HomeMy Public PortalAboutR 98:143 ' Adol,,i.n~ 2_~8 1998 98-143 l)nte of iI. li3S()LUTION TO (;O INTO CLOSEI) SESSION Wiii~iili~AS, Sectio. 8 ol'the ()pen l'ublit: Meetings Act, Chaptc~ 231 ILL. 1975. pe~ mits tile exclusion of tile ptflllic Ii om a meeling iu celtaiu ci~ cumsta.ces; and WilF. RIgAS, this public body is of tile opinion thai such cilcumsta.ces p~esently exists; NOW, 'i'llEIlIrArOIIE' BliL IT lIES()I,VIrA) by tile Mnyor and Council of tile BoroughofCaltmet, C°untY°f MiddleseX. StaleofNew Jersey, as Follows: I. The public shall be excluded flora alteuding, discussing or participating in the he~einaller specified subject mallels 2. The general rmture of the subject mallei to be discussed is as Follows: Personnel matters; Contract Negotiations and Litigation -- It is anticipated al this time that tile above stated subject matte~ will be made public: upon conclusion of the matters. ~ 4. This ~esolulion shall lake ell'ect immedlalely. ~ ..... FAZEKAS Adopled ~d a meelhlg ol Ille Municipal C...cil Nay 28 ~ 1998