HomeMy Public PortalAboutGAC Minutes 1992 07/01GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES July 1, 1992 Attending: Kay Larson, Chairman DeEtte McCarty Ted Whiteman Dan Hormaechea Frank Brown Charles Denham Louie Howard Nick Howard Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. ROLL CALL: All Committee members were present MINUTES: The minutes from June 3, 1992 were approved as written. STAFF REPORT: Superintendent Denham reported that the #10 tee reconstruction project will be postponed until September 15, 1992 for various reasons. The City Council approved Louie Howard's request for no alcoholic beverages to be permitted on the golf course property except those sold by him. The Committee discussed the problem of having private coolers permitted and not alcoholic beverages. They feel there will be an enforcement problem. They also directed staff to put signage in place to inform public of new rule. After some discussion about the foundation project letter, Chairman Larson said he will discuss the contents of the letter with the Mayor. The Committee agreed to set up a meeting with the Mayor to discuss this also. OLD BUSINESS: 1) RESALE OF LIFETIME PASSES Ted Whiteman moved to recommend that the issue be tabled for 3 months to examine the performance of the foundation on schedule and funding promptness. DeEtte McCarty seconded and on a roll call vote Ted Whiteman, and DeEtte McCarty voted in favor, while Dan Hormaechea, Kay Larson and Frank Brown voted nay. The motion was denied. Dan Hormaechea moved to recommend to the City Council to approve the reissue of lifetime passes as they become available, no additional passes should be issued and the money of the resale be spent on golf course improvements as recommended by the Advisory Committee to the City Council. Frank Brown seconded and on a roll call vote Dan Hormaechea and Frank Brown voted aye, while Ted Whiteman, DeEtte McCarty and Chairman Larson voted nay. The motion was denied. ******** Frank Brown moved to recommend to the City Council to approve the reissue of lifetime passes as they become available, no additional passes, and the money be spent on golf course improvements as recommended be Advisory Committee to City Council. This motion to include a letter from Bill Killen, dated October 7, 1991 showing a mathematical breakdown of economic return of each $5,000 taken in by the foundation. Dan Hormaechea seconded. On a roll call vote Frank Brown and Dan Hormaechea voted aye, while Ted Whiteman and DeEtte McCarty voted nay. Chairman Larson broke the tie vote with a aye vote and the motion carried. 2) CART STORAGE QUESTION The Committee decided on some changes for the form. They will be discussed further informally. 3) OLD SITE CART STORAGE Parks and Recreation Committee is not satisfied with amount of money they are receiving for use of their property. NEW BUSINESS 1) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, 1993 The Committee recommended that Ted Whiteman work with Charles Denham on a list to bring before the Committee. 2) SPRING MOUNTAIN RANCH AGREEMENT Ted Whiteman moved to recommend to the City Council to not accept the agreement received by the Committee as it does not address a majority of the concerns brought fourth from previous agreements. Dan Hormaechea seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. Next meeting is scheduled for August 5, 1992 the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. With nq'further-business, ct fUil ly Subsitied, L'a o C man Dated Jul 1992 1992 ********