HomeMy Public PortalAbout20181129 - Hopkinton Historic District Commission - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON HOPKINTON HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION Thursday, November 29, 2018 at 7:00 PM Town Hall (2nd Floor), 18 Main St, Hopkinton, MA MEETING MINUTES Committee Members Present: ​Amy Ritterbusch, Beth Kelly, Mike Auen, Jeanette Thomson, Melanie Smith, Maryanne Chambers Committee Members Absent: ​Beth Watson Also Present:​ Norman Khumalo (Town Manager), Dave Daltorio (Town Engineer), Claire Wright (Board of Selectmen Liaison), Tom Terry, Diane Cambourelis 7:06 PM​ - Amy Ritterbusch called the meeting to order. Downtown Corridor Project - update from the Town Engineer & Town Manager ●Receive an update on the design schedule and to begin the discussion well in advance of the formal submission for a Certificate of Appropriateness, on topics under the HHDC’s purview such as lighting & street furniture ●This is also an opportunity for an informal Q&A to answer any questions on the entire project not just specifically related to the Certificate. ●Dave Daltorio reported that the design is now at 75% per Mass DOT. The final design documents will be done by winter 2019, and construction will take place in summer 2020. ●It was noted by HHDC members that some stone walls by the street in front of properties in the district will need to be moved back, such as 15, 17, 25 and 35 Main Street. ●The HHDC noted that it should be involved in the selection of lampposts, trash receptacles and ballards (if ballards are used). HHDC members agreed that mimicking the style of the lampposts on the Common would be ideal. It was suggested the lampposts be the style that can easily hold small banners for events such as the Marathon, Memorial Day, etc. ●Beth Kelly brought up the importance of avoiding visual sign clutter. She suggested drawings and plans of the placement of signage be looked at closely, and when possible putting multiple signs on the same pole, reducing number of poles and number of signs wherever possible, as it detracts from the historical character and historical streetscape. ●Tom Terry asked Dave Daltorio and Norman Khumalo about the gas lines under the streets, and whether they should they be replaced during the project. He also asked about the water piping, and if the drainage in front of Hillers Cleaners could be fixed during the project. He noted that the street floods significantly during heavy rains, impeding traffic flow. ●Dave and Norman asked if the HHDC could appoint a liaison to the Downtown Corridor Project who could meet more frequently, but informally with the town staff. Amy said she could not easily attend daytime meetings, so the group ​voted to appoint Mike Auen as liaison and Jeanette Thomson as alternate​. A motion was made by Jeanette Thomson and seconded by Melanie Smith. ​VOTE: 6-0-0 Other topics that may be discussed at any time during the meeting: ●Drafting of Historic District Design Guidelines (update, Beth Watson) - Beth was not able to attend. No update given. ●Master Plan - Implementation Item #NCO19 “Expansion of the Center Historic District” - Discussion after our community outreach, survey and public forums this fall. ○Mike Auen said he was worried that a 2/3rds vote at Town Meeting is not fair to the residents of the district who are more greatly affected by an expansion. ○Jeanette Thomson said she has heard feedback that the proposed expansion is too large. She says some property owners are doing renovations now to avoid being restricted if an expansion goes into place later. ○Mike Auen suggested that we pull back, consider a smaller expansion. He also suggested taking a grass roots approach meeting with small groups of community members at a time and get more feedback from the smaller groups that may be more interested in being part of an expansion. ○Melanie Smith, Maryann Chambers and Beth Kelly said that they concurred with Jeanette and Mike. ○The group voted on the following next steps - Motion by Mike Auen, seconded by Melanie Smith. ​VOTE: 6-0-0 ■Complete work on our written Historic District Design Guidelines in 2019 - Many other towns already have these and we intend to get public feedback on the draft before finalizing. ■Work on updating the town bylaw Chapter 123 (Historic District) to account for modern needs that were not anticipated when it was originally written (solar panels, satellite dishes, central air units, etc.), consider other changes such as not reviewing paint color and lessening restrictions on newer homes in the district - Any changes to the bylaw will require a town meeting vote. ■Take the proposed expansion OFF the table for Town Meeting 2019. Focus on meeting with property owners in the areas of town that were most receptive to being included in the district and consider trying for a smaller expansion for Town Meeting 2020. ○The following public feedback was received after the vote: ■Diane Cambourelis said that she appreciates that we weighed the feedback of neighbors. Likes a smaller expansion, but amplifies that the whole town will get to vote, even if just in a small area. Recommends that the FAQs be more balanced. ■Claire Wright – indicated that it took 18 months or more to get the Woodville HDC established, and that they held lots of smaller neighborhood meetings. ■Tom Terry - Wondered if we could do a historic district of just a house here and there? Those that really wanted to be in a district. ■Claire Wright noted that the Town Hall & Center School have benefitted from multiple historic renovation grants specifically because they are in the district. She also suggests not requiring review for homes newer than a certain date in an expanded district. ■Beth Kelly suggested inviting representatives from the Korean Presbyterian Church to a future meeting to discuss preservation of the steeple and bell tower, perhaps in conjunction with the Historical Commission. Perhaps there are grants that could be applied for. ■Mike Auen mentioned that it might be a good idea to discuss creating a Main Street Historic District in the area of the old high school, which was one of the other recommendations of the consultant in 2016. He also mentioned that discussing why continuity of the district was important could be helpful to residents. ●Drafting of Potential Bylaw Changes affecting the District - None for 2019, see above. ●Library Expansion & Renovation - Remedies to discrepancies in approved plan (update, if any, on open items) ○Library front steps have been refaced now with granite. - Closed item - Everyone agreed that these looks great. ○Front wheelchair /stroller ramp - Open item ○Church emergency access door railing - Open item ○It was also noted that the front door work was underway and/or completed, but the change is barely noticeable. ●One Ash Street - paint color, facade, door and windows (update, if any) ●Center School Re-Use Advisory Team (update, Mike Auen) - The committee report is completed, although they have not officially been disbanded by the town yet. ●Claflin Fountain - Rusting, Fence Construction (update, if any) ○Amy reported that CPC was looking at a water filtration system grant. The fountain appears not to have been painted yet. Amy will email parks & recreation for an update. ●Identify future agenda items ○The group asked Amy to draft a press release regarding our vote to put the expansion on hold and send around for individual feedback, although we cannot deliberate over email. Amy will then email the letter to residents who filled out the survey or attended one of our forums. ●Decide on next meeting date: 1/10/19 ●Approve meeting Minutes from 10-11-18, 10-16-18, 10-22-18 ○A motion to approve was made by Maryanne Chambers and seconded by Melanie Smith ​VOTE 6-0-0 ​Next meeting dates: ●Tuesday, January 10, 2019 at 7:00 PM, Location TBD 8:12 PM Adjournment ​- Motion to Adjourn made by Melanie Smith seconded Mike Auen. VOTE: Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0 Respectfully submitted, Amy Ritterbusch, Chair Approved on Date: 1-10-19