HomeMy Public PortalAboutVPC May 15, 2023 Meeting PacketTown of Brewster Vision Planning Committee 2198 Main St., Brewster, MA 02631 brewplan@brewster-ma.gov (508) 896-3701 MEETING AGENDA 2198 Main Street, Room A Monday, May 15, 2023 at 3:30 PM This meeting will be conducted in person at the time and location identified above. This means that at least a quorum of the members of the public body will attend the meeting in person and members of the public are welcome to attend in person as well. As a courtesy only, access to the meeting is also being provided via remote means in accordance with applicable law. Please note that while an option for remote attendance and/or participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public, the meeting/hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast or affect remote attendance or participation, unless otherwise required by law. Members of the public with particular interest in any specific item on this agenda. Members of the public who wish to access the meeting may do so in the following manner: 1.Phone: Call (929) 436-2866 or (301) 715-8592. Zoom Meeting ID: 819 3038 8203 and Passcode 317154 To request to speak: Press *9 and wait to be recognized. 2.Zoom Webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81930388203?pwd=VHEvUURMM1ZFdUJNREJIbEN3SFdOZz09 and enter Passcode 317154 To request to speak: Tap Zoom “Raise Hand” button, then wait to be recognized. Additionally, the meeting will be broadcast live, in real time, via Live broadcast (Brewster Government TV Channel 18), Livestream (livestream.brewster-ma.gov), or Video recording (tv.brewster-ma.gov). Vision Planning Committee Sharon Tennstedt Chair Amanda Bebrin Vice-Chair Andi Genser Patricia Hess Suzanne Kenney Alex Wentworth Town Planner Jon Idman Admistrative Assistant Ellen Murphy Select Board Liaison Kari Hoffmann Finance Committee Liaison Honey Pivirotto 1.Call to Order 2.Declaration of a Quorum 3.Meeting Participation Statement 4.Approval of May 2, 2023 meeting minutes 5.Review of recent edits to the draft LCP including edits to Actions 6.Review Action Items from the May 2nd meeting 7.Update from Bay and Pond Property Planning Committees 8.Next Meeting: Monday, June 5th 9.Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair 10.Adjournment Date Posted:Date Revised:Received by Town Clerk: 5-11-2023 Page 1 of 2 TOWN OF BREWSTER VISION PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, May 2, 2023, at 3:30PM Sharon Tennstedt, Vice Chair, convened the Brewster Vision Planning Committee in person with members: Amanda Bebrin, Suzanne Kenney, Patricia Hess, and Alex Wentworth were present, Andi Gesner was absent. A quorum was determined. Also present: Kari Hoffman, Jon Idman, and Ellen Murphy The Chair read the Recording or Taping Notification: This meeting will be conducted in person at the time and location identified above. This means that at least a quorum of the members of the public body will attend the meeting in person and members of the public are welcome to attend in person as well. As a courtesy only, access to the meeting is also being provided via remote means in accordance with applicable law. Please note that while an option for remote attendance and/or participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public, the meeting/hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast or affect remote attendance or participation, unless otherwise required by law. Members of the public with particular interest in any specific item on this agenda, which includes an applicant and its representatives, should make plans for in-person vs. virtual attendance accordingly. To submit public comment or questions to the Vision Planning Committee, please email: brewplan@brewster-ma.gov.  Review and approval of April 10th meeting minutes Amanda made a motion to approve the April 10th meeting minutes, Alex seconded the motion, a roll call was taken, and the April 10th meeting minutes were unanimously approved.  Review of existing summary papers, actions, and proposed updates Sharon Tennstedt informed the Committee the focus of the meeting will be the edits made to the draft LCP. She indicated there were edits made to the summary papers and should also align with the draft LCP. She suggested that when reviewing the existing condition, they also review the action items associated with each of the Building Blocks. She indicated that most of the edits have been made. Jon Idman, Sharon, and Amanda worked on edits for the LCP. Starting with Section 3 of the LCP the Committee reviewed each section discussing the changes proposed. Sharon indicated that now the Bay and Pond parcels are referred to Bay and Pond property. Sharon addressed the term “centers” as in Town Centers. Jon suggested Jill take a deeper look at the housing, economic and demographic data because they are so closely aligned. The Committee discussed what data should be considered for the updated LCP. In Open Space, the Committee noted the establishment of the Drummer Boy Advisory Committee and the reference to Wing Island that was determined at the Special Town meeting on March 6 th. Kari suggested a reference to the change of use for Wing Island and the process. Jill Scalise made the edits to the Housing Summary paper and Sharon updated the LCP to reflect Jill’s edits. In Local Economy, Alex stepped through the list of questions he and Patricia sent from the Local Economy summary paper. Jon questioned the role of the summary papers going forward. Sharon suggested if the summary papers were on the Town website, they should be updated to reflect the changes. Kari asked if the summary papers will be reviewed prior to being made public and Sharon confirmed that the summary papers should be reviewed by the relevant Department Heads or staff. Jon mentioned form-based code which is a type of zoning that looks at the form of development rather than the particular uses, and it should be determined if it is appropriate in Brewster. Alex expressed a concern that some reading the LCP would not be familiar with the term. Jon agreed that it needs to be properly defined. Jon will propose edits to the Local Economy summary paper. Ellen confirmed edits to Solid Waste, Local Economy and Community Character are still outstanding. All updates to the summary papers will be sent for review and then back to the Committee. Summary papers have their own independent significance to the LCP. Sharon will send Ellen an update on the Governance summary paper. The Committee discussed the term “Town Centers”, Page 2 of 2 and it was decided that Jon will craft a definition and the Committee will decide how to denote the term in the LCP. Sharon acknowledged the review and editing by Pat Hughes for the Coastal Management summary paper. The Committee discussed the edits. Kari informed the Committee that the definition of a town landing should not include First Light Beach and Wing Island and the reference should be removed. Wing Island should not be referred to as a public beach. The Committee discussed public beaches with parking vs. town landings. Jon suggested rewording. Kari informed the Committee that the Energy and Climate action committee has been appointed and the first meeting is next week. Additional information will be forthcoming next month. Jon will reach out to the energy consultant to update the information. Patricia discussed the Community Character updates with the Committee. Under physical character she indicated that the focus is houses 100 yrs. and older. The Committee reviewed the action items to ensure all updates were aligned with any changes made to the summary papers. It was decided to remove overarching purposes because they are not included in all of the Building Blocks. Any of the Building Block actions that have overarching purposes will be reviewed. Jill Scalise will review the Housing action items and provide the necessary updates. A master of all edits for the LCP will be included when sent out for Town Staff for review. Sharon, Amanda and Jon will review the changes and update the document for Committee review at the next meeting. The Strategic plan and the Capital Facilities plan will be updated by the Select Board. The summary papers will be reviewed and approved by the Committee prior to being sent to Town Staff for review. The Committee discussed the June meetings, June 19th is a Monday holiday. The June calendar has not been published yet. It will be discussed if a second meeting in June is necessary at the next meeting.  Update from Bay and Pond Property Planning Committees Amanda provided an update on the Bay Property. She indicated that the first public forum for both the Bay and Pond properties will be held at the Bay Property dining hall May 20 th with a morning and afternoon session including public engagement and feedback opportunities. Pre-registration is required. The pool will be opened June 26th. First Light Beach will be opened on Memorial Weekend. The Rec website lists many activities planned for both properties. Suzanne informed the Committee the Pond Property will be included in the May 20 th event.  Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair: Kari informed the Committee there are two applicants for the vacancy. Sharon and Kari will interview the candidates together in the next couple of weeks. Amanda made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Alex seconded the motion, a roll call vote was taken, and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 5:34 pm. We're taking this show on the road: LCP 2.0 (Journey to Fall Town Meeting) Identify: groups and opportunities for outreach and education Discuss: presence at community events vs specific meetings? Review existing list/database of organizations – edit/increase (who did we miss last time?) (benefit of including CCYP, HAC, CDP, LCC – they have Brewster people on their mailing lists; civic/housing elements?) Rec** has fb page and email list BGTV/LCTV- interview/video; WCAI....? Chronicle, Times, Ptown Independent sometimes does “exit 11 corner” (people willing to write LTE’s in support of passage?) Host our own LCP info session at BLL? - as kick off to public outreach? Who has edit capabilities of VPC page on town website? Can we get a dedicated VPC email? Create FB posts w/ graphics What’s on Fall TM warrant review forum Are PTO meetings a thing? What’s the best way to reach COA members en masse? June: - finish edits to draft LCP and summary papers - Send summary papers to appropriate staff for review - Create communications/FAQ/1-pager/supporting or illustrating docs - 6/24 Open Air Antiques Fair – DBP by BHS July: - 7/8 Brewster Conservation Day – DBP - Public info session at town office or BLL? August: - LCTV/BGTV interview & post on FB - 8/25 Touch-a-Truck at Bay Property September: - Communication with schools - 9/9 BHS annual meeting at BLL? 4-5:30 - SB/PB public hearing for endorsement to TM October: - What’s on Fall TM warrant forum November: - TM tent Nov 13th?ish? (11th or 18th if Saturday?)