HomeMy Public PortalAbout20091008INFRAMINUTES.pdfINFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES City of Tybee Island October 8, 2009 5:30 pm Attendees: Diane Schleicher, Barry Brown, George Reese, Bubba Hughes, Charlie Brewer, Downer Davis, Jonathan Lynn, Paul Wolff, Joe Wilson Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. Charlie Brewer motioned to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Barry Brown seconded. New Business: I. Hwy 80 – GDOT Right of Way Mowing and Maintenance Agreement and Permit for Cross-walks at 3rd, 11th and 13th Streets and for Solar Powered Blinking Pedestrian Signs. A. The application was submitted and approval was given from DOT. The City now needs to sign and send back to DOT. B. Barry Brown motions to moving forward with the crosswalks at 3rd, 11th, and 13th Streets, and approval of the Solar Powered Blinking Pedestrian Signals subject to budget approval. Charlie Brewer seconded. C. Joe Wilson would like to review the Maintenance Agreement and making a decision at the next meeting. II. Update on Water Withdrawal Rate To Date A. Bill Lovett says that he took the information that George Reese provided and changed the monthly pumping rate to an average daily rate, because that is one of the permit limitations. Permitted Monthly Rate – 1.6 MGD Annual Average - .916 To Date this year - .864 Estimated Annual Average for 2009 - .807 B. Water conservation efforts seem to be working good. When comparing the same 5 locations from May through August of 2008 and 2009, removing the full showers and replacing them with foot showers have cut water usage in half. May–Aug 2008 (Full Showers) May–Aug 2009 (Foot Showers Only) 500,000 Gallons of water 250,000 Gallons of water Old Business: I. FORT SCREVEN WATERLINES A. Project Update 1. Need to cap off 3” & 6” waterlines at North Campbell & Van Horne. 2. 7 Fire Hydrants that are within the old system and out of service, will be removed. 3. 3 New Fire Hydrants will be installed. B. North Campbell Street Waterline C. Coupon has been removed and is no longer an issue. II. 8th STREET DRAINAGE A. DNR Permit 1. Joe Wilson says that this issue is on the schedule to be on DNR’s agenda in November. B. Cost Estimates 1. For 8x9 Storage Box and Pump Station. Both are over $500,000 each. III. EFFLUENT LINE EXTENSION A. Bill Lovett recommends installing a sign “Danger.” Barry Brown thinks we should do the same but add a second post and tie the line up to them both so it will not sink farther. B. Charlie Brewer motions to put a permanent post in with a sign that reads “Danger.” Barry Brown seconded. IV. CHATHAM AVENUE TO PUMP STATION NO. 2 SEWER LINE RELOCATION A. Bill Lovett believes the best place for the sewer line is on city right-of- way, but a homeowner currently has personal items in the way. B. Barry Brown motions to have the City Attorney write a letter to the homeowner asking them to remove their items from the City Right-of- way. Charlie Brewer seconded. V. 14TH STREET DRAINAGE A. Project Update B. Peter Hand Easement – has been signed. 1. Charlie Brewer motions to pay Peter Hand $10,000 for a perpetual easement. Barry Brown seconded. 2. The committee agrees it is time to give the contractor a notice to proceed. C. Kathryn Williams Easement 1. Pipeline Engineer 2. Structural Engineer 3. Charlie Brewer motions to approve up to $2000 for Kathryn Williams to get another engineering opinion or for oversight of construction. Barry Brown seconded. 4. Bubba Hughes and Bill Lovett agree that since the City has already had an engineer look at the job, that if Kathryn Williams wants an opinion of her own, she should pay for it. But they do agree she should get her own experts opinion on the design and construction. They do not anticipate any damage occurring. Bill Lovett thinks it would be smart for the City to have someone take pictures of the area. VI. TEE GRANT – SIDEWALKS AND RAMPS A. Bill Lovett says DOT is in concurrence and there is a Pre-construction conference set up for next Tuesday. VII. PUMP STATIONS 3 AND 6 FORCEMAIN REPLACEMENT A. Design and Permitting Status 1. Bill Lovett says the design should be complete by the end of next week on the 16th of October. B. Additional Work Approved by City 1. Bill Lovett will bring a cost estimate for both pump stations to the next meeting and then the committee can decide what to do from there. C. Parallel FM??? 1. Bill Lovett recommends keeping the current force-main as a back- up line. VIII. WWWTP GRIT REMOVAL AND ODOR CONTROL (PS #6) A. Construction Complete and Final Payment Authorized 1. George Reese says there are a few more things the contractor needs to do including training our staff on the equipment. The committee agrees to hold off on the final payment until everything is complete. George Reese says he has not yet authorized a final payment. B. O & M Manual submitted to EPD. C. Equipment Suppliers are scheduled to adjust the equipment. IX. 6TH STREET DRAINAGE ISSUE A. Joe Wilson has a meeting with EPD about ditch maintenance on Wednesday the 21st of October and that he can bring up the situation on 6th Street at that time. Charlie Brewer motions to adjourn the meeting. Barry Brown seconded the motion. “A quorum of City Council members may be present which would constitute a meeting” These minutes were respectfully submitted by Jackie Cary.