HomeMy Public PortalAbout19380804SCMeeting133 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THAT CERTAIN ORDINANCE ENTITLED" Al ORDINACE TO PROVIDE FOR THE TAXATION OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROP ERTY IN THE TOWN OF SAVANT AH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING MAYl, 1938 AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE RATE OF LICENSES FOR DOING BUSINESS IN THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING APRIL 30, 1939, FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, ADOPTED BY COUNCIL ON DAY OF 1938, BY ADDING THERETO AT THE END OF SECTION 4ACH AND-EVERY OWNER AND /OR OPERATOR IN CHARGE OF A TRAILER AND /OR AUTOfOBILE HOUSE, CAMP AND /OR PARKING LOT, TWJNTY -FIVE (.25 )DOLLARS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION1. Be it enacted by the Mayor and Councilmen of the town of Savannah Beach, Tyee Island in council assembled, and it is hereby enancted by the authority aforesaid thatvthe section of this ordinance entitled "An ordinance to provide for the .taxation of real and personal property in the town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island for the fiscal year commencing May 1, 1938, and to provide for the-, rate of licenses for doJng business in the town of Sav- annah Beach, Tybee Island for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1939, fixing penalties for the violation, and for other purposes ", adopted by Council on the day of , 1938, be and the same is hereby amedded by add ig the following words at the end of section 4: each and every owner and /or operator in charge of a trailer and /or automobile house camp and /or parking lot, twenty -five (254 dollars. SECTION 2. Be it further enacted by the authority that all ordinates or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed. There being no fur her business Council adjourned subject to the call ,, f the Mayor - o- o- o- o ..o- o- o -o -o- 7A/LQ , ' Mayor. Savannah Beach, Tybee Island August 4th, 1938. A special meeting of Council was held to -night at 8:00 p.m. in'. the Council Chamber, and was attended by Mayor McMillan, who presided, and Councilmen Tant, Farrell, Kreitzer, Mayer,May, Haar and Town Attorney Dutton. The meeting called to consider the following; Employment of Consulting Engineer in connection with beach erosion project. Creating the office and fixing the salary of a clerk or assistant tb the Consulting Engineer. Acceptance of check tendered by C.D.Russell to pay delinquent taxes. Statement to made to Council by the Mayor. The Mayor informed Council that in the matter of employing a consulting engineer for the beach erosion project he had been in conference with Mr. D.G.Nichols of the WPA relative to his accept- 134 ing the position, that fir. Nichols was interested and stated that if he got the place could put another project through, that every- one on island Van needed work, if cleared through the WPA office, could get work, that if he was offered place didnt know that he would take it, requested that he be given a letter by the town offering the position to him at a fee of 2i per cent. Thu nMeyorn Zletedethati-Zz7-4t icho+lsl?oohiasmdke allofithenputchaseslatdgw414d, gave rthe town money, that he T; ould get the work done within the $28,000.00, that he would draw pay when the work was finished - Councilman Tant asked if Mr. Nichols would come before Council and was informed that he would appear when requested. Councilman Kreitzer nominkted D.G.Nichols for the position of Consulting Engineer of the beach erosion project. No second. Councilman Haar moved that Mr. Nichols be requested to appear before Council at his convenience, Councilman Tant seconded and the motion passed unanayimously. Councilman Mayer moved that the appointment of an assistant to the Consulting Engineer be tabled, Councilman Tent seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Councolman Mayer moved that a discount of 10 percent be allowed on all taxes prior to 1938 and 20 percent be allowed on 1938 taxes on the property of Mrs. W.C.Russell. Councilman Tent seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The Mayor informed Council that? thought that the Board acted discourteouslin signing a petition requesting the Recorder to reduce the fine imposed against J.A.Taylor, without consulting him. All agreed that no discourtesy was intended. The, being nofur0er business Council adjourned subject to t� = call ofrnthe ' or. / . 4 IA ,410,d[ i erk of ouncil. - o- o- o- o- o- o- o -o -o- Savannah Beach, Tybee-Island August 4th, 1938. A special meeting of Council was held to -night at 9 :30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, and wasedMknded by Mayor McMillan, who pre - sided, and Councilmen Tant, Kreitzer, Mayer, May, Haar, Farrell, and Town Attorney Dutton. The meeting was called to consider the disposition of licenses d&e by A,P.Solomon, 3rd. Councilman Haar moved that A.P.Solomon,3rd, be2be i tted to pay +250.00 onhis 1938 licenses, this to be in full,,provided that ' it is paid by 12:00 noon, August 5th, 1938, otherwise his mer- chandise vending machines will be taken out. Councilman Tent seconded and the motion passed unananmously. There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the c.1 of the May ' .