HomeMy Public PortalAbout20181213 - Community Preservation Committee - Meeting MinutesTown of Hopkinton Community Preservation Committee December 13, 2018 18 Main Street, Hopkinton MA Meeting Minutes Draft Present: Henry Kunicki, Al Rogers, Ron Clark, Eric Sonnett, Dan Terry, Jeff Doherty, Gary Trendel Absent: Jim Ciriello, Rebeka Hoffman The meeting is called to order at 7:30pm by Chairman Kunicki Mr. Kunicki informed the board and audience that member Ron Clark would be joining the meeting remotely due to geography distance. Conservation Restriction – in an email from Mrs. Lazarus she informed the board that there is a possibility that 9 out of the 12 parcels are protected by chapter 97. If the project moved forward the Town (or HALT) would have to go to town meeting and legislature to transfer the legal ownership. Since the Hughes parcels were bought with CPA funds they would need a CR. The ownership is currently listed under the selectmen which is in error. The CR on the Hughes Parcels would place a CR on the property and correct the error of ownership, giving the parcel to Open Space Preservation Committee. With the additional 9 parcels the town along with HALT and Conservation Committee will develop a management program, which would serve the main reasons HALT wants to place the Conservation Restriction. Mr. Kunicki inquired if there would be a different requesting amount, to which Mr. Goldman responded that the money would stay the same as there would still be legal fees, and fees associated with the management agreement. The Management agreement wouldn’t require change in ownership. HALT would act the same way as if they were the CR holder. Mrs. Lazarus did speak with the state and CPA funds could be used to do the management agreement. Mr. Clark inquired as to how the money would be split up, how much would be for the Hughes Property and how much would be for the additional 9 parcels. Mr. Goldman responded that everything that would be done for a Conservation Restriction would be done in the management agreement – there would be Signage, Stewardships, and Trails. The money would be divided based on a calculation of the property. Motion to approve the funding request of $20,300 from Open Space and Recreation for a Conservation restriction for 3 parcels and a management agreement for an additional 9 parcels, with money to be divided based on square footage was made by Al Rogers, Seconded by Mr. Sonnett. The vote roll call: Gary Trendel – Yes Eric Sonnett – Yes Jeff Doherty – Yes Al Rogers – Yes Henry Kunicki - Yes Ron Clark – Yes Dan Terry - Yes Tree Aging- Mr. Kunicki and Mrs. Soares received an email from Peter LaGoy asking to withdraw the funding request for the Tree Again project Dog Park – Mr. Terry updated the board about the last Parks and Recreation meeting. Mr. Gulfi he added met with the designer Andrew Leonard and looked into potentially placing the dog park at Fruit Street, per suggestions made at the last meeting. They determined that there were a few good locations that could be used. The board discussed where in Fruit Street, to which Mr. Terry responded they had been looking into plot 8 (however that may be too close to the water), so the park may be situated closer to the athletic fields. The parking created could be used for overflow for the fields. The board discussed the need for approving some money up front to be able to apply for the Stanton Grant. Motion to approve the funding request totaling $150,000 for a Dog Park at Fruit Street. $130,000 to be contingent upon receiving a $250,000 grant from the Stanton Foundation. $20,000 for the design and engineering from Open Space and Recreation was made by Mr. Sonnett. Seconded by Mr. Trendel the roll call vote: Gary Trendel – Yes Eric Sonnett – Yes Jeff Doherty – Yes Al Rogers – Yes Henry Kunicki - Yes Ron Clark – Yes Dan Terry - Yes Property Between 180 and 182 Hayden Rowe – Mr. Sonnett addressed the board and informed them that the Town Manager, Norman Khumalo reached out to request an extension on approval. He reports that he is still in active negotiations and doesn’t want to damage the potential sale. Mr. Kunicki agreed to hold hearings open until January 17th, 2019. Southern parcel – Mr. Sonnett withdraw this application on behalf of the Upper Charles Trail Center School Evaluation, Design and Renovations – Tabled until FY21 Town Hall Basement Evaluation, Design and Renovations – Tabled until FY21 Motion “to see if the town will vote to hear and act on the report of the Community Preservation Committee on the Fiscal Year 2020 Community Preservation Budget and to appropriate from the Community Preservation fund a sum of money, not to exceed 5% of the Fiscal Year 2020 estimated annual revenues, to meet the administrative expenses and all other necessary and proper expenses of the Community Preservation Committee for Fiscal Year 2020; and further, to reserve for future appropriation a sum of money from the Community Preservation Fund for Open Space, Historic Resources, and Community Housing purposes; and further, to appropriate from the Community Preservation Fund, or borrow pursuant to Chapter 44B, Section 11 of the Massachusetts General Laws, or any other enabling authority, a sum or sums of money for the following Community Preservation projects or purposes, including the acquisition of interests in land, all as recommended by the Community Preservation Committee. Motion was made by Mr. Sonnett, seconded by Mr. Rogers. The roll call vote: Gary Trendel – Yes Eric Sonnett – Yes Jeff Doherty – Yes Al Rogers – Yes Henry Kunicki - Yes Ron Clark – Yes Dan Terry - Yes Motion to approve the minutes as amended was made by Mr. Sonnett, seconded by Mr. Trendel. The roll call vote: Gary Trendel – Yes Eric Sonnett – Yes Jeff Doherty – Yes Al Rogers – Yes Henry Kunicki - Yes Ron Clark – Yes Dan Terry - Yes Motion to approve the annual report as presented was made by Mr. Clark. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sonnett, the roll call vote: Gary Trendel – Yes Eric Sonnett – Yes Jeff Doherty – Yes Al Rogers – Yes Henry Kunicki - Yes Ron Clark – Yes Dan Terry - Yes Mr. Clark informed the board of his resignation with the Community Preservation. He will be sending in his resignation to the board of selectmen to be effective as of December 31, 2018. Motion to adjourn until January 17, 2019 was made by Mr. Sonnett, seconded by Mr. Trendel. The roll call vote: Gary Trendel – Yes Eric Sonnett – Yes Jeff Doherty – Yes Al Rogers – Yes Henry Kunicki - Yes Ron Clark – Yes Dan Terry - Yes Minutes Approved 8.20.2019