HomeMy Public PortalAbout19390407CCMeeting174 resigned as Mayor of said Town, his successor, H.Y.Righton .was elected by a majority vote of the Councilmen, of which more than a quorum was present. WHEREAS, there are monies on deposit in the several banks of Savannah and the only persons authorized to withdraw said monies are O.E.Bright and Henry R''.Buckley, Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Savannah Bank and Trust Company, the Liberty National Bank and Trust Company, and the Citizens Bank and Trust Company be end they are hereby authorized to recognize the signatures of H.Y.,Righton, Mayor countersigned by Henry M.Buckley, Treasurer. BE TT FURTHER; RESOLVED that in the absence of H.Y.Righton that-the aforementioned banks be and the same are hereby auth- oriz d to aceept the name of W.G.Logan, Chairman of Council. ere being .� further business Council adjo •_ ubj�e�t'to e call of !Tie Mayor. -�„_ 47// o Savannah Beach, T !'bee Island, April? 7th, 1939. The regular meeting of Council was held to- day at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber,and was attended by Mayor Righton, who presided, and Councilmen Sharpley, Cann, Lovell, Logan and Solomon. The minutes of the meetings of March 16th and 24th were read and adopted. A._letter: was read from Mr. Hudson Edwards, manager of;the Lucas- Theatre interestyrelative to using the Town Hall ,ud- itorium for the showing of moving pictures. It was decided to withhold any action until the building is completed. Mr. M.W.Lippitt requested, in a letter, that the bad condition existing on his property and in the vicinity of the old turn- table on Inlet Avenue, caused by the lack of proper drainage, by corrected. Mr Lippitt was informed that this condition would be corrected just as quickly as possible. Councilman_ Logan moved that Victor Reynolds be appointed electrical inspector, temporarily, on a fee basis, this was seconded by Councilman Solomon, and the motion passed. The Chief of Policeias instructed to collect all whiskey licenses due for 1939,at once. The unsanitary condition existing in the negro settlement near Fort Screven was discussed, the Mayor said that he would inves- tigate it himself with a view toward suggesting a remedy. It was the sense of the meeting that E.A.Dutton was still the Town Attorney and would continue so until the new board took office 1 175 A committees; composed of H.P.Anderson, M.R.Young, W.H.Haar, W.F.Lynes, and A.F.Solms appeared in the interest of raisin funds for adver- tising the island, the amount od which is to be $5,000.00, a plan was suggested whereby the Town was to raise $3500. -00 and the Chamber of Commerce $1500.00 the sense of the Board was that it was a good thing for the island, the Mayor stated that he would appoint a com- mittee to investigate ways and mwans of raising the proposed pro - potion expected from -the Town. The committee was excused. It was moved by Councilman Solomon that a new typewriter costing not over *125.00 be purchased for the Clerk's office, Councilman Lovell seconded and the motion passed. Addi There being no urther btsiness Council adjourned .bjec g1111110 call of the M- •r. Savannah Beach, Tybee Island., April 18th, 1939. A special meeting of Council was held to -day at 4:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, and was attended by Mayor Righton, who presided, and Councilmen Sharpley, Cann, Solomon, and Logan and Lovell. Councilman Logan moved the meeting be made a general meeting, Councilman Sharpley seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Lovell moved that the following property owners be named managers to conduct the election for Mayor and Councilmen to be held on May 1, 1939,.Charles Boblasky, W.J.FitzDa.trick, W.J.Moore, and G.F.Garis, jr., Alternate, andA.aiso Ahat_yegoh managdraa npaid4 0Qfop .his`:serviees, Councilman Solomon seconded and the motion passed. Until a better understanding could be had in connection with construction of he Town Hall Councilman Logan moved that the work be held up until a conference is had with Major Wallace, Councilman Solomon seconded and the motion passed.. Councilman Solomon moved that Victor Reynolds be appointed electrical inspector on.a fee basis, Councilman Logan seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Cann moved the the position of health officer be offered to Dr. -1PJ, Griffits, without pay, Councilman Logan seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Solomon moved that a discount of 20% be allowed on the 1938 taxes of W.J.Fitzpatrick, Councilman Logan seconded and the motion passed Councilman Logan moved that the Town buy a 36 inch pipe wrench and deliver same to Mr. Bragg of the Hotel Tybee to replace one borrowed from him and never returned, to cost not over $6.00, Councilman Solomon seconded and the motion passed.