HomeMy Public PortalAboutR 98:173 Nil. 98-173 Date el Adoplkm hmo .~, 1998 DETERMINING TIlE AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES FOR THE 1998-1999 SCIIOOL YEAR WIIEIIEAS, tile Board of Education of the Borough of Cartemt (the "Board") preseated to voters at the anuual school electiou held on Tuesday April 21, 1998 questions coirceruing the levy requiremeuts ibr the Board of Educatiou for Geueral Fuud iii the Amoant of $15,645,408; and WIIEIIEAS, the voters at said election, rejected tile Ganeral fuud; and WHEREAS, tire Board transmitted the budget to tile Borough Council of the Borough of Carteret (t e Cou icil) on Thursday, April 29, 1998 pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-37; mid WIIEREAS, the Council thoroughly reviewed the Budget and related information as prescuted by the Board; and WHEREAS, a joiut lneeting of tile Couucil mid tile Board was held to discuss thc Budget as submitted by the Board; mid WiiEREAS, alt. er careful delibcratiou mid joint discussion of the iuibrnmtion relative to thc School District Budget tile Council bas detcrmilrcd that tile full mnount of Gelreral Fuuds proposed by thc Bored is uecessary to provide for tile tboroug 1 and ethcmut educat o r of Cartcret school children. NOW, TItEREFOIIE, BE IT AND IT IS IIEREBY RESOLVED by the Borough Council of the Borough of Cartcrct, iii tile County of Middlesex, aud tile State of New Jersey, that tile of local district tax levy rcquiremer~ts ibp the Board of Education be $15,645,408, said anlount to be raised is cousideratiou by the Couucil to be sufficient to provide a thorough and etticieut education through the system of local schools witlriu the district; and e Borougb of Carteret that the BE IT FURTIIEI1 RESOLVED by the Bo oug i Counml of th Muuicipal Clerk is directed to certify, by May 19, 1998 to the Middlesex County Board of q'axatiou, the Middlesex Coanty Superintendant of Schools, the Borough of Carteret Assessors, the Division of Local F ilrance of the Departlnent of Treasury, State of New Jersey mid the Board of Education of the Borough of Carteret, that the amount of $15,645,408.00 is necessary to be raised by taxation for 1998-1999 iii said Borough of Carteret fei' the Gmreral Fund (local tax levy), which anroant shall be iucludcd in taxes to be raised, levied and collected in said municipality for General Fuud of the schools; mid BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that the alnouut to be levied ibp debt service certified to the Middlesex County Board of Taxation shall be $720,980.00 tbr the school year 1998-99. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there be raised, approved and collect fur the School District of tile Borough of Carteret during the year 1998, the lbliowing items: -- January 1, 1998 to Juue 30, 1998 $ 8,221,606.50 July 1, 1998 to December 3l, 1998 8,183,194.00 Total Amount to be raised by taxation $16~404,800.50 BE IT FURTItER RESOLVED that as of Juue 18, 1998 said aggregate suni o1'$16,404,800.50 be certified immediately by tile Muoicipal Clerk to the Middlesex Couuty Board of Taxatiou, the Board of Education of the School District of tile Borough of Carteret, the Couuty Superiutandeut of Schools, the Assessm' and Tax Collector of the Borough. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be maiutained oo lile iii the office of the Muuicipal Clerk mid tbat copies of this resolution shall be forwarded by the Municipal Clerk to the persou and/or depamnents herein limned for certification purposes. RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE FAIT .ACE ~& ..... 0 FA7EKAS O' BRI}~I X - Indicate Vote AB - Absem NV - Not Voting XOR - Indicates Vote to Overrule Veto Adopted at a meeting of the Ivhmicipal Couucil .June 18, 1998 / CLERK