HomeMy Public PortalAboutLadies Library -- 2023-01-19 Minutes (2)3:OOpm Brewster Ladies' Library Association Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, January 19, 2023 Library Auditorium Call to Order at Spm by Joan Pernice, President Present "Andy Evans, all members, Non, Nancy Man, Eileen Berquist, Tricia Kibbe, Regina Hayes, Lisa Perkins, Mary Jo Murphy, Susan Stewart, Joan Pernice, Pat Meservey, Non' Morganstein, Peter Bradley 3:05 Secretary's Report -Anne Weirich December 2022 meeting minutes were presented for approval - a motion and second was made and no objections with a change to say that Frank was reporting for Peter Bradley who was absent. 3:10 Treasurer's Report -Peter Bradley Income to date is very strong relative to the plan due to membership and donations that have come in sipce the beginning of the year. Expenses are at 50 percent of budget which is on target for the year. Town spending is about 47 percent of the plan - December expense was high due to 3 payrolls . We paid the CPAs for tax prep and moved money donated into a separate account (designated for Nickerson) - so we can keep track. This will lead to the practice of tracking larger donation$ - not on a ledger - but on a list. We received a letter from an attorney in Florida that a former volunteer has left us $300,000. She was a part time Brewster resident. There are no restrictions except that it become a part of the endowment. Clarification of this endowment restrictions will be further investigated. There is (an investment policy that proscribes the spending rate part of a total return concept. We cap withdraw from the investments as the board agrees on a spending rate. It is a percentage of te average market value of the 12 prior quarters of the investment accounts. It's not the Finance Committee's call, but includes our investor advisors at CCS. There is a call into CC5 and Finance will discuss a recommendations from them. The Board has 3 endowment accounts and an investment account. Joan Pernice suggests that we only look at our investment accounts for spending and leave the endowment accounts as is. There will be a board discussion about this. Nancy Mann will do some investigation to look for past 990s and minutes that might give some indication, of funds and gifts. The Nickerson Committee is on hold for now until it is known what can be spent. The usual time line would be to find the speaker by February. Non' suggested that minutes from other committees like Finance and Nickerson on the central library cloud. t 3:30 Director's Report" Nori Morgenstern, interim director The library is a bit slower in December. We circulated just under 5000 items and more and more e -materials. More than 3000 visitors. 17 programs attended by 209 patrons. Over 70 came to the holiday concert. We are bringing back a lot of our pre-Covid programs. Intergenerational programs such as the Banned Book Club and Boomerang Bag programs are successful. Passive activities such as puzzles, felt board and crafts are left out. The staff had a great holiday party at Marshside and had a great time. Devon has been teaming up with the COA and the Cultural Council to do more hosting at the library. Staff plans on roll-out of new on-line software (Sierra/migration). The new system is called CORA. The training begins the week of January 23rd. And they will learn how to train the public. COHA is open source - which means it's free. This will not limit the 'number or locations of sign -ons. This has been a problem with Sierra. COHA will be easier for the staff to serve the public as they will be able to use their personal devices to help people. ;CLAMS will basically stay the same. There were 360 hours of volunteer work for December. This includes the, Giving Tree and decorating for the holidays. All kids who requested gifts received them. The homebound delivery program is back up after Covid. Budget = it has been submitted for July 2024. We requested: New phone system, elevator, landscaping and some capital projects. Also set up an IT/phone project/proposal. The elevator project is starting in February. And architect is coming soon. A group of volunteer gardeners is being consulted regarding the grounds. It's been suggested by the gardeners to consult a landscape architect. What about the new Microsoft and Windows software that we would like Ito get? This hasn't been done. Joan will follow up with Devon and Stefan to make sure that this happens before D & E happens. 4:00 Committee Reports Discovery and Enrichment Program -Pat Meservey All is continuing to move forward verysharp learning curve -but we are figuring it out. Thanks to Tricia, Anne and Susan as they have learned the OWL and ZOOM technology for the hybrid programs. Spring term additions are: Sally Gunning on Cape Cod Women at Sea (for Women's History Month March 30th from 7 - 8pm. Then - proposed for April 12 from 2 - 3:30 — Peter Trull - The Wonder of Birds. If board members could share the February programs that Pat has sent in an email to everyone - would be helpful. We have good sign ups so far. We are still working on the publicity strategies. If the Board has any suggestions, we are open to them. We are hoping to stay in Brewster for our speakers. Joan and Nori talked about the possibility of hiring one of the BLL subs to be the point person for the technology needs. Could the Committee think about this? Pat thinks it a great idea. Let's do it and make sure we build in redundancy in case the point person can't make it. Nori has a sub in mind who lives nearby. So she will contact him and cc Pat and Joan if he's willing. Membership Committee -Susan Stewart As of Jan 12 - 636 friends/members, The numbers continue to grow even after Woodward. Likely due to the wonderful job the staff is doing on social media and programming. 180 brand new members. 387 are renewals - 59 are renewals from years past. 54 have not renewed. Membership talked about the space for the bulletin board. So we are talking about reconfiguring the space for the book store. Nancy Mann is looking at IKEA for ideas about making a new wall unit for the bookstore and some storage, etc. We will bring a proposal to the board for that. We will have the breakfast for members at Brewster in Bloom (May 5 - 7) time. Joan suggested khat we might contact the APCC who was scheduled for the pre-Covid breakfast. We will do some kind of regular drawing in March. Lisa asked about voting on a logo for the Association. This would be so D & E could be branded. Pat Meservey asked that this go on the next agenda. The top 3 - 5 logos for BLLA will circulated. Policy and By -saws - no report The committee was asked to please come up with a record retention practice. They are currently looking through files to find information on the Nickerson bequest and making updates to the manual, i, �. Scholarship Committee -Lisa Perkins We have opened up scholarships to any HS that has Brewster students -Cape Tech, Dennis/Yarmouxh and Monomoy. The application process has been sent to these schools and one more who does knot have a Brewster student but wanted the information. The process will begin soon with the committee meeting in March. If we can give a second scholarship this year, that would be great.' The Finance Committee was asked to look at this possibility and let the Scholarship Committee know. Nori offered to post the notice in the library and newsletter, _ Nori asl�ed about home -schooled Brewster HS students? A discussion was started and - will be talked about at the committee meeting in March. Building Committee -Nancy Mann Nancy liras been going through boxes and files in the basement. Some go back to the 1990s. The town has given her some guidelines for what she might find that needed to be returned. This includes any personnel related documentation or accounting. There are boxes of old bills. Anything that doesn't belong to the town over 7 years old will be discarded. Book Sale - Miry Jo Murphy The boo�C sale room was cleaned. Looks great. Collecting books on Tuesday and open on Sundays. Cgncert Sundays are bringing people in. ,. The digital description of the book sale is done. Mary Jo will send the files to Frank and Anne for the manual and Cindy for storage on the server. r �� 4:45 Old Business Joan reported that the new Librarian search is ongoing - and hope to schedule interviews in the next week or two. The committee is working on spreading the word about''the position. Nickerson lecture schedule -Pat Meservey This is on hold until we get updated financial information. Deferred until'February meeting, At the February meeting we will allocate 30 minutes for a discussion about the pros and cons of having a smaller event every other year and/or pre -lecture programs. 5:00 Adjourned at 4:45 Respectfully submitted, Anne Weirich, Secretary '