HomeMy Public PortalAboutPlanning Board -- 2023-09-13 Agenda TOWN OF BREWSTER PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with the provisions of MGL Ch.40A, §5,the Brewster Planning Board will hold a public hearing on WEDNESDAY,September 13,2023, beginning no earlier than 6:30 pm at the Brewster Town Office Building,2198 Main Street, Brewster, MA.02631 to consider proposed amendments to the Brewster Zoning Bylaw related to accessory dwelling units and associated matters, specifically involving the following sections of said Bylaw, and to accept public comment thereon: Section 179-2 Definitions;Section 179-42.2 Accessory single-family dwelling units(ADUs);Chapter 179,Table 1, Use Regulations;and Chapter 179,Table 2,Area Regulations. Copies of the proposed amendments are available in the Town Clerk's Office,the Planning Department, and on the Planning Department's webpage: httrs://www.brewster- ma.p,ov/planning-board-and-t)lanninp.-de:)artment. Written comments may also be submitted to the Planning Board in advance of the hearing at the address provided above or by email to brewplan,@brewster-ma.;ov. At the hearing,the Planning Board may vote to make recommendations to Town Meeting on said proposed amendments, either as currently drafted or as might be further amended by the Planning Board during the hearing. Please note that while an option for remote attendance and/or participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public,the hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast or affect remote attendance or participation, unless otherwise required by law. Members of the public who wish to access the meeting may do so in the following manner: Phone: Call (312) 626-6799 or(301) 715-8592. Webinar ID: 8410778 1002. Passcode: 612505. Zoom webinar: httns:'/us02web.zoom45 /84107781002?pwd=VTVSVlExaUNCL253NmNZV2lGdmo4dz09 Passcode: 612505. Brewster Planning Board Amanda Bebrin, Chair 08/25/23 and 09/01/23 This notice can also be viewed on the Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association's website (http://masspublicnotices.org/).