanimous. " Approval of Claims Motion to approve City claims made by Councilor Masten, seconded by Councilor Roach. Vote was unanimous. Councilor Hammer stated that there were four excellent candidates interviewed April 30th for the School Board Appointment. Candidates were Becca Moore, Barbara Bryan, Rick Woodall and Tom Bemis. Motion to appoint Barbara Bryan was made by Councilor Hammer, seconded by Councilor Roach. Vote was unanimous. Resolution 1998 -10, A Resolution Honoring First Citizens Bank, was read by Mayor Michael. Councilor Masten stated that he is pleased to be honoring First Citizens 135th Birthday and made the motion to adopt Resolution 1998 -10, seconded by Councilor Green. Vote was unanimous. Resolution 1998 -18, A Resolution Authorizing the Board of Trustees of DePauw University to Regulate Parking of Vehicles Under the Custody or Control of DePauw Students, was read by Mayor Michael. This resolution gives DePauw Security the authority to regulate student parking in the area bounded by Walnut Street on the north, Bloomington Street on the east, Berry Street on south and Jackson Street on the west. Motion to approve made by Councilor Roach, seconded by Councilor Hammer. Vote was unanimous. " Ordinance 1998 -5, An Ordinance Approving the Petition of DePauw University to Vacate Public Right -of Way Located in the City of Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana, first reading. Mayor Michael stated this Ordinance was tabled at the April 14th meeting at the request of DePauw. • The Plan Commission has sent it's certification to Council. Mayor Michael further stated that in order to keep things moving she is going to allow Council to address the Ordinance, then DePauw and then open the floor for public comments. Attorney Selvia explained the process that needs to be taken for vacating a street: 1. Petition presented to Council - Council passes to Plan Commission 2. Plan Commission holds public hearing within 30 days 3. Plan Commission makes a written recommendation to the Council 4. Council has two readings in Ordinance form. Attorney Selvia continued that it will take a two - thirds vote of the elected body to override a favorable recommendation from the Plan Commission and Attornev Selvia feels the Council needs to have two readings. Councilor Roach stated past practice has been that Plan Commission was first reading and the Council was second reading. Does past practice have any ruling? Attorney Selvia stated she feels we need to be in compliance with Indiana Code and this brings us within the law. Councilor Roach asked if this puts undue stress on DePauw that has not been placed on others. Attorney Selvia stated that she does not believe it does. Councilor Roach asked if DePauw would waive any appeals at this time. DePauw Attorney Miller stated he feels it is better to have two readings at the Council level. Attorney Selvia stated that Councilor Masten has approached her regarding a conflict of interest. Councilor Masten stated that he has to make known his financial interest with DePauw which includes a substantial amount of work through his business and his wife works part-time at the student health services and hopes to be hired full -time. Councilor Masten stated that he takes the • Code seriously. Attorney Selvia stated Section 10 -13(f) of the City Code states that if a person has any direct or indirect financial interest they must disqualify themselves from voting. Councilor Masten has such interests and therefore is disqualified and abstains from voting on this Ordinance. Councilor Roach started the discussion stating the issue of closing College Street has brought manv items to the table, some are related and some are not related to the street closing. We have to lay aside the animosity of the past and proceed forward. The Plan Commission has done their homework and have addressed the issues that come before their board and looked at how this will effect the plan. What comes to Council, Councilor Roach continued, is entrusted by the voters to do what is best for the citizens and sometimes that works into the Plan and sometimes it doesn't. A street is a Citv asset and should not be given up lightly. The City has closed streets before not only for DePauw, but for others also. Compensation has not been asked for from others. The asset the citizens look at is the availability of the street to use to travel to and from. Many constituents are opposed to closing College Street and Councilor Roach stated he will not support it. Councilor Hammer stated you have to do what's right for the City. There will be hard feelings no matter which way we go, but hopefully they will be short lived.. We have to consider the relationship between the University and the City and look at the long term effects of this action over the next 2 years, 10 years and 20 years down the road. Councilor Roach stated that this should not be looked at as a City vs. DePauw issue. This is one issue and there will be more. Councilor Hammer stated that compensation is not precedent setting and was not required. • DePauw made the offer to the city for the loss of a City asset. Dr. Robert Bottoms, President of DePauw, stated there is much concern regarding parking spaces. • By closing College Street there would be a loss of approximately 30 -35 parking spaces, but a gain of approximately 42 parking spaces will be created on Anderson Street. "Why did we ask for this ? ", Dr. Bottoms asked. We compete with other campuses for students and we want to have more of a pedestrian college and create green spaces. Dr. Bottoms stated that he feels there are two issues here. One being the compensation for the loss of a City asset and two being parking issues. Dr. Bottoms stated that he is concerned about the relationship between the City and the University. We appreciate the services of the City and we have contributed to the Hummer and IRIS Helmet for the fire department. Our employees do pay taxes and we feel we contribute substantially to the City. Dr. Bottoms continued that he feels there is good interaction between the City and the University and when this plan was put together this portion of the street was not considered an essential street. Dr. Bottoms asked for the Council's support in making a nice park in the center of campus. We have initiated a parking plan and are making long rang plans for parking in the future. Councilor Hammer asked if there is enough parking for student, faculty and staff at this point. Mr. Dixon replied there is. Mr. Dixon continued that 42 parking spaces will be created on Anderson Street with diagonal parking. DePauw will take down the faculty house on Hanna Street and create another 11 spaces and 6 other spaces will be created at Gobin by summer. This is a net gain of 25 parking spaces and all of this will be done prior to the street being closed and in addition to Resolution 1998 -18, which was passed tonight addressing student parking. Dr. Bottoms stated that DePauw has passed a Resolution to grow academically as opposed to growing in population. • Mayor Michael opened the floor for public comments. Norm Crampton stated that he is an Anderson Street resident and will have to compete with students for parking in this area when the new parking is instituted. Mr. Crampton stated that the trade off for green spaces vs. parking spaces is well worth it and urges the Council to support the closing of College Street. Ernie Ford stated that communication between the University and citizens needs to be improved. These issues can be worked out if DePauw would communicate with the community. Motion to waive reading of Ordinance 1998 -5, made by Councilor Roach, seconded by Councilor Hammer. Vote as follows: Councilor Roach, "aye ", Councilor Hammer, "aye" and Councilor Green, "aye ". Councilor Masten abstained. Councilor Roach made the motion to deny Ordinance 1998 -5 and override the recommendation of the Plan Commission, seconded by Councilor Green. Vote as follows: Councilor Roach, "aye" Councilor Hammer "nay" Councilor Green "aye" Councilor Masten abstained Ordinance 1998 -5 passes on first reading. A short recess was taken and the meeting resumed at 9:45 p.m. Ordinance 1998 -3, An Ordinance Amending Sections 10 -14 and 10 -15 of the Greencastle Code, second reading, motion to approve made by Councilor Hammer, seconded by Councilor Green. Vote was unanimous. This Ordinance eliminates the two - thirds vote to override a Plan Commission recommendation. Attorney Selvia stated the College Street issue is the last issue that will be effected by the two - thirds vote. Councilor Masten asked Attorney Selvia to codify the " procedure. Attorney Selvia will draft Section 10 -16 to clarify the procedure and add to the City Code. Ordinance 1998 -4, An Ordinance Establishing a Fixed Asset Capitalization Policy, second reading. Motion to approve made by Councilor Roach, seconded by Councilor Masten. Vote was unanimous. Ordinance 1998 -7, An Ordinance Amending Section 8-45 and 8-47 of the Greencastle City Code, and Deleting Section 8 -42, Section 8 -4J, Section 8 -44 and 8 -46 of the Greencastle City Code, first reading. Attorney Selvia stated that Council requested this Ordinance to change Section 8 -45 from a meter zone to a schedule of leased parking spaces. The fees are spelled out in Section 8 -47 of the Code. Shawn Boyce, Business Manager for the Banner Graphic, expressed concern about the 15 motor route carriers that pick up papers everyday from 12:00 to LJ0 p.m. Mr. Boyce's major concern is for a loading zone and stated there is a lot of interchange in the lot when people go to lunch others park in those spots to run errands downtown. To have those spots designated to a select few would be a substantial loss to the downtown. Why not consider making it a two hour lot and enforce the two hour limit questioned Mr. Boyce. Councilor Roach stated the same issue was brought up at the Mainstreet meeting. They could see removing the meters because of the cost, but asked about it being a two hour lot. Councilor Masten stated that long term parking needs to be addressed. Mr. Boyce requested that the eight spots next to the building be designated as a loading zone. Eric Bernsee stated that a Zoning Variance was granted when the building was built in 1977 due to the lot being attached to the building. Council " requested Clerk - Treasurer Jones check into minutes to see if there is any information available. Motion to approve Ordinance 1998 -7, first reading with the addition of the leased spots having a time limit of 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. was made by Councilor Roach, seconded by Councilor Hammer. Vote was unanimous. Resolution 1998 -17, A Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Appropriation in the 1998 Cemetery Budget of the City of Greencastle, was read by Mayor Michael. Motion to approve made by Councilor Hammer, seconded by Councilor Masten. Vote was unanimous. Percy Snyder from Opportunity Housing was present to request closing the right -of -way on the East side of Badger Park Subdivision. Mr. Snyder explained this is a 25 foot right -of -way on West Jacob Street. Motion to send to Plan Commission was made by Councilor Hammer, seconded by Councilor Roach. Vote was unanimous. Lloyd Moore was present to request vacation of an alleyway on East Street behind his residence. Mr. Moore stated there is a fence across the alley and an old truck parked in the middle making it unusable as is. Motion to send to Plan Commission made by Councilor Masten, seconded by Councilor Hammer. Vote was unanimous. Ken Decker from the Clean City Committee and Mayor Michael discussed the need to rebid the trash contract. Refuse Handling has told the Mayor they under bid the current contact and will raise the price next year. Councilor Masten stated he feels we have a good package and would like " the same with the following addendums: 1) pricing for two and three bag limits; 2) one and three year options and, J) flat rate and volume pricing. George Murphey gave a presentation of a proposed Water Department budget which includes • capital expenses and planning for these expenses over the next ten years. With the needs of the department and revenues down, Mr. Murphey proposed a 9% increase in water rates to cover expenses. Councilor Hammer stated that less than one year ago the Council voted to opt out of the IURC and was told the water department was in good shape and would not need an increase for approximately five years. Mr. Murphey stated that we either don't do the things that need to be done or we have to raise rates to meet expenditures. Councilor Masten expressed disgust in how we got from here to there. There was a 53% increase less than 3 years ago, continued Councilor Masten, and it should have been more, but was cut back. Councilor Masten and Councilor Hammer were designated to work with the Board of Works on this issue. Motion to adjourn made by Councilor Roach, seconded by Councilor Hammer. Vote was unanimous. c ancy A. ichael, Mayor ATT,1?S,T: I Pamela S. Jones, Clerk- �J •