HomeMy Public PortalAbout19390214SCMeeting165 Mayor McMillan, who presided, and Councilmen Farrell, Mayer, Kreitzer, Haar and Yr. 11.R.Young. Ltention - Yr. Young called 6 tne cig Paper Festival that is to beheld in Bavannah during April and stated tht he was representing the of C., in appearing before the Board, and they were plan- ing to have abooth advertising Cavannah Beach, in the auditorium during the duration of the festivaland also planned. to put a float featuring beach scenes in the parade, this float will cost a*iout '450.00 and the 7,.B.0 of C. is requesting the townto pay part of the cost which would be $200.00. Yr. Young was excused, --- Councilman Haar moved that p200.00 he donated to the S.B.C.of C. towards cost of float to be designed by a com- mittee consisting of three Councilmen and three directors of the C. of C.,-- there was no seeond to this, the motion was lost . There being no further business Council adjourned subject tothe ca... of the Maylir. A 1.41 A 44 Clerk of Counc Savannah Peach, iflybee February 14th, 1939. May A special meeting of Council was held to-ni4ght at 8:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber, and was attended by Mayor rbril3an, who presided, and Councilmen "Farrell, Tent and Haar. Also by J.7.1,1cDermott and .L.Ree se . The meeting was called for the folloing purposes; Amending the Town charter. To consider an appropriation for adverising. Receive report of public works committee. Change date of regular meeting of Town Council. Councilman Tant moved that the following. resolution be adopted, Councilman Haar seconded and the motion passed unanamously; RESOLUTION. See page 166. 1 0 0 AT A SPOIL MELTING OF TrE AA/MAND COUNCIIAN OF THE TO OF SAW/IA.1i BEACH, TUNE ISLAND MIA, FEBRUARY 14th, 1939. 1/4 }SOLUTION: THAT, "i;BEREAS, the present Charter of the Town of Sqvannah Beach, Tybee Island, does not grant and give the right to bona fide residents domiciled within the corporate limit, of the Town, to exercise their right of franchise in Municipal election* of the Townj and NBEREAS, bona fide residents domiciled 'within the corporate limits of the Tost of Savannah Beach are desireue: of haeimg the Charter of t1 e Town amended so as to pant them the right of franchise, as is generally granted to the residents of other municipalities; and MEMO, the Mayer and Couneilmea are desirous of other amendments to the Charter of the Town, which amendnente are to the boot interest of said Town; and WM:US, the Cenerat Assembly of the State of Georgia is now in session, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia, notice of ProPoeed anendments to the Charter of the Town has been published; and WHERAS„ the present representatives of Chatham County in B.1d AsseMbly are the iionorable David 6. Atkinson, Spence M. Orayson and irank EcNall NOW„ TITOREFORT3, BL IT SOLTDD, that the attached aoen .te to the Charter of the Town of Sa-,annah *Deach„ Tybee Island, and copies thereof, be forwarOed to the present representatives from Chatham County, expressing the desire of the Yayor and Councilmen and residents of the '2own that the same be oaesed at the present session of the Ceneral Assembly, and that the earnest support for passage of said amendments be enlisted from the Representatiies now attending the General Asseribly„ as aforesaid* H, r�� B C ARC R 1 define t1 a nchiee rights of eleai tire; to enlarge a rs to levy e ific or license taxees; and or other pu eea s Section .. -' Be it enacted by t General As bey o1 the tat a or 3 s )ereby enacted by authority of a that 'section 8 of the ref aena�r of the 8tatee of Gee r .a 1922, 987, kn ter for oxn of. !, be and the a is hereby nded, br add to said sect d o : 8 t ref, a par h e ctie+ 8. " vrh3 ch eha "Secti a 8 to adc t. to t o abov qua a1� n eer entitle a person to votes for root + t unc of Town of Sara Tybe a Island, at elections for that: pur se,, such persons s j and vote► at said a ct on and 02 .1 h de resident and . &nn iciled xri thin srporate li i to of t1 Town of ra aah Beach, iybee Island, lice :: r nthe neat preee ding t election, and alixec%7. fiver paid all Po he have had' a o unity of ing to lax, end shams. nr t laborite under of the disabilit e n med in and. provided by &rticlre 2, section 1, i 'a h 2, of thes Co ti.tu ( Code section 2 cif t a," j or« that Caen said section has been as a +d. it reead as follows $ 'Secrti on 8. Be i t fu t *r anactrad., That the qual3f i oations noceaare to entitle a person vote far it or Counci; er eS #a► Tema of ` at electionr held for that purpose,, ah' 1 be as fol].o ra Such 1 be at ie t twenty -one yearn o a i own ire hi at or her oaf name and rya a or parcel of land in said tarn# deed to i3 ch has bean reesox ed 3n the office of then Clerk of the Bu rior Court in Chats Count'', a at least six t r da<ya or t eat elect:i on; `shall be a vi ti sen of United States and shall have been a resident of the State of ar is and of tabs ;County of Chathae, continuous y during the twe lvre nths diate s preceding said e2eac- tion; have paid ate, taxes due to the State, Lour ty and Tcern of Tybee, and shall have regiatere,t in :confo it as are hearein presc bed. x1th3n the co r orate limits o `c of Say h, Tybee I$l six msanthe, sa,1l, new p the a .ecrt .on to bar e . on the of and that I have pe d all poU texas that I have had ,aai s pportunitlr of p 'lrng agreeab7,y to 1aar, and es ail of the c u flcationa ;oaf aan + eestor as provided by Article 2, section 1, p ss h 2, 0f then c;c titution of the tat$r of +r g a, sa help me Ccad. t , so d s ticin hasp been > it ssRl l read s 1 entitled to aas resaid within the prescribed for be ter be kept 0: the naasnsa of sue h person se ir in such re piAc ►. o resaidence, aU i sah . be` crate: nose of each applicant in a book kept fer so at the exile' of the , in a veary casaa :Haar fallowing oath .ich :eha11. bar TO ate by the Clerk, ihsi11. be aubacribed 9 . tpp .i cant sal hooka, X do aaols ri s or affirn that Ian at leas twen one ;mss of ;that 1 NY tin rig3 t a lot or parcel of land a .t& uihsst; rile Town of Vie,' and that t deed t reto has been rec Clerk . * the Su perior Court; that I rvon .nuoualy resi ' in Chat a Georgia, 0130Y election to be he on the day p that I have paid all. taxes and otter ch due the Teen of County o Cha Mate of Geor ia, and that i am qw 1 i fied to vo t+a f 0: axed <s;cunethan of the Tcm of s as heals ." be f e a�splicat .on, n person,, of person ent tl ed t.o regl sgter, as aforee Within tY>aa ti a prearc abed for thhe list be ter 0f such person east in such register h s yr her , and p reeidene�i, ` eai tip corporate lii.tss of the Tam of Savannahaazh, Iar and, ('prors3ing _said person aha : not register udr 'he pro sy of Lehi ch ll be entered by the Clerk, ;cl the name of each applicant, in a b ook kept far at h and furxii abased at the `expense o tip Tynan, axri n every Bc eh mail. bee catered Clerk, sxhss►iI be sub eo bed rhea applicant in said book a I do sole ly swear o at le t . a saf age; that I it citizen o the uni tee,; that e cc nn nuausi 'within tttai Starts of s ror a f or one ►+ear, sand have beaera .a b+ fide re dent, dorm ` the cor election on as provided by Art ie 2, on 1, paragraph 2, cf the Con State of Geo , so help ms Ood. Section .. it furfiher a tsd, "fit Acts of Genera of the State of org3 a, 1.937, 2.161, ent tied` Charter Arwn< rem nded by inserting in the third line a. said Sec ion after the ward h' and before tie word "un saes fol 1 sIf he shall qualify as ' candidat for r or Alders u r t provision of and i accerdaie .th the Charter of the Town of Tybee, (v Beach, Tybee Island }, dusts o the Gen ra]. of the State of rgia,, 19 Page 9137, Secti on and he last period o1P sa &t Section 2, as afaresaid, a 3n rtxrsg in lieu of said period adding the fal l.anage }i' he beta qualified ae a canddater for std been elected Mayor or der the prow lions cif en4 #ar aceorda .a* with. the said sect .ens of said Chz ^tex, ae afareaaiid ixs th3 a Agra aix.e tbai� n ded it shall read as foi,i.awe Y t further enacted that no person ahaU be qual .fi f ©r election as or or A1der n of tie :said Town of€ Sav inah Bed if he in accordance with the Charter of the To of` Tybee, (Sav ash, e Island), Ax'ts of the f3eneral A eteinbly of the Mate of € orgia, 1.922, 9 Section 8 and Section 15, u for a period of at least on s has be n a fixes a deans at sa .d T during tie:. S' ' im diatel + preaedi t3 election, nor :after the preeent terms shill a Person elected to etzch office. be quit if to hold moil office does next' during his term of cd ,bona reside w3 thin the ao to 11 of said T fora period of 1 d the first nine mont he of each ca n a r dear of his eertiria if k lit e` qua ified as a candidate for and been elected Moor or Aide under the prc aaione of and in accordance Frith than slid eectiane of saw Charter, as mares in this paragraph. Section 5. Be it furthor enacted, 'fit coon; 24 of tl "stets 'of 19 afores id, be, and the same 3s hereby amended, by a ter the last word in said sect n, to- t, "avocado lane "Provided ti nt the az unt of spe ilic 13cen tayor or uo a he specific tax or *Se st otx it th r ens ted� That the or `and Conx also to tele rap , to ep , ra ht and € any paaale on, or s, pub3, c s the game to be rsaacnab t;ion %r of acid "a a specific t or. tion x on all , o .pat%, p ar tra ci cL or +ca vied on within; t 1v3 town, as be de t p* r; collect a linen an then ca a, is ons, czix+aunes and sP ► 0 a,, hacks, jib cars rated per Qf s bi2li d, use upon keeper of e pfd With ati, be or, ate contri a t broker*, daa %e n iixtux�ap��, agen 0 evaalq a d either buaineaa gar c 1 whatever k p arc $laughter sa ayat�er uiee or fac ri*e, ;bse r r s r tt3t,; d in fish id crr as ii ts iruitaa„ brad Fwd aa�rt# cl a of tt+od; emery. jur c s1xips bxtsla r amd upon act other e lie nts ar a~lina as oall3n e, or ayscatjo not hexe ofoz oz , xn oh u er of the ate ref Ge org a are ar t to lic as ter tion tax, and they s haarve the power, t , � # and contra , b air�aa, profesaia na, °fin t ter .rnrooationt . Pa'o ` �t chi auto t of s ii r '0? lic s bee mod' b tie r or Aidar a na a zt' shall t specific tax or lice a be i d at as *4X).00. n 6. Be it furtnar +enacted cat an eieotlan ah . be carted bead sixty + ai ;r this act 3s approve d, aoc lance w tii► this the Te en o av acb, as rte, and t ca tes e1 at elese n as +cr and Aldermba shams hold cantos for the present a regu2.ar term of ofi :ae. ��e it zrther'eanacted, That all ]. ,aws with this Act, be, and the as are here . 168 Mr.McDermott presented a proposition for advertising the island that consisted of a traffic book showing the rules and regulations pertain r to the handling of traffic, he stSlted that the ;:t si. to the town would be nothing, all that wag desired is that the 'ava: nah Beach Police Department sponsor iti= the town could put any story that it cared to in the book, that 25% of the net receipts would turned over to the Police Dept or any other desig- nated department, and also 2500 of the books would ?:e delivered to the town, Councilman Haar moved that the Police Department be authorized to sponsor the above mentione _'•. book and that the Chief of Police be authorized to write a letter stating this, Councilman Farrell seconded and the motion passed unanamously. Councilman Tant moved that the Town in connection with the Sav- annah Beach Chamber of Commerce enter a float in the parade to be held by the Savannah Paper Festival during April, 1939, and that 11200.00 be donated by the Town toward the cost of same, to the avannah Beach Chamber of Commerce, CouncilnanHaar seconded and the motion passed unanamously. The report of the public works committee was not read. Councilman Haar moved that the regular meetings of Council be held hereafter on the first Tuesday in each month at 8 :00 p.m., Councilnan Farrell seconded and the motion passed unanamously. re being n 11 of the M further business Council adjourned subject to the or. f Gounci .. Savannah Beach, Tybee Island. February 17th, 1939. A special meeting of Council was held to -day at 5 :15 p.m., in the Council Chamber, and was attended by Mayor IcMilian, who presided, and Councilmen Tant, Farreil and Haar. The meeting was called for the following purposes; '_uthorize the purchase of ha,rmock west of 6th ":venue o which the Town holds an oution. Authorize the purchase of materials necessary to complete building to be occupied by Yrs. Millis, the school- teacher. Councilman Haar moved that the following resolution be passed, OE ouncilman Farrell seconded and the motion passed unanamously; RESOLUTION. TTayor and Councilmen of the Town of Island in Council Gssembled,r. meeting of the Council held on the 6th a motion was made and adopted authorizing ]E IT RESOLVED y the Savannah Beach, Tybee WHEREAS, at a special day of January, 1939, 1