HomeMy Public PortalAbout19361106CCMeetingThe Mayor appointed a committee consisting of himself, and. Councilmen Sharpley, Cann and Donald G.Nichols to call on Oolonel Fowler, the District Engineer to request his coopera- tion and assistance toward geliting additional federal aid for beach protection. The e being no f rther business Council adjourned subject t he call of j.e Mayor. Cle k of Co 4i yor. Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. November 6th, 1936. The regular meeting of Council was held today at 4:00 p.m., And was attended by Mayor Bright, who presided, and. Councilmen Sol- omon, Sharpley, Righton and Cann and. TJwn Attorney McIntire. And. Captain W.A.Aoss of Fort Screven. Capt Ross requested,that in connection with the several small strips of land on the right of way formerly used by the CRR, desired by the federal authorities for the ereetion of a fence, that Council authorize the writing of a letter to the Commanding Officer, Fort Screven tat it would be willing to deed the re- quired land to the star Department. Capt Ross wasexcused. Council after discussion agreed to turn over the land and appointed Councilman 3harpley a committee to handle the matter. The minutes of the meetings of OCtober 2nd and 5th we-.e read and approved. The Mayor repotted that his committee had called upon Colonel Fowler and that he agreed to co-operate in securing the necessary protection needed along the beach front, Also that new groins were being erected at 8th,lOth and 14th streets along the strand, and that 525 feet of bulkhead had been erected at Lovell Station. A letter was read from Judge MacFeely requesting tLe Town to per- mit Mr. Davis,the Supt of the convict camp, to occupy one ,f the houoes owned by the Town, the matter was rEferrd to Councilman Logan to handle with the County Commissioners with power to act. Plana were presented for the proposed toll station and police headquarters at 16th street and the Strand, estimated to cost about $ 500.00. it was movedand seconded and passed that the work be authorized and that Councilman Logan be shown the plans for his a')proval. It was moved and seconded and passed that the old public wharf on the Inlet, which was recently damaged by fire by torn down at once. A complaint was received that the oyster house erected on the property )f Mr. Sam -91umenthal was a nuisance and was encroaching on the rights of citizens. Councilman Righton Alio appointed a committee to inspect the premises and report back his findings. 24 fr. It was moved and seconded and passed that the engineers level used in the beach erosion be repaired, cost not to exceed 100.00 It was moved and seconded and passed thatsanitary inspector and mechanic's position be continued for the remainder of the year. The matter of collecting a license for doing business from A.P. Solomon,3rd, who took over the aeration of the beverage stand known as "Johnnies" on 16th street, was discussed, Council was informed that the transaction has never been completed. It was moved and seconded and passed that two new winter uniforms ce purchased for the police department. Ac opy of a petition signed by a group of residents of Savannah Beach petitioning for an amendment to the town charter to permit non-property owners who have resided in the Town for twelve months to vote in the elections, was presented, and it was decided that a committee representing the petitioners be appodnted to meet in a special meting of Council, so that they could state their views and what they intend to ask the legislature for. A letter from Mr. D.G.Nichols was read, relative to his appoit14- ment as Town Surveyor. Received as information. It was moved and seconded and passed that the following ordinance ba adopted; /, AN ORDINACE to be entitled "An ordinance to prohibit the mkking of fires within the corporate limits of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, upon any vast property, street, lane or thorough- fare between the hours of 6 o'colock p.m., and 6 o'clock a.m., to prevent the making of fires upon any vacant lot, street, lane or public way at any time between the hours of 6 i'clock a.m., and 6 o'clock p.m., unless said firs are attended to and guarded by a responsible adult, who is charged with the duty of extinguishing such fires, so as to prevent damage therefrom to person or property; to provide a penalfry for a violation of the provisions hereof and for other purposes. SECTION 1 - BE IT ORDAIEED by the Mayor and Councilmen of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in regular meeting assembled tat from and after the passage of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person to build or make fires for any purpose within the corporate limits::of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, as they now exist, ot may heretfter exist, upon any vacant lot, or upon any space upon a building lot not occupied by improvements, or upon any street, lane, or way within said limits between the hours of 6 o'clock p.m., anI 6o'clock a.m., eastern standard time. SECTION - BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the authority aforesaid that any fire made, or caused to be made upon any vacant property or any portion of a building lot not occupied by improvements, or any street, lane, or way, within the coporate limits of said. Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, between the hours of 6 o'clock a.m., and 6 o'clock p.m., eastrn standard time, shall be guarded by anaadult and said, adglt shall cause said fire to bebextinguished and shall so guard the same so as prevent any damage to person or property. SECTION 3 - BE IT FURTHER ORDAD'ED that any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction before the Police ar'Recorders Court of said Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, for each offense bepunished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred (100.00) Dollars and be imprisoned for not more than Thirty (30) Days, either or both, or any portion of either ,r both in the discretion of the judge presiding in said court SECTION 4 - BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that any and a 1 ordinances onflict hertith be and the same are hereby r eal d. Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. November 20th, 1936. Aat D.M., A special meeting of Council was held to-day/and 4:00 was bAtended by Councilman Logan, who presided, and Councilmen Solomon, Sharpley, Cann and. Lovell and Righton. Also Hessrs. J.A.Bergman, H.P.Anderson, and J.A.Taylor. Messrs. Bergman, Anderson and. Taylor who composed the committee appointed by the residents of Savannah Beach Vie- present/a petit- ion endorsed by them to request the legislature at its forth- coming session to amedd the charter of the town to pernrAt non- property owner's who have resided in the corporate limits twelve months preceding an election to vote in said election, and also to require any person holding the office of Mayor or Councilman to reside for two months in the corporate limits of the town in the year in which an election is held, after some discussion the committee was excused, aftxxxxkinitk Couftil went into session, at which it was decided that the matter would be held open until a later meeting add brought up when the Mayor was in attendance. It was moved, and seconded and passed that the following resolut- ion be adopted; RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, t ,e United. States of America desires to obtain from Savannah l'ieach, Tybee Island, four (4) parcels of land of irregular shape situated in the vicinity of the United. States Military Reservation at Fort Screven, Georgia, and WHEREAS, the said four (4) parcels of land are not required by Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, and it is desirable to convey same to tne United States of America; BB IT RESOLVED that the Mayor of Sava nah Beach, Tybee Island, is auth3rized to convey said land to the United States of America by appropriate deed and to execute the same in the name and behalf of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, and the Clerk of said ninicipality is authorized to attest said deed and attach thereto the Municipal Seal. There being, the can' 1 e further business Council adjourned subject to Mayor. Oi !Ica