HomeMy Public PortalAbout2004-07-06 PC MinutesPLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 1 Village of Plainfield Planning Commission Record of Minutes Date: July 6 , 2004 Location: Village Hall Chairman Sobkoviak cal led the meeting to order at 7 :00 pm . Roll Call Present: Commissioners Kachel, Henry, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich , Sobk oviak , Park District, School District Absent: Fire District , Library District A moment of silence was taken in memory of the late Mayor Richard Rock. Minutes The minutes from the June 15 , 2004 meeting were asked to be re -submitted to include a conversat ion that took place after the Development report regarding some concerns the Commission had about the Trustees’ handling of the McNaughton project . Development Report There was no development report Old Business CASE NO.: 1118 -050304.TA TEXT AMENDMEN T Request: Text Amendment for Plainfield Stormwater (Continued to 8/17/04 ) & Detention Ordinance (Public Hearing) Location: Village Wide Applicant: Village of Plainfield Started: 7:0 4 m Stephanie Sheetz said that this was brought to the NIPC. The amendm ent meets and exceeds the Will County requirements, but they have not heard back from NIPC. Therefore, she requested the case be continued to August 17. At 7 :0 6 m, Commissioner Schinderle move d to continue this case to the August 17 meeting . Commissioner Henry seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 2 Aye: Kachel, Henry, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich , Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 7 :0. CASE NO.: 11 20 -050604.SPR KENSINGTON CENTER NORTH WAL -MART A -BANK OF AMERICA -LOT#1 B -APPLEBEE’S RESTAURANT -LOT 3 C -RETAIL CENTER -LOTS #4 & 5 Request: Special Use (Public Hearing) Site Plan Review Location: Northwest corner of 127 th Street & Rt. 59 Applicant: Mars -Kensington North LLC Started: 7 :0 6 pm M ichael Garrigan announced that this is a continuation of a public hearing being held in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations of the Village of Plainfield and the State of Illinois. He presented the staff report. Chairman Sobkoviak sa id that Staff has gone through and identified some concerns. He asked if Staff was satisfied with what was presented. Mr. Garrigan wanted to work with the landscape architect to replace some junipers with dogwood, but he felt that they could work this ou t. All other minor issues would be addressed in the SIA. Commissioner Henry asked about the photometrics. Mr. Garrigan said that they can work out any minor issues. Commissioner Henry asked if the pole style will match. Mr. Garrigan stated that it wou ld. Chairman Sobkoviak asked about parking issues – if there would be access to the Bank of America, Applebees, and a cross -access easement to the retail center. Mr. Garrigan said that he was satisfied with the plan. Commissioner asked about Lots 2 and 6. Mr. Garrigan said that the Planning Commission will probably see this in the next month. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in David Shaw, the attorney for the petitioner . Mr. Shaw said that the two staff reports are comprehensive. First, their agreement with respect to Lots 2 and 6 is that they will be sit -down restaurants, and the retail center will be retail and not an office. Secondly, he stated that this is a unifying project. While Applebee’s has a strong identity, they will make it similar to the surr ounding properties. He concluded by pointing out that they considered this before Wal -Mart. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there were any commissioner questions. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 3 Commissioner Manning asked why Applebee’s had more than double the parking required. Mr. Sh aw said that Applebee’s has a high employee to customer ratio. They are worried about employee parking during peak hours. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Barbara Wells, a representative of Applebee’s. Ms. Wells said that with this size restaurant, they norm ally have 110 to 115 parking spaces. However, now they only have approximately 90 with no adjoining lot with Wal -Mart. Chairman Sobkoviak opened up the floor for public comment . Chairman Sobkoviak swore in David Hardin of 12463 Falcon Drive. He was wor ried about buffering on the north side as it bounds Heritage Meadows. Mr. Shaw said that the bottom line is that as the project is approved, the area is subject to Wal -Mart’s planning and responsibility. They have access to the site, but it is part of Wa l -Mart. Chairman Sobkoviak asked what was agreed to by Wal -Mart. Mr. Garrigan said that the earth work is done but does not go out to Route 59. They will continue to work with Wal -Mart on this. Their site plan needs to be consistent with the site plan approved by the Board. Mr. Hardin said that they have put landscaping up recently but feels that they need a fence all the way down. Mr. Garrigan said that they are trying to be sensitive to the homeowners, which is why they did not have the pedestrian w alkway go through. Mr. Hardin asked if the Village could work with the homeowners on this. Mr. Garrigan asked him to give the Village Staff a call. Commissioner Henry asked what the original agreement on this was. Mr. Garrigan was not sure, but he thin ks it was to go as far as the berm. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there was any additional public comment. There was nothing further. Commissioner Schinderle asked if the Staff would review the entrance/exit of the bank and the north end of the developmen t. Mr. Garrigan said that there was some discussion regarding this with the traffic committee. The Village Engineer said that the northern exit was a right out, but they can access Wal -Mart from the South. Commissioner Manning said that the drawing show s vegetation on the North side of the access drive and asked who was responsible for this. Mr. Garrigan stated Wal -Mart was responsible. Commissioner Kachel asked if anything will need to be reworked with the outside dumpsters. Mr. Garrigan said that ye s – these dumpsters must be maintained and fully enclosed. Any violations would have a recourse with Code Enforcement. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 4 At 7 :31 pm, Commissioner Schinderle moved to recommend approval of the Special Use for PUD for the Kensington North retail subject to th e following stipulations: 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. 3. Completing the revisions to the proposed SIA as outlined in this staff report. Commissioner Ka chel seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Kachel, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 7 :0. At 7 :32 pm, Commissioner Schinderle moved to recommend approval of the si te plan for Bank of America subject to the following stipulations: 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. 2. Compliance with the requirements of Plainfield Fire Protection District. 3. Submittal of a trash enclosure plan prior to the Village B oard. 4. Use of common masonry colors with the proposed Retail Centers and Applebee’s Bar and Grill. Commissioner Kachel seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Kachel, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay : None Abstain: Henry The motion is carried 6:0:1. At 7 :33 pm, Commissioner Schinderle moved to recommend approval of the site plan for Applebee’s Bar and Grill subject to the following stipulations : 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Enginee r. 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. 3. Submittal of trash enclosure plans prior to Village Board. 4. Use of common masonry colors with the proposed Retail Centers and Bank of America. Commissioner Kachel seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Kachel, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 7:0. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 5 At 7 :34 pm, Commissioner Schinderle moved to recommend approval of the site plan for the Ke nsington North Retail Centers subject to the following stipulations: 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. 3. Submittal of trash enclosure plans prior to the Vill age Board. 4. Use of common masonry colors with the proposed Applebee’s Bar and Grill and the Bank of America. Commissioner Kachel seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Kachel, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Raci ch, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 7:0. At 7:35 pm, Commissioner Schinderle moved to recommend approval of the Final Plat for Kensington Center North subject to the following stipulations: 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer . 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. Commissioner Kachel seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Kachel, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The m otion is carried 7:0. This will go forward to the Village Board probably at the first meeting in August, but Chairman Sobkoviak encouraged the petitioner to be in touch with Staff . CASE NO.: 11 21 -05 1 304.TA TEXT AMENDMENT Request: Sign Regulations Loca tion: Village Wide Started: 7 :36 pm John Kersh announced that this is a public hearing being held in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations of the Village of Plainfield and the State of Illinois. He presented the staff report. Chairman Sobk oviak said that he put a lot of hard work into this. Commissioner Henry asked where the 7 -day rest period came up. Mr. Kersh said this was a compromise of proliferation of balloon signs – especially in retail centers. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 6 Commissioner Henry asked what was t o prevent two stores from having these signs at the same time. Mr. Kersh said nothing. A discussion ensued, and Mr. Kersh said he will look into the situation. Chairman Sobkoviak said that any type of portable sign is only supposed to be up twice a year . Commissioner Henry pointed out that page 23 of the amendment still reads as “four times a year”. Commissioner Kachel asked about LED signs and whether the Village can control the look of the signs. Mr. Kersh said that there is a requirement for mainte nance that applies. Commissioner Henry asked what the compromise was on the 7 -day rest period. Mr. Kersh said that staff wanted as few balloon signs as possible, but balloon companies want them. A brief discussion ensued. Chairman Sobkoviak opened up t he floor for public comment. There was no response. Commissioner Racich said that these signs are expensive and does not expect a lot of use. Chairman Sobkoviak said that this was requested more for not -for -profit organizations to advertise. At 7 :52 pm, Commissioner Henry moved to recommend approval of the proposed text amendments to Article XXI of the zoning ordinance pending text corrections made tonight . Commissioner Racich seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye : Henry, Kachel, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 7 :0. New Business CASE NO.: 1119 -050404.FP CROSSINGS AT WOLF CREEK, UNIT 3 Request: Final Plat Location: North of 119 th Street, West of Champion Creek, east of Century Trace Applicant: Centex Homes Started: 7:53pm Ms. Sheetz read the Staff report. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 7 Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Kevin Stough of Centex Homes. Mr. Stough said that he had no further comments. They will meet staff’s requirements in time for t he Village Board. Chairman Sobkoviak opened up the floor for public comment. There was no response. Commissioner Henry asked if there were any engineering issues. The Village Engineer said that they have one small revision. Commissioner Kachel asked a bout the “blue” area on the map and where the water actually lay. The Village Engineer said that Wolf Creek winds through the area. They widened it in that area to provide detention, but the Creek will continue to flow. At 8 :0 2pm, Commissioner Manning m oved to recommend approval of the final plat for The Crossings at Wolf Creek, Unit 3 subject to the following three (3) stipulations: 1) Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. 2) Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protecti on District. 3) Address outstanding items as specified in the staff report prior to Village Board consideration. Commissioner Schinderle seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Kachel, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle , Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 7:0. This case will go forward to the Village Board at the next available meeting. CASE NO.: 1126 -062104.SPR/RZ C.W. AVERY YMCA Request: Site Plan Review/Rezoning (Public Hearing) Location: Wallin Road, South of Rt. 30/126 Applicant: Henry Pitner Started: 8:04pm Ms. Sheetz read the staff report. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there were any engineering problems. The Village Engineer said that the applicant has chosen not to submit engineering, so he has nothing to report. Commissioner Manning asked what “glazing” was. Ms. Sheetz said that this was glass. Commissioner Manning asked what a “sub façade ” was. Ms. Sheetz said that this was each section of façade. Commissioner Manning asked what an “u nderstory” tree was. Ms. Sheetz said that this is a larger, fuller bush. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 8 Commissioner Racich pointed out that the context map shows the project extending past Ottawa. This was corrected as the Northwest corner – it does not cross Ottawa. Commissioner Kachel asked where else they can put parking. Ms. Sheetz said that there will more parking available wit the addition. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Cliff Bender of Bender Associates. Mr. Bender showed a presentation he showed the Board during the prelim inary review. He gave some site information, showed proposed floor plans and elevations, and showed the photometrics. He said that he has no strong feeling on the photometrics. Regarding stormwater detention, Mr. Bender said that the information was not received until a couple of weeks ago, but should have an expert look at it soon. Regarding parking, the YMCA and the school have a joint agreement with the pool in exchange for parking on school sites. Regarding the sidewalk adjustment, they have no pro blem. This will be addressed with the re -routing of Indian Boundary. Regarding architectural elements, they are trying to do this as a language to reflect what is behind the wall. He also said that this is a non -profit organization, so all construction is being done through donation. They are trying to be financially sensitive to that. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Henry Pittner. Mr. Pittner said that they are densely “forested” on this site, and in trying to comply with the Village’s requirements, they are offering the understory bushes so there is enough room for the ball fields. Commissioner Schinderle asked to be shown the distance from Home Plate to the left field wall. The petitioner stated that it was 70 yards. A discussion ensued regarding whe re exactly the landscape was required. Mr. Pittner said that he would like the windows to get light. Regarding the trash enclosure, the petitioner said that they will make this work as needed. They plan to bury it within the berm, but they need relief f or the barrier. Commissioner Kachel asked about detention. Mr. Pittner said that with Wallen Road, they were not sure of elevations due to new road configurations. Commissioner Racich asked if Wallen Road would be completed by the YMCA opening. The pet itioner said it would. Commissioner Racich asked about the timing of the Indian Boundary rerouting. Ms. Sheetz said that she is not sure – it could be done with Lot 1, but she is not sure if it will be required sooner. Commissioner Racich asked to see w here Wallen Road was. It was clarified where this road ends. Commissioner Racich said that they are not being sensitive to the people along the road since school buses will be going by without any screening. There was some discussion regarding Ottawa St reet ending at the access road. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 9 Commissioner Manning asked if the staff was satisfied with what was presented. Ms. Sheetz said that she was caught off guard with some of it, so she is not sure. Commissioner Manning asked where the additional 79 parkin g spaces would be found. The petitioner said that this would be shared with the school. Commissioner Schinderle asked if the school board president was present. He was, and he said that he was aware of the parking agreement . Ms. Sheetz asked that this agreement be provided in writing to the staff. The commission directed the school board to provide this. Commissioner Kachel was worried about the detention on the playing field as he did not want to be like Plainfield South. The Village Engineer said t hat they can take engineering precautions to prevent this. Commissioner Kachel asked that they take a look at this. Chairman Sobkoviak wanted to go over the concerns staff raised in the report: 1) Parking – The commission was satisfied with the shared parki ng provided the agreement is documented to the Village. 2) The commission had no problems with reducing the parking stall size. 3) The Northern parking lot problem – the petitioner explained their plans for this parking lot. Chairman Sobkoviak asked for this to be included in their Statement of Intent. 4) Glazing Requirements – the commission noted that some time ago, the Village Board approved the Gymq uest project. Ms. Sheetz said that annexation was done previously, but the glazing on this case was required with annexation. As this was a time -sensitive project that the commission was in support of, Commissioner Henry said that they tend to view not -for -profit projects with a different eye and was willing to let this go. Commissioner Manning asked how the annexa tion agreement came into this. Mr. Garrigan said that the hope originally was to create a sense of structure. The higher percentage of glass would be unique and would look less institutional, and there was no discussion or issue with this during annexati on. Chairman Sobkoviak said that regardless, it is an enforceable contract. Commissioner Racich said that from an energy conservation standpoint, he agreed with the glazing. Commissioner Kachel said that he feels that daylight is important, but he is co mfortable in this case. Chairman Sobkoviak brought up the architectural elevations issue. Commissioner Manning asked if the staff was comfortable with this. Ms. Sheetz said that the understory does not meet Staff’s intent for such an expansive façade. Commissioner Schinderle suggested that they leave this to be worked out with staff. Mr. Bender said that they will work with staff and mentioned that they did not change the façade to 97 feet in order to dodge the requirement. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 10 Chairman Sobkoviak asked if the school will be building the detention pond. They will be. The commission asked for a letter of intent on this. Commissioner Manning asked about the issue with the parking lots. Ms. Sheetz said that the staff wants a 2 -1/2 inch caliper canopy equ ivalent. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if the petitioner had a problem with that. Mr. Bender said that the light poles are on the same island. Ms. Sheetz said that the ordinance calls for some compromise. Mr. Bender said that they will work with staff on this. Mr. Bender said that the fields are shown as playing fields, but they will not just be used for playing fields. In some places, for supervisory issues, they may need smaller bushes . Chairman Sobkoviak said that the canopy trees would be better t o see underneath. Mr. Pittner said that they are stuck with the size and place of the landscaping. Commissioner Kachel asked if with oversized trees, they could reduce it. Ms. Sheetz said that they could look at this as they have been flexible before. Chairman Sobkoviak asked about the entrance feature. Mr. Bender asked if they were looking for a seating area. Chairman Sobkoviak said that his only suggestion is that it should be pedestrian -oriented. Mr. Bender said that they can address this but thin ks it would be better served elsewhere on the site. Ms. Sheetz said that this was requested on the corner, but they can be flexible. Commissioner Kachel asked if this entrance would be adjacent to other properties, why they could not wait until the other roads in the area were developed. Chairman Sobkoviak said that this option could be given in order to take a larger contribution. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there were any lighting problems. There were none. Chairman Sobkoviak said that they are revi ewing this case on two assumptions – the B -2 rezoning and the annexation amendment. Commissioner Henry said that he is uneasy throwing this back to staff with some critical details like landscaping and storm water. Chairman Sobkoviak said that the storm water is off site. Commissioner Henry felt they were passing the buck. Commissioner Racich asked if the petitioner’s architect would agree with this type of glazing. He said he did not. Commissioner Racich asked if he would recommend less than 40% glaz ing for energy purposes. He said he would. Chairman Sobkoviak opened up the meeting for public comment. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Janet Steiner. Ms. Steiner said that they need to pay attention to landscaping because with higher bushes, it is hard to see around them. She asked why they could not get more green space toward Indian Boundary. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 11 Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Ron Kazmar of 1519 N. Penny Lane. Mr. Kazmar said that as a resident and co -chair of the YMCA Capital Development, the community and the school board are excited about it. This is an unprecedented project as it is the first time that the YMCA has done a project in conjunction with the school and the Village. It is an attractive building that will be a benefit to the community. There was no further public comment. Commissioner Henry said that he is generally okay with this . This case will be coming across for rezoning in a couple of weeks. Commissioner Manning asked if they should amend the stipulations. Ms. Sheetz said to delete stipulation six as this was provided and said to replace this with the required parking ratio. Chairman Sobkoviak noted that the School Board will provide a Statement of Intent Agreement. Ms. Sheetz noted that stipulation 3 says “address outstanding ite ms” but they missed the architectural relief issue. Mr. Bender said that this was addressed, and Chairman Sobkoviak said that this will be addressed with the plantings. Ms. Sheetz said that this was addressed along the gymnasium only. A discussion regar ding this ensued. Commissioner Gehrke asked about the red color on the Gymq uest building. Ms. Sheetz said that they were asked to make this less bright. Commissioner Kachel noted that all the YMCA had was a red color, but Ms. Sheetz noted that they are talking about the building – not their sign. Mr. Bender said that red is a trademark color. If they are told not to use red, they will probably remove the accent. Commissioner Henry noted that the last building wanted a larger elevation to be the brig ht red. Commissioner Kachel said that it was colorful and gives the building a certain feel. Chairman Sobkoviak asked about the other commissioner feelings. Commissioner Racich asked if someone would not come to the building if it was a darker red. He would like to see some standards. Commissioner Gehrke also felt that they need to be consistent. Commissioner Henry suggested just having the red over the main entrance. Commissioner Manning clarified that they “Y” logo on the back would be the same col or. Commissioner Henry asked how comfortable the staff and engineering were with working out the issues. The Village Engineer said that it is his understanding that they will be using Ruettiger, Tonelli & Associates who they have worked with before, so t hey do not anticipate any problems. Ms. Sheetz said that they have identified the issues and the applicant has addressed them. They want to be time -sensitive to proceed with an August ground -breaking. Mr. Bender said that the staff has been helpful, and the Board was favorable in their response. They want to open in August of 2005 to schedule their programs. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 12 At 9:28pm, Commissioner Schinderle moved to recommend approval of the site plan review for Lot 2 of School Subdivision (C.W. Avery Family YMCA), s ubject to the following six (6) stipulations: 1) Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. 2) Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. 3) Address outstanding items identified in the staff report. 4) Review and approv al of a B -2 zoning district classification for the property. 5) Amending the Annexation Agreement such that 40% glazing is not required. 6) Must meet required parking ratio in a letter of Statement of Intent Agreement with the School Board. Commissioner Kachel seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Kachel, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 7:0. This case will probably go forward to the first Village Board meeting in Augu st . A 10 -minute recess was called at 9:30pm. The meeting re -convened at 9:40pm. CASE NO.: 1112 -051404.AA/SU/PP LABANCZ PROPERTY Request: Annexation/Special Use (Public Hearing)/Preliminary Plat Location: Northeast corner of Route 126 & County Line Roa d Applicant: Jim Truesdell Started: 9:40pm Valerie Hastings read the staff report. Commissioner Manning said that the Village Trustees placed a 6 -month moratorium on annexations. Ms. Hastings said that the moratorium only applied to new cases. Commissi oner Manning asked if this had sufficient contiguity to permit annexation. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Ben Tessitore. Mr. Tessitore said that this is not contiguous, it is a pre -annexation agreement. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Jim Truesdell, the Direct or of Planning and Zoning for Lakewood Falls. Mr. Truesdell said that they came with the Concept Plan in March; it was approved by the Plan Commission, but denied by the Village Board. They are bringing this to them after considering the Board’s suggesti ons. He introduced the group with him. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in the group of petitioners. Larry Peterman of Hitchcock Design Group gave a presentation to the commission. He showed the land plans for the PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 13 area, talked about the possible 126 realignmen t, showed previous concept plans, and showed the new site plan proposal and gave details on the new features. He then gave details on the preliminary landscaping, showed the single -family home models, and said that the park area would be done in coordinat ion with the Park District. Chairman Sobkoviak asked for the commissioners’ feelings on this. Commissioner Schinderle asked about the slide of the proposed change at 126 and where it would bend north. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if they would be using exit ing roads. Mr. Garrigan said no, that it would be a new road, possibly in conjunction with Grande Park. Commissioner Schinderle asked if this was agreed upon. Mr. Garrigan said that with the moratorium, he is not sure where this stands. Ms. Hastings sa id that the proposed 126 change is shown on the new Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Henry asked if as part of the traffic analysis there will be funding to improve 126 and County Line Road. Mr. Truesdell said that it is his understanding that they will have to construct this as IDOT requires. Commissioner Henry asked if this included a traffic light. Mr. Truesdell said that he did not think it was warranted by their development. He turned this over to Brent Coulter of Semcom Engineering. Commissioner Henry asked if the analysis includes information given by the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission. Mr. Coulter said yes, but they also use traffic “accounting” to add in developments that would be up in the area. Chairman Sobkoviak went through th e staff report. He asked about the additional landscape islands. Mr. Truesdell said that this was not a problem. They had a concern with some lots being difficult to access, but they can work with staff on the appropriate amount. Chairman Sobkoviak ask ed to discuss the architecture to ensure creativity. Commissioner Henry said that there are 11 different plans but only 2 models. All that seems to be different is the front; he is worried about the rear elevations being the same. Mr. Truesdell said tha t he understands the concern and can add ornamental features to help with this. He also said that they could sit down with staff to determine appropriate side and rear elevations. Commissioner Henry said that he is more concerned with the rear. Commissi oner Manning said that all you will see from the boulevard is the back. Mr. Truesdell addressed the bike trail issue by stating that the original showed a bike trail on County Line Road. They may use this for open space. Commissioner Kachel asked about the green space in the northwest corner. Mr. Peterman stated that this would be for access. - Chairman Sobkoviak asked about the lot breakdown problems. Commissioner Manning said that the density is 2.34, but they are getting amenities in return. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 14 - Chairman Sobkoviak asked if they would have trouble increasing the key lots. Mr. Peterman said that they would not. - Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there would be any problem with th e street renaming. Mr. Peterman said that this was not a problem. - Chairman Sobkoviak said that they will be working with staff on the architectural rear and side elevations. Chairman Sobkoviak asked about the entryway treatment. The park district will be the ultimate owner of this, and the petitioner showed a picture of this. Ms. Hasti ngs said that in the commercial area, there will be some sort of signage for the commercial area and subdivision, and she would like to see more plantings there. Mr. Peterman showed an example of what this will look like. Mr. Truesdell said that addition al plantings will not be a problem. Commissioner Kachel asked about signage policies and whether the corporate name should be on them. Mr. Garrigan said that this is not restricted in the current ordinance. Mr. Truesdell said that the sign will not say “Lakewood Homes” – it will say the subdivision name. Chairman Sobkoviak asked for Park District input on this. Jerry Culp of the Plainfield Park District said that they can work with the petitioner on any issues. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if the commissi on was comfortable with that. They were. Chairman Sobkoviak asked about more plantings in the roundabouts as it cannot be too high. Mr. Truesdell said that they can work this out with staff. Regarding electric outlets, Chairman Sobkoviak asked who pays for this and was worried about the liability. Mr. Truesdell said he had similar concerns. Commissioner Henry said that if this will be used for lighting that they can get it, and if the Homeowner’s Association does not want it, they can turn it off. Co mmissioner Manning said that the roundabouts are different. Mr. Garrigan pointed out that they did this in Shadow Wood. Commissioner Kachel said that there are street lights in the roundabouts. Ms. Sheetz said that Shadow Wood has lighting on the side. Ms. Hastings said that the purpose of the electrical in the roundabout would be for holiday lighting. Chairman Sobkoviak asked for the commissioners’ feelings on this. There was no problem. Chairman Sobkoviak asked about the lighting standards and wher e this was required. Ms. Hastings said that this was for decorative lighting throughout. The petitioner said that this was not a problem. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 15 Chairman Sobkoviak asked what parts of the project the staff is uncomfortable with. Ms. Hastings said the key/thro ugh lots and the architectural issues were the main ones. The minor details can be cleared up. Commissioner Schinderle said that since the petitioner agreed to provide this, could they make a recommendation. Ms. Hastings said that the other consideratio n was that the stormwater information was just received. The Village Engineer said that he has not had a chance to review it. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there was agreement on this. The commission was reluctant to move forward if Staff has recommended to continue the case. Commissioner Kachel had a question regarding the re -routing of 126. Mr. Peterman showed this on the map. Commissioner Henry asked if the secondary entryway to 126 would be a right -in/right -out. Mr. Peterman said that they can do a full entry/exit. Commissioner Henry asked about the 3 wet -bottom detention ponds, if they would be responsibility of the Homeowner’s Association even with the community dumping into it. Mr. Truesdell said that they have done this before. When they sell the land to the community, they enter into a cost -share agreement. Commissioner Henry asked that this be included in the annexation agreement. Mr. Truesdell said that they will include it. Commissioner Racich asked if they would be taking County Line R oad north to 143 rd . Mr. Peterman said that the road will end at the edge of their property, so once the property North develops, they can bring it further. Commissioner Kachel asked how wide the detention/green space goes. Mr. Peterman said it is approx imately 40 feet and will look at a berm as the property develops. Commissioner Schinderle said that County Line Road will end at a field. Mr. Peterman stated that this is how it ends now. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there was anything they needed to kno w from the commissioner. Mr. Truesdell said there was not. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there was any Park District input. Mr. Culp said that they would be taking this to the Park District Board on Wednesday. Chairman Sobkoviak opened up the floor for p ublic comment. Already sworn in, Janet Steiner addressed the commission. Ms. Steiner said that if 126 has not been realigned by the time this goes through, a traffic light will be needed. Chairman Sobkoviak said that this is subject to warrants by the s tate. Mr. Coulter said that they have peak hour counts and is a likely candidate for a traffic signal, especially if the look at projected traffic. Chairman Sobkoviak said that they cannot do anything until it is within Plainfield’s boundaries. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 16 No furth er public comment was offered. At 10:55pm, Commissioner Manning moved to continue the case to the next scheduled meeting on July 20. Commissioner Gehrke seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Kachel, Gehrke, Manning, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: Schinderle The motion is carried 6:1. Commissioner Henry said that he drafted a letter to th e Board of Trustees stating the commission’s support with revisiting the Comprehensive Plan and asked if the commission could sign it. Chairman Sobkoviak said that he cannot support this without knowing what happened. It was approved two years ago with months of interviewing urban planners. It took two years to write with interviewing elected officials, citizens, commercial owners , etc. It was approved unanimously, and the Board is going to dismiss it. He did not understand what changed or what was “broken”. Commissioner Manning thought that they should insist the plan stay the same. Commissioner Schinderle agreed since so much time was already spent on it. A discussion ensued. Commissioner Manning felt that the Board could not articulate where to take the Village. Commissioner Racich said that the elected Trustees feel that there is need for review. Commissioner Kachel said that if it is broken, that is okay; but he wants to know what is broken before offering assistance. Commissioner Manning wanted to take something stronger to the Board. Chairman Sobkoviak said that he had considerable training in problem solving in whic h a clear statement of the problem and objective should be presented. It was not in this case. Commissioner Manning asked the staff to convey to the Board that they want to know what is wrong with it. A discussion ensued regarding the changes the Truste es may want. Commissioner Racich felt that they were building a brick wall with the Village Board and suggested that they bring their concerns to a Board meeting. They want to find out what the Board expects them to do and transmit what they want. With the loss and redevelopment of the Board, Commissioner Racich said that things will have to come together or no one wins. Commissioner Henry said that in a corporate environment, you are expected to come together. PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 PAGE 17 Commissioner Kachel said that they are no t putting a barrier up, but they place an opinion on the Comprehensive Pl an and it is wrong that they do not know what happened. Chairman Sobkoviak read an article regarding the economy growing 4.6% and the prosperity driving new houses – which propagates “Super Size developments”. The article gave the benefits and shortcomings of this. Chairman Sobkoviak stated that rather than put a moratorium on annexations, the Village might want to annex the property but limit building permits. Chairman Sobkoviak a lso noted that the front page of the Herald showed that New Lenox is developing highly -dense homes near the downtown area train station. Commissioner Racich commented on the content of the minutes and felt that a controversial topic should be noted as suc h in the minutes. Commissioner Manning asked what the decision was on the commission’s feelings on the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Garrigan was asked to carry the message to the Board. Chairman Sobkoviak declare d the meeting adjourned at 11 :1 0 p m . __________________ Respectfully submitted, Laura Griffith Recording Secretary Karick & Associates, Inc.