HomeMy Public PortalAboutR 98:174 Dale .r Ad-pd.n--June ~1998 98-174 I(I~$OLU'i'ION I'0 (;0 INl'O CLOSEI) SESSION WIIEREAS, Section S oFthe Open Public Meelings Acl' Chapter 231 ILL. 1975. permits tile exclusion oFthe public lion a meeting in cedain cilcumStances; and WlIEREAS. this public body is oFtlle opinion thai such circumstances p~esently exists; NOW, TilEREIrOII'E, lie IT I/I¢S(.)LVEI) by I}~e Mayor and Council oFthe Bolough of Catleret, County o1' Middlesex, State ol'New Jersey, as Ibllows: I. The public shall be excluded flora attending, discussing or padicipating in the I~ereinalter specified subject mattels. 2 The general nature of tile subject mallei to be discussed is as Follows: P.B.A. Grievance 3. It is anticipated at Ihis lime that Ihe above stated subject matter will be made public: ~on conlusion of the matter. -- 4. This ~esolulion shall lake effect immedialely. RFXX)IH) ()Ir CouNCIl, ¥0'1'1~ X - ImlJci~le Vol~ All - At*se*il NV - Not VolJng XOR - Indicates Vol¢ lo Overlule Veto Ad.pled at a meeting of Ihe Mmdcilml C.uncil , June 24, 1998 CLERK ~