HomeMy Public PortalAbout2004-08-03 PC MinutesPLAN COMMISSION MINUT ES AUGUST 3, 2004 PAGE 1 Village of Plainfield Planning Commission Record of Minutes Date: August 3 , 2004 Location: Village Hall Chairman Sobkoviak cal led the meeting to order at 7 :0 1 pm . Roll Call Present: Commissioners Henry , Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich , Sobkoviak , Park District Absent: Commissioner Kachel , School District, Fire District , Library District Minutes On page 9 of the July 20, 2004 minutes there was a typo. The last sentence of the second paragraph was changed to “… provided they comprise no more than 10% of the total gross square footage of the primary industrial operation”. The minutes from the Ju ly 20 , 2004 meeting were accepted as amended . Development Report Michael Garrigan read the development report. • The Crossings at Wolf Creek final plat was approved. • The Text Amendment for retail sales was also approved. • There was a consensus on the Design Tour that a survey would be sent out to find the best date to do this. The staff also took a moment to congratulate Stephanie Houk Sheetz on passing her AICP. Old Business CASE NO.: 11 26 -062104.SPR/RZ C.W. AVERY FAMILY YMCA Request: Rezone from R -1 to B -2 (Public Hearing) Location: Lot 2, School Subdivision (south of Route 126 and east of Indian Boundary Road) Applicant: Tami Sender, YMCA: (815) 729 -9638 Henry Bender: (630) 904 -4300 Started: 7:0 5 pm 1 PLAN COMMISSION MINUT ES AUGUST 3, 2004 PAGE 2 Stephanie Sheetz announced that this is a public hearing being held in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations of the Village of Plainfield and the State of Illinois. She presented the staf f report. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there were any immediate questions. Commissioner Henry asked if the need for road improvements is going to be accentuated. Mr. Garrigan said that the construction would not be happening soon due to budgeting and IDO T issues. It will not occur in the next year. Mr. Garrigan added that Wallin Drive should be completed prior to the YMCA completion. The Village Traffic Engineer said that recent discussions with the state and School District are to get temporary inters ection improvements done quickly. They are aiming for the end of August. Commissioner Henry asked if long -term improvements would be sufficient. The Village Traffic Engineer said that they would. Chairman Sobkoviak asked for any audience comment. Ther e was no response. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there was any further discussion. Chairman Sobkoviak said that this has already been decided by the Site Plan. At 7 :13p m, Commissioner Henry move d to continue recommend approval of the requested rezoning fr om R -1 to B -2 for Lot 2 of the School Subdivision (YMCA parcel). Commissioner Gehrke seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry , Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich , Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 6 :0. This will go forward to the next Board meeting on August 16. CASE NO.: 11 1 6 -041904.SPR/SU BRENTWOOD POINTE Request: Site Plan Review/Special Use (Public Hearing) Location: Northeast corner of Route 59 and Industrial Drive South Applicant: Mike LaCoco and Lloyd Christoph Started: 7 :14 pm Ms. Sheetz read the staff report. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Susan Robaczewski, one of the architects. She added that the requested relief in parking depends on the stores that will be there. The tenants are anticip ating a hair salon, nail salon, or dry cleaners, but they do not know for sure. 2 PLAN COMMISSION MINUT ES AUGUST 3, 2004 PAGE 3 Chairman Sobkoviak asked to address the list of staff’s concerns. 1) Repeat soldier course and stone inserts on rear elevation. Ms. Robaczewski said that this can be accomplish ed. 2) Consider raised landscaped planters around the columns, rather than removable planters. Ms. Robaczewski was worried about the handicap ramp slope. The commission said that they were fine with this. 3) Provide additional landscaping island, with sidewalk connection, along south parking row. Chairman Sobkoviak asked that this be pointed out on the map. Ms. Sheetz showed this and how it tied into the sidewalk. After some discussion on losing a parking space and the sidewalk, the petitioner said that they do not have a problem with it. Ultimately, the commission and staff agreed that the parking would still be okay. 4) Incorporate a sidewalk along the south edge of the building. 5) Add sidewalk on north side of Industrial Drive South. For both 4 and 5, the pet itioner said that this was not a problem but she was worried about the landscaping that would be lost. 6) Add more landscaping variety along Route 59 to achieve a better screen of the parking. Ms. Robaczewski said that this would not be a difficulty. 7) Conside r foundation plantings along the east elevation (rear of building). Ms. Robaczew ski said that she had discussed with staff that 2 foot landscaping would be appropriate. 8) Stub the west sidewalk (along the front of the building) to the north property line. This was already agreed upon. 9) Indicate the color of the light fixtures and poles. Ms. Robaczewski said that they would add this to the drawing and that the height was okay. 10) A maximum footcandle of 0.05 is permitted at the property line. Ms. Robaczewski s aid that that this would not be a difficulty. 11) Revise light height to be no higher than the predominant building height at mounting. This was agreed. 12) Utilize a more attractive lighting fixture on the rear elevation. The petitioner said that they would lov e to do this. 13) Add signage guidelines to the SIA. Ms. Robaczewski said they would. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there was any audience comment. There was no response. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there was any additional discussion. He asked if the commi ssion agreed with the findings of fact. They did. At 7:44 pm, Commissioner Henry moved to recommend approval of the special use for a Planned Unit Development on Lot I -7 of Plainfield Business Center, subject to the following stipulations: 1. Attaching a Sta tement of Intent and Agreement. 2. Addressing outstanding items identified in the staff report, prior to Village Board consideration. 3 PLAN COMMISSION MINUT ES AUGUST 3, 2004 PAGE 4 Commissioner Schinderle seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry , Gehrke, Mannin g, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 6:0. At 7:45pm, Commissioner Henry moved to recommend approval of the site plan review for Lot I -7 of Plainfield Business Center, subject to the following three (3) stipulations: 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. 3. Addressing outstanding items identified in the staff report, prior to Village Board consideration. Commissioner Schinderle seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 6:0. CASE NO.: 1122 -051404.AA.SU/PP LABANCZ PROPERTY Request: Annexation/Special Use (Public Hea ring)/Preliminary Plat Location: NE Corner of Route 126 & County Line Road Applicant: Jim Truesdell Started: 7:4 7 pm Valerie Hastings read the staff report. Chairman Sobkoviak confirmed that the only remaining concerns were the masonry and landscape is lands. The Village Engineer also concerned that there were no major outstanding engineering concerns. The petitioner, Jim Truesdell, remained under oath. He said that he had nothing to add and agreed with the staff’s stipulations. Chairman Sobkoviak as ked for commission discussion. Commissioner Henry said that they have come a long way and was pleased with where they were at. He had two questions. First, if they had talked about the name of the subdivision. Mr. Truesdell said that the marketing de partment is still working on this, but they will have it in time for the Final Plat. 4 PLAN COMMISSION MINUT ES AUGUST 3, 2004 PAGE 5 Secondly, Commissioner Henry said that last time, the petitioner showed three or four floor plans, but this time he only saw two. Mr. Truesdell said that they actually h ave seven or eight plans, but they just brought the typical plans for the Preliminary Plat. There was a discussion regarding the builder’s anti -monotony provisions. Commissioner Racich said that in the financial impact study, they stated that there would be 252 single -family homes with 4 bedrooms. However, he noticed that most homes only had three bedrooms. Mr. Truesdell said that they used these numbers for a “worst -case -scenario” for population purposes. Commissioner Racich said that on the map, Lots 110 through 116 and 1 through 4 were adjacent to Route 126 and wanted to know how much space there was to the backyard. Larry Peterman (still under oath) said that there is a 30 -foot minimum buffer, but most are more than 40 or 50 feet back with the hom e 70 to 80 feet back. Commissioner Racich asked about berming. Mr. Peterman said that there would be, but he did not know the details on the height of the berm – probably four to six feet. Commissioner Gehrke asked if this parcel was contiguous to the V illage. Ms. Hastings said that they are in the process of obtaining the adjacent properties. When asked how long before this would happen, Mr. Truesdell said that they are submitting this as a pre -annexation agreement. Commissioner Henry asked the Villa ge Traffic Engineer if he has had an opportunity to look at the traffic study. The Village Traffic Engineer said that he has reviewed it and worked with Staff on it. The proposed improvements to Route 126 and County Line Road will service this growth as well as the additional surrounding growth, and the petitioner is amenable to helping with this. Commissioner Henry asked if they were comfortable with the funding for this. The Village Traffic Engineer said that the developer has agreed to make improveme nts with recapture rights. Commissioner Racich said that he was worried about the percentage of people going east on 126 to I -55. The Village Engineer said that 143 rd Street is an important discussion. Right now they are working on direction traffic awa y from downtown Plainfield, but future developments will require future improvements. When Commissioner Racich asked if he was encouraging the 143 rd Street plan, the Village Traffic Engineer said that a lot of future development will be taking Route 59 no rth, but the downtown corridor cannot be expanded. So, he believes, traffic will naturally be attracted to 143 rd Street to Route 59. Commissioner Schinderle asked if truck traffic will take 143 rd Street to Route 59 to Route 126. The Village Traffic Engi neer said that some truck traffic will take the WIKADUKE. Commissioner Henry asked if the Village Traffic Engineer was comfortable with the gap in NIPC requirements and the expectations in Plainfield being addressed for this development. He was. 5 PLAN COMMISSION MINUT ES AUGUST 3, 2004 PAGE 6 Chairma n Sobkoviak opened up the floor for public comment. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Diane Rousonelos. Ms. Rousonelos asked if County Line Road going north to 143 rd Street would have driveways entering. She also asked what the difference was between the curb and sidewalk. Mr. Truesdell said that the driveways will not open up to County Line Road. He also said that there is a 100 -foot right -of -way and 20 -feet on each side. Mr. Peterman said that it is 9 feet from the back curve to the edge of the sidewalk. Commissioner Racich asked if there was a reason why County Line was not run further west. Mr. Peterman said that they had a problem with the creek and with Route 126 intersecting at a 90 -degree angle. This also puts County Line Road more centered betwee n Drauden and WIKADUKE. Commissioner Racich asked if the traffic impact study showed how many people would be using County Line Road at its peak. Mr. Truesdell said that he did not know. The Village Engineer said that this was not contained in the study , but they expect 12,000 to 16,000 cars per day (10,000 less than what passes through downtown Plainfield). Commissioner Henry said that the Homeowner’s Association would have to wrestle with retail owners on stormwater detention and asked that the petiti oner take the lead in the agreement on this. Mr. Truesdell agreed. At 8:29 pm , Commissioner Manning moved to recommend approval of the requested annexation of Labancz Subdivision into the Village of Plainfield as a logical extension of the Village Municip al boundaries. Commissioner Schinderle seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry , Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Sobkoviak Nay: Racich The motion is carried 5 :1 . At 8:31pm, Commissioner Manning moved to recommend approval of the Special Use for Planned Unit Development subject to the following stipulations: 1. Compliance with the recommendations of the Village Engineer. 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. Commissioner Schinder le seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Manning, Schinderle, Sobkoviak 6 PLAN COMMISSION MINUT ES AUGUST 3, 2004 PAGE 7 Nay: Gehrke, Racich The motion is carried 4:2. At 8:33pm, Commissioner Manning moved to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat for the Labancz Subdivision subject to the following stipulations: 1. Compliance with the recommendations of the Village Engineer. 2. Compliance with the recommendations of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. 3. Compliance with remaining issues regarding inclusion of 50% of homes facing public streets to contain either brick or stone on rear elevations. 4. Compliance with remaining issues regarding revising the landscaping plan to contain landscaping islands as shown on the preliminary plat, and incorporate a variety of low lying plantings so as not to obstruct the sight of traffic. Commissioner Schinderle seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Manning, Schinderle, Sobkoviak Nay: Gehrke, Racich The motion is carried 4:2. A 10 -minute recess was called at 8:34pm. The meeting re -convened at 8:45pm. Old Business CASE NO.: 1123 -052004.SU/SPR LOT 3 – PLAINFIELD COMMONS Request: Special Use (Public Hearing) Site Plan Review Location: SW corner of 135 th Street & Route 5 9 Applicant: Bob Gevel, United Architects, Ltd. Started: 8:45pm John Kersh read the staff report. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there were any engineering issues. The Village Engineer said that he worried about the common access to the dumpster being okay . He thought that there might be an existing easement agreement. Mr. Kersh said that he would defer this to the petitioner. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Bob Gevel of United Architects. Mr. Gevel said that he was not aware of such an agreement. The Vill age Engineer said that he would expect a cross -easement access. Chairman Sobkoviak said that they can add a stipulation to the Site Plan. 7 PLAN COMMISSION MINUT ES AUGUST 3, 2004 PAGE 8 Chairman Sobkoviak asked for commission discussion. Commissioner Henry asked if columns on the front elevation had been penned out in the presentation. Mr. Gevel confirmed that these columns would be there. Commissioner Manning asked if the 18 missing parking spaces would be okay in the new ordinance. Ms. Sheetz said that she believed it would. Commissioner Racich asked if the east elevation showed 4 store spaces. Mr. Gevel confirmed this and said that the middle two units are bigger than the end two. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if the petitioner had an example of what use these units would have. Mr. Gevel did not h ave a definite answer but thought it would be used for office space and retail. Chairman Sobkoviak asked for any audience comment. There was no response. Chairman Sobkoviak said that the petitioner is asking for relief on parking and landscaping require ments, and the Staff agreed with this. How did the commission feel? Commissioner Henry said that the earlier proposal was about a 30% relief, and that is about what this is. Chairman Sobkoviak said that requiring the landscaping island would further red uce parking. Commissioner Henry also said that adding too much landscaping might interrupt traffic. Chairman Sobkoviak said that this is not a major street and did not require beautification. Commissioner Henry asked what the width was of the rear sidew alk. Mr. Gevel said it was 3 feet. Commissioner Henry said that the doors will open and take up the sidewalk. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if the staff was satisfied with this plan. Mr. Kersh said yes – the minimal amount of changes required could be worke d out with staff. Commissioner Henry asked what he height of the building would be. Mr. Gevel said it would be 12 feet at the eaves and 14 to 20 feet at the roof. At 9:15pm , Commissioner Manning moved to recommend approval of the request for a special u se permit for a PUD for the development known as Lot 3 of the Plainfield Commons Subdivision subject to the following stipulations : 1) Compliance with the terms of the Statement of Intent and Agreement. 2) Recording of the approved Statement of Intent and Agreem ent with the Will County Recorder’s Office. Commissioner Schinderle seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. 8 PLAN COMMISSION MINUT ES AUGUST 3, 2004 PAGE 9 Aye: Henry, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle , Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: Noine The motion is carried 6:0. At 9:16pm, Comm issioner Manning moved to recommend approval of the site plan for the development known as Lot 3 of the Plainfield Commons Subdivision subject to the following stipulations: 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. 2. Compliance with the prov isions of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. 3. Submittal of acceptable lighting specifications as approved by staff. 4. Confirmation of cross -access easement to reach trash dumpster. Commissioner Schinderle seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: Noine The motion is carried 6:0. This will go forward to the Village Board on August 16. CASE NO.: 1127 -062404.SPR/SU LIGHT SOURCE LIGHTING Request: Special Use for PUD (Public Hearing) Site Plan Review Location: Route 59, south of Fraser and east of Vintage Harvest Subdivision Applicant: Brian McKenna Started: 9 :1 8pm Mr. Garrigan announced that this is a public hearing being held in accordance with all applica ble rules and regulations of the Village of Plainfield and the State of Illinois. He presented the staff report. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there were any engineering issues. The Village Engineer said that the detention volume is being addressed with t he engineer for Vintage Harvest. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there were problems with the elevations. The Village Engineer said yes – trying to get water to pass through these sites is a problem being addressed. They just need to get water from this sit e to Vintage Harvest. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Michael Root, the architect. Commissioner Manning asked if there would be sidewalks to the east. Mr. Garrigan said that they will require sidewalks all along the buildings per the Village Ordinance. A brief discussion ensued regarding a sidewalk along 59. 9 PLAN COMMISSION MINUT ES AUGUST 3, 2004 PAGE 10 Chairman Sobkoviak asked staff to investigate if Burger King was required to provide the sidewalk with future development. Commissioner Schinderle asked where the sidewalk would be with the propos ed Route 59 widening. The Village Engineer said that they show the right -of -way at 60 feet, so they will need permission from IDOT for this. A discussion ensued regarding the placement of the sidewalk. Mr. Garrigan said that they can work with the devel oper and IDOT on this. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if the Mr. Root had the authority to agree to this. He did. Chairman Sobkoviak asked for submittal of a trash enclosure plan. The petitioner agreed to submit this. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Brad Bruegg emann who said that he will work with the Village Engineer to find an appropriate spot for the trash enclosure, but this may affect parking. Chairman Sobkoviak said that based on previous actions taken that evening, parking may not be an issue. Chairman Sobkoviak said that eh preferred not to take cross -access parking into consideration. Every community development – aside from those in the downtown core – should stand on its own. However, relaxing the requirement should be acceptable. He asked for com mission response. The commission agreed that they should work with staff on this. Commissioner Schinderle asked if a portion of this building will be a warehouse. Mr. Garrigan said yes, and that this was taken into consideration for parking requirements . Commissioner Racich said that the site plan shows an entrance but asked where the service entrance would be. Mr. Root said that a back rear door would serve for loading and unloading with a conveyor into the basement. Commissioner Racich asked how t he south and southeast elevations would be completed. Mr. Root went over where the glazing would stop. Chairman Sobkoviak opened up the floor for public comment. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in J.R. Rizzi, owner of Rizzi’s Flower Garden south of the propert y. He said that this plan is contingent on Vintage Harvest, but as a standalone project this would not work. Mr. Garrigan said that they have had discussions about on -site detention if it became necessary. Mr. Rizzi said that he is worried about Vintage Harvest not developing. A discussion ensued regarding the link between these two sites. The Village Engineer said that they are progressing on this and have a back -up position for on -site detention if it was necessary. 10 PLAN COMMISSION MINUT ES AUGUST 3, 2004 PAGE 11 Mr. Rizzi asked if improvements on Route 59 were based on Vintage Harvest. The Village Engineer said they were but the temporary entrance would be by Burger King. A discussion ensued regarding this being done in conjunction with or after Vintage Harvest. Commissioner Henry asked if V intage Harvest owned this property. Mr. Garrigan said it is not owned by Vintage Harvest, it is owned by the petitioner. Commissioner Henry asked who is legally responsible for the property. Mr. Garrigan said that this has been address. A discussion en sued regarding the temporary entrance and detention. Mr. Garrigan said that they can get this information before a building permit is issued. Commissioner Henry reiterated that this can be approved just not built until the stormwater issues have been res olved. At 9 :55 pm, Commissioner Schinderle moved to recommend approval of the Special Use for PUD for Light Source subject to the following stipulation : 1) Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. 2) Compliance with the requirements of the Plain field Fire Protection District. Commissioner Manning seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry , Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 6:0 . At 9:56pm, Commissioner Schinde rle moved to recommend approval of the Site Plan for Light Source subject to the following stipulations: 1) Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. 2) Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. 3) Submittal of a t rash enclosure plan prior to the Village Board meeting. Commissioner Manning seconded the motion. Chairman Sobkoviak called for a vote by roll call. Aye: Henry, Gehrke, Manning, Schinderle, Racich, Sobkoviak Nay: None The motion is carried 6:0. This wi ll go forward to the Village Board on August 16. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if there was anything further. 11 PLAN COMMISSION MINUT ES AUGUST 3, 2004 PAGE 12 Commissioner Manning asked how long the moratorium lasted, was it 60 days? Mr. Garrigan said that this was approved as six months. He did not know the exact date but expected this to expire at the end of the year. Chairman Sobkoviak declare d the meeting adjourned at 9:58pm . __________________ Respectfully submitted, Laura Griffith Recording Secretary Karick & Associates, Inc. 12