HomeMy Public PortalAbout2004-01-20 PC MinutesVillage of Plainfield Planning Commission Record of Minutes Date: January 20 , 2004 Location: Village Hall Chairman Sobkoviak cal led the meeting to order at 8 :19 pm . Roll Call Present: Commissioners Henry, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkovia k , Library District Absent: Commissioner Kachel, Fire District, Park District, School District Minutes The minutes from the January 6, 2004 meeting were accepted as submitted. Development Report Michael Garrigan read the Development report. The motio n to approve Creekside for annexation was unanimously approved. The ordinance for special use for a PUD for Creekside was also unanimously approved. And the concept plan for Creekside was unanimously approved. The site plan for the McCarthy Chop House w as unanimously approved. The annexation agreement for the McMicken Assemblage is being revised and will be continued for future consideration. The Plainfield School final plat (Bales/YMCA) was unanimously approved. Mr. Garrigan concluded his report MEM O: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE – 2004 Stephanie Sheetz announced that this is a public hearing being held in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations of the Village of Plainfield and the State of Illinois. She presented the memo of the comprehe nsive plan update. There have been some updates from the traffic committee on various transportation issues including the classifications of Renwick Road, Drauden -Steiner connection, and County Line Road. She concluded her presentation. 1 At 8:27 pm, Commi ssioner Schinderle moved to continue the Comprehensive Plan Update 2004 to March 12, 2004 . Commissioner Henry seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None Th e motion is carried 6 :0. The issue will be continued on March 23 . A short break was called at 8:27pm. The meeting re -adjourned at 8:36. New Business CASE NO.: 108 4 -1 20303 .TA TEXT AMENDMENT Request: Text Amendment to Article IX.Section 9 -80.11 (Pub lic hearing) Business Transition District (BTD) Location: Village Wide Applicant: Village of Plainfield Started: 8:36 pm Ms. Sheetz read the staff report. Chairman Sobkoviak opened the floor for public comment. There was no response. Commissioner Schi nderle said that Main Street between 59 and Renwick already has a lot of businesses. Ms. Sheetz said that their concern is for future rezoning – they want this mainly to be residential. Chairman Sobkoviak said that there are various opinions on the limit ations of this ordinance. He is not sure of the exact brackets but the agreement between this group and the Village Board was that at least they agree on the area specifically listed here. They can always open this up for more areas later. Chairman Sobk oviak asked for any further discussion. There was none. At 8:41 pm, Commissioner Schinderle moved to recommend a text amendment to the zoning ordinance adding item 9 -80.11 stating “A property may only be rezoned to Business Transition District if it is ad jacent to Route 59 and between Route 126 (Main St.) and Renwick Road.” 2 Commissioner Gehrke seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 6 :0. This will go forward to the Village Board on March 2. CASE NO.: 108 9 -12 2203.FP GRANDE PARK WEST, UNITS 14 & 16 GRANDE PARK BOULEVARD and STEWART ROAD Request: Final Plat Location: West of Stewart Road and South of 127 th Street Applicant: MPI 1 De velopment LLC Started: 8 :43 pm Mr. Garrigan read the staff report. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Steven Rhodes. Mr. Rhodes said that he has no issues with the staff report and agreed with the stipulations. He showed a presentation of the area and neighbor hoods as well as the planned roadways and bike paths. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there was any further discussion from the commissioners . There was no response. With no objectors or supporters in the audience, Chairman Sobkoviak said that all the requi rements seem to be met. At 8:51 , Commissioner Henry moved to recommend approval of the Final Plat for Neighborhoods 14 and 16 of Grande Park subject to the following stipulations : 1. Compliance with the recommendations of the Village Engineer. 2. Compliance wit h the recommendations of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. 3. That the applicant create a DSSA for neighborhoods 14 and 16 prior to the recording of the final plat. Commissioner Manning seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by rol l call. Aye: Henry, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 6 :0. 3 At 8:52 , Commissioner Henry moved to recommend approval of the preliminary and final plat for Grande Park Boulevard and Stewart Road subject to the fo llowing stipulations: 1. Compliance with the recommendations of the Village Engineer. 2. Compliance with the recommendations of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. Commissioner Manning seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call . Aye: Henry, Gehrke, M anning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 6 :0. This will go forward to the Board on February 2. Commissioner Schinderle said that this is a beautiful use of green space. Commissioner Henry asked about Plainfield Road going east of Stewart. Ms. Sheetz said, no, that it comes to a T -intersection at Stewart. Commissioner Henry said she was correct; he was looking for other options to County Line Road. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there was anything fur ther. Commissioner Racich said that the Village passed a Sch ool Impact Fee and asked if this applied to any new development. Mr. Garrigan said that every new annexation agreement will be subject to these fees. The last annexation was Canterbury – nobody else after this will be grandfathered in. Chairman Sobkoviak said that one petitioner was recently sent away from a Board meeting because his presentation was not in Powerpoint. He does not think that this is a problem since anything can be scanned into a Powerpoint presentation. He said they need to emphasize this to presenters. Chairman Sobkoviak declare d the meeting adjourned at 8 :58 pm . __________________ Respectfully submitted, Laura Griffith Recording Secretary Karick & Associates, Inc. 4