HomeMy Public PortalAbout02-19-2015 Minutes HCC Regular MeetingTown of Minutes Hillsborough Cemetery Committee Thursday, February 19, 2015 9:00 a.m., Hwy. 86 N. Facility Present: Chair Ken Ostrand, Vice Chair Ashley DeSena, Archivist Bartow Culp, David McCullough, Jane Gaede Absent: Evelyn Poole -Kober, Lisa Williams Staff: Ken Hines, Guests: Stephanie Trueblood, Stewart Dunaway Item 1: Call meeting to order, and confirm presence of a quorum Chair Ostrand called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. Chair Ostrand called the roll and confirmed the presence of a quorum. Item 2: Consideration of changes or adjustments to the agenda No changes were made to the agenda. Item 3: Approval of minutes from January 12, 2015 meeting Motion: Mr. McCullough made a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Culp seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous Item 4: Guest speaker Stephanie Trueblood about signage for cemeteries Ms. Trueblood spoke about the interpretive signs along the Riverwalk trail and provided background information. She stated the cost for sign design was around $1,000 but this did not include fabrication costs. Sign cost including fabrication was estimated at $1,200 without installation fees. Ms. Trueblood had previously talked to the Cemetery Committee about a sign for the Margaret Lane Cemetery using the same format as the existing Riverwalk signs. Bartow Culp, head of the sign subcommittee for the HCC, talked about the importance of community approval of the Riverwalk signs. He asked if the new signs would be like the Gold Park sign and Ms. Trueblood said they would be different. She said funds may be available for one sign at the Margaret Lane Cemetery. There would be space on the sign for up to 250 words and six images. Ms. Trueblood suggested that someone from the HCC should participate on the existing sign committee. David McCullough volunteered to be the HCC liaison to the sign committee. The signs could be developed by the end of April. Mr. Culp asked the committee "Are we comfortable with making the MLC the first sign." David McCullough said the Margaret Lane Cemetery Committee had already started exploring a sign for the cemetery. Chair Ken Ostrand stated that the HCC can do the same type of signage for all the signs in the cemeteries in the future. Stewart Dunaway said that it is important to get through folklore and just distill wording down to the facts for the signs. By consensus of the members, the HCC decided to move forward with the MLC sign working with the current town sign committee. Vice Chair Ashley DeSena agreed that the signage package is a good plan. Ms. Trueblood said the signage for the Margaret Lane Cemetery is not funded yet but she feels she may be able to obtain funds. Chair Ken Ostrand requested a motion be made to move forward with the sign design. Motion: Bartow Culp made a motion for the HCC to move forward to design a sign by the end of April for the Margaret Lane Cemetery with David McCullough acting as the HCC representative to the sign committee. David McCullough seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous Stephanie Trueblood stated that any member of the HCC would be welcome to attend the sign committee meetings. Stewart Dunaway talked about the history of the MLC that he is currently working on. Ms. Trueblood said Owen Allison can be contacted for history of the neighborhood surrounding the Margaret Lane Cemetery. Ms. Trueblood provided an update regarding the request for the Presbyterian to add a kitchen addition to their building. The Historic District Commission put a condition on the church to locate unmarked graves. An investigation found several unmarked graves where the building addition would be located. The next step is to shave off the top layer over the gravesite area and to map out the gravesites. The church does not have a timeline for this project. At the Historic District Commission meeting on Wednesday, March 4`h, committee members McCullough, Ostrand, and Culp will attend the meeting to seek approval for the HCC to use the chemical biological solution D2 to clean the monuments at the Old Town Cemetery. Item 5: Subcommittee assignments, discussion Ken Ostrand reported that the paperwork to list the Old Town Cemetery on the National Registry is proceeding. He is gathering information about people in the cemetery which includes the Charles P. Owen stone's history. Ashley DeSena stated that the grant from the State Historic Preservation Office will have to be delayed but it can be applied for at a future date. Item 6: Steward reports For the cemetery stewards' report Ken Ostrand advised the members that stones were moved at the Old Town Cemetery and that he had placed them back in place. No other reports from other committees. Item 7: Budget update, Ken Hines Ken Hines reported to the committee the following funding is included in the upcoming budget pending Town Board approval. In year FY16: 1) $11,000 is budgeted for monument repair, 2) $3,000 for stone wall repair in the Old Town Cemetery, 3) $900 for cemetery brochures, 4) $1,500 for historically significant person info sign, and 5) $2,000 for HCC operational funds. In year FY17, $4,000 is allocated to locate gravesites in the OTC using ground penetrating radar. Item: 8: Museum exhibition update, Ken Ostrand Ken Ostrand stated there was no additional information but the museum has a project planned so a display from the HCC will be on hold. Item 9: Date for the next meeting, discussion Dates were suggested for the next meeting to be held in late May. Possible dates included May 181h 21st, and the 28th. Members will communicate via email to determine the best date for members to be able to attend. Item 10: Adjourn meeting