HomeMy Public PortalAbout9C City Fees for PWCity Council October 16, 2012 Page 2 4. On April 28, 2011, RCS completed the staff assessment and presented the final report, Cost of Services Study -Fiscal Year 2010-2011 (Attachment "8"), to supervisory staff. 5. On June 28, 2011, the City Council conducted a Public Hearing and adopted Resolution 11-4757 which established: a Master Fee Schedule (Attachment "C") for parking fines and City fees to defray costs for general financial services; general community development services (including planning, business regulation, building and safety, community preservation, animal control); general engineering services; and parks and recreation. 6. On October 4, 2011, the City obtained the services of RBF Consulting to conduct a downtown parking study and strategic plan, and a city-wide traffic calming study and master plan, both of which are currently in progress. 7. On December 6, 2011, the City Council approved adding Chapter 11 (Shopping and Laundry cart Containment, Retrieval, and Abatement Ordinance) to Title 4 (Law Enforcement) of the Temple City Municipal Code regarding the prevention and unauthorized removal of shopping carts from retail/commercial premises and facilitating the retrieval of abandoned carts on public property. The approved ordinance required business owners to develop a Cart Containment and Retrieval Plan (Attachment "D") to be reviewed and approved by the City. 8. On June 27, 2012, City staff developed a Special Event Application (Attachment "E") which was designed to provide applicants a review and approval process for proposed special events within the City. 9. On July 1, 2012, the City entered into an agreement for consultant services with Transtech Engineers Inc., for building code and public works/engineering services. 10. On July 12, 2012, a Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Temple City Tribune newspaper to notify interested parties and advise residents of the Planning Commission's meeting of July 24, 2012. 11. On July 24, 2012, the Planning Commission conducted a noticed public hearing and made a recommendation to the City Council to approve the Parking Concession Agreements code amendment and adopt the Negative Declaration. 12. On August 7, 2012, the City Council conducted a public hearing to consider adoption of Ordinance No. 12-959, which created Section 9290.5 Parking Concession Agreements of the Temple City Municipal Code, and introduced the draft ordinance for first reading. City Council October 16, 2012 Page 3 13 . On August 14, 2012, RBF Consulting presented their downtown parking study findings and preliminary recommendat ions at a Special Joint Meeting between the City Council, Planning Commission and Public Safety Commission. 14. On August 28, 2012, the City Council conducted a public hearing for second reading and adoption of Ordinance No . 12-959. 15. On September 27, 2012, the code amendments for Section 9290 .5 Parking Concession Agreements went into effect. 16. On October 4, 2012 a Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Temple City Tribune newspaper to notify interested parties and advise the residents of this public hearing . 17. On October 9, 2012 a Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Temple City Tribune newspaper to notify interested parties and advise the residents of this public hearing. ANALYSIS: The revised Master Fee Schedule , as noted in Exhibit "1" of the attached Resolution No. 12-4863 (Attachment "A"), includes proposed fees that are intended to offset current costs incurred by the City to provide public works and engineering review, parking concession agreements, grocery and laundry cart retrieval plan review, and special event review services. The proposed fees are based on a time and materials analysis (Attachment "F") that includes average hours spent by City staff and support personnel (i.e ., Transtech Engineering Inc.) to process applications for development projects that require : excavation, construction , encroachment, and engineering plan review; parking concession agreements; grocery and laundry cart plan review; and special event review services. The proposed fees are based on the current hourly rates for pertinent staff that provide i nput in the review of said services, and are intended to account for the actual cost of services provided by the City. Staff is recommending fees for the following services not covered by the existing Master Fee Schedule : 1. Public Works/Engineering Fees The Cost of Services Study -Fiscal Year 2010-2011 provided unit costs for many services performed by City staff; however, because staff did not perform any public works and/or engineering review services (most public works and engineering review services were provided by the Los Angeles County City Council October 16, 2012 Page 4 Department of Public Works), the fees for those types of services were not identified in the RCS cost study. Transtech Engineering Inc. is now providing most of the aforementioned services at a lesser cost to the City and in a more expedient manner. Unfortunately, because the City had not adopted a fee resolution identifying public works and/or engineering review services, the cost has been incurred by the City from the General Fund. Public works and engineering review services encompass a wide range of excavation, construction, and encroachment activities within the City. Projects also have great variation in frequency and intensity of said activities. Therefore, staff is recommending that various fees, ranging from less than $100 to more than $5000 be established for public works and/or engineering review services provided by the City. A complete list of proposed fees for the Time and Materials Analysis for Public Works/Engineering Review is provided in Attachment "F". 2. Parking Concession Agreements Fee In order to address parking shortages in the City for commercial properties, the City Council recently established a Section 9290.5 in the TCMC relating to Parking Concession Agreements. Parking Concession Agreements allow new businesses and property owners to enter into an agreement with the City to receive an On-site Parking Reduction in exchange for certain transportation related improvements and/or pay an off street parking mitigation fee. Another option is that a property owner or business could build excess parking in exchange for a Development Standards Reduction. Staff is recommending that the review of the new Parking Concession Agreements would be similar to the review time for a Zone Variance, since most of the time staff would be reviewing situations where property owners are short on parking. Therefore, staff is recommending that a fee of $1,740.00 be established for a Parking Concession Agreement. 3. Grocery and Laundry Cart Retrieval Plan Under the provisions of the Shopping and Laundry Cart Containment, Retrieval, And Abatement Ordinance, retail or other commercial uses providing cart service are required to submit a Cart Retrieval and Containment Plan to the City. This plan sets forth a program to ensure that carts are not removed from their premises and a retrieval plan if they are removed. Each plan will require a staff review to ensure that it is complete and adequate. Staff is recommending that the review of the Cart Retrieval and Containment Plan would be similar to the review time for a CUP Condition Monitoring fee, since most staff time would be incurred in reviewing the proposed containment City Council October 16, 2012 Page 5 plan and monitoring instances where carts are left abandoned throughout the City. Staff is recommending that a fee of $520.00 be established for a Cart Retrieval and Containment Plan. 4. Special Event Application In order to ensure that special events within the City are safe and comply with City and State regulations regarding traffic and public health, staff created the Special Event Application. The application is designed to provide event coordinators with information regarding the requirements (i.e., site plan and route map, parking plan, Americans With Disabilities Act awareness, security information, marketing and advertising, entertainment and related activities, alcohol, food concession or preparation, restrooms, waste management, insurance, hold harmless agreements, city department review and approval, business vendor license, and medical evacuation plans) for planning a special event in Temple City. Each plan will require a staff review to ensure that it is complete and adequate. Staff review of the Special Event Application would generally consist of three hours of review by the City's public safety officer, public safety and services manager, and traffic engineer. Therefore, staff is recommending that a fee of $375.00 be established for review of the Special Event Application regardless of approval or denial of the event. CONCLUSION: Consistent with direction given by the City Council to update City services and increase transparency, staff has conducted an analysis to determine the costs incurred by the City in the delivery of public works and engineering review, parking concession agreements, grocery and laundry cart retrieval plan review, and special event review services. Based on the analysis, staff is recommending a revision of the Master Fee Schedule to offset the costs currently borne by the City. The approval of attached Fee Resolution and revised Master Fee Schedule, as noted in Exhibit "1" of the attached Resolution No. 12-4863 (Attachment "A"), would allow City Departments/Divisions to defray costs incurred for services provided by the City to the public. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated increase in revenues to the General Fund as a result of adopting the attached Resolution related to the proposed fee schedule is approximately $50,000. These estimated revenues are accounted for in the General Fund Fiscal Year 2012-13 City Budget. City Council October 16, 2012 Page 6 ATTACHMENTS: A. Draft Resolution 12-4863 B. Master Fee Schedule (adopted June 28, 2011) C. Cost of Services Study for the City of Temple City, CA Fiscal Year 2010-2011 D. Cart Containment and Retrieval Plan E. Special Event Application F. Time and Materials Analysis for Public Works/Engineering Review ATTACHMENT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 12-4863 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING FEES AND CHARGES TO DEFRAY COSTS FOR GENERAL FINANCIAL SERVICES; GENERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INCLUDING PLANNING, BUSINESS LICENSE, BUILDING AND SAFETY, COMMUNITY PRESERVATION, ANIMAL CONTROL, AND PARKING PENALTIES, GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING SERVICES; PARKING CONCESSION, AND PARKS AND RECREATION SERVICES. WHEREAS. the C1ty Council of the City of Temple City desires to defray the costs for prov1drng certam serv1ces; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and considered a cost allocation plan and comprehensive user fee study based on the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 personal, operating, equipment and material usage costs, and costs charged by other cities; and WHEREAS, the vanous departments have provided to the City Council a list of recommended fees and charges; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on October 161 h and November 61h 2012 to cons1der the updated Fee Schedule NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the C1ty of Temple Crty, does hereby resolve. fmd, determine. and other as follows. SECTION 1. Crty Council Resolution No. 11-4757, adopted June 28, 2011 to establish fees for general f1nanc1al services; general community development services including plannrng, busrness license, building and safety. community preservation, animal control, and parking penalties ; general engineenng services, and parks and recreation services is hereby rescinded as of the effective date of this Resolution SECTION 2. The City Council hereby finds and determines, based upon the analysis set forth in the staff report dated October 16. 2012. that fees and charges set forth m the Master Fee Schedule, as noted in Exhibit "1" of the attached Resolution No. 12-4863 (Attachment "A"), attached hereto and incorporated by reference, are in an amount reasonably necessary to recover costs of providing the service, review, and documentation for with such fee or charge IS levied or authorized to be levied. SECTION 3. The fees and charges set forth above and incorporated herein by reference shall be adJusted on an annual basrs to reflect increases in the Consumer Price Index. The City Council finds and determines that utilizing the annual percent change in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers in the Los Angeles, Anaheim, Riverside metropolitan statistical area, as published by the United States Government Bureau of Labor Statistics, (CPI) is a suitable equivalent measure for determining the annual 1ncrease in the reasonable cost of services provided by the City. Therefore, the annual CPI adjustment of each fee and charge shall be determined as follows· Calculate the percentage movement between April of the previous year and March of the current year in the CPI then increase each fee or charge by said percentage amount and round off to the nearest one dollar. provided, however, that no CPI adjustment shall decrease any fee or charge. The City shall review all fees and charges at least every three fiscal years to ensure that no fee or charge exceeds the reasonable cost of providing services. Where a change rn c1rcumstances results m the reduction of the cost of providing a particular service. the C1ty shall adjust the corresponding fee or charge to reflect the actual cost of providing the service Where a change rn Circumstances results in the increase of the cost of providrng a particular service in excess of the CPl. the City may adjust the corresponding fee or charge to reflect the actual cost of providing the service. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shalf certify to the passage and adoption of thrs Resolution and it shall thereupon take effect. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED on this 161h day of October, 2012. Resolution No 114755 Page2 ATTEST: Peggy Kuo, C1ty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM· Eric S. Vail, City Attorney STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) ss CITY OF TEMPLE CITY) Mayor Vincent Yu I hereby cert1fy that the foregotng resolution, Resolution No. 124863, was duly passed. approved and adopted by the C1ty Counc1l of the City of Temple City at a regular meet1ng held on the 16n' day of October. 2012, by the follow1ng vote. AYES· NOES. ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Councllmember- Councilmember- Councilmember- Councilmember- City Clerk ATTACHMENT "C" COST OF SERVICES STUDY for the City of Temple City, CA Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Publication Date: April 28, 2011 Copyright, 2011 by Revenue & Cost Specialists, LLC All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means -graphic, electronic, mechanical, including any photocopying, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval systems -without written permission of: Revenue & Cost Specialists, LLC 1519 East Chapman Avenue, Suite C Fullerton, California 92831 (714) 992-9020 REVENUE & COST SPECIALISTS, L.L.C. 2545 Chapman Avenue, Suite 103 Fullerton, California 92831 June 23, 2011 Jose Pulido, City Manager City of Temple City 9701 Las Tunas Drive Temple City, CA 91781 Dear Mr. Pulido, (714) 992-9020 This letter transmits the revised Summary Schedule for the Cost of Services Study that RCS has prepared for the City. This Summary Schedule has been revised to coordinate with Phase I of the Master Fee Resolution prepared by staff. Sincerely, ~ I fl ~ /?. d L~.-r<..-i ·'~~'-(:.'"" RICK KERMER President CITY OF TEMPLE CrTY, CAUFORNIA SCHEDUlE OF SERVICE REVENUES, COSTS & PROFIT/SUBSIDY FISCAL YEAR 2010..11 POSSIBLE TOTAL TOTAL PROFRJ PCT.RECOVERY HEW IU!Fif SERVICE 111LE REV$1UE CDIT !SUBSIDY) CURRENT StJGGESU.O REVENUE S-010 BUILDING PLAN CK & INSPECTION $584,000 $518,811 $86,389 112.8"" 100.0% $0 (1) S-025 GENERAL PLAN MAINTENANCE $0 $100,000 (1100,000) 0.0% 100.0% $0 (1) S·030 MUNI.COOE COMPLIANCE PLN CK & INSP. 10 $18,982 ($1U62) 0.0% 100.0% 119,000 S-Q99 TEMPORARY USE PERMIT $43 $8,082 ($11,019) 0.5" 100,0'11. $~.000 - S-100 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: R-1 ZONe $7,299 $12,597 ($5,298) 57.9% 100.0% 53,500 ~ 5·101 CONDITIONAL USE PERt.li: All OTHER $7,299 115,200 ($7,901) 411.0% 100.0% $5,300 •• S-102 CUP MODIFICATION: R-1 ZONE $405 $898 ($491) 45.2% 100.0% $0 • S-103 CUP MODIFICATION: All OTHER $2,025 $5,928 ($3,901) 34..2% 100.0% $2,300 .. 5·104 CUP CONDfTION MONITORING $0 19,093 (19,093) 0.0% 100.0% 19,100 5·105 ZONE VARIANCE: R·1 ZONE 11,300 $8,756 (15,458) 19.2% 100.0% 14,100 .. S-107 ZONE VARIANCE: All OTHER ZONES 11,856 $8,756 ($4,800) 28.0'1' 100.0% 13.800 ., S-109 ZONE VAR.MOOIFICAllON: R-1 ZONE $244 11,185 (1941) 20.8% 100.0% so • S-112 ZONE VAR.MODIFICATION: OTHER ZONES $405 $1,185 ($780) 34.2% 100.0% so ' S-114 ZONE VAR.MODIFICATION: MINOR $182 $288 (1108) 80.4% 100.0% $0 f. 5-118 APPEALS 1182 1933 (1771) 17.4"" 100.0% $0' S-118 GENERAL PlAN AMENDMENT $976 $5,428 ($4,451) 18.0% 100,0% $0' S-120 ZONE CHANGE $811 $5,428 ($4,815) 14.8% 100.0% $0 t S-121 GEN.PL.AN AMEND. l ZONE CHANGE 11.82.5 18,885 (15,080) 24.3% 100.0% so • S-123 RES'l PLND DEV: PROVISIONAL PLAN $1,822 $7,533 (15,911) 21.5% 100.0% $!1,900 S-125 RES'L PLND DEV: PRECISE PLAN $1,426 $7,533 (111,107) 1U% 100.0% $6,100 5-126 TEMPORARY SIGN/BANNER REVIEW so $44,700 ($44,700} 0.0% 100.0% 133,500 - 5-127 SIGN REVIEW $1,890 $5,668 ($3,776) 33.4% 100.0% $3,800 5-128 SIGN PROGRAM REVIEW 10 $495 ($495) 0.0'1 100.0% 10 t S-129 SITE PLAN REVIEW-MINOR $2,050 $1,574 $478 130.2-4 100.0% ($500) S-130 SITE PLAN REVIEW.WUOR $12,300 $58,680 (544,380) 21.7% 100.0% $44,400 S-135 SITE PlAN REVIEW-APPEAL $0 $3,500 (13.500) 0.0% 100.0% 12,100 .. S-141 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP $5,176 $14,4111 (JU42) 35.9% 100.0% $9,200 5-143 TENTAllVE TRACT MAP $3,554 $8,7112 ($5,238) 40.4% 1110.0% 15,200 S-144 TENTAlWE MAP MODIFICATION 1244 11,233 (1989) 19.11% 100.0% $()f. S-145 FINAL MAP $888 $2,595 ($1,82&) 37.2% 100.0% $1,800 S-147 TIME EXTENSION $732 $1,297 (S565) 56,4% 100.0% $800 S-150 SUBDIVISION MAP AMENDMENT so $972 (1972.) O.O'IIo 100.0% $()f. S-152 LOT COMBINATION 1244 $647 (1803) 28.8% 100.0% $01 S-154 LOT UNE ADJUSllo1ENT -MINOR S325 $847 (1522) 38.4% 100.0% SOt S-156 CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FROM CEQA $875 $1.133 ($458) 59.8% 100.0% $500 S-157 NEGATIVE (EIINIRON.) DECLARATION $1,350 $3,400 ($2,050) 39.7% 100.0% $2,100 S-158 EIRJMITIGATED NEGATIVE DEC. REVIEW so so $0 100.0% 100.0% so· S-180 PUBUC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY so $1,500 ($1,500) 0.0% 100.0% IUOO 5-164 PlANNING COMMISSION INTERPRETATION $0 13,500 ($3,500) 0.0% 100.0% $2.100 .. S-188 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT $0 so so 100.0% 100.0% so • S-170 ZONING LETTER $0 $1,162 (11,162) 0.0% 100.0% $700 .. S·2D2 BUS.REGULATORY PMT .ANNUAL RENEWAL $22,1110 127,188 ($4,1558) 83,2% 100.0% $4,800 S-203 NEW/MOVED/CHANGED BUSINESS PROC'G 13,500 $31,734 ($28,234} 11.0'11. 100.0% $28,200 S-204 NEW HOME BUSINESS PROCESSING $0 $13,139 (113,139) 0.0% 100.0'Mo $11,800 .. 5-208 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROCESSING so 18,670 ($8,570) 0.0% 100.0"" so (1) S..207 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL INSPECTION 10 $72,800 ($72,800) 0.0% 100.0% $0 (1) S-208 GARAGE SALE REGULATION 10 $3,594 (13,584) 0.0% 100.0% $3,000 .. S-209 VEHICLE IMPOUND/RElEASE CHARGE $95 15140 ($45) 87.9% 100.0% $0 5-210 ANIMAL CONTROL 162,000 1338,172 (127<4,172) 18.4% 2.5.0% $22,043 5-212 REPLACEMENT DOG UCENSE so $98 ($116) 0.0% 100.0% $100 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA SCHEDULE OF SERVICE REVENUES, COSTS & PROFIT/SUBSIDY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 1'0111111\.E 10TAl. 'tOTAL ,AICIFJT, PCT.REt:OVERY NEW REFI I&JMCI! '111\.1!. uva~ue COlT j SUBSIDY) CURRENT S UGGESTED REVENUE S-214 DEAD PET PICK-UP $0 $2,336 ($2,338) 0.11'% 1DO.OOX. $1,700 •• S-216 HOME QUARANTINE INSPECTION $0 $1,335 ($1,335) 0.0% 100.0% $1 ,300 s-2.22 OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT -ANNUAL $85,!52 $70,855 ($5,003) 82.9% 100.0% $5,000 S-223 OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT -MONTH!. Y $2,400 $5,512 ($3.192) 42.9% 100.0% $3,200 S-224 OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT-DAILY $54,840 $74,034 ($19,194) 74 .1% 100.0% $111,200 S-225 OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT APPEAL so $12,323 ($12 ,323) 0.0% 100.0% $12.300 S-226 ANNUAL PARKING PMT·TSFR & REPLCMNT $;3,00 $619 [1319) 48 .5% 100.0% $300 S-230 ctTATIONS FOR IllEGAL PARKING $523.125 $303,800 1219,325 172.2% 100.0% $0 (2) S-235 INSPECTION FOR COOE COMPL\ANCE S40 $48,129 ($48,088) 0.1% 100.0% $4,500 (3) S-237 SUBSTO.RECOROAT10N PLCMNT & REMOVAL SD $82,3111 ($82,3111) 0.0% 100.0% $62,300 S-239 VACNIT PROPERTY MONITORING $0 $11,542 ($8 ,542) 0.0% 100.0% $8,500 5-240 PARKING DISTRICT OPERATIONS so 1178,851 ($178,851) 0.0% 100.0% $0 (1) 5-301 PICNIC SHElTER RESERVATION $0 17,123 ($7.123) 0.0% 100.0% $7 ,100 S-331 RECREATION: TEENS $28,250 $171.990 ($145 ,740) 15.3% 100.0% so (1) S-334 RECREATION: PLAYGROUND $170,250 $1171,885 ($401,715) 29 .8% 100.0% $0 (1) 5-337 RECREATION: CLASSES $183,226 $215,280 (162,055) 75.11% 100.0% $0 (1} S-342 RECREATION: SEt-tORS $35,845 $187,803 ($132,158) 21.2% 100.0% $0 (1) S-3-48 RECREATION: YOUTH SPORTS $88,325 $311,904 ($225,578) 27.7% 100.0% $0 (1) S-349 RECREATION: DAY CAMP $7,000 $&4,520 ($57 ,520) 10.8% 100.0% so (1) S-351 SPECIAL EVENTS: CAMELLIA FESTIVAL $0 $41 ,821 ($41,821) 0.0% 100 .. 0% so (1) S-356 SPECIAL EVENTS: UGHTS ON $0 M4,fi84 (~.684) D.O% 100.0% $0 (1) S-3511 SPECIAL EVENTS: SUMMER CONCERTS $0 $32,554 ($32,.564} 0.0% 100.0% $0 (1) S-360 SPECIAL EVENTS: OTHER $8,150 $89,8111 ($61,4811) 11 .7% 100.0% so (1) S-370 COMMUNITY CENTER ROOM RENTAL $10,000 $81,840 ($71,840) 12..2% 100.0% so (1) S-•410 GENERAL FUND SVCS TO THE L1.D $11,800 $1&4,289 ($172.~9) 8.4% 100.0% 10 (1) 5-411 LLD-LIGHTING OPERA nONS $738,000 $418,255 1249,745 151.4~ 100 .0% $0 (1} S-413 LLD-LANDSCAPING SERVICES $315,000 $557,837 ($242,637) 56.5% 100.0% $0 (1) S-422 STREET SWEEPING so 1131,921 ($139,921) 0.0% 100.0% $0 (1) S-451 SPECIAL CURB PAINTING $0 $12,342 ($12,342) 0.0% 100.0% $7,400 .. S-703 AGENDA SUBSCRIPTION $0 so $0 0.0% 0.0% $0 & S-705 FILMING PERMIT $435 $978 ($541) 44 .6% 100.0% $500 5-710 FIREWORKS STAND REVIEW $688 $1 ,128 (1540) 52.1% 100.0% $500 S-712 BINGO REGULATION $100 $81 $19 123..5% 100.0% so S-714 STREET BANNER so $815 (1815) 0 .0% 100.0% $380 .. S-716 PHOTOCOPYIREPROOUCfiON CHARGE $0 $0 $0 100.11% 100.0% $0 S-725 RETURNED CHECK CHARGE $500 $1,0111 l!51!) 49 .1 % 100 .0% $500 TOTALS S2 ,947.2i5 S5.314.H8 ,,213871603~ 55.5% 62.5% $374 .133 Key to Symbols: • • Clly chargee actual cosl •• • Demand will decline as user Ia required Ia PlY full coat. f -hmllllclent demand to ]Qdlcl addiUona l re.,.nue ~~~hough some mlgtlt occ:w In the Ill cal yea-. & -Staff rac:ornmanda deleting lhls saMce •• ll Ia no Ianger pnMdecl. (1). Stiff will be further ravlewlnglheae IBMCllll for. aublequenl Ph-n or lhe fee adDp\lon process. (2) • Presented here lD show lhatlhe coal of llauklg lhe cii11Uon1 Is !Bas lhln 0. revenue I'1Klllhled. (3) -Low I1IGDWry 111 &tat IWo lnspec:tlcns life wilhoul chalge 10 encoun~ge compliance. ATTACHMENT "C" COST OF SERVICES STUDY for the City of Temple City, CA Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Publication Date: Apri/28, 2011 Copyright, 2011 by Revenue & Cost Specialists, LLC All rights resetVed. No parl of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or copied In any form or by any means-graphic, electronic, mechanical, including any photocopying, recording, taping or Information storage and retrieval systems-without written permission of: Revenue & Cost Specialists, LLC 1519 East Chapman Avenue, Suite C FuHerlon, California 92831 (714} 992-9020 REVENUE & COST SPECIALISTS, L.L.C. 2545 Chapman Avenue, Suite 103 Fullerton, California 92831 April 28, 2011 Jose Pulido, City Manager City of Temple City 9701 Las Tunas Drive Temple City, CA 91781 Dear Mr. Pulido, (714) 992 .. 9020 This letter transmits the Cost of Services Study that RCS has prepared for the City. This report reviews the City's service costs and offers suggestions for fee changes, either to comply with State Law or to recover the City's costs . RCS has appreciated the assistance of City staff In providing the Information for this report. Sincerely, {9Jlh RICKKERMER President THIS PAGE IS BLANK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A . The cumulative effect of the three taxpayer Initiatives, Propositions 13, 4 & 218, has been to significantly change California local government finance. In each case, the intention of the Initiative's authors was to limit local government revenue to the point where government services were forced to become more efficient and effective while restricting the use of tax dollars to services generally considered to be tax services. B. Even though the City is currently using about $2.4 Million in taxes to support Fee or Potential-Fee Services, many of these services are subsidized for quality of life, public safety or other reasons. Based on our experience in other cities, only about 28% of this tax subsidy or about $670,000 could be recovered by requiring a number of services to either •pay their own way" or, at least, •pay more of their own way: C. Being supported by fees merely means that the cost of the service is "In-line· with the fee charged for the service. Raising the fee is only one way to bring the two Into line. The cost may be reduced by re-englneerlng the service. The service may be discontinued. A non--user may wish to support the service for the recognition. The real issue to be addressed is whether there is a reason for the City to have the general taxpayer subsidize a particular service for a •personal choice• user. (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK) CHAPTER I BACKGROUND To fully understand this Report and why it is even necessary, It is important for the reader to understand why local government financial management has changed over the last thirty years. Proposition 13 This Report would not exist today without the voter adoption of Proposition 13. This proposition, which becameArticleXIIIA of the State Constitution, established a limit on the growth of the property tax. Proposition 4 After the passage of Proposition 13, the California Taxpayers Association, the California Chamber of Commerce, the National Tax Limitation Committee and the California Association of Realtors banded together, contributed money, hired constitutional attorneys to draft a more thorough proposition, and hired Paul Gann, who was an associate of Howard Jarvis, to be the proposition's spokesperson. The result was Proposition 4, which is more commonly referred to as the "Gann Spirit of 13 'Lefs Finish the Job' Initiative•. It was adopted by 74.3% of the voters of California on November 6, 1979, and became effective on July 1, 1980, retroactive to Fiscal Year 1978-79. This proposition, whldl became Article XIIIB of the State Constitution, had a more significant fiscal impact than Prop. 13 as It addressed all city revenues and established a limit on the growth of tax revenues. Because of Proposition 4, fees for services cannot exceed the •costs reasonably borne" by cities in providing the services. If a fee exceeds the cost, that excess fee is defined to be a special tax which Proposition 13 requires be approved by two-thirds of the voters. This eliminated the possibility that cities would use unsupportably high fees to get around Prop. 13. Proposition 218 This proposition, which is now Articles XIIIC & D, was adopted in November of 1996. It limits the use of assessment districts and restricts transfers of monies into the general fund City of T em pte C ity Cost of SeNices Study from utility funds which were loopholes being used to get around the restrictions of Propositions 13 & 4. Report Goal The goal of this Report Is to provide updated information to the City on what its Fee Services are costing. If it turns out that some are making a profit, the City needs to comply with the requirements of Articles XIII A & B of the State Constitution. If some are being subsidized with tax dollars, the authors of Proposition 4 wanted the City to be aware of it in case the subsidy was unintentional. Study Phases To accomplish our goal, the work encompassed by this Report involved two basic phases, which are discussed in the following Chapters: 1. Identify and fully cost the staff hours In the departments providing services to the public. This phase will show how staff positions can be thought of as time resources for the City. How each unit of time can be fully costed and asslgned to a particular service which is provided to the public. The result of this phase Is the Fully- Burdened Hourty Rate (FBHR) for staff posltJons providing Public Services. 2. Fully cost the Fee Services where the City Is already charging, or could charge, for the service and present the results so that the City Is aware of the source of monies used to support each service and can determine compliance with the State Constitution. CHAPTER II FULLY-BURDENED HOURLY RATES Most labor for hire in the private sector is based on a flat hourly rate. For example, a plumber who is fixing a toilet for a homeowner may quote an hourty rate of $70. As consumers, we understand that the plumber Is not making $70 an hour but that all of the costs associated with his/her trip to the homeowner are factored into that rate. This chapter shows how RCS has calculated a similar hourly rate for staff that provide services. Costs Recognized by Proposition 4 In Chapter I, it was mentioned that the authors of Proposition 4 included the California Association of Realtors and the California Chamber of Commerce; In effect, the pillars of bus;ness. Therefore, it is not surprising that they recommended a business-oriented approach to the costs of governmental services. For example: •rhe phrase •costs reasonably bome by such entity In providing the regulation, product, or service' is Intended to incorporate all appropriations by an entity for reasonable costs appropriate for the continuation of the service over time. This includes ongoing expenses such as operation costs and a reasonable allocation for overtlead and administration, but It also includes reasonable allocation for start-up costs and future capacity. Thus, reasonable allocations for capital replacement, expansion of services, and repayment of related bond Issuances would be considered 'costs reasonably bome'.•1 Cost Elements In the Fully-Burdened Hourly Rate The fully-burdened hourly rate (FBHR) for a position Includes the following: -Salary Benefits and a proportionate share of the accounting activity's •generar costs for the following: 1 '"Summary of Proposed bnplemen~ng Lsglslation and Drafter's Intent with Regard to Article XlllB of the CsBfomla Constitution (Proposrt io n 4, November 6, 1979r: Spirit of 13, Inc.; 1980: CeMtomia Chamber of Commerce; page 6. City of Temple City Cost of Services Study Operating Expenses -Overhead & Indirect Services When these costs are added together for a position, the result is the total cost of that position to the City. The fully-burdened hour1y rate for that position is then calculated by taking the total cost of the position and dividing it by the number of hours that the position is available for work (i.e. •the available work-hoursj. Salary This includes the annual salary of the position. If there are multiple people with the same position title, then this Includes their total salary so that the cost of Individuals at different pay steps is averaged over all people with the same tiUe. The salary cost should also Include any benefit that is unique to that position such as a car allowance unless that benefit is included with the other benefits. Benefits There are three categories of employee benefits: hour, dollar and percentage. The hour benefits are d lscussed under the topic of davaila ble work-hours." Dollar benefits refer to any benefit where the cost Is a flat amount Irrespective of the employee's salary. Examples of dollar benefits are: Health, Dental & Optical Insurance Life Insurance Percentage benefits refer to benefits where the cost Is determined by multiplying the employee's salary by a percentage rate. Examples of percentage benefits are: Retirement Contribution Medicare Workers' Compensation Insurance Retiree Health Benefits Chapter 1/-F ully-Burdened Hourry Rates "General,. versus 11Specffic,. Operating Expenses Specific operating expenses are ·driven• by a specific service . Consequently, specific expenses should be allocated directly to that service rather than included as an element of the FBHR. To include specific expenses ln the hour1y rate would result ln those expenses being spread to all work performed by those staff positions so that the cost of the specific service would be understated and all other services by those positions would be overstated . Examples of specific expenses are: 1. Contracted plan check service for a particular penn It application. 2. Advertising the public hearing of a planning application. 3. Special maintenance expenditures for a particular building or facility. Once the specific expenses have been allocated directly to the appropriate service, the expenses which remain are •general• operating expenses and necessary for the associated positions to function properly. Overhead & Indirect Services The services provided by the City can be divided into PUBLIC SERVICES and INTERNAL SERVICES. PUBLIC SERVICES , like the name implies, are services that the public directly receives whether it's police patrol or conditional use permits. INTERNAL SERVICES are the services provided by City departments that support other departments without serving the public d irectly. This group of costs, overttead & Indirect services, are the INTERNAL SERVICES for the City. The overhead costs were calculated using the Cost Allocation Plan (CAP). Costs in this category are for general City Administration : City Council City Manager City Clerk (Council Support) City Attorney Financial Services Each service is very important to the smooth functioning of the City. But, as mentioned before, their primary function is to support other departments and not to provide an end- user service to the public. Where they do perform an end-user service, the cost related to that service has been removed from the costs allocated to other departments. City of Temple City Cost of Services Study The indirect costs were also calculated using the CAP and included the following: Liability Insurance Facilities Maintenance & Replacement CAP Methodology RCS took the following steps to allocate the above numerated overhead & indirect service costs to all other services through the Cost Allocation Plan: 1. Created cost "pools" called •subpools" for each of the above overhead & indirect services. 2 . Calculated the Costs for each subpool 3 . Identified departments receiving support from each overhead & indirect service sub pool 4 . Selected a method for allocating the costs (#2) to other departments (#3) 5. Reviewed the Allocations for Reasonableness with City staff CAP Results The results from the CAP process are found on the following schedule where the total on the second page represents the total general City overhead and indirect service costs allocated to the respective departments and their activities. This schedule Is also found as TAB 1 in the Full Cost AUocation Plan which has been provided to the City as a separate Report. Suborg # 01-910-42 01-910-45 01-920-48 01-930-48 01-930-53 01-930-54 01-930-55 01-940-58 01-940-57 01-940-59.1 01-950-61 .1 01-950-61.2 01-950-62 01 -9~3 01-950-64 01-950-85 01-950-66 01-950-67 01-960-77 01-970-82 01-970-84 1>920-48 15-930-53 15-940-58 21-960-71 21-960-72 21-960-74 CfTY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA Final Allocation Summary Report-Total FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Suborg Name CITY MANAGER COUNCIL SUPPORT ACCOUNTING FIN-HOUSING CD-PLANNING CO-BUILDING CO-HOUSING P&R-COMM.RELATIONS P&R-RECR./H.SVCS P&R-PARKS-MTCIFAC. LAW ENFORCEMENT SHERIFF OPERATIONS CD-TRAFFIC ENG'G CD-ANIMAL CONTROL CD-EMERG.SVCS . CD-CODE ENFORCMNT CD-RES.SAF.VOLPATROL CD-PARKING ADMIN. CD-SOLID WASTE MGMT CD-PARKING FAC. CD-GRAFFITI ABATE . FIN-ACCTG-PUB .TRANS CD-PLNG-PUB TRANS P&R-PUBUC TRANS. CD-ADMIN.& ENG. CD-STREET CLEANING CD-SIGNS & STRIPING 1 SCHEDULE A Final Allocation $41,246.35 $7,244.44 $397.43 $3,984.15 $244,466.31 $126,583.32 $161,053.38 $36,741.18 $629,402.43 $324,048.44 $82,731.01 $278,267.46 $8,204.22 $91 ,085.79 $41,614.10 $155,235.60 $8,3n.15 $89,141.53 $4,059.81 $61,875.76 $4,154.96 $1 ,411.74 $1,938.83 $93,423.35 $43,347.49 $9,734.45 $45,060.78 April28 ,2011 Suborg t# 21-960-75 21-960~76 47-960-73 47-960-78 47-970-83 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA Final Allocation Summary Report· Total FISCAL YEAR 2010 .. 2011 Suborg Name CD-STREET MAINT. CD-SIDEWALK MTC. CD-TRAF.SIG.MTC. CD-STREET LIGHTING P&R-TREES & PKWYS 2 SCHEDULE A Final Allocation $54,425.22 $9,519.18 $9,628.37 $33,258.31 $142,694.35 $2,842,356.89 April 28, 201 t Chapter II • Fully-Burdened Hourly Rates Available Work-Hours After computing the individual elements of the cost for positions in a department/activity providing PUBLIC SERVICES, the total cost for each position is divided by the total number of available work-hours for that position. In order to compute the number of available work-hours, RCS started with the total possible work-hours in a year which is 2,080 hours . From this possible total, RCS subtracts hours for the following benefits: Holidays Vacations Sick leave Training Morning/Afternoon Breaks Start Up/Down Time The hours that remain are referred to as the available work-hours. No consideration is given to the possibility of uslack" or ~idle• time because those hours can be controlled by the department/activity manager. The average number of available work-hours used for general City employees was 1 ,626. 2 Results of Knowing the Fully-Burdened Hourly Rate (FBHR) The following are possible benefits of knowing the FBHR of employees: Knowing the hour1y cost of an employee will cause a good manager to think of dollars when monitoring the activity (or inactivity} of an employee. Trust deposits can be used which more accurately reflect the cost of staff services. Knowing the cost of participants should make those who call meetings aware of their cost. How often do thousand dollar meetings resolve hundred dollar Issues? Those who routinely arrive late to meetings, keeping others from starting the meeting on time, can know the cost to the organization of their tardiness. ~ The "available wor1t-hours~ are used in &eu of lhe private seotor "billable hours" as a more conservative estimate of the My-burdened hourty rate. City of Temple City Cost of Services Study Those who talk to customers on the phone or at the counter can measure the cost of the conversation that went beyond the necessary communication of information. These examples are only a small number of possible results and are general in nature, not specific to the City of Temple City. Summary In this Chapter, the process of calculating the fully-burdened hourly rate (FBHR) was presented. In the next Chapter, RCS will more fully define the City's Fee Services as PUBLIC SERVICES and calculate their cost by using the FBHR developed here. CHAPTER Ill PERSONAL CHOICE PUBLIC SERVICES For this Report the City's PUBLIC SERVICES are separated into two groups : Terminology COMMUNITY-SUPPORTED PUBLIC SERVICES PERSONAL CHOICE PUBLIC SERVICES What is a tax service? There is the simple definition -·A tax service is anything that the City does that I paid my taxes for: More complicated, academic definitions refer to the social contract and how these services cannot be measured and that we all use them, etc. The pragmatic definition of a tax service Is: •Anything that the Council decides to support by taxes as long as tax revenues are available: Once this fact Is realized, there are no "true• tax services, only services that individual city councils have decided to support with taxes. In other words, '"what is a tax service• is •backed into• once the amount of tax revenues are determined . Given these problems with defining what is a atax service•, lt makes more sense to discuss these services in the context of being COMMUNITY-SUPPORTED PUBLIC SERVICES which are 100% supported by taxes. The reference to 100% is to exclude from COMMUNITY-SUPPORTED PUBLIC SERVICES any PERSONAL CHOICE PUBLIC SERVICES that are partially tax subsidized. This Is because, as we will see below, the issues change when a service Is only partially tax supported. Personal Choice Public Services PERSONAL CHOICE PUBLIC SERVICES are defined as services where the customer is Identifiable and the service is measurable and can be withheld for non-payment. These services are not referred to as fee services because the Council may have made a decision to totally subsidize the service. What distinguishes these services from COMMUNITY -SUPPORTED PUBLIC SERVICES is the implicit requirement that there be a rationale for subsidizjng some of these services City of Te mple City Cost of Services Study but not others. Or, for subsidizing some customer groups but not other customer groups. Typically the rationale is that there is a quality of life, social, or safety reason to subsidize . Proposition 4 was the voter initiative that was most concerned about fee services. The initiative authors were not concerned what services were subsidized as long as the subsidy was an explicit decision of the City Council based on knowing the full cost of the service. Personal Choice Public Service Detail is Found in Appendix A Appendix A, which is in sequence by the Reference Number (Column 1 on the following Schedule), includes detail information for each service on two facing pages. The left page has textual and summary information including RCS's suggested service fee . The right page has the service cost detail. General Commentary on the following Schedule Each has nine columns, explained here: Column 1 is the Report Reference Number. Column 2 is the title of the service. Column 3. 4 & 5 are the same amounts for revenue, cost and profit (subsidy) found on the left page of the detail service sheets In Appendix A. Column 6 is the current percentage of costs recovered from the user fees and charges with the difference being subsidized by taxes. Column 7 is the percentage of user fee cost recovery which might be obtainable without tax subsidy. Of course, decisions regarding tax subsidies to a service Is a City Council policy decision on how to allocate Its tax and general revenues. Column 8 contains the estimated amountofrevenueswhich RCS suggests could be raised or reduced. Column 9 is used for flagging an issue that is described in the •Key to Symbols• at the end of the Schedule. Chapter Ill -Personal Choice Public Services Suggestions For Services Analyzed It is suggested that the City review each of the services in this Report for the following reasons: 1. To confirm or negate the decision that the service is a PERSONAL CHOICE PUBLIC SERVICE. 2. To insure that any service which has been and which will continue to be subsidized meets the purpose (e.g . Social Goal} and reporting criteria established by the Council. 3. Where services have been unconsciously subsidized, to direct staff to bring costs into line with the revenue generated by such service. Summary Schedule The Schedule on the following pages summarizes the detail for each service found in Appendix A. CITY OF TEMPLE CnY, CAUFORNJA SCHEDULE OF SERVICE REVENUES, COSTS & PROFIT/SUBSIDY FISCAL YEAR2010-11 PONIBLI! tOTAL lOTAL PfiOFI'Q PCT.RECOVfRY NPf RII!F1f SII!IMC£ "111\..E IIEWHUE CCIT [SUBSIDY) CURRENT SUGGESTED REVC NUE 5-(110 BUILDING PlANCK & INSPECTION S!584,000 $518,811 $85,389 112.6% 1000% $0 (1) S.02S GeNERAL PLAN MAIIIITENANCE so S100,000 ($100,000) 0.0% 100.0% so (1) S-030 MUNI.CODE COMPLIANCE PLN CK & INSP . $0 $18,982 (118,882) 0.0% 100.0% $111,000 5-otll TEMPORARY USE PERMIT ~3 111,082 ($8 ,019) 0.5% 100.0% 14.000 •• 5-100 CO"'DITIONAL USE PERMIT: R·1 ZONE $7,299 112,597 (15.2118) S7.9'A 100.0% S3,500 .. 5-101 CO"'DITIONAL USE PERMIT: All Ol'HER 17,2911 $15,200 ($7,101) .48.0% 100.0% $5,300 .. 5-102 CUP MODIFICATION: R·1 ZONE $.405 $1188 ($.4111) ~5.2% 100.0% so ' 5-103 CUP MOOIFICATION: ALl OTHER $2,025 15,828 ($3,901) 3.4.2% 100.0% S2,300 •• S-104 CUP CONDITION MONITORING so $9,093 (11.093) 0.0% 100.0% $9,100 S-105 ZONE VARIANCE: R-1 ZONE $1 ,300 56,768 ($5,458) 19.2% 100.0% 14,100 •• S-107 ZONE VARIANCE : All OTHER ZONES $1,958 $8,756 (~,800) 28.0% 100.0% $3,600 .. S-109 ZONE VAR.MODIFICATION: R-1 ZONE 1244 11,185 ($~1) 20.8% 100.0% so • S-112 ZONE VAR.MODIFICAno"': OTHER ZONES $.405 $1,185 ($780) 34.2% 100.0% so • S-11~ ZONEVAR.MODIFICATIDN: MINOR S182 $2611 ($1011) 80.<4% 100.0% so • 5-118 APPEALS 1182 1133 (1771) 11.4% 100.0% so • S-118 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT $975 15,428 ($4,451) 18.0% 100.0% so • 5-120 ZONE CHANGE $811 $5,-426 ($4,1115) 14 .9% 100.0% so • 5-121 GEN.PLAN AMEND. & ZONE ~NGE $1,825 $8,885 (15,0110) 24.3% 100.0% so ' S-123 RES'L PLND DEV: PROVISIONAL PLAN $1,822 S7.533 1$5,811) 21 .5% 100.0% 15,1100 5-125 RES'L PLNO DEV: PRECISE PLAN 11.426 $7,533 1$8,107) 183 100.0% $8,100 5-126 TEMPORARY SIGNISANNER REVIEW so $44,700 ($44,700) 0.0% 100.0% 133,500 .. 5-127 SIGN REVIEW $1,190 $5,886 rss.ne) 33,4% 100.0% 13,1100 5-128 SIGN PROGRAM REVIEW $0 $485 ($4115) 0.0% 100.0% so • 5·128 SITE PLAN REVIEW-MINOR $2,1150 S1,S74 $.478 130.2% 100.0% ($500) S·130 SITE PlAN REVEW·MA.IOR $12,300 156,860 (144,360) 217% 100.0% $44,400 5-135 SITE PLAN REVIEW-APPEAL $0 S3,500 ($3,500) 0.0% 100.0% $2,100 •• S-1<41 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15,178 114,411 (S9,242) 3511% 100.0% 19,200 S-143 TENT'ATIVE TRACT MAP $3,554 $8,792 (15.231) 40.4'11. 100.0'111 15.200 5·1~4 TENYATIVE ~ MODIFICATION $244 S1,233 ($111111) 19.1% 100.0% so ' S-145 FINAL MAP $968 $2,595 (S1 ,6211) 37.2% 100.0% $1,1100 S-147 TIME EXTEt-lSION $732 11,297 ($585) 58.4% 100.0% S800 S-150 SUBOMSia... MAP AMENDMENT so S972 (1972) 0.0% 100.0% so • S-152 LOT COMB INATION 1244 1847 (1603) 28,11% 100.0% so • 5-154 lOT LINE ADJUSTMENT -MINOR $325 S847 ($522) 38.4% 100,0% so ' S-158 CATEGORICAl EXEMPTION FROM CEQA $875 $1 ,133 (~58) 58.8% 100.0% 1500 5-157 NEGATIVE (ENVIRON.) DECLARATION S1,350 $3,400 ($2.050) 39.7% 100.0% S2.100 5-158 EIRIMITIQATED NEGATIVE DEC. REVIEW so so so 100.0% 100.0% so • 5·180 PUBliC CONVENENCE & NECESSITY so 11,500 ($1,500) 0.0% 100,0% 11,500 S-164 PLANNING COMMISSION INTERPRETATION so $3,500 ($3,500) 0.0% 100.0% $2,100 .. S-168 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT so so $0 100.0% 100.0% so • S-170 ZONING LETTER so $1,182 (11,182) 0.0% 100.0% 1700 .. 5-202 BUS.REG'-\ATORY PMT »NJAl RENEWAL $22,810 $27,188 ($4,551) 13.2% 100.0% $4,800 S-203 NEWJMOVEDICHANGED BUSNESS PROC'O $3,500 $31,734 (S21,23.4) 11.0% 100.0% $28,200 5-204 HEW HOME BUSINESS PROCESSING so $13,139 (113,131) 0.0% 100.0% 111,1100 .. S-208 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROCESSING 10 $8,570 ($8,570) 0.0% 100.0% so (1) S -207 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL INSPECTION so $72,800 (S72.,500) O,O'l(o 100.0% so (1) S-208 GARAGE SALE REGULATION so $3,594 ($3 .594) O.O'lfo 100.0% $3,000 .. 5-2011 VEHICLE I~DtRELEASE CHARGE $85 $140 ($.45) 67.9% 100.0% so 5-210 ANIMAL CONTROL $82,000 $338,172 ($274,172) 18.4% 25.0% S22,043 5-212 REPLACEMENT DOG UCENSE so ltfJ ($911) 0.0% 100.0% 1100 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA SCHEDULE OF SERVICE REVENUES, COSTS & PROFIT/SUBSIDY FISCAl YEAR 2010-11 rou~•LE 'IOTA&.. lOT AI. PRORTJ PCT.IIECOVf.ltY NEW AEFI SEIMCE111U' ~ C08T jSUBSIDY) CURRENT SUGGESTED REVENUE S-214 DEAD PET PICK·UP $0 $2.336 ($2.338) 0.0% 100 .0% $1,700 •• 5·216 HOME QUARANTINE INSPECTION so $1,335 ($1.335) 0.0% 100.0% $1,300 S·222 OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMrT·ANHUAL $65,852 $70,855 ($5,003) 92.9% 100.0% $5,000 S-223 OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMrT·MONTHL Y $2,<400 $5,5112 ($3,112) 42.K 100.0% $3,200 S-224 OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT·DAIL Y S5U4D $74,034 ($1!1,1114) 74 .1% 100.0% $19.200 S-225 OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT APPEAL so $12,323 ($12,323) 0.0% 100.0% $12,300 S-226 ANNUAL PARKING PMT·TSFR & REPLCWff $300 $818 ($318) 48.15% 100.0% $300 S-230 ~TAT~FORI~EGALPARK~ $523,125 $303,800 $218,325 172.2% 100.0% so (2) S-235 INSPECTION FOR CODE COMPLIANCE $40 $46,1211 ($48,0111) 0.1% 100,0% $4,500 (3) S-237 SUBSTD.RECOROA'TION PLCMNT & REMOVAL so $82,319 ($&2,3111) 0.0% 100.0% $62,300 S-239 VACANT PROPERTY MONITORING so SII.S-42 ($8,542) 0.0% 100.0% $8,500 5 ·240 PARKING DISTRICT OPERATIONS so $176,851 ($118,851) 0.0% 100.0% $0 (1) S-301 PICNIC SHelTER RESERVATION $0 $7,123 ($7,123) 0.0% 100.0% S7,100 S-331 RECREATION : TEENS $28,250 $171,880 ($145,7.(0) 15.3% 100.0% so (1) S-334 RECREATION : PLAYGROUND $170,260 $571,985 ($401,715) 28.8% 100 .0% so (1) S-337 RECREATION : CLASSES $183,225 $215,280 ($52,055) 75.8% 100.0% so (1) S-342 RECREATION: SENIORS $35,645 $187,803 ($132,158) 21.2% 100.0% $0 (1) S·346 RECREATION: YOUTH SPORTS $88,325 $31 1,90ot ($225,5711) 27.7% 100.0% so (1) S-349 RECREATION: DAY CAMP $7,000 $64,520 ($57,520) 10.8% 100.0% so (t) S·351 SPECIAL EVENTS: CAMELLIA FESTIVAL so $41,821 (S41,821) 0.0% 100.0% $0 (1) S-355 SPECIAL EVENTS: LIGHTS ON so $44,684 ($44,5&4) 0.0% 100.0'11. so (1) S-358 SPECIAL EVENTS: SUMMER CONCERTS so $32,554 ($32,554) o.cn. 100.0% so (1) S-360 SPECIAL EVENT'S: OTHER $8,150 $89,618 ($81,469) 11.7% 100.0% so (1) 5-370 COMMUNITY CENTER ROOM RENTAL 110,000 $81,640 ($71,&40) 12.~ 100.0% so (1) S-410 GENERAL FUND SVCS TO THE llD $11,800 $114,289 (1172,4611) 6.4% 100 .0% so (1) S-411 LLD-LIGHTING OPERATIONS $738,000 $488,255 $249,745 151.4% 100.0% $0 (1) ~13 LLD-LANDSCAPING SERVICES $315,000 $557,837 (S242,837) 58.5% 100.0% $0 (1) S-422 STREET SWEEPfNG so $139,921 (1139,921) 0.0% 100.0'11. so (1) S-451 SPECIAL CURB PAitofTIHG $0 $12,342 (112,3-42) 0.0% 100.0% $7,400 .. S-703 AGENDA SUBSCRIPTION $0 $0 so 0.0% 0.0% so & S-705 FILMING PERMIT $435 $978 ($541) 44.8% 100.0% $500 S·710 FIREWORKS STANO REVIEW $588 $1,128 ($540) 52.1% 100,0% $500 S-712 BINGO REGULATION S100 $111 $18 123.5% 100,0% $0 5-714 STREET BANNER so 1615 ($815) 0.0% 100.0% $380 •• 5-716 PHOTOCOPY~PRODUCnONCHARGE so so so 100.0% 100.0% so s-ns RETURNED CHECK CHARGE $500 $1,019 ~519} 49 .1% 100.0% $500 TOTALS $21947~ $$,314.8118 ita1387·e 55.5% 82.5% $374.133 Key ID Symbols: • • City c:Mrges •duel cost. -• Demand wll dec:IN q I.IMI' it required to pay ful cost. 1. lnaufrident d~mllnd to predict lcfd!Honal re...,..ue lllhough •orne might occur In 1M lllcal )'81r. & • Slelf recommends delellng lhla service u It I& M longer ptOIIIded. (1)· S IBif Will be further r-\'law!ng lhasa saMcel far a lubl8qUenl Ptlue II Dllha rae lldopiiDn procau. (2) -Preaanted here to ahow lh111he coal of (nu(ng lhe c:Utiona II lnl than lhll revenue ~Mid. (3)· Law racowry a &rat two lnapedlDns me wllhout d\argl to er1C10UJ11t111 compllauce. City of Temple City Cost of Services Study Textual Notes on Spectfic Issues Recreation & Community Services-Special Comments. Among cities, this area receives the greatest tax subsidies and Temple City Js no exception . Because of the extent of the subsidy, this area may also be the hardest hit when tax revenues decline. The services in this group are a special case because recreation and community services fall into a category in which two elements generally not present elsewhere come into play. They are ma£keting and social policy. Martseting. These services are very sensitive to market forces, being for the most part financed by discretionary Income. Thus a special burden is on program management personnel to adopt a pricing policy that is consistent with market prfces for alternatives. If fees are "too high," attendance, rentals, and consequentJy revenues, will drop . Social Policy. The second element Is social policy. The City Council must develop a conscious policy as to what specific programs and service centers, and in what amount, should be subsidized with tax monies for social reasons. Costing Methodology. It Is important to note that the costs shown for each are the •full costs" which include a portion of department overhead and general City overhead. Little, if any, of these costs will disappear ff fndMdual programs are cut. Should there be a desire to cut an Individual program, staff should Identify the potential savings for the Council . On the other hand, should there be a desire to raise fees, the Council should ask staff to estimate the impact on attendance and total revenue. It is possible that raising a fee in this area could result In less revenue due to a decrease in attendance. Countv Contract Engineering. Currently the City contracts with Los Angeles County for engineering services. This arrangement is not integrated well with the planning function and there Is some concern that development is not paying the full cost of engineering due to the lag in the County's billing processes. The City should examine this situation and determine whether a different contracting policy should be adopted . Existing and Proposed Fees The following pages list each service with the existing fee and the RCS suggested fee. REF I: S-010 CURRENT FEE Vartous 8uldlng Codes REF#:S-025 CURRENT FEE None REF#:5-030 CURRENT FEE Nona REF ##: 5.099 cuBR£NJFEE S43 • Pum~ lot (#1) CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 TITLE: BUILDING PLAN CK & INSPECnON RECOMMENDED FEE Cly CDIIeciMI men lhen ll cost to provide lhls service . Ills rammmended that lha OYetBga be used to p111rtlally llnanc:e the lim year acaual of the Oanenal Plan t.taintenanc. Charge (See S-{)25) TITLE: GENERAL PLAN MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDED FEE 19% .wr.harge on al building feellaxupt for SFD addlllons and lenanl ;m pro>Jemenls. For the c:unent year, \mlsfef lha over.;. In S-010 Into the reserve fund for thla purpose. TITLE: MUNJ.CODE COMPUANCE PLN CK & INSP. RECOMMI!NDED FEE $98" TITLE: TEMPORARY USE PERMIT RECQMMENPED FEE 188r $ 0 • Chrlstma1 Tree Lot and All Others (111) REF #:S-100 CURRCNJFEE $811 REF ##: 5·101 MUR8£NIFE£ $811 TITLE: CONDinONAL USE PERMIT: R·1 ZONE RECQMMENQED FE!! $1.~ TITLE: CONDmONAL USE PERMIT: ALL OTHER R£COMMENDED PEE $1,740• 1 April28,20,1 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 201 0·2011 REF#: S-102 TITLE: CUP MODIFICATION: R·1 ZONE li~BR!i~I E!iE RECOMMENDED FEE $405 $923' REF 1#: $-103 TITLE : CUP MODIFICATlON: ALL OTHER 'URBE~T Eli~ RECOMMENDED FEE $405 $1.221* REF#: $-104 TI'Tl.E: CUP CONDITION MONITORING ~L!BBIJiNT FEE RF!CO!!!MENDED FEE None $520" REFt:s-105 TJTL£: ZONE VARIANCE: R·1 ZONE CU881ii!II FEE RECQMMENDED FEE $325 $1,740. REF t#: S.107 TJTL£: ZONE VARIANCE: ALL OTHER ZONES !iLIBBIHfi Eg~ ftECOMMENDED FEE $489 $1.740. REF#: $-109 TITLE: ZONE VAR.MODIFICATION: R-1 ZONE ICI.!BB~~I EEE B£COMMENDEQ FEE $244 $1,221* 2 Apnl 28. 2011 REF t11: S-112 CURRENT FEE $405 REF#: S-114 CURRENT FEE $162 REF#: S-116 CURRENT FEE $162 REF 1: S-118 CURRENT FEE $975 REF#: S-120 CURRENT FEE $811 REF#: S-121 CURRENT FEE $1,625 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 TITLE: ZONE VAR.MODIFICATION: OTHER ZONES RECOMMENDED FEE $1,221. TITLE: ZONE VAR.MOOIFICATION: MINOR TITLE: APPEALS BE COM MENQED FEE $278° BECOMMENDEp FEE $961· TITLE: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT RECOMMENDED FEE ss,sas• TITLE: ZONE CHANGE AECOMMEt!lED FEE SS.SB9* TITLE: GEN.PLAN AMEND. & ZONE CHANGE RECOMMENDED FEE suas· 3 Apri1 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 REF#: S-123 llTLE: RES'L PLND DEV: PROVISIONAL PLAN CURRE~I fJ;E RECOMMENDER fEE $811 $3,880. REF##:S-125 TITLE: RES'L PLND DEY: PRECISE PLAN Si!.!RRENT FEE RECOMMENDED fEE $713 S3.aao• REF#:S-126 TITLE: TEMPORARY SIGN/BANNER REVIEW liLIBB~lii fEE ftECOMMENDED FEE None $115° REF#: S-127 TITLE: SIGN REVIEW CURRENT FEE RECOMMENDED FEE $42 S13CY REF#: S-128 TITLE: SIGN PROGRAM REVIEW 'LIBBE!tT Eli!i RECOMMENDED fEE None $510" REFt:S-129 TITLE: SrTE PLAN REVIEW-MINOR 'LIBB&NIEEi RECOMMENDED Eg $82 S85• 4 Aprtl28, 2011 REF#: S-130 !;;URREl!II Eili $82 REF##:S-135 ~!.!BBiitti EH None REF#: S-141 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 TITLE: SITE PLAN REVIEW-MAJOR 81,QMMENDED E~E $38lr TITLE: SITE PLAN REVIEW-APPEAL 8CCr21fd!;l!II!~D EJili snt· TITLE: TENTA~PARCELMAP CURRENT FIE RECQMMENDED FEE SB11 plus $181 per lot/unit cha111ed ag•lnalan lnllial deposit of $3,713* ~5.596 REF#: S-143 TITLE: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP CU88ENJ FI!E BI!COMMEJ«JED FEE $1111 plus $181 per loi/IM!it charged agalnslan fnllial deposU of $4,528• $5,820 REF ##: S-144 CUABENTFEE $244 REF t: S-145 CUftR£NTFEE $161 plus Counly Fees TITLE: TENTATIVE MAP MODIFICATION TITLE: FINAL MAP BECOMMENQED fEE 11.270. RECOMMENDI;Q FEE $445" plus County Fees 5 April 28, 2011 REFI#:S-147 CURRENT FEE $2.44 REF#:S-150 CURRENT FEE None REF#:S-152 CUBBENTEEE S24-4 REFI#:S-154 CURRENT fi!E $325 plul deposit of $849 REF #:S.158 CURRENT FEE $75 REF 1#: S-157 CUQENTFEE $150 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 TITLE: TIME EXTENSION RECOMMENDED FEE $445. TITLE: SUBDMSION MAP AMENDMENT RECOf!!MENDED FE£ $1,001. TITLE: LOT COMBINATION RECDMMENDEQ FE£ $872" TITLE: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT -MINOR RECOMMENDED FEE $872" TITLE: CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FROM CEQA RECQMMENDED FEE $130 plua LA Ccxny aet1l Filing Fee Tm.E: NEGATIVE (ENVIRON.) DECLARATION RECOMMENDED FEE $38!r 6 April 28,2011 REF#: S-158 CURR£NT ,I!E None REF#: S-160 CURRENT FEE .._ REF#: S-164 CYRR.ENJ FEE None REF#: S-188 CURRENT FEE None REF#:S-170 CUARENJFEE None REFt:5-202 CURREN! FEE S70 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 TITLE: EIRIMITIGATED NEGATIVE DEC. REVIEW RECOMMENDED FE!! Adual coat of staff, County and City Consubnta agD\aland Initial deposit delermlnecl by Slaff TITLE: PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY BECQMMENDED FEE srn• TITLE: PLANNING COMMISSION INTERPRET AnON RECOMMENDED FE£ $721. TITLE: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT REC(OMMENDED FEE Actual COIIt of staff, County and City Coii5Uitan18 again&\ and Initial deposit detennlned tly sl8fr TITLE: ZONING LETTER RECOMMENDED FEE $239" TITLE: BUS.REGULATORY PMT ANNUAL RENEWAL RI!COMMENDED EEE $87. 7 April 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2010~2011 REF#:S-203 TJTLE: NEW/MOVED/CHANGED BUSINESS PROC'G CURRENT FEE $25 • Regular Commercial (#55; $1.375) $115 ·Regulated Commel'cial (#15 $1.425) $0 • Out ofT own Buainees (#176; $0) $70 • Regulaled Individual (#10: $700) RECOMMENQEP fEE $32cr-Re11ular Commercial ss:w -Regulated Commerdal $28' -Out of Town BuslnMs $228" -Regulated Individual (Note: In addlllon to the above processrng l'ees, a new business would also pay the flrsl ~ buHleas tax ) (Note: In addition to lhe above ~lory processu'lg fees, a new business would also pay lhe tnt yur busmess tax .) REF#:5-204 CURftENTFEE Nona nTLE: NEW HOME BUSINESS PROCESSING BECOMMEtmEp FEE Sf:W Note: The $&4 Is a Bualnaas Tax and char;ad annually. REF #:5-206 TITLE: RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROCESSING 'LIBB!Iii!!T Fli!i RECOMMENDED FEE None $135* REF#:s-207 TITLE: RESIDENTIAL RENTAL INSPECTION ~ii.IBB!IiNT FEE 8£COMMENDED fEE None $75. REF ##:S-208 TITLE: GARAGE SALE REGULA noN 'LIBB!IitiT ffi!i RECOMMENDED FEE None srr REF#:S-209 TITLE: VEHICLE IMPOUND/RELEASE CHARGE 'Lil\BEta fEE R£COMMENDED FEE SIS s1.w• 8 April28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 201 0·2011 REF#:~210 TITLE: ANIMAL CONTROL CURRENT FEE Altered • $17 plus addlllonal $9 U delnquenl (11 ,43e; $24,412) Unaneled -$34 plus addilional S181f defmluent (#n2; $24.548) Senior (65+) • $0; $9 if delinquent (#400; $0) (Delinquent Income lalhe balance of $13,040) Impound Redemption. (Shellsr RIIY8f1\le nol City Revenue) 1sl Oll'ense • $35 2nd Olfensa • $50 3rd Offense • $80 RECOMMENDED FEE Al .. l"'ld-$24• plus addlllonal $1 :V If delinquent Unallenld • $47" plus .tdillonel $2~ If delinquent Senior (85+) • $0; $13• II delinquent lmpoond Redemplon: (Shelter Revenue nol City Revenue) 1st Offenae • $49" 2nd Otrense -$70" 3m Offense • $84• REFI :~212 TITLE: REPLACEMENT DOG LICENSE CURBENJFEE None REF#:~214 CURRENT FEE None REF##: 5-216 CURRENT fl!E None RECOMMENDED FEE sr TITLE: DEAD PET PICK-UP RECOMMENDED FEE $89• plus lhe Shall.-Chlf;4llo lhe City (l'llllngea tom $40 to $120) TITLE: HOME QUARANTINE INSPECTION RECOMMENDED FEE $138. 9 April28,2011 REFt#:S-222 CURRENT fEE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 201 o-2011 TITLE: OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT-ANNUAL BECOMMENDEQ fEE 1al Quarter Sn.OO ·Regular; $52 .00 • Senlcr(h 594, 8; $45,738, $312) Increase lha cutrenl $22 processing dlarge to $28• for an J*lnlts 2nd Quaf1er. $59 50 • Regular, $44.50 • Senior (Is 223, 2 : $13,288.50, $88) 3nf Quarter: $47.00 ·Regular, $37.00 • Senlar (Ia 99, 1; $4,653, $37) 4th Quarter $34.50-Regular; $29 .50 • Senior (Is 50, 1: $1 ,725, $29.50) The above fees lndude a $22 proce ss rn g charge wllh !he balance being an anrorcement coet of $12 50 per quarter ror Regular and $7.50 per quarter for Seniors. S 77 Is a llkely typo for $72. Enforcement COII'Iponenl of Regular pamlits woWt be S13. 11 • per quar1ar. Enforcem en t component of Senior pennlta v.ould be $822• per quarter (40% aubsldy}. REF#:S.223 mLE: OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT-MONTHLY CURAENJfEE $20 • Monlhly with a mllldmurn or two within a calandar year (Nola: This permll charge only cgven~lhe prDti8Uing casL TheA! Is no amount for enforcement In lha c:umtnt pennU fee.) RECOMMENDED FEE $48" REF t : 5-224 TITLE: OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT·DAILY 'UBBIHifE~ RECOMMENDED FEE 52 t2.re• REF #: S-225 TITLE: OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT APPEAL CURRENTf~lii R!COMMENDEP FEiii None s2er REF t#: $-.226 TITLE: ANNUAL PARKING PMT-TSFR & REPLCMNT 91181itiiifEE RECOMMENDED FEE $10 $21. 10 April 28. 2011 REF#: 5·230 CURBENTFU CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 TITLE: CITATIONS FOR ILLEGAL PARKING RECOMMENDED FEE S45. Ayg. Citation Amount (115,500, 75% collection rats) REF#:S-235 CURRENT FEE $0 • 1st Inspection $0 • 2nd II!IIPeCIIDn S.CO ·Each subsequent lnspeelion REF#: S·237 CURRENT FEE None REF#:S-239 CURRENT F!!E None REF#: S-240 CURRENT FEE HOM REF#: S-301 CURReNT FE!; None TITLE: INSPECTION FOR CODE COMPLIANCE RECOMMENDED FEE SO • 1sllnspec:Uon $0 -2nd lnspecllon 547• ·Each subMquent Inspection TITLE: SUBSTD.RECORDAnON PLCMNT & REMOVAL RECOMMENDED FEE $16r-S1andard semce (10 Business Days) 544r • Elcpedlled Service (3 Buslnese Dayal TITLE: VACANT PROPERTY MONITORING RI!COMMENDED FEE $35" • R.glllrallon S 112" • Inspection TITLE: PARKING DISTRICT OPERATIONS RECOMMENQED FEE TITLE: PICNIC SHELTER RESERVATION RECOMMENQED FEE $29" 11 April 21, 2011 REF#:S-331 CURRENT FEE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 TlTLE: RECREATION: TEENS RECOMMENDED FEE V1rious fees • See Brochure (Revenuelnc:ludea $550 from fundralsera} The City needs to balance ree incteiAS wilh the mllltelplace and how this service 1m pacts lhe quality of l ife In lila community and helps with juvenUe d iversion. REFI:S-334 TITLE: RECREATION: PLAYGROUND CUMENTFEE RECOMMENQEp FEE Various rea -See BnlchuTe (ReYenue indudes $3,250 from fundnli~.) The City needa to balance ree lncfeases wllh the martte~Pece and how this service l!llpacls llle quality or ore In the mmmunity and helps v.fth juvenile d•version . REF t :S-337 nTLE: RECREATION: CLASSES CURRENT FEE RECOMMENDED FEE Various dais fees-see brochure Registration & Facilities Fee • $15 (nollncluded In the 700.4 class Instructor receives 70% of the class fee except for Lillie Stars ree shared with lnstructo!S) which Is run by recreation slaff Regis tra ti on Fee • SS {nol included In the 70% c:lus fee ehated Wl!h lniVudDnl) REFt:S-342 nTLE: RECREATION : SENIORS CURRENT FEE Vllllou! fees • See Brochure Prop. A relmbtnement REFII:S-348 CUMENTFEE Vtrious l'ees • See Brochure RECOMMENDED FEE $15 -Reglstfetion IT~ Charge TITLE: RECREATION : YOUTH SPORTS BECQMMENPED FEE (Rev~~nue I.-dudes $5,200 from fundral&ets .) The City needt to balance fee lncrea185 wllh lhe marka1p11C8 and how thfl seiVfce 1mpacts lhe quality of life In the mmmunlly and helps with juvenUe diversion. REF t#: S-348 CURRLOO'FEE S100 ·Winter Cemp $50 · Spring Camp nTLE: RECREATION: DAY CAMP RECOMMENDED FEE The City needs lo balance f8elnc:reuel wllh the marketplace and how 1hb service impacts the quality or life In the ccmmunlty and helps with juY8nJie d iYers1o n. 12 Aprll28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 REF#: S-351 TITLE: SPECIAL EVENTS: CAMELLIA FESTIVAL CURRENT FEE RECOMMENDED flEE None This service Is Included lor lnlormallon only. REF #: S-355 TITLE: SPECIAL EVENTS: LIGHTS ON CURRENT FEE RECOMMENQED FEE None This S«VIc:e Is lnc~ded fOf lnformallon only. REF #: S-358 TITLE: SPECIAL EVENTS: SUMMER CONCERTS CURR£NI FEE R£COMMENDED fEE None This seiVIce Is ~ded for lnformaUon only. REF#: S-360 TITLE: SPECIAL EVENTS: OTHER CUBBENT FEE RECOMMENDED FEE Various admlaion and booth faea. Thia service hllnduded for Information only. REF t: S-370 TITLE: COMMUNITY CENTER ROOM RENTAL CUB8£NT FEE RECOMMENDEP FEE Various -See Department Clly should mcplor. changes In poUcy and ralell. Noll!: Only about 20% of renlenl pay because of City policy. REFti:S-410 TITLE: GENERAL FUND SVCS TO THE LLD CUR8ENTFEE CurTWI\ char;M ID Cislric:t $1,800-Trelfic Signal Malnt8flanC8 $4,500-Slteet Lighting $5,500-Trees and Parkways RECOMMENQER F!E Suggesled oharges to Dblrtc:l: 19,538 -Traftic S1gnal Maintenance $32,780-Slreel L.i ghUng $141,953-Trees and Parkways 13 April28, 2011 REF#: S-705 CURREN! FEE $145 • Com martial (13) $0 • Student (13) REFt:S-710 CURBENTf!E $49 REF I#: S-712 CURRENT FEE $50 annually REF t: S-714 CURRENTFU ~ REF I#: S-716 CURftENIFE£ 50¢ • 1al Page 15¢ • Eac:tl Additional Page REF#:S-725 CUftB!! NT fE£ $10 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA FEE COMPARISON REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 TJTLE: FILMING PERMIT RECOMMENDED FEE $168" -Commercial $(1 -Student TITLE: FIREWORKS STAND REVIEW RECOMMENDED FEE St7• TITLE: BINGO REGULATION RI!COMMENDEQ FEE $42 •• Annually TITLE: STREET BANNER RECOMMENQEQ FEE $28" • Praceulng Binner ApplicahD!l $221• • City lnaa.n & Remove Banner TITLE: PHOTOCOPY/REPRODUCTION CHARGE ftECOMMENQED FEE 50¢ • 1 al Page 15¢-Each Additional Page TITLE: RETURNED CHECK CHARGE RECOMMENDED FEE se• pluslhe bank charga (eumtnlly $12.) 15 April 28, 2011 THIS PAGE IS BLANK APPENDIX A DETAIL REVENUE & COST SHEETS CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. BUILDING PlAN CK & INSPECTION PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-BUILDING DESCRIPllON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE PLAN SET SERVICE RECIPIENT S-010 To review plans to insure that they conform to City Standards and Specifications. To perform inspections to insure that approved plans were followed . CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE Various Building Codes no::uw:::uue AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $584,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $514,000 UNIT COST: $518,611.00 TOTAL COST: $518,611 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $65,389.00 TOTALPROFIT(SUBmD~: $65,389 TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 112.61% SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% City collected more than It cost to provide lhls service. It is recommended that the overage be used to partially finance the first year accrual of the General Plan Maintenance Charge (See 8-025). Apn128, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 BUILDING PLAN CK & INSPECTION NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPAftiMENI POSIDON TYPE UNIT TIME CD-BUILDING COMM.DEV.MGR Plan Chedl 121.95 ~UILDING BlDG/HOUSING ASST 1,174.79 OO.BUILDING PART-TIME 62.40 ~BUILDING County Plan Cit 0.00 CD-BUILDING Spedellu!d Pln.Ck 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 1,359.14 CD-BUILDING COMM.DEV.MGR lnspeeUon 121 .95 CO-BUILDING BLDG/HOUSING ASST 207.32 CD-BUILDING BLDG INSPECTOR 1,285.80 CO-BUILDING PART-TIME 52.40 TYPE SUBTOTAL 1,657.47 TOTALS 3,016.61 REFERENCE NO. S-010 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $22.502 .21 1 $22,502 $113.989.87 1 1113,990 $2,917.82 1 $2,918 $135,500.00 1 $135,500 $52,800.00 1 $52,800 $327,709.90 $327,710 $22.502.21 1 122.502 $20,118.28 1 $20,116 $145,384.47 1 1145,364 $2,917.82 1 12,91& $190,900.76 $1H,901 $5111,611 .00 $5111,611 APJ1l 28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 GENERAL PLAN MAINTENANCE REFERENCE NO. 5.025 PRIMARY DI!PARTMENT VARIOUS DESCRIPnON Of SERVICE UNIT OF SEAVlCE BLDG PERMITS SERVICE RECIPIENT To accumulate monies over a ten year period to pay the cost of updating the City's seven elements to the General Plan. This cost is estimated at $1 .000 ,00 0 in today 's dollars and the annual collections for this purpose should be reserved by the City. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None --·-"'UE AND CC •ST COM I"'· -·-- UNIT REVENUE: $0 .00 TOTAL REVENUE: $0 UNIT COST: $100,000.00 TOTAL COST: $100,000 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(100,000.00) TOTAL PROAT (SUBSIDY): $(100,000) TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY : 0.00% SUGGE&TI!D FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 1110% 19% su rcharge on all building fees except for SFD additions and tenant Improvements. For the current year, transfer the overage in 5-01 0 Into the reserve fiR1d for this purpose. April 28, 2011 SERVICE GENERAL PLAN MAINTENANCE NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET AS CAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DI!:PARJMENT POSITION m.g UNITTJYE CD-BUILDING 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.00 TOTALS 0.00 REFERENCE NO. 5..025 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNIT COST ANN, UNITS IOIAb COST $100,000.00 1 $100,000 $100,000.00 $100,000 $100,000.00 $100,000 April28,2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CllY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 MUNI.CODE COMPLIANCE PLN CK & INSP. R!FERENCI! NO. 5.030 PRIMMV DEPARTMENT CD-CODE ENFORCEMENT DESCRIPTlON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE PLAN SET SERVICE RECIPIENT To review a set of plans to insure compfiance with all municipal codes. To perform a field inspection to insure that construction was according to the approved plans . CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None REVENUE AND COST .... ISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $0 UNIT COST: $94.81 TOTAL COST: $18,962 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(94.81) TOTAL PROFrT (SUBSIDY): $(18,962) TOTAL UNITS: 200 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 0.00% SUGGESTED PI!E POR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% April28,2011 seRVICE CrTY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 MUNI.CODE COMPUANCE PLN CK & INSP . NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POS!DON ~ UNITllME CO-CODE ENFORCWIT CODE ENF.SUPVSR 0.75 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.75 TOTALS 0,75 REFERENCE NO. 8-030 TOTALUNrTS 200 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $94.81 200 $18,962 $94.81 $11,162 SM.81 $11,962 Aprll28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CJTY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE TEMPORARYUSEPERMrr REFERENCE NO. PRIMARY DI!PARTMENT VARIOUS DESCRIPTlON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION S!RVICE RECIPIENT Christmas Tree Lot, Pumpkin Lot, parking lot sales, sidewalk sales and other temporary uses. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $43 -Pumpkin Lot (#1) $ 0-Christmas Tree Lot and All Others (#1 1) REVENUE AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $3.58 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $671.83 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(&11.25) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 12 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $692* S.099 $43 $8,062 $(8,011) 0.53% Apftl 28, 2011 SERVICE TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO~ CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET RSCAL YEAR 2010·2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT pOSITION :!lU. UN!TDME COUNCIL SUPPORT CriVClERK Tree & Pumpkin 2.00 COUNCIL SUPPORT DEPUTY CriV CLK 2.00 CO..CODE ENFORCMNT CODE.ENF OFCR 0.50 TYPE SUBTOTAl 4.50 CO-PLANNING COMM.DEV.MGR All Others 1 .00 CD-PlNoiNING SECRETARY 1 .00 CO.. PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 3.00 TYPE SUBTOTAl 5.00 TOTALS 1 .50 REfERENCE NO. ~ TOTAL UNITS 12 UNIT COST ANN. UNIT5 TOTAL COST $323.06 2 $848 $162.70 2 $325 $4518 2 $80 $530,94 $1,082 $212.&4 10 $2,128 $109.<46 10 $1,095 $377.73 10 $3,777 $700.03 $7,000 H71.83 $1,062 Aprll28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET RSCAL YEAR 2010-2011 CONDmONAL USE PERMIT: R-1 ZONE NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSmON n:eg UNIIDME CD-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST 1 .00 CO.P~ING COMM.DEV.MGR 1.00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PL.ANNER B.OO CD-PLANNING NoUclng Post.~~& 0.00 lYPE SUBTOTAL tUO TOTALS 10.50 REFERENCE NO. S-100 TOTAL UNITS 9 UNIJ COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $7-4 .82 9 $673 $212.84 9 $1,916 SS4.73 9 $483 $1.007.28 9 $9,086 S50.00 9 $450 $1,399.87 $12,597 $1,399.67 $12,517 April 28. 2011 SERVICE CrTY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: ALL OTHER NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION :I:l:U UNIT!]ME CO-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST Hearing Notlc:et 1.50 CD-PLANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 1.00 CI).PLANNING SECRETARY 0 .50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PL.ANNER 10.00 CD-PLANNING Nollclng Posblge 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 13.00 TOTALS 13.00 REFERENCE NO. S-101 TOTAL UNITS 9 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $112.23 9 $1 ,010 $212.~ 9 $1,918 $54.73 9 $493 $1.259.10 9 $11,332 $50.00 9 $450 $1.&18.90 $15,200 $1,688.89 S15,ZQO Aprfl28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. CUP MODIF1CAT10N: R-1 ZONE PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPTlON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERV1CE RECIPENT To review an application to modify a previously approved CUP In an R-1 zone. CURRENT FEE STRUCnJRE $405 RE'Y'ENUE AND CC 1SLCOMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $405.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $896.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(491.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED I"I!E FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 1110% S-102 $405 $196 $(491) 45.20% April28. 2011 SERVICE CUP MODIFICATION: R-1 ZONE NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSI110N :!ln. UNITDME CD-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST 1.00 CD-PLANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 1.00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC. PLANNER 4.00 CD-PLANNING Nollclng Postage 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL. 6 .50 TOTAL.S 6.50 REFERENCE NO. S-102 TOTAL. UNITS 1 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $74.82 1 $75 l212.84 1 S213 $54.73 1 $55 $503.84 1 $504 sso.oo 1 $50 $811..03 $816 $896.00 $896 April26,2011 SERVICE CUP MODIFICATION: ALL OTHER NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 ·•· Unil Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSIT! ON mg UNIIDME CD-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST 1--te.ring Nodc::as 1.50 co-PLANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 1.00 CO-PlANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 6.00 CD-PLANNING Noticing P0$1age 0.00 'TYPE &UBTOTAL 9.00 TOTALS II.GO REFERENCE NO. 8·103 TOTAL UNITS 5 UNa CQST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $112.23 5 $561 $21Z.84 5 $1,064 $54.73 5 $274 $755.46 5 $3,777 $50.00 5 $250 11,1115.26 $5,926 $1,185.20 $5,9Ztl ~28,2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. CUP CONDmoN MONITORING PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-CODE COMPLIANCE DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE I UNIT 0, SERVICE I CUP i S-10.4 SERVICE RECIPIENT To collect monies at the Ume of Issuing a CUP so that the City can perform Inspections to monitor compliance with the approved CUP conditions. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None REV~NUE AND CCIST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $0 UNIT COST: $505.17 TOTAL COST: $9,093 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(505.17) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(8,083) TOTAL UNITS: 18 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 0.00% SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $520. Apltl 28, 2011 SERVICE CUP CONDITION MONITORING NO~ CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSmON nu UNIIDME CO·PLAHNING ASSOC .PlANNER 1.00 CO..COOE ENFORCMNT CODE ENF.SUPVSR 3 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 4.00 TOTALS 4.00 REP2RI!NCE NO. S-104 TOTAL UNITS 18 UNIT COST ANN. UNtTS TOTAL COST $125.81 18 $2,288 $379.23 18 $8,828 $505.14 $9,093 $505.17 $1,093 April28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAl YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. ZONE VARIANCE: R-1 ZONE PRIMARY DEPARTMI!NT CD-PLANNING DE!.ICRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPIENT To process an application requesting a variance from the zoning code in a R-1 Zone. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $325 RF'JI:Utn: AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $1 ,74~ $325 .00 $1,881.00 $(1 ,364.00) 4 TOTAL REVENUE: TOTAL COST: TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): PCT. COST RECOVERY: S-105 $1,300 $6,756 $(5,456) 19.24% Aptl28. 2011 SERVICE ZONE VARiANCE: R~1 ZONE NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET RSCAL YEAR 2010..2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSIDON !!fg UNIJDME CD-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST Healing Nollces 1.50 CO-PLANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 1.00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC. PLANNER 10.00 CD-PLANNING Nolidng Poslllge 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 13.00 TOTALS 13.00 REFEIU!NCI! NO. $.105 TOTALUNrTS 4 UNIT COST ANN. UN!JS TOTAL COST $112.23 " $448 $212.114 .. $851 SS4.73 4 $219 $1,259.10 4 $5,038 $50.00 4 $200 $1 ,1118.9CJ $6,756 $1,689.00 $6,756 Aprl28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE REFERENCE HO. ZONE VARIANCE: All OTHER ZONES S-107 PMIIARY DEPARTMENT UNIT OF S!IMCE SERVICE RECIPIENT CD-PLANNING APPLICATION DESCRIP'nON OF SERVICE To process an application requesting a variance from the zoning code in all zones except R-1. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $489 REVENUE AND C(IST t-nuDADJS_ON UNIT REVENUE: $489.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $1,956 UNIT COST: $1,689.00 TOTAL COST: $6,756 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(1,200.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(4,800) TOTAL UNITS: PCT. COST RECOVERY: 28.85% SUGGESTED ,I!E FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $1,740. Aprll28. 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 ZONE VARIANCE: ALL OTHER ZONES NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITlON n:u. UNIT TIME CD-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST Hearing Notices 1.50 CD-PLANN ING COMM.DEV.MGR 1.00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 10.00 CD-PLANNING Nollcing Postage 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 13.00 TOTALS 13.00 REfERENCE NO. $.107 TOTAL UNITS 4 UNIT COST AHN. UNITS TOTAL COST $112.23 " 5449 $212.84 " $851 $54.73 .. $219 $1,259.10 4 $5,036 $50.00 4 $200 $1,611.80 $6,756 $1,689.00 $6,756 AprG 28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR2010-2011 ZONE VAR.MODIFICATION: R·1 ZONE NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT pOSIDON :IIfi UNIT TIME CD-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST Hearing Nolic:es 1.50 CD-PLANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 1.00 CO.PL.ANNING SECRETARY 0.50 ~PLANNING ASSOC PlANNER 6 .00 CD-PlANNING Nollclng POS\Bge 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL uo TOTALS t.oo REFERENCE NO. S-109 TOTAL. UNITS 1 UNrT COST 6NN. UNITS TOTAL COST $112.23 1 $112 $212.84 1 $213 $54.73 1 $55 $755.48 1 $755 $50.00 1 $50 $1,1115.26 $1,1115 $1,1115.00 $1,185 Aprl 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAl YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. ZONE VAR.MODIFICATION: OTHER ZONES PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD -PLANNING DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPIENT To process a request lo modify a pre\Aousty approved zoning variance in a zone other than R-1 . CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $405 RE"Y'":nUE AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: SUGGESTED f!E FOR COST RECOVERY OF : 100% $1,221. $405.00 $1,185.00 $(7110 .00) 1 TOTAL REVENUE : TOTAL COST: TOTAl PROFIT (SUBSIDY): PCT. COST RECOVERY: S.112 $405 $1,185 $(780) 34.111% Apr1128 , 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FlSCAL YEAR 201 0·2011 ZONE VAR.MODIFICATION : OTHER ZONES NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION !:!e!. UNIT TIME CD-PlANNING RECEPTIONIST Hearing NoCice8 1.50 CO·PlANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 1.00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 8 .00 CD-PLANNING NoUc:fng PoslaQ• 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 9 .00 TOTALS 9.00 REFERENCE NO. $-112 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNIT COST ANN. UN!JS TQTAL COST $112.23 1 $112 $212.84 1 $213 $54.73 1 $55 $755.48 1 $755 sso.oo 1 $50 $1 ,115.26 $1,115 $1,115.00 $1,185 Apri12B,2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. ZONE VAR.MODIFICATION: MINOR PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCIUPTlON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPUCATION SERVICE RECIPII!NT To process a minor variance as detemlned by the Director of Community Development. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $162 Rr>IPO.'UE AND cc ST COMPADIV\W UNIT REVENUE: $182.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $288.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDYt: $(108.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100'1!. $276* S-114 $162 $268 $(106) 60.45% April28, 2011 SERVICE ZONE VAR.MODIFICATION: MINOR NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARD!ENT POSITION TYPE UN!IT!ME CO-PLANNING COM~.DEV.MGR 1 .00 CO-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 TYPE SUBTOTAL 1.50 TOTALS 1.50 REFERENCE NO. S-114 TOTAL.UMTS 1 UNIT CQST ANN. uNITS TOTAl. COST $212.84 1 $213 $503 1 sss $267.57 $288 $261.00 $268 April 28. 2011 SERVICE APPEALS PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPnON OF SUV1CE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 REFERENCE NO. 5-116 ! UNIT OF SERVICE I SERVICE RECIPIENT l REQUEST To either process an appeal to the Planning Commission of an administrative dedsion. Or, to process an appeal to the City Council of a Planning Commission ruling . CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $162 ---· UE AND CC ,ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUe: $162.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $162 UNIT COST: $933.00 TOTAL COST: $933 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(771.00) TOTAL PROFIT ~SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 17.38% SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $961* April28, 2011 SERVICE APPEALS NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT PO§IDON .l:ln UNITDME CO-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST Hearing Not.lc:es 1.50 CO-PLANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 1 .00 CO-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CO.PLANNING ASSOC.PlANNER 4.00 CO-PLANNING Nolldng PD5Wge 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 7.00 TOTALS 7.00 REFERENCE NO. S-118 TOTALUNJTS 1 UNIT COST ANN . UNITS TOTAL COST $112.23 1 $112 $212.84 1 $213 $5<4.73 1 $55 $503 .64 1 $604 $50.00 1 $50 1933.44 $933 $933.00 $933 Apt!! 28. 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING oeSCRIPnON OF SERVICE UNrf OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPIENT Review an application and making recommendations regarding proposed amendments to the City's Comprehensive General Plan to the Planning Commis si on and the City Council. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $975 REVENUE AND CC ~ST ~nuD.&D•~ UNIT REVENUE: $975.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: 15,426.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(4,451 .00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY}: TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $5,589* S-118 $975 $5,428 $(4,451) 17.97% April 28 , 2011 SERVICE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2G11 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSI!lON mi UN!TTIME CO-PLANNING RECEPliONIST Hearing Nolk.esx2 3 .00 CO.PLANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 10.00 CO.Pl.ANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PL.ANNER 20.00 CO-PLANNING Pub.Nollce X 2 0.00 CO-PLANNING Noticing Postage 0 .00 lYPE SUBTOTAL 33.50 TOTALS 33.50 REFERENCE NO. s~11a TOTAL UNITS 1 UN!J COST 6NN. UN!IJ TOTAL COST $224.46 1 $224 12.128.40 1 $2,128 $54.73 1 $55 $2,518.20 1 $2,518 1400.00 1 $.400 1100.00 1 5100 $5,425.78 $5,428 $5,42&.00 $5,421 April 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201~2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. ZONE CHANGE PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION To process an appUcation for a zone change for a parcel. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $811 SERVICE RECIPteNT REVENUE AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $811.00 TOTAL REVENUE : UNIT COST: $5,426.00 TOTAL COST: UMT PROFIT (SUBSIDYt: ${4,815.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGEST!D FE£ FOR COST RECOVERY OP: 100% $5,589* S..120 $811 $5,426 $(4,615) 14.95% Apf1J 28, 2011 SERVICE ZONE CHANGE NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201 0·2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION nn UNITDME CO-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST Healing Nolkesx2 3.00 CO-PLANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 10.00 CO-PLANNING SECRETARY 0 .50 CO-PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 20.00 CD-PLANNING Pub.Notice X 2 0.00 CD-PLANNING Noticing Poslage 0.00 1YPE SUBTOTAL 33.50 TOTALS 33.50 REFERENCE NO. 5-120 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNIT CQST AHN. UNITS TOTAL COST $224.46 1 $224 $2.128.40 , $2.128 154.73 1 $55 $2,518.20 , $2,518 $400,00 1 $~00 $100.00 , $100 $5,425.71 $5,428 $5,428.GO $5,426 Aprll28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE GEN.PLAN AMEND. & ZONE CHANGE REFERENCE NO. 5·121 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT C[)...PlANNING DESCRIPnOH OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPIENT To process an appficatlon for both a general plan amendment and a zone change together. CURR!NTFEESTRUCTURE $1,625 REVENUE AND COST COMP .... ,.,..,., UNIT REVENUE : $1,625.00 TOTAL REVENUE : UNIT COST: $8,685.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(5,060.00) TOTAL PROAT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED ,EE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $6,885* $1,625 $6,685 $(5,0t0) 24.31% Apti12B, ZOtt SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FlSCAL YEAR 2010·2011 GEN .PLAN AMEND. & ZONE CHANGE NOn Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION !lU UN!TDME CD-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST Hearing NoliceuZ 3.00 CO-PLANNING COMM.DEV .MGR 10.00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.60 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 30.00 CD-P~NING Pub.Notlce X 2 0 .00 CO-PLANNING Nollc:lng Poslage 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 43.50 TOTALS 43.50 REFEREHCE NO. S·121 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $22U6 1 $224 $2,128.40 1 $2,128 $54.73 1 sss S3,7n.30 1 $3.m $400.00 1 $400 5100.00 1 $100 $6,684.89 111,6115 $6,685.00 $6,1115 Aprl 28. 2011 SERVICE CrTY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR2010-2011 RES'L PLND DEV: PROVISIONAL PLAN NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DI!PARTMENT POSITION ~ UNITDME CO.PLANNING RECEPTIONIST t-t.ar1ng Notlcesx2 3 .00 CO-PLANNING COt.it.i.DEV.MGR 10.00 CO-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CO-PLANNING ASSOC.PLAHNER 10.00 CO-PLANNING Noticing Postage 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 23.50 TOTALS 23.50 REFERENCE NO. S-123 TOTAL UNITS 2 UNIT COST ANN . UNITS TOTAL COST 5224.48 2 $449 $2,128.40 2 $4,257 $54.73 2 $109 $1,2.59.10 z $2,518 $100.00 2 $200 13,766.69 $1,533 $3,766.50 $7,533 Apr128. 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY. CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010~2Q11 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. RES'L PLND DEV: PRECISE PLAN PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPTTON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SEIIlVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPIENT To review the precise plan for a residential planned development. CURRENTFEESTRUCTURE $713 REVENUE AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $713.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $3,766.50 TOTAL COST: UNIT PRORT (SUBSIDY): $(3,053.50) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 2 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTI!D FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 1 DO% $3,880* S-125 $1,426 $7,533 $(6,107) 18.93% April 28 , 2011 SERVICE RES'l PLND DEV: PRECISE PLAN NOtE CITY OF TEMPlE CllY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Unlts DEPARTMENT POSfDON TYPE UNITJ!ME Co-PlANNING RECEPTIONIST Hearing Noticesx2 3 .00 C~NING COMM.DEV.MGR 10.00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 10.00 CO.PLANNING Nodclng PosCage 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 23 .50 TOTALS 23.50 REFERENCE NO. S-125 TOTALUNrTS 2 UNrT COST ANN. UNITS TQ!Ab COST $22-4..48 2 $449 $2,128.40 2 $4.257 $64.73 2 $109 $1,259.10 2 $2,518 $100.00 2 $200 $3,766.19 $7,533 $3,761.50 $7,533 April28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FlSCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE REIIERI!NCI!. NO. TEMPORARY SIGN/BANNER REVIEW PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPllON OF SERVICE UHJT OF SERVICE PERMIT SERVICE RECJPIENT S-126 To process a request for a temporary sign or banner lasting 30 days or less which can be approved at the counter. A business can obtain three (3) pennits in a calendar )lear. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None REVENUE AND CC 1ST C_OMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $115* $0.00 $111.75 ${111.75) 400 TOTAL REVENUE: TOTAL COST: TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): PCT. COST RECOVERY: so $44,700 $(44,700) 0.00% April 28. 2011 SERYICt; CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 TEMPORARY SIGNIBANNER REVIEW NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSinON !!ei UNIIDME C[).Pl.ANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 0.17 CD-COOE ENFORCMNT CODE ENF OFCR 1.00 TYPE SUBTOTAl. 1.17 TOTALS 1.17 REFERENCE NO. S-128 TOTAL UNITS 400 UN!J COST ANN. UNITS JO!AL COST $2.UO 400 S8,5GO $90.35 400 138,140 $111.75 $44,700 $111.75 S.U,700 Ap.rll28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. SIGN REVIEW PRIMARY DI!PARTMI!NT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPl10N OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPIENT To review the application for a single sign to ensure that It oonfocms to the City's sign ordinance. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $42 --·-· UE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $42.00 TOTAL REVENUE : UNIT COST: $125.91 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(83.11) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% S-127 $1,890 $5,686 $(3,776) 33.38% April28,2011 SERVICE SIGN REVIEW NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201 0·2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT pOS!DON :m:g UNITDME CO. PLANNING ASSOC.PlANNER 1.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 1 .GO TOTALS 1.00 REFERENCE NO. 5-127 TOTAL UNITS 45 UNIT COST MN. UNITS TOTAL COST $125.91 45 $5,868 $125.91 $5,6H $125.91 $5,666 April28. 2011 SERVICE SIGN PROGRAM REVIEW PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE aTY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201G-2011 REFeRENCE NO. S-128 UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPIENT To review a comprehensive sign program to establish the design and size of multiple signs within a larger industrial, commercial or residen1ial project or to review a revision to an approved sign program . CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None RI!:\/~Nll~ AND C< 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST : $495.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY}: $(495.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 1110% $0 $ot95 $(495) 0.00% Apr1128,2011 SERVICE SIGN PROGRAM REVIEW NOTE ctTY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 ! Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARJMENI POSITION n:u. UNIT TIME CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CO.PlANNING ASSOC .PlANNER 3.50 TYPE SUBTOTAL 4.00 TOTALS 4.00 REFERENCE NO. $-128 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNrT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAl, COST $.54.73 1 $55 $440.69 , $#1 $495.42 $495 $495.00 $495 April28, 2011 SERVICE SITE PLAN REVIEW-MINOR PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 REFERENCE NO. S-129 UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPIENT To process an appllcalion for a slte plan and design review for property improvements not including a new structure or as determined by the Community Development Director. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $82 REVENUE AND CC 1ST rniiD4Du::n~o.~ UNIT REVENUE: $82.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $62.96 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): 519.04 TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $2,050 $1,574 $476 TOTAL UNITS: 25 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 130.24% SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 1 00')1, $65* April 28, 2011 SERVICE SITE PLAN REVIEW-MINOR NOlE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201~2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units D!PARTMENT POSITION nf! UNIT TIME CO.PLANN!NG ASSOC .Pl.ANNER 0.50 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.50 TOTALS 0..50 REFERENCE NO. $-129 TOTAL UNrTS 25 UNIT COST 6NN. UNITS TOTAL, COST $82.98 25 $1,574 $62.96 $1,574 $12.16 $1,574 AprD 28, 2011 SERVICE SITE PLAN REVJEW..MAJOR NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FiSCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POS!TlON nn UN!ITlME CO.f'tANNING ASSOC.PI..ANNER 3.00 TYPE SUBTOTAl. 3.00 TOTALS 3.00 REFERENC! NO. S-130 TOTAl. UNITS 150 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COSl $377.73 150 $56,680 un.73 $56,6410 $377.13 $56,660 Aprii2B , 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CRY. CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. SITE PLAN REV1EW-APPEAL PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CO..Pl.ANNING DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPEAL To process an appeal challenging the denial of a site plan. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None SERVICE RECIPIENT ... ro-.o. UE AND CC 1ST CO.MPARISON UNIT REVENUE : $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $700.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(700.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 5 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SOOOESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% S-135 $0 $3,500 $(3,500) 0.00% April 28. 2011 SERVICE SITE PLAN REVIEW·APPEAL NO~ CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Unlls DEPARTMENT POS!DON DH UNttDMI5 CD-PLANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 1.00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 1 .00 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 3 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 5.0G TOTALS 5,.0(1 REFERENCE NO. $-135 TOTAL UNITS 5 UNIT COSJ AHN. UNITS TOTAL COST $212.&4 5 51.064 $109.46 5 $547 $377.73 5 $1,888 $700.03 $3,500 $700.00 $3,500 April28, 2011 SERVK:E TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET RSCAL YEAR 2010·2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION nn. UNITDME CD-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST Hearing Notices 1.50 CP.PLANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 10.00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0 .50 CO-PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 10.00 CO-PLANNING Nolicing Poslage 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 22.00 TOTALS 22.00 REFERENCE NO. S..141 TOTALUMTS " UNIT COST ANN. UN!JS TOTAl. COST $112.23 4 $449 $2,128.40 4 $8,514 $54.73 4 $211 $1,259.10 4 $5,038 $50.00 4 $200 $3,604.46 $14,418 $3,604.50 $14,411 Aprt 28, 201 1 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201 D-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPT10N OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION To process an appfication for a tentative tract map. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE SERVICE RECIPIENT $611 plus $161 per lollunit charged against an initial deposit of $5,620 REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $1,777.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $4,396.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFrT (SUBSIDY): $(2,619.00) TOTAL PROFrT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNrTS: 2 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUOOESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 1 DO% $4,528" S·143 $3,554 $8,792 $(5,238) 40.42% April 28, 2D11 SERVICE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COSTDET~L~RKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201G-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT PO SIDON nn UNIT TIME CD-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST Hearing Nolicesx2 3.00 CD-PLANNING COMM.OEV.MGR 10.00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC .PlANNER 15.00 CD-PLANNING Noticing Poelage 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAl. 28.50 TOTALS 28.50 REFERENCE NO. S..143 TOTAl. UNITS 2 UNJT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $22 ... 48 2 $449 $2,128.40 2 $-4,257 $54.73 2 $109 $1,888.65 2 S3,7n $100.00 2 $200 $4,396.2.4 $8,792 14,396.00 $8,7t2 April 28 , 2011 SERVICE TENTATIVE MAP MODIFICATION NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FtSCAL YEAR 2010.2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POS1l10N nu UNITDME CD-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST Hearing Nollcu 1.50 CD-PLANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 3 .00 CO -PLANNING SECRETARY 0 .50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 3 .00 CD-PLANNING Nolldng Posl8ge 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 8 .00 TOTALS 8 .00 REFERENCE NO. S-144 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $11 2.23 1 1112 $638.52 1 $639 $54.73 1 sss $377.73 1 $378 sso.oo 1 sso $1,2!3.21 $1,233 $1,233.00 $1,233 Aprtl 28, 2011 SERVICE FINAL MAP PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING CITY OF TEMPLE CITY. CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201 0·2011 REFERENCE NO, S·145 UNlT OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPIENT r----------------------------~-------------------~------------------------~ DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE Reviewing a final map to determine the extent to whlch it complies wilh appropriate code requirements as well as the conditions described in lhe Tentative Map. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $161 plus County Fees REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $181.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $966 UNIT COST: $432.50 TOTAL COST: $2,595 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(271.50) TOTALPROFIT(SUB~DY): $(1,629) TOTAL UNITS: 6 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 37.23% SUGOESTED FEE FOR COST ReCOVERY OF: iiNI% $445* plus County Fees April 28, 2011 SERVICE FINAL MAP NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POS!DON ~ UNIT TIME CO-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-Pl.ANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 3.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 3.50 TOTALS 3.50 REFERENCE. NO. S-145 TOTAL UNITS 8 UNIT COST ANN. UMTS TOTAL COST $54.73 6 $328 5377.73 6 $2.266 $432.46 52,595 $431.50 $2,595 April28,2011 CITY OF TEMPlE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAl YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. TIME EXTENSION PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE SERVICE REaPIENT APPLICATION Review administratively a request for an extension of time to complete a planning entitlement. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $244 REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $244.00 TOTAl REVENUE: UNIT COST: ~2.33 TOTAl COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(188.33) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY}: TOTAL UNITS: 3 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% S·147 $732 $1,297 $(565) 56.44% Ap11128, 2011 SERVICE TIME EXTENSION NOT£ CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010..2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT posmoN rru UNITDME CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 3.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 3.50 TOTALS 3.50 REFERENCI! NO. 5·147 TOTAL UNITS 3 UNIT COST ANN . UNITS TOTAL COST $54 .73 3 $184 $377.73 3 $1,133 $432.48 $1,291 $432.33 $1,287 Ap111 28,2011 SERVICE SUBDMSION MAP AMENDMENT NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units QEPABTMENI POSITION ~ UNIT TIME CD-PtANNING RECEPTIONIST 1 .00 CD-PlANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 1.00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PL.ANNER 5.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 7.50 TOTALS 7.50 RER:RENCE NO. 5-150 TOTAL UNiTS 1 UNIT COS! ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST 17<4.82 1 $75 1212.84 1 $213 $54.73 1 $55 1829.55 1 $630 1971.94 $972 $t12.0CI $972 April28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. LOT COMBINATION PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION To process the combination of two lots into one new lot. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE S244 SERVICE RECIPIENT REVENUE AND CO~T C_OMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $244.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $847.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(603.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% S-152 1244 $847 $(603) 28.81% April28, 2011 SERVICE LOT COMBINATION NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CJTY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION ~ UNITDME CD-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST Heartng Notica 1.50 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC. PLANNER 5 .00 CD-PLANNING Noticing Postage 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 7.00 TOTALS 7 .00 REFERENCE NO. S-152 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS JOTAJ. COST $112.23 1 $112 S54.73 1 $55 $828.55 , $630 $50.00 1 $50 $1148.51 $1147 $1147.00 $847 Apli 28.2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010~2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT-MINOR PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCIUPllON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPIENT To process a minor adjustment to a lot line between two pan:els. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $325 plus deposit of $649 REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $325.00 TOTAL REYeNUe: UNIT COST: $847.00 TOTAL. COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(522.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $872* S-154 S325 $847 $(522) 38.37% April 28, 2011 SERVIC! LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT-MINOR NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION ~ UNIIDME CD-PLANNING RECCPTlONIST Hearing Notices 1.50 CO-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CO-PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 5.00 CO-PLANNING Nolldng Postage 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 7.00 TOTALS 7 .00 REFERENCE NO. 8-154 TOTAl. UNITS 1 UNJT COST 6NN. UNITS TOTAL COST $112.23 1 $112 $54.73 1 $55 $629.55 1 $630 $50.00 1 $50 $648.51 $147 $147.00 $147 April28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET F.SCAL YEAR 2010-2011 CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FROM CEQA REFERENCE NO. 5-156 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CO-PlANNING DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPIENT To process a categorical exempdon from the california Environmental Quality Act for a proposed project. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $75 R~w••E AND CC ~ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $75.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $125.89 TOTAL COST : UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(50.89) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 9 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 1110% $130 plus LA County Clerk FlUng Fee $675 $1,133 $(458) 59.58% April 28. 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201()..2011 CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FROM CEQA NOll: Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSmON TYPE UNITDME CD·PlANNING ASSOC .PLANNER 1 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 1.00 TOTALS 1.00 REFERENCE NO. 5-156 TOTAL UNITS 9 UNIT COST ANN · UNIJS TOTAL COST $125.111 9 $1 ,133 $125.91 $1,133 $125.19 $1,133 .April28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. NEGAnVE (ENVIRON.) DECLARAnON PRIMARY DEPAR111ENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPt!NT To determine that a project has no impact on the environment according to CEQA guidelines. CURRENT JlEE STRUCTURE $150 REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: 1150.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: 53n.1a TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY}: $(227.78) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 9 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% S.157 $1,350 S3~D $(2,050) 39.71% Aplt1 28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 NEGATIVE (ENVIRON.) DECLARATION NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT PO SIDON nn UNITDME C~NING ASSOC .PLANNER 3 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 3.09 TOTALS 3.00 REFERENCE NO. S-157 TOTALUNrTS 9 UNrT CQST ANN. UNJJS TOTAl COST $377.73 8 $3.400 S3n.73 $3,400 $377.71 $3~00 April28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 REFERENCE NO. EIRJMITIGATED NEGATIVE DEC. REVIEW S-158 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE REPORT SERVICE RECIPtENT To review an environmental Impact report or a mitigated negative declaration for a proposed project. CURRENTFEES~UCTURE None ... _._...'IUE AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT fSUBSIO~: TOTAL UNITS: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 1DO% $0 .041 $0.041 $0.00 1 TOTAL REVENUE: TOTAL COST: TOTALPROFrr(SUB~D~: PCT. COST RECOVERY: Actual cost of staff, County and City Consultants against and Initial deposit determined by staff $0 $0 so 0.00% Aprll28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 EIRIMITIGATEO NEGATIVE DEC. REVIEW NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMI!.NI posiTioN nn UNIT11ME 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0 .00 TOTALS 0.00 - REFERENCE NO. 5-158 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $0.00 0 so suo so $0.00 $0 Apl11 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 S!RVICE REFERENCE NO. PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRSPTlON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPUCATION SERVICE RECIPIENT S-160 To file a statement with the Alcoholic Beverage Commission that an applicant who proposes to sell or serve alcoholic beverages can be approved for the public's convenience. CURRENTFEESTRUCTUR! None R~ru-=u••-= AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100"' $0.00 $750.00 $(750.00) 2 TOTAL REVENUE: TOTAL COST: TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): PCT. COST RECOVERY : $1,500 $(1,500) 0.00% Apri128,2011 SERVICE CrTY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY NOTE Unit Costs are en Average of Total Units DEMRIMENT POSITION nu. UNITDME C[).f'lANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 1 .00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 1 .00 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.Pl..ANNER 3.00 CD-PLANNING Nodc:klg Paslage 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 5.00 TOTALS 5.00 REFERENCE NO. S-180 TOTAL UNITS 2 UNIT COST NfN. UNITS TOTAL COST $212.&1 2 S42e S10U8 2 $219 $377.73 2 $755 $50.00 2 $100 $750.03 $1,5GO $750.00 $1,500 April 28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 PLANNING COMMISSION INTERPRETATlON NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION nn UN!IDME CD-PLANNING COt.tM.DEV.MGR 1.00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 1.00 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 3.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 5.00 TOTALS 5.00 REFERENCE NO. 5-184 TOTALUNfTS 5 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $212.84 5 $1 ,064 5108.46 5 $547 $377.73 5 S1.889 $700.03 $3,500 1700.00 $3,500 April28 ,2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 REFERENCE NO. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE AGREEMENT S!RVICE RECIPIENT S-168 To enter Into en agreement with a developer specifying each party's responsibilities and contributions for a proposed project. CURRENT FEE STRUClURE None REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $0.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $0.00 TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 2 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% Actual cost of staff, County and City Consultants against and initial deposit determined by staff $0 $0 $0 0.00'% Aprll28, 2011 SERVICE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NOTe CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201 0·2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSIDON ~ UNITT1ME 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL o.oo TOTALS 0.00 REFERENCE NO. S..168 TOTALUNTS 2 UNIT COST ANN. UM!TS TOTAL COST $0.00 0 $0 $0.GG so $41.00 so Apr1128,2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR2010-20f1 RI!PI!RI!Nce NO. ZONING LETTER S.170 PRIMARY OEPARTM!NT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE LETTER SERVICE RECIPIENT To prepare a letter al the request of a property owner or realtor specifying the zoning of a parcel and what development would be acceptable in that zone. CURR£NT fEE STRUCTURE None RI:V~.a••E AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $232.40 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(232.40) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 5 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED Fl!l! POR COST RECOVERY OP': 100% $239. $0 $1,162 $(1,182) 0.00% April 28 , 2011 SERVICE ZONING LETTER NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR2010-2011 . Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARJ'MENT POSITION neg UNITDME CO-PLANNING COMM.DEV.MGR 0.50 CD-P~NN!NG ASSOC .PlANNER 1.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL. 1.50 TOTALS 1.50 REFERENCE NO. 5·170 TOTALUNYTS 5 UNIT COST ANN . UNITS TOTAL COST $106.42 5 $532 $125.91 5 $830 $232.33 $1,162 $2S2..40 11,182 April 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010..2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. BUS.REGUL.ATORY PMT ANNUAL RENEWAL PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRiflYTlON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPUCATlON S·202 SERVICE REctPIENT To perform a background check on a business owner and/or employee 10 protect the public safety. The background check is performed by the LA County Sheriff's Office. Annual renewal only as the initial pefmit is processed with a new business appHcatlon. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $70 REVENUE AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNJT REVENUE: $70.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $22,610 UNIT COST: $1C .11 TOTAL COST: $27,168 UNIT PROFJT (SUBSIDY): $(14.11) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(4,558) TOTAL UNITS: 323 PCT. COST RECOVERY : 83.22% SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $87* April 28. 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY. CAUFORNJA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 BUS .REGULATORY PMT ANNUAL RENEWAL NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMEMI POS!DON ~ UNITnME CD-PLANNING SECRETARY Renewal 0 .33 SHERIFF OPERATIONS Bkgmd.Check 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL. 0.33 TOTALS 0.33 REFERENCE NO. 5-202 TOTAL UNITS 323 UNJI COST ANN. UNITS TOTAb COST $36.12 323 $11.687 $47.99 323 $15,501 $84.11 $27,168 $N.11 $27,161 Aprit28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. NEW/MOVED/CHANGED BUSINESS PROC'G PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SI!RVICE APPLICATION S-203 SERVICE RECIPIENT To enter data fore new/moved/changed business Into the computer, print a business Hcense and mall to the applicant. To perfonn a field inspection to insure compliance w it h all municipal codes and to issue a Certificate of Occupancy. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $25 • Regular Commercial (#55; $1 ,375) $95 -Regulated Commercial (#15; $1 ,425) $0 ~Out of Town Business (#176; $0) $70 -Regulated Individual (#1 0; $700) (Note: In addition to the above processing fees, a new business would also pay the fnt year business tax.) A~ll.: AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $320•-Regular Commercial $521•-Regu lated Commercial $28• ~Out of Town Business $229• ~ Regulated Individual $13.117 TOTAL REVENUE: $123.98 TOTAL COST: 5(110.29) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): 256 PCT. COST RECOVERY: $3,500 S31,734 Sf28,2U) 11 .03% (Note: In addition to the above regulatory processing fees, a new business WOlAd also pay the first year business laX .) Aprlf 28.2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FlSCAL YEAR 2010-2011 NEW/MOVED/CHANGED BUSINESS PROC'G NOT! Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units PEPABIMENT POSITION nn UN!IDME CO.PlANNING SECRETARY Regular CGm 'l 0.75 CO-PlANNING ASSOC. PLANNER 0 .50 CD-BUILDING BLDG INSPECTOR 0 .50 CD-CODE ENFORCMNT CODE ENF .SUPVSR 0.50 CO.CODE ENFORCMNT CODE .ENF OFCR 0.50 TYPE SUBTOTAL 2.75 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY Regulaled Com1 1.00 co-PLANNING ASSOC.PLANNER 0.50 ct:HJUILDING BLDG INSPECTOR . 0.50 SHERIFF OPERATIONS Bkgmd .Chedl 0.00 CD-CODE ENFORCMNT CODE ENF.SUPVSR 0.50 CO.COOE ENFORCMNT COOE .ENF OfCR 0.50 TYPE SUBTOTAL 3 ,00 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY Out .()f. Town 0.25 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.25 CD-PLANNING SECRETARY Regulaled lndiY. 0.50 SHERIFF OPERATIONS Bkgmd.CMck 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.50 TOTALS 6.50 REfERENCE NO. 5-203 TOTAL UNITS 258 uNIT COST ANN . UNITS TOTAL COST $82.10 55 $4,518 $82.98 55 $3.463 $57.42 55 $3,158 $83.21 55 $3,477 $45.18 55 $2,4115 $310.87 $17,191 $109.411 15 $1.1142 $62.98 15 $944 $57.42 15 $861 $167.95 15 52,5111 $83.21 15 $948 $45.18 15 $678 $506.18 $7,593 $27.37 178 $4,817 $27.37 $4,1111 $54.73 10 $547 $187.15 10 $1,680 $222.68 $2,2Z7 $123.96 $31 ,734 Aprft 28,2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201~2011 SERVICE NEW HOME BUSINESS PROCESSING REFERENCE NO. 5-204 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PLANNING DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPIENT To process an appUcation to operate a business out of a home In a residenlial zone. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None Note: The $64 Is a Business Tax and charged annualy. REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $131.39 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY}: $(131.39) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 100 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $135* $0 $13,139 $(13,139) 0.00% Apctl28. 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201~2011 NEW HOME BUSINESS PROCESSING NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION ~ UNIT11ME CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANN ING ASSOC.PLANNER 0.25 CD-CODE ENFORCMNT CODE .ENF OFCR 0 .50 TYPE SUBTOTAL 1.25 TOTALS 1.25 REFERENCE NO. 5-204 TOTAL UNITS 100 UNIT COB! AHN. UNITS TOTAL CO ST $54.73 100 $5,-473 $3U8 100 $3,148 $-15.18 100 $4,518 $131.39 $13,131 $131.31 $13,139 April 28. 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201G-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROCESSING PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD..CODE ENFORCEMENT DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE RENTAL SERVICE RECIPIENT To initially register and inspect a resldenUal property that is to be operated as a rental. CURR!NTfEESTRUCTURE None ...... _ .... ••c AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $131.40 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(131.40) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 50 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST AECOYERV OP: 100% $135* S-206 $6,570 $(6,570) 0.00% AprU 28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 RESIDENnAL RENTAL PROCESSING NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTUENT POS!DON mi UNIIJIME CD-PLANNING SECRETARY 0.50 CD-PLANNING ASSOC.PlANNER 0.25 CD-CODE ENFORCMNJ COOE.ENF OFCR 0.50 TYPE SUBTOTAL 1.25 TOTALS 1.25 REfERENCe NO. 5-208 TOTAL. UNITS 50 UNJI COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $5-4.73 50 $2,737 $31 ... 8 50 $1,574 $45.18 50 $2,259 $131.39 $8,5TG $131AO $6,570 AprQ 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE REFER!NCE NO. RESIDENTIAL RENTAL INSPECTION PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-CODE-ENFORCEMENT DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE RENTAL SERVICE RECIPIENT S-207 To perfonn an annual inspection of a residential property that has been registered to operate as a rental property. The Inspection fee is charged annually based on the Inspection being performed every two years. Units are after the initial registration. CURRI!HT FI!E STRUCTURE None REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $0 UNIT COST: $72.80 TOTAL COST: $72,800 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(72.10) TOTAL PROAT (SUBSIDY): $(72,800) TOTAL UNITS: 1,000 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 0.00% SUGGESTED 11!1!. P'OR COST RECOV!RY 01': 100% Apri128, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 RESIDENTlAL RENTAL INSPECTION NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units D£PARTM!!NT PO SinON J:lH UNITJ!ME C[)..PLANNING SECRETARY 0.17 ~ODE ENFORCMNT COOE ENF.SUPVSR 0.25 CD-CODE ENFORCMNT COOE.ENF OFCR 0 .25 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.67 TOTALS 0.67 REFERENCE NO. S-207 TOTALUNn'S 1,000 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $18.61 1.000 $111 ,810 $31.60 1,000 131 ,600 $22.59 1.000 $22,590 $72.80 $72,800 $72.80 $72,800 April 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR201G-2011 SERVICE GARAGESALEREGULAnON REFERENCE NO. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CO-CODE ENFORCEMENT DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE PERMIT SERVICE RECIPII!NT To issue a permit for a garage sale to enforce the three (3) per year limit per property. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None REVENUE AND COST COMPADI~niU UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE : UNIT COST: $5.99 TOTAL COST: UNIT PRO AT (SUBSIDY): $(5.99) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 800 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGOESTI!D !fEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% S-208 $0 $3,594 $(3,594) 0.00% April28. 2011 SERVICE GARAGE SALE REGULATION NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT PQSmON ~ UNIIDME CD-PLANNING RECEPTIONIST 0.08 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.08 TOTALS 0.08 REFERENCE NO. 5-208 TOTAL. UNITS 600 UNJ! COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL. COST $5.119 600 $3,594 SUt $3,594 ~--53,594 April 28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 REFERENCE NO. VEHICLE IMPOUND/RELEASE CHARGE S-209 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT UNIT OF SERVICE SERVICE RECIPIENT SHERIFF VEHICLE DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE To recover the Initial cost of impounding a vehicle for cause and lhe subsequent release of that vehicle. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $95 REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $95.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $140.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(45.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $144* $95 $140 ${45) 67.86% April 28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201 0·2011 VEHICLE IMPOUND/RELEASE CHARGE NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARJMENT PO SIDON !:Yfi UNITDME SHERIFF OPERATIONS SHERIFF DEPUTY 1 .08 TYPE SUBTOTAL 1 .08 TOTALS 1 .08 REFERENCE NO. S.209 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNa COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $140.19 1 $140 $140.18 $140 $140.01» $140 Aprll28.2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITYr CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 SERVICE ANIMAL CONTROL REFERENCE NO. 8-210 PRIMARY DEPARTWIENT CO-ANIMAL CONTROL DESCRIPT10N Of SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE SERVICE RECIPtENT VARIOUS To inswe that dogs are vaccinated for rabies by licensing . To remove strays and wild animals from the community ror public health. Shelter service and some patrol is by County contract. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE Altered-$17 plus additional $9 if deUnquent (#1,436; $24,412) Unaltered-$34 plus additional $18 If delfnquent (#722; $24,548) Senior (65+)-SO; $9 tf delinquent (#400; $0) (Delinquent income is the balance of $13.040) Impound Redemption: (Shelter Revenue not City Revenue) 1st Offense -$35 2nd Offense -$50 3rd Offense -$60 REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $24.2A UMTCOST: $131.42 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(107.18) TOTAL UNITS: 2,558 SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 25% Altered-$24* plus additional $13'" If deUnquent Unaltered-$47* plus additional $25* if delinquent Senior (65+)-$0; $13*lt deUnquent Impound Redemption: (Sheller Revenue not City Revenue) 1st Offense-$49* 2nd Offense -$70'" 3rd Offense -$84* TOTAL REVENUE: TOTAL COST: TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): PCT. COST RECOVERY: $62,000 $336,172 $(274,172) 18.44% April 28, 201 t SERVICE ANIMAL CONTROL NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPAR!MENT POSITION ~ UNITDME CO-ANIMAL CONTROl SECRETARY 0 .22 CD·ANIMAL CONTROL PUB.SAFETY OFCR 0 .13 CD-ANIMAL CONTROL ANIMAL CTRL OFCR 0 .62 CD-ANIMAL CONTROL PART-TIME 0 .116 CO-ANIMAl CONTROl OVERTIME 0.02 CD-ANIMAL CONTROL JPA-Paltoi,Misc. 0.00 CO-ANIMAL CONTROL Ucenalng & Misc . 0 .00 CD-ANIMAL CONTROL JPAShelter o.co TYPE SUBTOTAL 1.05 TOTALS 1.05 REFERENCE NO. S·210 TOTAL UNITS 2,558 UNIT COST AHN. UN!D !DIN, COS! $17.30 2,558 $44,253 $15.20 2,558 $38,882 $55.1<1 2,558 $141,048 $2.35 2.558 $8,011 $0.78 2.558 $1,995 $7.72 2,558 $19,748 $1.50 2.558 $3,837 $31.43 2.558 $80,398 $131.42 $336,172 $131.42 m&,1n I I I Aclril 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. REPLACEMENT DOG LICENSE PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-ANIMAL CONTROL DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE To replace a dog license that has been losl. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None UNIT OF SERVICE LICENSE SERVICE RECIPIENT REVENUE AND CC fST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNrTCOST: TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT I SUBSIDY): $16.40) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 15 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% sr S-212 $0 $96 $(96) 0.00% Aplll28.2011 SERVICE REPLACEMENT DOG UCENSE NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET ASCAL YEAR 2010.2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPABJMENT POSIJlON TYPE UNITDME CO.ANIMAL CONTROL SECRETARY 0.08 CD-ANIMAL CONTROL Repi.LiceMe 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.08 TOTALS 0.08 REFERENCE NO. 5-212 TOTAL UNITS 15 UN!! COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL CQST $6.23 15 $93 $0.20 15 $3 $6.43 $86 $6.40 $98 Apri 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 SERV.CE REFERENCE NO. DEAD PET PICK-UP PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-ANIMAL CONTROL DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERV.CE PET SERVICE RECIPIENT S-214 The pet owner can take a dead pet directly to the Shelter. This service Is for the animal control officer to pick-up lhe dead pet at the owner's home and deliver It to the Shelter. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None UE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $0 UNIT COST: $86.7-4 TOTAL COST: $2,336 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(66.74) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(2.336) TOTAL UNITS: 35 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 0.00% SUGGESTED FEE FDR COST RECOVERY OF: 1110% $69 .. plus the Shelter Charge to the City (ranges from $40 to $120) April28. 2011 SERVICE DEAD PET PICK..UP NO'M CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARJMENT POSITION nn UNIT TIME CD-ANIMAL CONTROL ANIMAL CTRL OFCR 0 .75 TYPE SUBTOTAL o.75 TOTALS 0.75 REFERENCE NO. S-214 TOTAL UNITS 35 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $66.75 35 $2,336 $66.75 $2,338 $66.74 $2,338 Aprli2B, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR2010.2D11 HOME QUARANTINE INSPECTION REFERENCE NO. 5-216 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-ANIMAL CONTROL DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OP SERVICE SERVICE RECIPIENT QUARANTINE This service is for the Ume of the animal control off~eer to determine that a pet Involved in a biUng can be quaranUned at home instead of at the Shelter. Counseling is given to both parties and the officer insures that the animal Is secured. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None REVENUE AND COST COMP_ARI.SON UNIT REVENUE: so.oo TOTAL REVENUE: so UNIT COST: $133.50 TOTAL COST: $1,335 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(133.50) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(1,335) TOTAL UNITS: 10 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 0.00% SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $138* Aprll 28, 2011 SERVICE HOME QUARANTINE INSPECTION NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEfARTMENT POSITION nn UNIIDME CO..ANit.W.. CONTROL ANIMAL CTRL OFCR 1.50 lYPE SUBTOTAl 1.50 TOTALS 1.50 REPEREHCE NO. S-218 TOTAL UNITS 10 UNIT COST MN. UNITS TOTAl, COST $133.50 10 $1.335 $1!3.50 $1.335 $133.50 $1,335 Apri128, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT·ANNUAL PRIMARY DEPART111!NT CD-PARKING ADMIN. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE S-222 UNIT OF SERVICE SERVICE RECIPIENT PERMIT To Issue a penn It for overnight street pari(lng. The permit Is a calendar year permit and the fee is pro.rated by calendar quarter. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE 1st Quarter: $77.00-Regular; $52.00-Senior (#s 594, 6; $45,738, $312) 2nd Quarter. $59.50-Regular: $44.50 ·Senior (#s 223, 2; $13,268.50, $89) Jrd Quarter. $47.00-Regular; $37.00-Senior (#s 99, 1: $4,653, $37) 4th Quarter: $34.50 -Regular; $29.50 -Senior (#a 50, 1: $1, n5, $29.50) The above fees include a $22 processing charge with the balance being an enforcement cost of $12 .50 per quarter for Regular and $7.50 per quarter for Seniors. $77 is a likely typo for $72. RE"-.'ENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $67.47 TOTAL REVENUE: UNJTCOST: $72.80 TOTAL COST: UNJT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(5.13) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 978 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% Increase the current $22 processing charge to $28* for all permits Enforcement component of Regular permits ~uld be $13 .71• per quarter. Enforcement component of Senior permits would be $6.22* per quarter (40o/o subsidy). $85,852 $70,855 $(5,003) 92.1M% April28 .2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT·ANNUAL NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units pEPARTMI!NI PQSIDON IU§ UN!TDME CD-PARKING ADMIN . SECRETARY Proce11lng 0.33 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.33 SHERIFF OPERATIONS SHERIFF DEPUTY Shan! Ofenbannt 0.10 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.10 TOTALS 0.43 REFERENCE NO. 5·222 TOTAL UNITS 978 UNIT C(OSJ ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $27.24 978 $26,586 $27.24 $26,588 $13.31 3,328 $44,2&9 $1U1 $44,269 $72.60 $70,155 Aprll28,2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT-MONTHLY PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PARKING ADMIN. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE PERMIT SERVICE RECIPIENT To issue monthly overnight panting permits. Only I'NO are permitted within a calendar year. CURRENT PEE STRUCTURE $20 -Monthly with a maximum of two within a calendar year S-223 (Note: This permit charge only covers the processing cost. There is no amount for enforcement in the current permit fee.) REVENUE AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $48* $20.00 $46.60 $(26.60) 120 TOTAL RI:YeNUE: TOTAL COST: TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): PCT. COST RECOVERY: $2.400 $5,582 $(3,182) 42.92% Apll 28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR2010-2011 OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT -MONTttLY NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units QEPARTMENT PO SIDON .Ilfi UNITllME SHERIFF OPERATIONS SHERIFF DEPUTY Share Of Enrotc:emnl 0 .20 CD-PARKING ADMIN. SECRETARY Proeesslng 0.25 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.45 TOTALS 0.45 REFERENCE NO. S-223 TOTAL UNITS 120 UNIT COST AHN. UNIJS TOTAL COST 525.96 120 $3.115 $20.64 120 $2,477 $48.60 $5,592 $48.60 $5,592 AprU 28 . 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201~2011 OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT-DAILY REFERENCE NO. 5·224 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PARKING ADMIN. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE PERMIT SERVICE RECIPIENT To operale a machine that dispenses an overnight parking permit and to cover a portion of the cost of Sheriff & City staff that enforce the "no partdng• statute. CURRENT F£E STRUCTURE $2 liE AND CCIST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $2...00 TOTAL REVENUE: $54,840 UNIT COST: $2.70 TOTAL COST: $74,034 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(0.70) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(19,194) TOTAL UNITS: 27,420 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 74.07% SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% April 28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET ASCAL YEAR 2010-2011 OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT-DAILY NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSmON nn UNJTDME SHERIFF OPERATIONS SHERIFF DEPUTY Shan! OJ Enlorcemnl 0.02 CO.PARKING ADMIN . PUB.SAFETY OFCR Machine Opna 0.00 CD-PARKING ADMIN . DP•M~+Paper 0 .00 lYPE SUBTOTAL. O.G2 TOTALS 0.02 REFERENCE NO. S-224 TOTAL. UNITS 27,420 UNIT COST AHN, uNITS TCIAb COST 12.16 2M20 159,227 $0.42 27.420 $11.516 10.12 27.420 $3,280 $2.71t $74,034 $2.70 $74,034 - Aprll21,2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT APPEAL PRIMARY DI:PARTNENT CD-PARKING ADMIN. DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPEAL SERVICE RECIPIENT To hear an appeal of a parking permit applicant whose application has been denied CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $273.14 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $C273.84) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAl UNJTS: PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% S-225 $0 $12,323 $(12,323) 0.00% ApriJ28,2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010..2011 OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT APPEAL NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units OEPAAJMENT POS!DON .n:.u UNITmiE CO-PARKING ADMIN. SECRETARY 0.25 CO-PARKING ADMIN . PUB .SAFETY OFCR 2.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 2.25 TOTALS 2.25 REFERENCE NO. S-225 TOTAL UNITS .45 UNIT COST ANN. UNIIJ TOTAL COST $20.~ ~s $021 $253.20 ~5 $11,394 $273..14 $12,323 $273.114 $12,W Aprll28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 REFERENCE NO. ANNUAL PARKING PMT-TSFR & REPLCMNT S~226 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PARKING ADMIN. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE PERMIT SERVICE RECIPIENT To prepare a new annual parking permit when the original permit has been lost, surrendered or destroyed. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $10 REVENUEANDCOSTCOMP~SON UNIT REVENUE: $10.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $20.63 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(10.63) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 30 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $21* $300 $619 $(319) 48.47% AprD 28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 ANNUAL PARKING PMT-TSFR & REPLCMNT NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION ~ UNITllME CD-PARKING ADMIN . SECRETARY 0.25 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.25 TOTALS 0.25 REFERENCE NO. S-226 TOTAL UNIT$ 30 UNIT COST ANN. UNfTS TOTAL COST $20.64 30 $619 S2G.84 $119 $20.83 $619 Aplfl28,2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY. CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. CITATIONS FOR ILLEGAL PARKING PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PARKJNG ADMIN. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE CITATIONS S~230 SERVICE RECIPIENT Citations are a fine to discourage illegal behavior. This service is included to show the cost of issuing the fine to insure that the fine is sufficient. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $45 w Avg. Citation Amount (#15,500, 75% collection rate) RE"v'-:NUE AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $33.75 TOTAL REVENUE: $523,125 UNIT COST: $19.60 TOTAL COST: $303,800 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $14.15 TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $219,325 TOTAL UNITS: 15,500 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 172.19% SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 1CIO% Aprli2B, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 CITATIONS FOR ILLEGAL PARKING NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSIDON :r£.U UNIT TIME CD-PARKING ADMIN . SECRETARY 0 .00 CD-PARKING ADMIN. PUB.SAFETY OFCR 0 .01 CD-PARKING ADMIN. PARKING CTRL OFCR 0 .13 CD-PARKING ADMIN . PART-TIME 0.08 CD·PARKING ADMIN . Court Fees 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.23 TOTALS 0.23 ~FERENCE NO. S-230 TOTAL UNITS 15,500 UNJJ COST ANN, UNITS TOTAL COST $0.19 15,500 $2,945 $0.87 15 ,500 $13,-485 $7.79 15 ,500 $120.745 $3.63 15.600 $56,265 $7.12 15,500 $110,3110 $19.&0 $303,100 $19.10 $303,800 Apri128, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CrrY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET ASCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. INSPECTION FOR CODE COMPUANCE PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-CODE COMPLIANCE DESCRIPTION OF SERV1CE UNIT OF SERVICE INSPECTION SERVICE RECIPIENT S-235 To inspect a property after noUcing the owner about a violation to confirm that the violation has been corrected. CURRENTFEESTRUCTURE $0 -1st Inspection $0 -2nd Inspection $40 -Each subsequent lnspeclion UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: -... -... uE AND COST COMP&Du::nu $0.04 TOTAL REVENUE: $45.11 TOTAL COST: $(45.14) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): 1,021 PCT. COST RECOVERY : SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 1DO¥. $0 -1st Inspection $0 ~ 2nd Inspection $47•-Each subsequent Inspection $46,129 $(46,089) 0.09% Apl11 28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 INSPECTION FOR CODE COMPLIANCE NOTE Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DI!PARJMENI POSIT10N nn UNUDME CD-CODE ENFORCMNT COOE.ENF OFCR 0.50 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.50 TOTALS 0.50 REFERENCE NO. 5-235 TOTALUNI'B 1,021 UN!J COSJ NtN, UNITS TOTAl, COST 545.1 8 1.021 ~.129 $45.18 $46,129 $45.18 $48,129 April 28. 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CJTY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. SUBSTD.RECORDATION PLCMNT & REMOVAL PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-CODE ENFORCEMENT DESCRIPllON OF SERVICE UNIT OP SERVICE PROPERTY S-237 SERVICE RECIPIENT To cover the cost of filing a Hen with the County on a property that requires repairs and lo cover the cost or removing that lien when the property is in escrow after the repairs have been completed through escrow. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None REVENUE AND CC tST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $167*-Standard Service (10 Business Days) $447*-Expedited Service (3 Business Days) $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE : $207.73 TOTAL COST: $(207.73) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): 300 PCT. COST RECOVERY: so $62,319 $(62,319) 0.00% Apt1128. 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY. CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET ASCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SUBSTD.RECORDATION PLCMNT & REMOVAL NOTE Unit Costs are an Average ofTotal Units DEPARTMENT POSITION :on UNITDME CD-CODE ENFORCMNT COOE ENF.SUPVSR Standard Svc. 075 CO.COOE ENFORCMNT COOE .ENF OFCR 0 .75 TYPE SUBTOTAL 1.50 CD·CODE ENFORCMNT CODE ENF.SUPVSR Expedited Svc. 2.00 CD-CODE ENFORCMNT COOE.ENF OFCR 2.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 4.00 TOTALS 5.50 REFERENCE NO. S-237 TOTAL UNITS 300 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $94.81 250 $23,703 $CI7.7tl 250 $16,940 $182.57 $40,643 $252.82 50 $12,641 $180.70 50 $9,035 $433.52 $21,676 $207.73 $62,319 Aprft28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE ReFERENCE NO. VACANT PROPERTY MONITORING PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-CODE ENFORCEMENT DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE S~239 UNIT OF SERVICE SERVICE RECIPIENT PROPERTY To regrster a property as vacant so that the Sheriff can enforce trespassing laws to protect the property and so that the City can insure that the property Is property maintained. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 10D'IIo $35*-ReglstraUon $112• -Inspection $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $142.37 TOTAL COST: $(142.37) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): 60 PCT. COST RECOVERY: $0 $8,542 $(8,542) 0.00% April 28, 2011 SERVICE VACANT PROPERTY MONITORING NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION J:1U. UNnDME CO·PLANN!NG SECRETARY Prop,Regfltratlon 0 .17 CO~ODE ENFORCMNT COOE.ENF OFCR 0 .17 TYPE SUBTOTAL U4 CO~ODE ENFORCMNT CODE ENF.SUPVSR lnspec:lion 0.50 CO~DE ENFORCMNT CODE.ENF OFCR 0 .50 TYPE SUBTOTAL 1 .00 TOTALS 1.34 REFERENCE NO. S-231 TOTAL UNITS 60 UNIT COST AHN, UNII& TOTAL CQST $18.81 60 $1,117 $15.38 80 $922 1 I $33.97 s2,o3a 1 I $83.21 60 I $3,793 I $45.18 80 $2.711 $101.39 $6,503 S14U7 $8,542 Aprll28. 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201~2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. PARKING DISTRICT OPERATIONS PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PARKING FAC. DESCRIPTlON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE PARKING SPACE SERVICE RECIJitENT S·240 To operate and maintain public par1<ing lots wtthin a two-block area around the intersection of Temple City Boulevard and Las Tunas Drive. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None ft,....,., ... UE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $0 UNIT COST: S383.8t TOTAL COST: $178,151 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(363.19) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(178,851) TOTAL UNITS: 486 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 0.00% SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% Aprii2B.2011 SERVICE PARKING DISTRICT OPERATIONS NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201 0·2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units PEPARJMENT POSITION TYPE UNITDME CO.PARKJNG FAC. MTC.LEAD WORKER 0.85 CD·PARKING FAC. MAJNT .WORKER 3.35 CD-PARKING FAC. OVERTIME 0 .30 CO.PAAKING FAC. Utllkles 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL. 4.50 TOTALS 4 .50 REFERENCE NO. 5-240 TOTAL UNITS 486 UNIT COST NfN. UNITS TOTAL COST $86.01 486 $41,801 $232.93 488 $113,204 $14.09 488 $6,848 $30.88 488 $14,998 $363.11 $176,151 $363.19 $176,151 April28. 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. PICNIC SHELTER RESERVATION PRIMARY DEPARTMENT P&R-PARKS MAINT. DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE UNJT OF SERVICE RESERVATION SERVICE REC1PJENT To take a reservation for a picnic shelter and post the reservation at the shelter. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None REVENUE AND CC 1ST ~nYP4AI~nN UNIT REVENUE : $0 .00 TOTAL REVENUE : UNIT COST: S28A9 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): S(21A9) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 250 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $29* S-301 $0 $7,123 $(7,123) 0.00% Apltl 28, 2011 SERVICE PICNIC SHELTER RESERVAT10N NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CI1Y, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 Unil Costs are an Average of Total Units DEURIMENT POSITION ~ UN!IDME P&R·PARKS.MTCIFAC . PRKS & REC. COORD 0 .08 P&R·PARKS-MTCIFAC. PARKS MTC WORKERS 0.17 P&R·PARKS·MTCIFAC. REC. ST AFF.PT 0.25 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.50 TOTALS 0.50 R'UERENCE NO. $.301 TOTAL UNITS 250 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $8.41 250 $2,103 $1414 250 $3,535 $5.94 250 $1.485 $28.49 $7,123 $28A9 $7,123 Apri128. 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE R£FERENCE NO. RECREATION: TEENS PRIMARY DEPARTMENT P&R-RECREATION OESCRIPnON Of SERVICE UNIT Of SERVICE PARTICIPANTS SERVICE RECIPIENT To operate various programs ror teens including the teen dances (2) and their Spring Fling. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE Various fees -See Brochure (Revenue includes $550 from fundraisers) REVENUE AND CC ST COMP.6.RISON UNrT REVENUE: $27.78 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $182.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(154.22) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 945 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% S-331 $26,250 $171,990 $(145,740) 15.26% The City needs to balance fee increases with the marketplace and how this service Impacts the quality of life In the community and helps with Juvenile diversion. April 28. 2011 SERVICE RECREATION : TEENS NOTE CrTY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201 0·2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DI!PARJMI!NT PO SIDON Dn UNIT11ME P&R-RECR.JH.SVCS PRKS & REC . COORD 0.43 P&R-RECRJH.SVCS REC. STAFF-PT 2.87 P&R-RECR.JH.SVCS PrognlmM&O 0.00 P&R..COMMUNITY CTR . REC. STAFF-PT 0.19 P&R..COMMUNITY CTR . Share Bldg Ann.Repl 0 .00 P&R-COMMUNITY CTR. Cuilodlal Share 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 3.30 TOTALS 3.30 REFERENCE NO. 5-331 TOTAL UNITS 945 UNIT COST &NN . UNITS TOTAL COST $48.96 945 $46.267 $111.78 &45 $105,642 $15.83 945 $14,958 $2.57 945 $2.·429 $1.87 945 $1,787 $0.98 945 $11211 $182.00 $171,110 $182.00 $171,990 Ap/1128,2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR201D-2011 SERVICE ReFERENCE NO. RECREATION: PLAYGROUND PRIMARY DEPARTMENT P&R-RECREA TION DESCRIP110N OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE PARTICIPANT SERVICE RECIPIENT To operate an after school and Summer playground program including various excursions. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE Various rees -See Brochure (Revenue Includes $3,250 from fiJndraisers.) REVENUE AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: SUGOESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OP: 100% $96.73 $324.88 $(228.25) 1,760 TOTAL REVENUE: TOTAL COST: TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): PCT. COST RECOVERY: S-334 $170,250 $571,965 $(~1,715) 29.77% The City needs to balance fee increases with the marketplace and how this service impacts the quality of life in the community and helps 'Nith juvenile diversion. April 28, 2011 SERVICE RECREAnoN:PLAYGROUND NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMeNT POSmON TYPE UNIT TIME P&R-RECR.IH.SVCS PRKS & REC. COORD 0 .32 P&R-RECRJH .SVCS REC . STAFF-PT 8.53 P&R-RECR./H.SVCS Proan-n MAO 0.00 TYPe SUBTOTAL 11.811 TOTALS &M REFERENCE NO. 5-334 TOTAL UNITS 1,760 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $36.79 1.760 $84 ,750 $273.13 1.760 1480,709 S15.06 1,760 $26,506 $324.98 $571,965 $324.98 $571,165 ApliJ 28 , 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVIC! REFERENCE NO. RECREAllON:CLASSES PRIMARY DI!PARTIIENT P&R-RECREATION DESCRIPTION Of SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE PARTICIPANT SERVICE RECIPI!NT To operate adult and youth special interest classes mostly by contract Instructors. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE Various class fees -see brochure Instructor receives 70% of the class fee except for little Stars which is run by recreation staff RegistraUon Fee -$5 (not included in the 70% class fee shared with instructors) REVENUE AND CC 1ST COM ....... .,. ...... , UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY}: TOTAL UNITS: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $72.54 $95.68 $(23.14) 2,250 TOTAL REVENUE : TOTAL COST: TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY}: PCT. COST RECOVERY: Registration & Facnities Fee-$15 (not included in the 70% class fee shared with instructors) S-337 $163,225 $215,280 $(52,055) 75.82% Aprll 28. 2011 SERVICE RECREATION: CLASSES NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION IlU UNITTIME P&R-RECR.JH.SVCS REC. STAFF·PT 0.20 P&R-RECR .IH .SVCS PrugramM&O 0.00 P&R-COMMUNITY CTR. REC. STAFF-PT 1.45 P&R-COMMUNITY CTR. CuaiDclal Share 0.00 P&R-COMMUNITY CTR Share Bldg .Ann.Repl. 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 1.85 TOTALS 1.65 REFERENCE NO. S-337 TOTALUN11S 2,250 I UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST ! $8.19 2.250 $18,428 S-48.57 2 ,250 $1114,783 S19.40 2 ,250 $43,850 $7.412 2.250 $16,885 $14.10 2,250 $31,725 $95.68 $215,280 $t5.611 $215,280 Aplil28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. RECREATION: SENIORS PRIMARY DEPARTMENT P&R~RECREA TION DESCRJPnON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE PARTICIPANT To operate a seniors program that Includes excursions. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE Various fees -See Brochure Prop. A reimbursement SERVICE RECIPIENT ...... -.. ,111::: AND C( ,ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $47.27 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $%22.55 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): 5(175.28) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 754 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $15 -Registration & Transportation Charge S-342 $35,645 $167,103 $(132,158) 21.24% Apltl28. 2011 SERVICE RECREATION: SENIORS NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION nn UNIT TIME P&R-RECRJH.SVCS COMM.SVCS.SPECLST. 1.08 P&R-RECRJH.SVCS PfotpmM&O 0.00 P&R.COMMUNITY CTR. REC. STAFF-PT 0.96 P&R-COMMUNITV CTR. CusiOdllll Shant 0 .00 P&R-COMMUNITY CTR. sn&. Bldg .Ann.Repl. 0.00 P&R-PUBLIC TRANS . Transpcwt.Cosla 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 2.04 TOTALS 2.04 RE~RENCE NO. S-342 TOTAL UNITS 754 UNIT COST ANN . UNITS TOTAL COST $118.55 754 $87,878 $ .. 7.04 7S4 $35.486 $12.87 7S4 $9,704 $4.112 754 $3,710 $1t35 754 $7,050 $31.112 754 $23,992 $22.2.55 $167,103 $222.55 $167,803 April 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE RECREATION: YOUTH SPORTS REFERENCE NO. 8-346 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT P&R~RECREATION DESCRIPnON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE PARTICIPANT SERVICE RECIPIENT To operate a youth sports program Including basketbatt, footban and soccer. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE Various fees -See Brochure (Revenue incfudes $5,200 from fundraisers.) REVENUE MD CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE : $63.94 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $231.04 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(167.10) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 1,350 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $88,325 $311,904 $(225,579) 27.88% The City needs to balance fee Increases with !he marketplace and how this service Impacts the quality of life in the community and helps with juvenile diversion. Aprtl28,2011 SERVICE RECREA'nON : YOUTH SPORTS NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 Unit Costs are an Aver111ge of Total Units DEPARTMENT POS!DON I:!f( UN!TDME P&R-RECRJH .SVCS PRKS & REC . COORD 0 .<48 P&R·RECR JH.SVCS REC . STAFF.PT 3 .48 P&R·RECRJH.SVCS ?rogramM&O 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 3.SI6 TOTAI..S 3.96 REFERENCE NO. S.348 TOTAL UNITS 1,350 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST SS4 .82 1,350 $74,007 $145.49 1 .350 $196,412 $30.73 1,350 $41 ,488 $231.~ S111,BIM $231.0( $311,9M Aprii 2B , 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY. CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. RECREATION: DAY CAMP PRIMARY DEPARTMENT P&R-RECREA TION DESCRIP110N OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE PARTICIPANT To operate a Winter and Spring Day Camp program. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $100 ·Winter Camp $50 -Spring Camp SERVICE RECIPIENT REVENUE AND CC•ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $87.50 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $806.50 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): ${718.00) TOTAL PRORT (SUBstDY): TOTAL UNITS: 80 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100'1' S-349 $7,000 $64,520 $(57,520) 10.85% The City needs to balance fee Increases with the marketplace and how this service Impacts the quality of life in the community and helps with juvenile diversion. April 28. 2011 SERVICE RECREATION: DAY CAMP NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Unii.S DEPARTMENT POSITION ~ UNITDME P&R-RECRJH.SVCS PRKS & REC . COORD 4.07 P&R-RECRJH.SVCS REC. STAFF-PT 5.80 P&R-RECRJH.SVCS Program M&O 0.00 P&R..COMMUN!IY CTR. REC. STAFF-PT 2.27 P&R-COMMUN!IY CTR. Share Bldg.Ann.Rep(. 0.00 P&R-COMMUNITY CTR. CulltDdlal Shate 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 12.1J TOTALS 12.13 REFERENCE NO. 5-349 TOTAL UNITS 80 UMT COST ANN· UNITS TOTAl, COST $462.70 80 $37,016 $2-42.38 80 $19,389 $37.50 80 $3,000 S30.32 80 $2,428 $22.03 80 $1 ,762 $11.59 80 $927 $801.50 S&4,52U $806.50 SIW,520 April28. 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. SPECIAL EVENTS: CAMELLIA FESTIVAL PRIMARY DEPARTMENT P&R~RECREA TION DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE NA To organize and support the annual camellia Festival. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None SERVICE RECIPIENT ---· UE AND CC ~ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $41,821 .00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(41,121.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% This service Is included for information only. S-351 $0 $41,821 $(41,111) 0.00% April 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 SERVICE SPECIAL EVENTS: CAMELLIA FESTIVAL NOliE · Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSITION :I:YU UNIIDME P&R-RECRJH.SVCS PRKS l REC. COORD 81.27 P&R·RECR/H.SVCS REC. STAFF·PT 253.78 . P&R·RECRJH.SVCS Program M&O 0 .00 SHERIFF OPERATIONS Sheriff Cosb 0 .00 CD-CODE ENFORCMNT OVERTIME 29.95 C[).PARKING ADMIN. PARKING CTRL OFCR 7 Hrs 012 13.9o4 TYPE SUBTOTAl. 3711.92 TOTALS 3711.112 REFERENCE NO. S-351 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNIT COST !NN. UNITS TOTAL COST $9,247.71 1 $9.248 $10,607.17 1 $10,607 $1,700.00 1 $1,700 $18,277.00 1 s1a.2n $1,169.85 1 $1,170 $81898 1 S819 $41,820.71 ~1,821 $41,821.01t $41,821 April 28, 201 1 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVIC! SPECIAL EVENTS: LIGHTS ON REFERENCE NO. s-.355 PRIMARY DI!PARTMENT P&R-RECREATION DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SI!.RVIC! NA To organize and support the annual Ughts On holiday festival. CURRENTFEESTRUCTURE None SERVICE RECIPIENT REVENUE AND CCIST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE : UNIT COST: $44,5&4.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(44,564.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% This servloe is Included for information only. $0 $44,564 ${44,564) 0.00% Aprtl28, 2011 SERVICE SPECIAL EVENTS: UGHTS ON NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSinON mi UNITTIMI! P&R·RECR.JH.SVCS PRKS & REC. COORD 81.27 P&R-RECR./H.SVCS REC. STAFF-PT 158.08 P&R-RECR./H.SVCS Program M&O 0 .00 SHERIFF OPERATIONS Sheriff Cosla 0.00 CO-COOE ENFORCMNT OVERTIME 9.98 C[).PARJ<ING ADMIN. PARKING CTRL OFCR 5Hnl0f2 9.98 P&R-TREES & PKWVS TREE TRIMMER UghiS In Trees 130.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 389.31 TOTAL$ 389.31 REFI!RENCE NO. $-355 TOTAl UNITS 1 UNIT COST AHN. UNITS IOJAl COST $9,2-47.71 1 $9.248 $6,607.74 1 $6,608 $17,100.00 1 $17,100 $3.1170 .00 1 $3,1170 $389.82 1 $390 $586.33 1 $588 $6,962.80 1 $8,963 ~.564.40 $44,564 $44,564.00 $44,564 Aprll28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SI!RVICE SPECIAL EVENTS: SUMMER CONCERTS REFERENCE NO. 5-358 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT P&R-RECREATION DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNrT OF SERVICE SERVICE RECfPIENT NA To organize and support lhe Summer concert in lhe par1( program. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE None REVENUE AND CC fST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE : UNIT COST: $32,554.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(32,554.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED fEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% This service Is induded for information only. $0 $32,554 $(32,554) 0.00% Apr1128. 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAiL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010..2011 SPECIAL EVENTS: SUMMER CONCERTS NO're Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units PEPARDIENT POSITlON nu UNIT TIME P&R·RECRJH.SVCS PRKS & REC. COORD 81.27 P&R·RECRJH.SVCS REC. STAFF·PT 22.88 P&R·RECRJH.SVCS Program M&O 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 104.15 TOTALS 104.15 REFERENCE NO. S·358 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $8,247.71 1 $9,248 $958.38 1 $956 $22,350.00 1 $22,350 $32,5$4.09 $32,554 $32,5$4.00 $32,5$4 AprO 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201~2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. SPECIAL EVENTS: OTHER PRIMARY DEPARTMENT P&R-RECREA TION DE9CRIPnON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE NA SERVICE RECIPIENT S-360 To organize and support various other special events such as Camp-A-Palooza, Dining Under the Stars, Harvest Hoedown, Movies in the Park, Independence Day Celebration, Fan Jubilee and Car Show, and HaUoween. CURRENTFEESTRUCTURE Various admission and booth rees. U~ AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $8,150.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $8,150 UNIT COST: $61,819.00 TOTAL COST: $69,619 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(61,461..00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(61,469) TOTAL UNITS: 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 11.71% SUGGESTED F.EE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% This service is Included for Information only. April 28, 2011 SERVICE SPECIAL EVENTS: OTHER NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units PEPAR!MENT POSITION rtU UNITJJME P&R·RECR.JH .SVCS PRKS & REC . COORD 81 .27 P&R-RECR.JH.SVCS REC . STAFF-PI 734.24 P&R -RECR.JH.SVCS Program M&O 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 115.51 TOTALS 815.51 REFERENCE NO. S·360 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS JOTAL COST $11,247.71 1 $9,2~8 $30,691.23 1 $30,691 129.880.00 1 $29,880 $411,611.94 $69,619 $69,619.00 $61,619 Aprll28,2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201~2011 SERVICE COMMUNITY CENTER ROOM RENTAL REFERENCE NO. 5-370 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT P&R-PARKS MTC/FAC DESCRIPT10N OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE RENTAL To process a request to rent a room In the Community Center. CURRENTFEESTRUCTURE Various-See Department Note: Only about 20% of renters pay because of C«y policy. SERVICE RECIPIENT REVENUE AND CC 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $8.33 $61.20 $(51.17) 1,200 City should explore changes In policy and rates. TOTAL REVENUE: TOTAL COST: TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): PCT. COST RECOVERY: $10,000 $11,840 $(71,840) 12.22% A,ri128,2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 COMMUNITY CENTER ROOM RENTAL NOT!. Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT PO SinON r!fli UNITTlME P&R-COMMUNITY CTR. REC . STAFF-PI 2.42 PAR-COMMUNITY CTR . Shant Bldg .Ann .Repl. 0.00 P&R·COMMUNITY CTR . CuslodU.I Share 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 2.42 TOTALS 2.42 REFERENCE NO, S-370 TOTAL UNITS 1,200 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TQIAb COST $32.34 1 ,200 $38,808 $23.50 1,200 $28.200 $12.36 1.200 $1<4.832 $18.20 $81,140 $61.20 $81,140 . Aplll28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 SERVICE GENERAL FUND SVCS TO THE UD REFERENCE NO. s-.i10 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT VARIOUS DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNrT OF SERVICE SERVICE RECIPIENT NA This service represents the cost from the City's Cost Allocation Plan of the various departments' costs to support the landscaping & Lighting District. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE Current charges to District: $1,800 -Traffic Signal Maintenance $4,500 -Street Ughtlng $5,500 -Trees and Parkways UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: ..,.,._...,UE AND CCIST COMPARISON $11,800.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $184,289.00 TOTAL COST: $(172.489.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): 1 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FO!t COST RECOVERY OF: 100% Suggested charges to District $9,536-Traffic Signal Maintenance $32,780-Street Lighting $141,953 ·Trees and Parkways $11,800 $114,269 S(1n,489) 8.40% April28. 2011 SERVICE GENERAL FUND SVCS TO THE LLD NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAJL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARJMENI POSmON DU UNIT TIME GEN.FUND SVCS TO LL· Adm+F inanda! Svcs 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL G.OO TOTALS o.oo REFERENCE NO. 5-410 TOTAL UNITS 1 UNIT COST AHN. UNITS TOTAL COST $184,269.00 1 $1&4,269 $184,2&9.00 $184,261 $184,269.00 $184,269 Aptil28. 2011 SERVICE LL.D-LIGHTING OPERATIONS NO'TE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSinON Ilf:( UNITTlME CD-TRAF.SIG .MTC. TIS Mtc + ElK. 0.00 CD-TRAF.SIG.MTC. Admin. Services 0.00 CD-STREET LIGHTING SECRETARY 0.01 CD-STREET LIGHTING Street Llghlklg 0 .00 CD-STREET LIGHTING Adr'*'.Setvlces 0,00 1YPE SUBTOTAL 0.01 TOTALS 0.01 REFERENCe NO. S-411 TOTAL. UNITS 10,082 UNIT COST ANN · UNITS TOTAL COST $11 ,31 10,082 $11 ... 027 $0.95 10,082 $9,578 S<U8 10,082 $-4,838 $32.24 10,082 $326,0.. .. $3.25 10,082 $32,767 $48.23 $481,255 $48.23 $486,255 Aprft28. 2011 ClTY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. LLD-LANDSCAPING SERVICES PRIMARY DEPARTMENT VARIOUS DESCRJP110N OF SERVICE ! UNIT Of SERVICE I PARCEL SERVICE RECIPIENT S-413 This service recaps the revenue rrom landscaping assessments that are collected for parkway trae maintenance and other landscaping. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $315,000-Assessment Fees. This represents approximately $31 per parcel per year or about $2.60 per parcel per month. RE"v'ENUE AND cc ~sT --··-" a•soN UNIT REVENUE ; S31.U TOTAL REVENUE : $315,000 UNIT COST: $55.33 TOTAL COST: $557,137 UNIT PROFIT ~SUBSIDYt: $(24.09) TOTAL PROFIT tSUBStDY): $(242,837) TOTAL UNITS: 10,082 PCT. COST RECOveRY: 56A7% SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% Current landscaping costs are approximately $55 per parcel per year or about $4.60 per parcel per month. Voters should be given the option of either increasing the assessment or decreasing the level of service. One option to decrease cost would be to make residential street parkway tree trfmlng the responsibility of the property owner. Aprfl211, 2011 SERVICE LlD~LANOSCAPING SERVICES NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DI!PARJ¥ENJ POSIDON :J:IU. UNITDME P&R-TREES & PKWYS DIR.OF PARKS & REC 0.02 P&R-TREES & PKWYS TREE TRIMMER 0.31 P&R·TREES & PI<WYS TREE TRMR LEAD WKR 0.16 P&R·TREES & PKWYS OVERTIME 0.01 P&R-TREES & PKWYS Admln .Sertlc:es 0.00 P&R·TREES & PKWYS Trees & Lnd.seping 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL o.so TOTALS 0.50 REFERENCE NO. ~13 TOTAL UNITS 10,082 UNIT COST AHN. UNaS WAL COST $2.01 10,082 $20,265 $111.56 10,082 1168,858 $9.83 10.082 $99,108 $0.35 10,082 $3,52» $14.08 10,082 $141,855 $12.50 10,082 $128,025 $55.33 $557,137 $55.33 $557,837 April 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORkSHEET FISCAL. YEAR 2010..2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. STREET SWEEPING PRIMARY DEPARTMENT PW-STREET CLEANING DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE S-422 UNrr OP SI!RVIa SERVICE RECIPIENT CUSTOMER-MONTH To collect refuse that was not picked up by the refuse franchisee . The cost of this service is subsidized by Gas Tax revenues which should be used for street maintenance. CURRENTFEESTRUCTURE None .. __ , IIC, AND cc 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $0 UNIT COST: $0.92 TOTAL COST: $139,921 UNIT PROFrT (SUBSIDY): $(0.92) TOTALPROFrr(SU~D~: $(139,921) TOTAL UNrTS: 152,088 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 0.00% SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% 92¢ per month additional on the refuse bill April28, 2011 SERVICE STREET SWEEPING NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010~2011 Unil Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POS!DON m.g UNITDME CD-SOLID WASTE MGM Solid Waste 0.00 CO-STREET ClEANING SI.Sweeplng Contr. 0.00 TYPE SUBTOTAl o.oo TOTALS 0.00 . REFERENCE NO. 5-422 TOTAL UNITS 152,088 UNIT COST ANN. UNIT& TOTAL COST $0,09 152,088 $13,888 S0.83 152,088 $126.233 $0.92 $138,921 $0.92 $1311,8.21 Ap(fJ 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. SPECIAL CURB PAINTING PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CD-PKG.ENFORCEMENT DESCRIPTlON OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RECIPIENT S-451 To restrict parking by painting a curb at lhe request of a business. May include the installation of a sign . Includes annually renewing the curb painting. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE SO • Review Request (#25) $0 • Initial Set-Up and Removal (#25) $0 -Annual Renewal (#25) UNIT REVENUE : UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: SUOOESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $198*-Review Request I IE AND COST COMPARISON $0 .00 TOTAL REVENUE : $164.58 TOTAL COST: $(164.58) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): 75 PCT. COST RECOVERY: $209* -Initial Set-Up and Removal plus Actual Cost of Slgnage & Installation $104*-Annual Renewal $0 $12,342 $(12,342) 0.00% Apltl28,2011 SERVICE SPECIAL CURB PAINTING NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POSIDON nn UNIT TIME CD-PARKING ADMIN. PUB.SAFETY OFCR lnl1ial Review 1.50 TYPE SUBTOTAL 1.50 CO-PARKING FAC. MTC.LEAD WORKER Setup & Removel 2.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 2.00 CO-PARKING FAC . MTC.LEAD WORKER Annual Rehlh 1.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 1.00 TOTALS 4.50 REFERENCE NO. 5-451 TOTAL UNitS 75 UNIT COST AHN. UNITS JOIAL COST $189.90 25 $4,748 $189.90 $(,748 $202.52 25 $5,083 $202.52 $5,083 $101.26 25 S2.532 $101.26 $2,532 S1&U6 $12,342 Apr11 26. 2011 SERVICE AGENDA SUBSCRIPTION PRIMARY DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK DESCRIP110N OF SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 REFERENCE NO. 5·703 UNIT OF SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE RECIPtENT To provide a copy of an agenda upon request. CURRENTP!!STRUCTURE $60 REVENUEANDCCISTCOMPAR~ON UNIT REVENUE: so.oo TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $0.00 TOTAL. COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): so.oo TOTALPROFIT(SUB~Y): TOTAL UNITS: 0 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% Staff recommends deleting this service as it is no longer provided. so so so 0.00% Aprll28, 2011 SERVICE AGENDA SUBSCRJPTION NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units pEPAAJMENT POS!DON :r!U UNITllME 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.00 TOTALS 0.00 REFERENCE NO. S·703 TOTAL UNITS 0 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAl, COST $0.00 0 so $0.00 so $0.00 $0 April 28, 2011 SERVICE FILMING PERMIT PRIMARY DEPARTMEHT CITY CLERK DESCRIPT10N OF SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 AEA!RI!NC! NO. UNJT OF SERV1CE PERMIT SERVICE RECIPIENT S-705 To process a request lo perform commercial filming within the City. This requires evaluation of the timing , parking, noise, street closure, pub~c safety and other cons iderations in order to mitigate the impact on the general community. CURRENT FEE STRUCTURE $145-Commercial (#3) $0-Student (#3) ---· IUE AND CC ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: UNIT COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $168"-Commercial $0 ·Student $72.50 TOTAL REVENUE: $162.67 TOTAL COST: $(90.17) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): 6 PCT. COST RECOVERY: $435 $976 $(S.1) 4U7% April 28, 2011 SERVICE ALMING PERMIT NOTE CITY Of TEMPLE CfTY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT POS!TlON ~ UNIIDME COUNCIL SUPPORT DEPUlY CITY CLK 2.00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 2.00 TOTALS 2.00 REFERENCE NO. S-705 TOTAL UNITS 6 UNIT COST ANN, UNITS TOJAL COST $102.70 8 $876 $182.70 $876 $162.87 $176 April 28, 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 SERVICE REFERENCE NO. FIREWORKS STAND REVIEW PRIMARY DEPARTMENT COUNCIL SUPPORT DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT OF SERVICE STAND SERVICE RECIPIENT To review the request of 8 non-profit group to operate 8 firewortc.s stand within the City. CURRENTFEESTRUCTURE $49 .. ~, ..... 'UE AND C( 1ST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $49.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $94.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(~5.00) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 12 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVI!RY OP: 100% S-710 $1,128 $(540) 52.13% Aprfl28.2011 SERVICE FIREWORKS STAND REVIEW NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Unlts DEPAftJMENT POSITION TYPE UNIT TIME COUNCIL SUPPORT CITY CLERK 0.33 COUNCIL SUPPORT DEPUTY CITY CLK 0.50 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.13 TOTALS 0.83 REFERENCE NO. 6~710 TOTALUNrr& 12 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST 153.30 12 $840 $40.88 12 $488 $93.98 $1,t21 $94.00 $1,121 Aprl 211,2011 SERVICE BINGO REGULAnON CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 REFERENCE NO. 5-712 r-------------------·--~----~------·------------.-~~---------------------1 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT COUNCIL SUPPORT Dt;SCRIPTION Of SERVICE UNIT Of SERVICE LOCATION To annually review a request to operate bingo within the City CURRENTFEESTRUCTURE $50 annuaUy SERVICE RECIPIENT REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNrT REVENUE: $50 .00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNIT COST: $40.50 TOTAL. COST: UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $9.50 TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 2 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUGGESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $42• -Annually $100 $81 $19 123.46% April28, 2011 SERVICE BINGO REGULATION NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 I Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units I DEPARTMENT eosmoN :r£fl UNIIDME COUNCIL SUPPORT DEPUTY CITY CLK 0.50 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.50 TOTALS 0.50 REFERENCE NO. 5-712 TOTAL UNITS 2 UNIT COST ANN, UNITS !CTAl, CQST 540.68 2 SB1 ~.68 $11 $40.50 $81 Aprll28, 2011 SERVICE STREET BANNER NOTE CITY OF TEMPL£ CITY, CAUFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 201 0·2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT PO SIDON ~ UNIIDME COUNCIL SUPPORT CITY CLERK 0 .08 COUNCIL SUPPORT DEPUTY CITY CLK 0 .17 TYPE SUBTOTAl 0.25 P&R-TREES & PKWYS TREE TRIMMER ln&teii!Remove ~.DO lYPE SUBTOTAL 4 .00 TOTALS 4.25 REFERENCE NO. S-714 TOTAL UNITS 15 UNIT COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST 112.92 15 $194 $13.83 15 $207 $26.75 $401 $21.4.24 1 $21.4 $214.2A $214 $41.00 1615 April28 , 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 PHOTOCOPY/REPRODUCTION CHARGE REfERENCE NO. $-716 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT UNIT OF SERVICE SERVICE RECIPIENT CllYCLERK PAGE DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE To duplicate a page at the request of a customer. CURRENT FEE STRUCnJRE 50¢ -1st Page 15¢ -Each Additional Page REVENUE AND COST COMPARISON UNIT REVENUE: $0.00 TOTAL REVENUE: UNrrCOST: $0.00 TOTAL COST: UNIT PROAT (SUBSIDY): $0.00 TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): TOTAL UNITS: 0 PCT. COST RECOVERY: SUC.GESTED FEE FOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100"' 50¢-1st P age 15¢-Each Additional Page $0 $0 0.00% Aprll28, 2011 SERVICE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010·2011 PHOTOCOPY/REPRODUCTION CHARGE NOTE · Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARTMENT pOS!DQN :rtf§. UNIT TIME D.DO TYPE SUBTOTAL o.oo TOTALS 0 .00 REFERENCE NO. S-718 TOTAL. UNITS 0 UNIT COST ANN . UNITS IQIAL COST $0.00 0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 April 28. 2011 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 SERVICE REFEAENCE NO. RETURNED CHECK CHARGE PRIMARY DEPARTMENT FINANCE DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE S-725 UNIT OF SERVICE SERVICE RECIPiENT CHECK To process a check that has been received for a City service but returned by the bank for insufficient funds. CURRENT FE! STRUCTURE $10 REVENUEANDCOSTCOMP~SON UNIT REVENUE: $10.00 TOTAL REVENUE: $500 UNIT COST: $20.38 TOTAL COST: $1,019 UNIT PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(10.38) TOTAL PROFIT (SUBSIDY): $(519) TOTAL UNITS: 50 PCT. COST RECOVERY: 49.07~ SUGGESTED FEE fOR COST RECOVERY OF: 100% $9• plus the bank charge (currently $12•) AprD 28, 2011 SERVICE RETURNED CHECK CHARGE NOTE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA COST DETAIL WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 2010.2011 Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units DEPARJMEN! POS!DON nu UNITT1ME ACCOUNTING ACCOUHTANT 0 .08 ACCOUNTING Bank Charge 0 .00 TYPE SUBTOTAL 0.011 TOTALS O.ltl REFERENCE NO. S-725 TOTAL UNITS 50 UNrr COST ANN. UNITS TOTAL COST $8.37 50 $4111 $12.00 50 $600 $20.37 $1,1»19 $20.31 $1,011 Aprtl28, 2011 3. Business Premise Signage A total of signs shall be posted within 2' feet of each customer entrance and exit of the building and parking lot area. Each sign shall be in English, Spanish, and Mandarin. Signs shall be posted in a conspicuous place within the parking lot or parking area. Each sign shall measure at a minimum 18" inches in width and 24" inches in height with block lettering not less than X" inch in width and 2" inches in height. Each sign shall state, at a minimum, as follows: REMOVAL OF SHOPPING OR LAUNDRY CARTS FROM THE PREMISES IS PROHIBITED BY STATE AND MUNICIPAL LAW. (B&P §22435.2; T.C.M.C. §5013.) 4. Mandatory Cart Retrieval Service This requirement must be satisfied through a contract with a retrieval service company. The Cart Retrieval Company is ______ _ The Local contact number is. _______ _ A copy of the retrieval service contract is included and made part of this retrieval plan. (Note: confidential financial information may be redacted .] A) Retrieval personnel shall maintain a letter of authorization to retrieve shopping carts available during retrieval activities and produced upon request by any City enforcement personnel. Said letter shall be provided by the establishment. B) Vehicles used to retrieve shopping carts shall display a sign that clearly identifies the cart retrieval service company. C) Shopping or laundry carts which have been illegally removed from the store premises shall be retrieved with 24 hours. 5. Containment Methods Indicate loss prevention measures employed to prevent cart removal from premises: A} Electronic cart disabling devices B) Bollards or other permanent physical devices C) Courtesy clerks to accompany customers and return carts D) Security deposit for customer use of cart D D D D 6. Employee training A description of an employee training program that shall be implemented by the shopping or laundry cart owner and conducted at least once a year to educate new and existing employees on the cart containment and retrieval plan. Please describe the employee training program: Application Checklist The following pages have been submitted to the City of Temple City: Required N/A 0 0 General Information (page 4) D 0 Site Plan & Route Map (page 5) D 0 Parking Plan (page 6) D D (ADA) Awareness (page 7) D D Security Information (page 8) D D Marketing I Advertising (page 8) D 0 Entertainment and Related Activities (page 9-1 0) (If Applicable) D D Alcohol (page 11) 0 D Food Concession or Preparation (page 1 I) D D Restrooms (page 12) D D Waste Management (page 13) D D Insurance (page 14) D 0 Hold Harmless Agreement (page 15) D D City Department Review & Approval (page 16) D D Business Vendor License Attachments D 0 Medical Evacuation Plan Attachment Rev. 6/27112 Page 2 of 16 Applicant Initials __ _ I, , on behalf of (the organization I represent), certify that all foregoing pages in this Special Event Application have been completed. I attest that the information contained herein is accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. I attest that I have read all the rules , regulations, and guidelines specified herein and that which is included in this Special Event Application. I, acting on behalf of , (the organization I represent), am authorized to commit that organization to agree to abide by the rules, regulations, and guidelines specified herein, and I will accept all responsibilities for any damage to City Property and/or facilities, any payments for municipal services and/or resources as they have been outlined and as they may be utilized by me and the organization whom 1 am representing and the patrons who will be served by this Special Event. Event Title: Event Date(s): _____ Event Time(s): _____ _ Please Print Name of Applicant: ----....,...,-~~-----------------------­ Please Print Title: Please Print Organization Name: ---------,--------------------------- Please Print Signature: -----------------------Date: ----------- Rev. 6127/12 Page 3 of 16 Applicant Initials __ _ Site Plan & Route Map A drawing of your event site plan/route map must be submitted and include, but is not limited to: o An overview of the event venue, including the names of all streets and moving routes of any kind. Indicate the direction of travel and all street or lane closures. o The provisions for a minimum of twenty-foot (20') emergency access lanes throughout the event venue. o The location of all first aid facilities. o The location of all searchlights. o The location of all stages, bleachers, grandstands, canopies, tents , portable toilets, booths, cooking areas, trash containers, and dumpsters, and other temporary structures . o Location of generator(s) with source of grounding and/ or source of electricity. o Identification of all handicapped accessible areas that meet standards, pedestrian access, and requested street closures. Once the City receives an adequate site plan, if necessary, the City Engineer will provide an appropriate traffic mitigation plan for the proposed event with the following details: o Traffic Control Plan (TCP) • For each sign include the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) sign number, sign size, sign description, and its location on the T CP. • Show size, height, and location of all channelizing devices, warning lights , flag trees, portable barriers, etc. on the TCP. All devices must meet standards specified by MUTCD . • Example: Cones no smaller than 700 mm (28 in.) and no farther apart than 12 .2 m (40ft.), include the length of channeling tapers. • Consult the Community Development Department at (626) 285-2171 for any TCP questions . o Traffic Signal Operation and Equipment • Include location of all traffic signals. • If special signal timing is required in the TCP, specify ALL changes and their effects. • Consult the Community Development Department at (626) 285-2171 for any signal questions. o Pedestrian Safety • Be sure pedestrians have a safe route to walk and/or are protected throughout the entire traffic control area before submittal of the TCP for review. • Show all pedestrian entry and exit paths on the TCP. o Parking Restrictions • The applicant must post City of Temple City "No Parking" signs 24 hours prior to the event. • Contact person for sign information : Community Development Department (626) 285-2171 . o Other event components not listed above. Rev . 6f27112 Page 5 of 16 Applicant Initials __ _ ) Traffic Control Site Plan I Parking Plan };> The Site Plan and Route Map is not a substitute to the Traffic Control Plan requirements outlined in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) in the MUTCD California Supplement. Please refer to this manual as needed in the development ofTCPs; http ://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov and http ://www.dot.ca .gov/hg /traffo ps/s ientech /mutcd s upp/supplement.htm . };> The City Engineer requires approval of all TCPs before any TCP can be implemented. };> Should City staff at the event find potential hazards towards traffic and/or pedestrian safety, they can require the applicant to modify the TCP. I Rev. 6/27112 Page 6 of 16 Applicant Initials __ _ Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Awareness DEFINITIONS • The tenn accessible shall mean ADA compliant. GENERAL • Concern should be given to the accessibility of your event's location. • An event layout map with all elements (such as parking, portable toilets, ramps, seating, accessible paths of travel, etc.) is required with this application. • All printed material for an event is to include the request for accommodation notice with the international symbol for accessibility, a conlact name, and the contact's phone number. • Requests for accommodation may include material in an alternate format, an interpreter, or assistive listening devices. BARRIERS • Concern should be given to elevation changes of more than !!.'' vertical or W' beveled. This classifies as a barrier and requires a temporary ramp. • All cords, wires, hoses, etc., which are located within a path of travel must be ramped or placed within a cord cover. PATHS OF TRAVEL • An alternate path of travel is required when the public right-of-way is obstructed. • When an alternate path of travel is provided, signage designating the alternate path of travel is required. • An alternate path of travel must be provided whenever the existing pedestrian access route in a public right-of-way is blocked by temporary conditions. • Where possible, the alternate path of travel shall be parallel to the disrupted pedestrian access route, and on the same side of the street. • An alternate path of travel shall have no protrusions up to a height of 80", including scaffolding and scaffolding braces. Where the alternate path of travel is adjacent to potentially hazardous conditions, the path must be protected with a barricade. PARKING • If parking is provided for an event, accessible parking is required. •If no parking is provided for an event, an accessible passenger loading and unloading zone is required. • Accessible parking, passenger loading. and unloading zones are required to be identified using the international symbol for accessibility. • Signs with the international symbol for accessibility are to be mounted at a minimum of 60" from the finished floor or the ground. SALES OR SERVICE COUNTERS • If sales or service counters are provided for your event, the height must be no more than 36" from the finished floor or the ground, and the width must be at least 36'' wide. ACCESSIBLE ROUTE • An accessible route is required from the accessible parking, and from the passenger loading and unloading zone to the event entrance. • An accessible route is required within the event. • An accessible route must be a minimum of36" in width. • Accessible routes must be identified with the international symbol for accessibility, including directional arrows, a minimum of60" from the finished floor or the ground. • Temporary ramps that do not exceed 8.33% grade may be required to provide an accessible route. SEATING • If seating is provided, accessible seating and companion seating are required. ·Accessible seating and companion seating areas must be identified using the international symbol for accessibility, placed at a minimum height of 60" above the finished floor or the ground. PORT ABLE TOILETS •If portable toilets are provided, they must be accessible and located on a level area not to exceed a 2% cross-slope in any direction. • The total numbers of portable toilets that are being provided for the event detennines the required number of accessible portable toilets This number is 10% of the total, but in no event less than one for each location. r fa single unit is placed, it must be accessible. The placement of single units will increase the number of accessible portable toilets required for your event. • An accessible route to each portable toilet is required. • Accessible portable toilets must be identified with the international symbol of accessibility. Rev. 6/271!2 Page 7 of 16 Applicant Initials __ _ Security Information Have you made arrangements for security? J f yes, what form of security will you be using? (Please check all that apply) r Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department .J Yes L Licensed & bonded professional security company I Other: ---------------------- If using a licensed security company, please complete the following: L No Name of Company:-------------------------Address:----------------- City : State: ____ _ Zip: __ _ Daytime Telephone: Evening: ------------------ Fax: Pager I Cell: -------------------- Private Patrol Operators License Number: ----------------- License to carry firearms: L Yes _j No Marketing I Advertising Will this event be advertised or promoted? J Yes [No If yes, please explain: ---------------------------------------------- Will there be media coverage at the event? .J Yes LNO If yes, please explain:------------------------------ Will signs, banners, or searchlights be utilized as a source of advertisement? JYes C No Ify~.~~~9~~n : _______________________________________ _ Note: Generally, temporary off-site signs, such as banners, A-frames, or other signage within the public right of way, are not permitted. (See City ofTemple City Municipal Code Section {9326 (B) (5)}, or contact the City of Temple City Community Development Department at (626) 285-2171 for specific information on signage.) Rev. 6/27112 Page 8 of 16 Applicant Initials __ _ Entertainment and Related Activities See City ofTemple City Municipal Code Sections {4130-4133}. Is there any entertainment features related to your event? L Yes _j No If yes, complete the following or provide an attachment that lists all bands I performers, type of music, time of sound check, and performance schedule. o Number of stages _____ _ Stage # 1 size notated: Height: ___ Depth: ____ Width: ___ _ Stage # 2 size notated : Height: ___ Depth : ____ Width: ____ _ o Number of performing groups: _____ _ Please List Performer name(s) and type(s) of Entertainment: Will dressing room areas be provided for the entertainment? L Yes .J N o Size of dressing room area and type: Will sound checks be conducted prior to the event? I Yes J No If yes , Start time : _____ _ Finish time : ----- Will amplification be used? [Yes J No If yes , Start time: _____ _ Finish time : ----- Pl ease describe the sound equipment that will be used for the event: -------------- If using a licensed sound company , please complete the following: Name of Company: Address :--------------- Ci~: ____________________ ___ Daytime Telephone: ----------- Fax: ---------------------------- State: ____ _ Zip:-------- Evening: ______________ __ Pager I Cell:------------- Rev 6/27112 Page 9 of 16 Applicant Initials __ _ Entertainment and Related Activities (Continued) Will Generators as a power source be used? .J Yes L No If yes , what type:--------How Many : ___ _ If using a licensed Power company, please complete the following: Name of Company: Address:-------------- City: State: __ _ Zip :-------- Daytime Telephone:---------- Fax: -------------------- Evening :-------------- Pager I Cell:------------ Rev. 6/27/12 Page 10 of 16 Applicant Initials __ _ Alcohol City Municipal Co de Sections {4400~4406} Does your event involve the use of alcoholic beverages? I Yes Please, check all that apply : o Free I host alcohol o Alcohol sales o Host and sale alcohol o Beer o Beer and Wine o Beer, Wine and Distilled alcohol Will you be hiring a licensed bartender I caterer to serve the alcoholic beverages? If yes, please provide the following : Name of Licensed Bartender I Caterer: Alcoholic Beverage Control License Number: _______ _ Fax: I No _j Yes Telephone Number:---------------------- L No Address: __________________________________________ ___ City:-------------------State: ____ Zip: ___ _ Food Concession or Preparation Will your event include food concessions, booths, and I or food preparation areas? I Yes INo lfyes, Contact the following : o Health Department at ( 66I) 254-9560 a minimum of 30 days prior to the event, and describe how the food will be served and I or prepared: o Los Angeles County Fire Department at (626) 287 ~9521 a minimum of 30 days prior to the event to obtain a Food Booth Operations Permit. Please provide copies of the Health Department Event Sponsor Permit and the Fire Department approved Event Permit to the City of Temple City Community Development Department. How many food vendor(s) will be at your event? ____ _ Please attach a food vendor(s) list that includes the following : • Type of food and preparation required . • Business Name with Address , City, State and Zip Code. Rev. 6/27112 Page II of 16 Applicant Initials __ _ ) Restrooms The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS) recommends I chemical or portable toilet for every 175 women and !_chemical or portable toilet for every 250 men. At least I chemical or portable toilet facility must be ADA accessible (The total numbers of portable toilets that are being provided for the event determines the required number of accessible portable toilets. This number is I 0% of the total, but in no event less than one ADA accessible toilet for each location). This figure is based upon the maximum number of attendees at your event during peak time. For the current requirements please contact DHS at (661) 254-9560. Are you planning to provide rest rooms at the event? If yes, please identify the following: LYes .J No o Total number of port -a-toilets: ------------ o Total number of ADA accessible rest rooms: ------------ Setup Pickup Date: Date: ----- ----- Time: ---------- Time: -------- PortableToii~CompanyName : _____________________________________ ~ Telephone Number:------------- Address: Fax : ------------- ----------------------------------------------- City:----------------------State: ____ Zip: ___ _ Rev. 6/2 7112 Page 12 of 16 Applicant Initials ___ _ Waste Management SANITATION AND RECYCL YING The event must be planned and organized to have a minimum impact on the environment. As an event organizer, you must properly dispose of waste and garbage throughout the term of your event and immediately upon conclusion of the event the area must be returned to a clean condition . California State law requires each City to divert 50% of solid waste from landfill. Athens Services manages the City of Temple City 's solid waste programs . You can help by planning recycling strategies for the waste generated at your event by calling the Public Works Division at (626) 285-2171 Exclusive franchise agreements require applicants to use Athens Services for garbage removal. Please contact them (626) 336-3636 at least 30 days in advance to arrange for service at the event. Will there be dumpsters? L Yes .J No If yes , please identify the following: o Total number of dumpsters I size:------------ Delivery Date: ____ _ Time: ------- Pickup Date: -----Time: ------- PLACEMENT OF DUMPSTERS Please explain your plan for clean-up and waste removal during and after the event: STORM WATER PROTECTION Local and State regulations prohibit the discharge of wash water, cleaning water, trash and debris to the Storm Drain System . Please contact the City's Community Development Department for specific infonnation and assistance with your event planning at (626) 285-2171. Rev 6127112 Page l3 of 16 Applicant Initials __ _ ' Insurance As a condition of use of City of Temple City facilities or City Programs, your organization must provide, at your sole expense, each of the following items indicated: Proof of insurance comprised of certificates of insurance and original endorsements of comprehensive general liability insurance written by one or more responsible insurance companies licensed to do business in California. This coverage must: I. Name the City of Temple City, its officials, officers, directors, employees, agents and volunteers as additionally insured against liability for injury to persons, damage to property and for the death of a person or persons arising or resulting from any act or omission on the part of your organization, its agents or employees. 2. Include liability coverage for claims made by participants in your event/program. You are advised that any and all exclusions pertaining to athletic or recreational events/programs must be disclosed in the endorsement and failure to do so will not necessarily insulate your organization from individual liability for claims made as a result of the use of the facilities and your event/program . 3. Be PRIMARY insurance with respect to the additionally insured named above . Any other insurance available to the City of Temple City, its officials, officers, directors, employees, agents and volunteers shall be excess and noncontributing. 4. The comprehensive general liability insurance policy limits o f such insurance shall not be less than $2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. Any deduct ible or self-insured retention must be identified and approved by the City. In the event the deductible is deemed to be too great, the City may require you to have your insurer eliminate the deductible or reduce it. 5. You must satisfy these requirements by furnishing the City with certificates of insurance and original endorsements affecting the required coverage. The certificates and endorsements are to be on ISO-approved forms . The City will not accept a Certificate of Insurance alone as proof of insurance coverage. The original endorsement must specifically list the following: "The City of Temple City, its officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, and volunteers are additionally insured against liability for injury to persons, damage to property and for the death of a person or persons arising or resulting from any act or omission on the part of your organization, its agents or employees . This insurance is primary with respect to the additionally insured. Any other insurance available to the City of Temple City, its officials, officers, directors, employees , agents, and volunteers shall be excess and noncontributing." You are strongly urged to show this Notice of Conditions (including the precise wording of these requirements) to your insurance agent or broker. Doing so will help you, your agent, and the City process the proper documents in a timely manner. If you are not able to obtain this insurance, the City may be able to provide you with an insurance quote through Diversified Risk Insuran ce Brokers , for the event coverage. You must provide the City with the endorsement 14 days prior to the start of your event/program. Each endorsement shall be subject to approval by the City of Temple City as to form and as to insurance company. Please sign and return this original Notice of Conditions to indicate your receipt and understanding of each of the conditions listed above. Signature of Designated Official ________________ Dated. ___________ _ Title ______________________________________ _ Organization's Name Rev . 6127112 Page 14 of 16 Applicant Initials __ _ A I r ACHMENT "F" 0 -2 !1 Sq. Ft. Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 0.3 1 $ 150.84 $ 35.00 $ 185.84 $ lOS .OQ 26 -100 Sq. Ft. Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 0.3 1 $ 150.84 $ 35.00 $ 185.84 s 180.00 101-500 Sq. Ft. Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspect•on 0.5 1.5 $ 232.26 $ 35.00 $ 267.26 $ 250.00 > 500 Sq. Ft. Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 0 0.01 $ 1.15 $ 35.00 $ 36.15 $ 1.50 _11er 5tl Ft. Grading Plan Check Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 1 $ 120.00 $ 120.00 $ llO.OO Per hour Grading Permits Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 1 $ 120.00 $ 120.00 $ lZO.OO Per hour Verification of Easement Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 1.5 $ 180.00 $ 35.00 $ 215.00 $ us>oo Public Way Vacation Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 20 $2,400.00 $ 35.00 $2,435.00 $2,500.00 Tract Map Processing Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 45 $5,400.00 $ 35.00 $5,435.00 $ 5,.500 .00 Per Tract Covenants and Agreements Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 1 $ 120.00 $ 120.00 $ 120.00 Per hour Hourly Engineering Review Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 1 $ 120.00 $ 120.00 s 120.00 Per hour Hourly Public Works Inspection Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 1 $ 114.84 $ 114.84 $ 115.00 Per hour Street Pavement Repair/Reconstruction Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 0.5 0.5 $ 117.42 $ 35.00 $ 152.42 s 150.00 pe r 50 LF Temporary Discharge Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 1.5 $ 180.0 0 $ 35.00 $ 215.00 $ 215.00 per ocrur.am:e Trenchmg Includes plan reView, administrative fees & inspection 0.5 1 $ 174.84 $ 35.00 $ 209.84 $ 215.00 per 50 Sq. Ft. Utility Services Cuts Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspection 0 .3 1 $ 150.84 $ 35.0 0 $ 185.84 $ 180.00 per b lock Encroachment Permits equired for Encroachment on or Interference with Public Property ' ! ~ Canopy Maintenance Includes administrative fees & inspection 0.3 0.5 0.5 $ 144.05 $ 35.00 $ 179.05 $ 180.00 per cu:.tl.lr ance Construction Barricade Maintenance Includes administrative fees & inspection 0 .5 o.s 0.5 $ 168.05 $ 35.00 $ 203.05 $ 200.00 per cccurance pl us Athens Construction Bin Placement Includes administrative fees & inspection 0.16 0.5 $ 69.83 $ 35.00 $ 104.83 $ 48.00 pick up fees Crane Operations Includes administrative fees & inspection 1 1 $ 234.84 $ 35.00 $ 269.84 $ 245.00 per da y Filming-Commercial Includes administrative fee s & inspection 0 .3 0.3 0.5 $ 131.28 $ 35.00 $ 166.28 $ 168.00 ~day Loading/Unloading of Materials Includes administrative fees & inspe ction 0 .16 0 .5 $ 69.83 $ 35.00 $ 104.83 $ 95.00 per da y per newsrack News Rack Installation Includes administrative fees & i nspe ction 0.3 0.5 $ 93 .42 $ 35 .00 $ 128.42 $ 140.00 per yea r Outdoor Sidewalk Dining Includes administrative fees & inspection 0.5 0 .5 $ 117.42 s 35.00 $ 152.42 $ 150.00 per year Standing/Parking of Construction Equipment Includes administrative fees & inspection 0.25 1 $ 131.26 $ 35.00 $ 166.26 s 185.00 per day Standing/Parking of Trucks Includes administrative fees & i nspection 0 .25 1 $ 131.26 $ 35.00 $ 166.26 $ 1.85.00 per day Temporary Storage Facilities Includes administrative fees & inspection 0.3 0.5 $ 93.42 $ 35.00 $ U8.42 s 110.00 per day En croachments Plan Review Includes plan rev iew, administrative f ees & Inspection 1 $ 120.00 $ 120.00 $ 120.00 Pe r ho ur Transportation Permits t routing of Trucks in excess of 6,000 pounds, or in excess of 8 feet 6 inches in width i Single Trip Includes plan revi ew , administrative fees & lnspt!d:lOrl 0.25 $ 30.00 $ 35.00 $ 65 .00 $ 16.00 Annual Trip Includes plan review, administrative fees & inspectio n ' 0.5 s 60.00 $ 35.00 $ 95.00 j $ 90.00