HomeMy Public PortalAbout2004-06-17 PC MinutesVillage of Plainfield Plan Commission Record of Minutes AMMENDED 7/16/04 Date: June 15, 2004 Location: Village Hall Chairman Sobkoviak called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. Roll Call Present: Commissioners Kachel, Henry, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderl e, Racich, Chairman Sobkoviak, Park District, School District, Library District. Absent: Commissioners Kachel and Henry, Fire District. Minutes The minutes from the June 1, 2004 meeting were accepted as submitted. Chairman Sobkoviak announced that the P lainfield Stormwater & Detention Ordinance Text Amendment and the Brentwood Pointe cases will be called but will have an immediate motion to continue. These cases will be continued to the next scheduled meeting on July 6, 2004. Development Report Village Planner, Michael Garrigan, gave the development report on matters discussed by the Village Board at their last meeting on June 7 th . 1. First matter discussed was the appeal with respect to the issuance of a building permit for a coach house 803 N. Bartl ett Street. That matter was reviewed by the Village Board and the Village Board reaffirmed the Village Planner’s interpretation of Section 915 of Village Ordinance by a vote of 5:1 2. The second matter considered really just for informational purposes wa s a developer’s request or notice for an intent to proceed with the demolition of 400 W. Lockport St. That is the Baptist Church at the corner of Lockport St. and Rt. 59. 3. The third matter considered by the Board was the Tartan Club and Fairfield Club. Again, to refresh your memory that’s the proposed condo and courtyard project just north of the Village Hall on Van Dyke. That was before the Village Board for a motion to direct the Village attorney to draft an ordinance for the PUD and also for an anne xation. That ordinance was rejected by the Board by a vote of 4:2 4. The fourth matter was the Fairfield Ridge. That was a proposed town home project again by McNaughton Development. Again, there was a motion to direct the Village attorney to draft an o rdinance for a rezoning. That was rejected by the PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 16, 2004 PAGE 2 Board by a vote of 4:2. So, both of those motions failed in regard to directing the attorney to draft an appropriate ordinance for those projects. 5. The 5 th matter was a proposed text amendment to reeval uated outside storage facilities and was approved by a vote by the Board of 6:0 6. Finally, Mr. Chairman Prairie Creek Development – there was a motion to direct the Village attorney to draft an ordinance rezoning that property. Again, to refresh your mem ory, that’s the proposed commercial and town home project on Rt. 59 just north of Chicago Bridge and Iron. That was supported by the Village Board by a vote of 5:1. There was some concern about the proposed town home or attached aspect of that project an d, therefore, the developer was directed by the Village Board to come back with some specific elevations and there were also some discussions about the number of units. So that matter, with respect to the actual concept plan and the special use for PUD, w as continued for further consideration by the Village Board. 7. Advance Auto Parts – Again, that’s a proposed project on Rt. 59. That was approved by the Village Board in regards to the special use for PUD and also for the site plan by a vote of 6:0 and w ith that I will conclude my development report. Commissioner Manning – The action of the Board in the three McNaughton cases concerns me. I managed to watch that meeting and what I saw was that during the discussion prior to the vote, there was very little discussion, very few points brought up, yet four Trustee members voted against it and the thing that raised concern with me is that the developer had to ask the four Trustees why they voted against it. Was there any reason that you could see why th e Trustees did not raise the issue during discussion so that it could be resolved? Michael Garrigan – I wasn’t there so I don’t understand – so I don’t know. I can’t speak for the Trustees obviously. All I know is what they have articulated that they be lieve the multi -family aspect of that development is not consistent with the Village of Plainfield. Commissioner Manning – Yet it is consistent with the Master Plan. Michael Garrigan – Well, I think there are some continuing discussions about the Village ’s Concept Plan and whether there is complete agreement with regards to density as proposed in the Comp Plan. I think that is an ongoing issue with the Village Board. Chairman Sobkoviak – It is not just the Comprehensive Plan. It is also the TENG Pl an, which is fairly complicated and if we start taking little pieces out of this and indiscriminately throwing them away, what’s going to happen to the Plan? Is the Plan still going to be viable or are we throwing out everything that is making a continuat ion of the commercial area worthwhile? PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 16, 2004 PAGE 3 Michael Garrigan – Obviously, I can’t speak for the Village Board, but frankly I don’t know if there is still support for the TENG Plan. Commissioner Manning – Well, the other concern I had was that in rejecting the McNaughton proposals, the Board was rejecting the precepts of the Comprehensive Plan. They were rejecting the recommendations of the design consultant. They were rejecting the very strong recommendation of you, the Planning Board, and they were rejectin g our recommendation and they were giving very little guidance to the developer as to where he could go and my concern is, and hopefully you have an answer to this, where is the developer going to go with this? Michael Garrigan – I don’t know. Their att orney is here tonight, but I frankly don’t know where they are going. There are some procedural issues I have to discuss with Jim Harvey, but I frankly don’t know what their intent is. Commissioner Manning – Thank you. Chairman Sobkoviak - Really, these are the very things that made the continuation of the commercial area viable. If they’re going to reject that well then why continue with the commercial area. The whole thing has to work together. Commissioner Manning – Why should we spend our time if they’re going to reject everything that comes through and not abide by the TENG Plan or abide by the Comprehensive Plan. I mean what’s the purpose of our being here. Chairman Sobkoviak – How much did we spend on that TENG Plan that we’re going t o put in the dumper? Michael Garrigan – Well, again I don’t want to make any misrepresentations. The Board has not articulated the fact that they no longer support it Commissioner Manning – But their actions speak for themselves. They’re not supporti ng it. Chairman Sobkoviak - I get a feeling that TENG Plan did not come cheap. Commissioner Manning – That’s right. Commissioner Racich – You know I think it is unfair to ask Mr. Garrigan to answer these questions because he is not empowered to an swer the questions. If anyone would direct a question to someone in regard to what is going on and what is being done, what policies are being adhered to, I think you should direct it to the Village Board. Perhaps our Chairperson could establish another meeting between the Plan Commission and the Village Board to establish, you know, criteria. What are you looking for and what are we PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 16, 2004 PAGE 4 looking for? As Commissioner Manning said if you are to complete the Comprehensive Plan then use the Comprehensive Plan or scrap it, either or.. It puts the Planning Department – puts the Planning Commission and particular trustees at odds. We should have some direction and I think the direction has to come from the elected officials. Michael Garrigan – There were some d iscussions at open meeting in regards to the Committee of Whole last night with regards to densities and there seems to be, that seems to be an evolving matter. I think there is some agreement on the Board, but the Board’s perspective that the density ran ges in the Comp Plan which were previously approved are too high and staff has been directed to basically set a future Committee of the Whole Meeting to perhaps revisit the issue with respect first to density ranges, simply elimination of those ranges, a nd secondly a reconfiguration or recalculation of how we calculate densities in the Village of Plainfield. Commissioner Schinderle - Michael, do they ever read any of the articles that are in the Chicago Tribune and the Planning magazines that you distri bute to us and the AARP magazine that I just gave to Stephanie which says people are getting older. People from 45 to 60 are now getting out of those big box houses and are going into condos and they’re going in to that type of living arrangement where th ey don’t have all of the problems of keeping up a yard and doing everything else that has to be done and it ought to be downtown. Michael Garrigan – I don’t know what they read. Commissioner Schinderle – They’re about 10 years behind the times right no w. Chairman Sobkoviak – Well I guess we have to take Michael off the hot seat here. Commissioner Manning – Michael, a question here – any revision to the Comprehensive Plan would require Public Hearing – would it not? Michael Garrigan – That’s correct Commissioner Manning – We’re looking at months? We’re looking at months to change that. Michael Garrigan – We have not defined a timeline yet. We have been directed to bring your matter back to the Committee of the Whole. Commissioner Manning – It’s not weeks – that’s for sure. It’s going to be months. What do we do, put things on hold for months? That’s ridiculous. Michael, I’ll let you off the hot seat. Okay? Chairman Sobkoviak – With that then, we’ll move into the agenda. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 16, 2004 PAGE 5 Old Busine ss CASE NO.: 1102 -021804.AA/SU/PP CHATHAM SQUARE Request: Annexation Agreement/Special Use (Public Notice) And Preliminary Plat Location: 127 th Street, West of Heggs and north of Grande Park Applicant: Pulte Homes Started: 7:14pm Mr. Garrigan ann ounced that this is a public hearing being held in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations of the Village of Plainfield and the State of Illinois. He presented the staff report. Mr. Garrigan noted that the plan had been modified since first presented. Consistent with Staff recommendations, the applicant added a central boulevard leading into the 2.5 acre park. The western perimeter of the boulevard will be a bike path providing access into the park. Mr. Garrigan explained that Village Staf f supports this plan which includes additional landscaping on 127 th street, a stub street addition for connection to future commercial development, the standard architectural enhancement of rear elevations of homes, and the use of masonry on all units. Th e applicant has been working with Oswegoland Park District on the preservation of the Stewart Homestead, which is acceptable to Village Staff. Mr. Garrigan stated that the Planning Commission would review the attached product at a later date. This plan i s consistent with the Village’s comprehensive plan and addresses staff concerns. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if all staff concerns had been met. Mr. Garrigan stated that the Statement of Intent and Agreement needs to be submitted prior to Village Board app roval. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 16, 2004 PAGE 6 Steve Amann, Village Engineer, stated there are only minor issues left that will be addressed at the final review for engineering. The applicant needs to obtain easements and right -of -ways for the routing of the off -site sanitary sewer. Chairm an Sobkoviak swore in the group of petitioners. John Philipcheck, attorney for Pulte Homes, stated that items have been adjusted to align with staff concerns and Planning Commission recommendations. Mr. Philipcheck stated that he would take care of the Statement of Intent and Agreement before the case goes before the Village Board. Mr. Philipcheck noted that a park connection in between houses is not a good plan and he would rather see an entrance along the central boulevard. Chairman Sobkoviak agree d that a connection along the pond and boulevard is more desirable. The commissioners were in general agreement. Village Planner Garrigan stated that staff will continue to work with Oswegoland Park District and the developer to reach a solution that wil l address all concerns. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Bill McCannon of the Oswegoland Park District who stated that the intent is to keep the park area as one large park. Mr. McCannon stated that there will be an agreement with Pulte before going before th e Village Board. Commissioner Racich applauded the preservation of the historic building. Chairman Sobkoviak opened up the floor for public comment. There were no comments from the audience. Village Planner Garrigan stated that the Public Hearing Notic es had been returned several months ago. Commissioner Manning raised the issue of density. A density study was conducted and yielded a density of 1.99 DU/A with 289 units but the proposal is for 354 units with gross density of 2.44. Planner Garrigan sta ted that the higher density is justified by the widened central boulevard, the additional open space, the preservation of the farmstead, and the preservation of existing mature trees. This density bonus is consistent with approval of other projects. At 7 :44pm Commissioner Manning moved to recommend to the Village Board that the proposed annexation of the subject property is a logical extension of the Village’s municipal boundaries. Commissioner Schinderle seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called f or a vote by roll call. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 16, 2004 PAGE 7 Aye: Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion carried 5:0:0. At 7:45pm Commissioner Manning moved to recommend approval of the Special Use for PUD subject to the following stipulations: 1. Compliance with t he requirements of the Village Engineer. 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. 3. Incorporation of paving treatments to the central boulevard and cross walks adjacent to the parks. 4. Submittal of a Statement of Intent and Agreement prior to the Village Board. Commissioner Schinderle seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion carried 5:0:0. At 7:46pm Commissioner Manning moved to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat subject to the following stipulations: 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. 3. Incorporation of a 10 -foot bi ke path along Heggs Road and a 5 -foot sidewalk along 127 th Street. 4. Dedication of 50 feet of right of way along 127 th Street. Commissioner Schinderle seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle , Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion carried 5:0:0. The case will go forward to the Village Board at a later date. Old Business CASE NO.: 1118 -050304.TA TEXT AMMENDMENT Request: Text Amendment for Plainfield (To be continued) Stormwater & Detenti on Ordinance PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 16, 2004 PAGE 8 Drainage Location: Village Wide Applicant: Village of Plainfield Started: 7:47pm At 7:48pm Commissioner Schinderle moved the Text Amendment for Plainfield Stormwater & Detention Ordinance Drainage be continued to July 6, 2004. Commissioner Manning seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call . Aye: Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion carried 5:0:0. New Business CASE NO.: 1120 -050604 -SPR KENSINGTON CENTER NORTH WAL -MART A -BANK OF AMERICA –LOT #1 B -APPLEBEE’S RESTAURANT -LOT #3 C -RETAIL CENTERS -LOTS #4 & 5 Request: Special Use (Public Hearing)/Site Plan Review Location: Northwest corner of 127 th Street & Rt 59. Applicant: Mars -Kensington North LLC Started: 7:46p m Mr. Garrigan announced that this is a public hearing being held in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations of the Village of Plainfield and the State of Illinois. He presented the staff report including a list of requested modifications. Mr. Garrigan presented elevations for the proposed buildings. This project is generally acceptable to Village Staff but adjustments are needed. The applicant’s parking plan is acceptable to Staff. Staff is suggesting that outlot buildings need addition al unifying architectural elements in order to tie together with Wal -Mart. Requested modifications include masonry unification, additional landscaping buffers, garden wall modifications, photometric plan modification, and final plat revision to reflect th e no access easements. Mr. Amann stated that the plans are generally acceptable from an engineering standpoint. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in the group of petitioners. David Shaw, attorney for Mars -Kensignton LLC, stated that the developer needs to mainta in the integrity of the nationally recognized chains while complying with the PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 16, 2004 PAGE 9 Village’s request for these sit -down restaurants. The points of concern will be addressed with Staff. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there were any staff recommendations that the developer won’t comply with. Mr. Shaw stated that they should be able to work out all differences. Chairman Sobkoviak called for public comments. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Sherry Peterman who stated concerns about the sidewalk and berm behind the home s. Mr. Garrigan stated that the sidewalk is staked but the developer has been directed not to proceed with the sidewalk and that the plan for the access road has not changed since the Wal -Mart plan that was previously approved. Chairman Sobkoviak swore i n James Byrne who stated that the Northwest end of this application has an access road berm that does not continue east. Mr. Byrne stated that the berm is needed to protect residents from noise. Mr. Garrigan will look into the additional buffering. Comm issioner Manning asked if a formal presentation of this plan had been given to the Village Trustees. Mr. Shaw stated that there has not been a formal presentation, only a discussion with the Village Manager. Commissioner Schinderle asked why Staff is req uesting that the Bank roof be changed from metal to shingle. Mr. Garrigan stated that the asphalt shingle is more consistent with the character and consistent with the Rt 59 corridor. At 8:34pm Commissioner Schinderle moved the Public Hearing for Kensi ngton Center North Special Use and Site Plan Review be continued to July 6, 2004. Commissioner Manning seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call . Aye: Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion carri ed 5:0:0. The Planning Commission adjourned for break from 8:35pm to 8:45pm. New Business CASE NO.: 1116 -041904.SU/SPR BRENTWOOD POINTE (To be continued) Request: Special Use (Public Hearing)/Site Plan Review Location: Northeast corner of Rt. 59 & Industrial Drive South PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 16, 2004 PAGE 10 Applicant: Mike LaCoco& Lloyd Christopher Started: 8:46pm At 8:46pm Commissioner Manning moved the Public Hearing for Brentwood Pointe Special Use and Site Plan Review be continued to July 6, 2004. Commissioner Schinderle seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call . Aye: Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion carried 5:0:0. New Business CASE NO.: 25435Rt. 30 WILL COUNTY CASE Request: Special Use To Board Horses Location: 25435Rt. 30 Applicant: Todd & Brenda Morse Started: 8:47pm Village Planner Stephanie Houk Sheetz presented the staff report and presented photos of the property. Chairman Sobkoviak asked what property was north of applicant’s. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Brenda Morse who answered that the lot north of the proposed addition is a residential lot with horses. Chairman Sobkoviak asked how close the nearest residence is. Brenda Morse stated that the houses are all along the roadways. Chairman Sobkoviak cal led for public comment. There were no comments from the audience. Commissioner Schinderle asked how soon construction would begin. Brenda Morse stated construction would begin as soon as possible. Commissioner Racich asked what would be done with manur e. Brenda Morse stated that manure will be hauled away weekly by Waste Management. At 8:55pm Commissioner Schinderle moved to recommend forwarding a letter of no objection to Will County regarding the applicant’s request for a special use to board horses at 25435 Route 30. Commissioner Manning seconded the motion. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 16, 2004 PAGE 11 Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call . Aye: Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion carried 5:0:0. New Business CASE NO.: 1121 -051304.TA TEXT AMENDM ENT Request: Sign Regulations Location: Village Wide Started: 8:56pm Village Planner John Kersh presented the staff report. Commissioner Schinderle asked about the usage reduction for temporary signs. Mr. Kersh stated that the reason for the change is t o accommodate four seasons of display. Chairman Sobkoviak asked about the definition of an icon sign. Mr. Kersh stated that an icon sign is a 2 or 3 dimensional sign. Chairman Sobkoviak suggested that a definition be added for balloon signs to different iate them. Chairman Sobkoviak asked what types of signs would be used if trailer signs are prohibited. Mr. Kersh answered that temporary ground signs are available or trailer signs could be allowed for short term use. Chairman Sobkoviak suggested that trailer signs be placed in their own category and be allowed twice a year for 14 days. Commissioner Racich asked if lawn signs such as storks are allowed in residential areas. Mr. Kersh stated that they are not allowed. Commissioner Manning stated tha t they are used throughout the Village. Mr. Kersh stated that he has not received any complaints about lawn signs. Chairman Sobkoviak suggested clarifying who is responsible for sign code enforcement. Chairman Sobkoviak called for public comment. Chair man Sobkoviak swore in Peggy O’Connor, owner of Big Sky Balloons and Search Lights. She stated that restricting balloons to grand openings would cause detriment to her business and other local businesses. Mr. Kersh stated that balloons would be allowed f or temporary use at times other than grand openings. Chairman Sobkoviak suggested that balloons be placed in their own category and allowed for a specifically designated temporary period. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in John Bornemann owner of Advantage Sign s. He has designed a battery operated temporary sign. This sign can be seen ¼ mile down the road PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 16, 2004 PAGE 12 but not close up, which avoids distraction of drivers. This is new technology and he is seeking to have it added to the sign code in its own category. At 9:45pm Commissioner Manning moved the discussion of the Text Amendment be continued to July 6, 2004. Commissioner Schinderle seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call . Aye: Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion carried 5:0:0. Discussion Commissioner Manning asked about the status of the YMCA. Planner Stephanie Houk Sheetz stated the Village is anticipating the reviews to begin in July. Commissioner Schinderle asked about the status of Wal -Mart . Mr. Kersh stated that Wal -Mart is scheduled to open in August. Commissioner Schinderle asked about the status of the Meijer Property. Mr. Kersh stated that a site plan will come to the Planning Commission in the near future. Mr. Kersh stated that the Planning Commission would be invited to a mobile workshop with the Village Trustees to look at innovative developments in the Chicagoland area. Chairman Sobkoviak stated that there should be an agreement on a consistent method of density calculation agree ment between the Planning Commission and the Village Trustees. Mr. Kersh stated that although a comprehensive plan has been accepted there could be a committee workshop to reach a general agreement. Chairman Sobkoviak declared the meeting adjourned at 9:55pm. __________________ Respectfully submitted, Anita Powers Recording Secretary Karick & Associates, Inc.