HomeMy Public PortalAbout19380623SCMeetingThere being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call •f the Mayor er . o' ouncil - o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o -o -o- 1103 Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, June 23rd, 1938. A special meeting of Council was held to -day at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, and was attended by Mayor McMillan, who presided, and Councilmen May, Farrell, Mayer, Kreitzer, Tant and Haar, also by Mr. Jack Gordon and g.J.Bryan. The meeting was called for the purpose of acting on the following matters; (1) A placation for building permit of Wm. A.Snow and Andrew A.Smith to construct a corral and stable on 15th Street and Chatham Avenue. (2) Adopt an Ordinance requiring all places serving the public handling and serving food be subject to inspection each month. (3) Consider request of W.F.Lingenfelser for an artificial leg. (4) Consider the appointment of an Engineer as requested by D.G.Nichols of WPA, for the beach protection project. (5) Consider the granting of a whiskey license to J.A.Taylor at Lovell Station, in connection with Sam Goldberg. Mr. Gordon protested against the ereetion of a horse stable in front of his property on Fifteenth Street. There was considerate, _ dis- cussion relative to the proposed erection of this stable. Nr. Snow had stated that he would abandon the idea.:_ of erecting the stables but requested permission to let the fence remain. Councilman Haar moved that the fence be permitted to remain on lot 298, ward 4, Councilman Farrell seconded and the motion passed unanamously. Councilman Tant complained about the operation of the BINGO game on the Brass Rail he stated that amaximum price was agreedupon of 25% at these games and that the Bingo game was sebling any- one as many cards at they wanted to buy and that other concess- ionests were complaining. No action was taken. The Mayor appointed a Health Committee composed of Dr. M.J. Epting, Chairman, and Doctors L.W.Shaw, Henry Levington, M.J. Egan, J.R.Broderick. Cbuncilman Tant moved that $ 125.00 be appropriated to pur- chase an artificial leg for W.E.Lingenfelser, Councilman Farrell sedonded. Tant, Farrell, May, Haar. voting yes. Councilmen Mayer and Kreitzer voting no. The motion passed. Cheatham E.Fields petitioned that his license issued to him to opesrate the place known as Ma Carters's be transferred to Eugene Ginn. Councilman Haar moved that the petition be granted Councilman Tant seconded and the motion passed unanamously. 104 In line with the request of the WPA authorities su ggesting the Town employ an engineer. Councilman Haar moved that a committee be appointed to investigate the matter, Councilman Mayer seconded and the motion passed unanamously. The Mayor appointed Councilmen Kreitzer, Haar and himself as a committe to handle the matter and report back to Council. J.A.Taylor petiotioned for permission to operate his place of business, selling whiskey, for a limited time wihtout paying his license but the opinion was that he must may his license now or close. Councilman Mayer moved that the following ordinance be adopted Councilman Taut seconded and the motion passed unaaamously; C1. 3 `3 ' AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED " An ordinance to regulate the employment of employees by any owner, proprirtor, manager, or person in charge or control of any restaurant, \unch counter, soda fountain, milk depot, bar, or any place where food, milk, beverages, are sold served,offered for sale or distributed, to work, employ, or keep in their employmemt or permit to work in or about any such place whether em loyed or not, any person, whe is infected with or affected by any infectious or contagious or cummunicable disease, to require an exa ination every twelve months by a reputable physician for all persond who work, whether employed or not, in or about any restaurant, lunc4 counter, soda fountain, milk depot or bar, to fix a penalty for such violatiois and for other purposes. SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, in Council assembled and it is hereby enacted by the authority aforesaid that it shall be un- lawful for the owner, proprietor, manager, or person in charge or control of any restaurant, lunch counter, soda fountain, milk dept bar, or any place where foodri milk,beverages are sold, served offered for sale, or distributed in the town of Save. nah Beach, Tybee Island, to work, employ, or keep in their employment or permit in or about any such place, whether employed or not, any person who is infected with of affected by any infectious in- fectious c± :contagious, or communicable disease. SECTION 2 :very owner, proprietor, manager, or person it charge or control of any restaurant, lunch counter, soda fountain, milk depot, bar, or any place where food, milk beverages are sold, served, offered for sale or distributed in the town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, shall require-or have made at his or her own expense a personal examination of each and /or all of their employees or other persons, whether employed of not, coming in contact with any food, milk, beverages, by some reputable phy- sioian authorized under the laws of the State of Georgia, at intervals of time totc,,toaxtedetAwelve months and shall, after suchpersonal examination by such physician, promptly discharge fmom their employment in or about any such abeve mentioned place, any person fpund to be inflicted by or affected with any infectious or contagious or communicable disease. Copies of said medical examination shall be kept in the possession of every owher, proprietor, manager, or person in charge or control of said business. The certificates required in this section must show that the physician has made a bliod examination, known asa Wasserman test. SECTION '0 Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of thid ordinance shall, upon conviction before the Mayor's Court of said Town „be 6ubject to be fined in the sum of not more than One (100) Dollars or to be imprisoned for not more than thirty (30) Days, either or both or any part of either or both in the, discretion of said Court. SECTION 4 All ordinance, or parts of ordinances conflicting with the provisions of this :ordinance are hereby repealed. There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the ca 1 of the y,yor. er. o Counci %° Mayor. -0 -0. 0-0-0-0-0 -0- Savannah Beach, Tybee Island. July 6th, 1938. The regular meeting of Council was held at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, and was attehded by, Mayor McMillan, who pre- sided, and Councilmen May, Kreitzer, Tant, Mayer, Farrell, Haar, Sam L.Varnedoe and Gordon Saussys and Town Attorney Dutton.,E.J.@liver. Ma Varnedoe offered to buy the proposed issue of bonds to be voted on on July llth, at par, plus a premium of i 500.00, and also to pay for the preparing of the bonds and the legal work in connection therewith. Mr. Varnedoe was excused after which the matter was discussed. Councilman Tant moved that action be deferred until after the election, Councilman Mayer seconded and the motion passed unanamously. 105 Councilman Kreitzer informed Council that Vr. Don Nichols was ready to go ahead the beach erosion project justas soon as the bonds were voted on and passed, he stated that it would be necessary to employe a consuitjrng engineer and a clerk to do the buying. Councilam Mayer stated that M.W.Dixon, had offered his services as engineer at $ 1.00 per year, He suggested that all applications be investigated before appointing anyone, and made a motion that any action be deferred until after the election, Councilman Haar seconded and the motion passed un- anamously, Mr. Oliver petitioned that the fine of 3100.00 imposed on J.A. Taylor in ,Recorder's Court be revoked. Mr. Oliver was excused and after discussion it was decided to let the Recorder use his own judgement in the matter. Attention as called to the inability of thepublic to get drink- ing water at any public place. The matter was referred to the Sanitary Committee for handling. Town Attorney Dutton presented 3 invoices covering three trips to Atlanta in Connection Town work,arnounting 3 105.00. Councian Tant moved that they be paid, councilman Haar seconded. The motion passed, those voting yes; Tant, Haar, May, Kreitzer, Mayers Not'_ voting; Barrel /.