HomeMy Public PortalAbout19380811SCMeeting135 Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, August 8th, 1938. Aspecial meeting of Council was held to-do in the Council Chamber, at 12 :00 noon, and was attended by Mayor McMillan, who presided, and Councilmen May, Farrell, Mayer, Tant, Haar and Donald G.Nichols. The meeting was called for the purpose of considering the employment of a Consulting Engineer for the beach erosion project. Councilman Mayer moved that a Consulting Engineer be appointed for the bea h erosion project and the town hall project,that a fee be fixed at not over 2% of the gross amount expended, as pay for his services. Councilman Haar seconded and the motion passed nanamously. Councilman Haar moved that Donald G.Nichols be employed as Consulting Engineer of the beach erosion project and the town hall project at a fee of 2% per cent of total cost of both projects. Councilman Mayer seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Nichols informed Council that heweWin touch with Miss Gay Shepperson in Atlanta, head of WPA in Georgia, at oncem and get her approval to his acceptance of the position. There call ing no fur der business Council adjourned subject to the the Mayor 4.2.t /, Clerk of Cou - o- a- o- o- o- o -o -o- Mayor. Savannah Beach, Tybee Island August llth, 1938. A special meeting of Council was held to -night at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, and was attended by Mayor McMillan, who presided, and 'Councilmen Tant, Kreitzer, May, Farrell, Mayer, Harr and Town Attorney Dutton. The meeting ,was called to consider the following matters; To pass resolutions to provide additional taxes to pay the principal and interest annually due on the public improvement bonds in the sum of $28,000.00 and town hall bonds in the sum of 12,000.00. 06fer of Tybee Beach Co., for lot for oast Guard Station, also receive. of special committee on value of site. Fee for Town Attorney in connection with legal ma tters relatitre to issuance of bonds. Petition from Trade and Labor Assembly for donation for Labor Dar. Councilman T.nt moved that the follwoing resolution be adopted. Councilman Mayer seconded and the motion passed unanimously: 138 RESOLUTION.., . WHEREAS, The Mayor and Councilman of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, are about to ismue the .$28,000.00 of Public Improvement Bonds heretofore provided for by resolutions of this body: and WHEREAS, said bonds have been duly validated by order of the Superior Court of Chatham County, Eastern Judicial Circuit of Georgia, dated August 9, 4938. NOW, THEREFORE, beat resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island in Council assembled, and it is hereby resolved by the authority aforesaid, that an annual tax be and the same is hereby assessed and shall be collected sufficient in amount to pay the principal of said bonds as they severally nature, and the interest thereon; it being provided by resolutions heretofore passed that said bonds shall draw interest at the rate of four (4) per cent payable semi - annually on the 1st days of February and August, and shall be retired at the mate of 01,000.00 each year consecutively, beginning August 1, 1939, and ending August 1, 1942, and at the arte of .1,500.00 each year consecutively beginning August 1, 1943. Councilman MMyer moved that the following resolution be adopted. Councilman Farrell seconded and the motion= passed unanamously. RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, The Mayor and Councilmen of the town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, are about to issue the $2,000.00 of Town Hall Bonds heretofore provided for by resolution of this body; and WHEBE.5, said bonds have been duly vaoidated by order of the Superior Court of Chatham County, Eastern Judicial Circuit of Georgia, August 9, 1938. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island in Council assembled, and it is hereby resolved by the authority aforesaid, that aw e. annual tax be and the same is hereby assessed and shall be collected sufficient in amount in amount to pay the principal of said bonds as they severally mature, and the interest thereon; it being pro- vided by resolutions heretofore passed that said bonds shall draw interest at the rate of fourM(4) per cent payable semi - annual *y on the let days of February and August, and shall mature in four (4) annual installments of $500.00, beginning August 1, 1939. Councilman Haar of the Committee appointed to investigate the pro- posed site for the Coast Guard Station at Estill Station, relative to its value,ect., reported that in the committee's judgment $750.00 would be a fair price to pay for it. Councilman Tant moved that the town effer 0500.00 for it, this amount to be deducted from the delinquent taxes due by the Tybee Beach Company, who own the property, and that an option be taken on it for 90 days. Councilman Tent seconded and the motion passed unfanamously. Councilman Farrell moved that 050.00 be donated from the town treasury to the Savannah Trades and Labor Assembly for their Labor Day activities on the island. Councilman Haar seconded and the motion passed unanamously. IICouncilman Mayer moved that $100.00 be paid to E.A.Dutton forlegal is e�ea i . slams ctd: h quo warranto proceedings instituted against the Mayor and Councilmen, payment to be made from the town treasury. Councilman Tent seconded and the motion passed unanamously. There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call o, "he Mayor. Councilman Hs.ar moved that $400.00 be paid to E.A.Dutton for legal services in connection with the issuance of the public improvement and town hall bonds, and that it be proportioned from the two sep- arate funds. Councilman Farrell seconded and the motion passed unanamously. - 3- o- o- o- o- o -o -o- 13 Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, August 27th, 1938. A. special meeting of Council was here to -night at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, and was attended by Mayor McMillan, who presided, and Councilmen Kreitzer, Mayer, Farrell, Tant and Harrr The meeting was called for the purpose of considering the removal of the Public iLibrary to another location. The committee appointed - -to look into tom- removal of the Library reported that it had teed with Mr. Brown, manager of Hotel Tybee, And he informed them that the Library could stay at the Hotel just long as he had it leased which was for 2 years, Councilman Mayer moved that the matter be tabled, Councilman Haar swcM1nded and the motion passed'unanamously. There being no f •ther business Council adjourned subject to the call of the Mayo of Council. - o- o- o- o- o- o -o -o- Mayor. Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, September 5th, 1938. A regular meeting of Council was held to -night at 8:00 p.m. in, the Council Chamber, and as atgended by Mayor McMillan, who pre- sided, and Councimen Mayer, Tent, Farrell, Kreitzer, May, Haar, Cy Spann and F.M.Donlevy. The Mayor informed Council that the complete plans for the Town Hall had begin approved by the WPA in Atlanta and that the total cost would be approximately $26,000.00 and that the towns' portion would be about4 of 5 thousand dollars. The Mayor informed Council that he had notified Hubert :lzey 30 days prior to laying him off that his serviceswould be discontine d on August 34.st. but he had noticed that Mr. Elzey was still working