HomeMy Public PortalAboutESTILL AV_1207.pdfA3. Property Desc-&W (Lot and Bieck —Numbers, Tax Farce! ffurnbar, Legal —Descripfbn, Lot '[4-A block 4, Bay ward, A4. Building Use (e.g-, Residential, Non-RasidentIal, Addition, Accessory, etc,,) 8Qgj*11VW A5, Latitudall-ongitude: Let, N - 17_0_taro _JZJggS12 Long. eq 51.43 , _§QA_ ___JQ_min Horizontat Datum; C1 NAD 19 0 MAD 1-9403 A6, Attach at least 2 photographs of the building If the CartIfloato Is being used to obtain flood insurance. A7. SuIld;nq Diagram Number a A8, For a b0ding with a crawlapace of enolosure(s)! W For a building with an attached garage: a) Square footage of rawispace of anclor;uro(s) 1515- sq it a) Square footage of aftachail garage PLa- sq It b) Number ol'peanartent flood openings In the crawlspace , b) Number of permanent flood openings in the attached garage or anolosurri(s) within I .q foot above adjacent grade JA within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade nta o) Total net area of flood openings in A81 1452 sq in q) Total net ai-ela of flood openings to A9.0 ii - sq In d) Engineered flood openings? 0 Yes tK No d) Engineered flood openings? Yes No amotlarino Myn� W, Ora, county mame B3, State BI � NFO Community Name & Community Number Tybea Island 130" u 1� m GA Chatham B4. M &anat Number E�5' Suffix I B6. FIRM Index Date B7. FIRM Panel TE�Flood 8g_ Bata Flood ElavakCors(s) (Zone ZZCO2-11317 F �E Date zo AO, use base flood depth) 9126M t AE 12 B10. lndicato the source of the Base Flood ElevatIon (BFE) data or base flood depth entered in Item 69. . ....... . - ------- ------- 0 HS Profile 0 FIPA4 0 Community Determined EJ Olher/Source; BI 1. Indicate elevation datum used for RFE In Item 89,, 0 NGVD 1929 PD NAVD 1988 0 othed-Source: B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barder Resources System (CBIOS) area of Oftrwisa Protected Area (DPA)? Yes a No Designation Date: El CBRS 0 OPA SECTION 0 - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1, Building 016VOtions are based on: 0 Construction Drawings` Q Building Under Construction' 0 Finished Construction 'A now Elevation Certificate wilt be required when construction of the building is complete, 02. Eievations, - Zones Al A30. AE, AH. A (With SFE). VE, VI-V30, V (with WE), AR, ARIA, AR/AE, APJAI-A30, ARJAH, APJA0, Complete Items C2.a-h below according to the building diagram specified In Ifern A7, In Puerto Rica only, enter meters. . Benchmark: Utilized: to l Vertical Datum: NAVO 1988 Indicate elevation datum used for the etavatIOM In Items -a) through h) below. (J NGV0 1§21a 0 NAVID 1988 0 Other/Source, Datum used for building elevations must be the Same as that used for the BEE. Check the measurement used, a) Top of bottom floor (including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure floor) LaA feet El meters b) Top of the next higher floor 14.2 feet El meters c) Bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member (V Zones only) n fe. 0 feat D meters d) Attached garage (top of slab) al-01 13 feel E] MetarS e) Lowest elevation Or mitchinfirY Or equipment servicing the building feet 0 meters (Describe type of equ$pMent and location In Comments) Lowest adjacent (finished) grade next to building (LAG) 12,E feet El meters 9) Highest adjacent (ftrils had) grade next to building (HAG) j 4.2 feet El meters h) LowAqt adjacent grade at lowest elevation of deck or stairs, including structural support 12.6 feet 0 meters SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION, This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land Surveyor, engineer, or architect authadzed by law to certify elevation information, I certify that the ir6rMaVon on this Certificate represents my best efforts to intorprof the date available. f andareand that any false slatoment may be punishable by fine orkriprisoninent uncfff I& U.S. Code, Section fool. 0 EJ Check here 11'comments are provided on back of fount Were latitude and 1009s�W6 to Section A provided by a Check Itere it attachments. licensed land surveyor? 0 Yes [3 No Cerilfier's Name 4. Wlhitlay Reynolds 1-tconso hum r 2249 21 4, `Fide Land $urve TOO Compny Name Address 686 ph- WnA!p7 City Savannah sie-[& GA —ZIP Code Signature Date 1W31113 Telephone 912352-0464 FE MA Farm �&0-33 (7112) See reverse side for conthwation, Replaces, all previous ediflons- El IMPORTANT: In these. spaces, copy the corresponding information from See . tion A. Build,fpq Street Address , (including Apt-, Unit, Suite, aridlof Bldg, No,) of Ro. RoLft and Bak No, 1208 Sav Street City Tybee Island State GA ZIP Code 31328 y MIC, "O'Abgv SECTION 0 - UED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (i) community official, (2) InGUrahCa agant/=rnpany, and (3) bultding ownar.: Comments; c2A = pad Date 180113 1=1UM32, w t 1�11111 111 Ir 0 * � 1. V 's M For Zones AO and A (without WE), complete items ':1-E6. If the 0"fioate Is Intended to support a LOMA or LOMR-F request, complete Siscuons A, a, and C. For Items EI-E4, use natural grade, If available, Check the measurement used, In Puerto Rloo only, enter meters, El, Provide elevation information for the following and check the appropriate boxes to show whather the elevation is above or below the highest adjacent grade (HAG) and the lowest adjacent grade (LA% a) Top of bottom floor (irrcludlN basement, rrawIspace, or enclosure) is [J feet 0 meters 12 above or Q below the RAG. b) Top of bottom floor (fincluding basement, crawtspace, or enclosure) is 0 W 0 matem 0 above or 0 below the LAG_ 'E2_ For SuMing Diagrams 6-9 with permanent food OP0111I)AS PTUMOd In Section A Hems 8 andlor 9 (see ages" of instructions), the next higher Roor (elevation C2.b In the diagrams) oaf the building Is _ Ejfeet Ometers n above or (see the HAG, E3. Attached garage (top of slab) Is [I feet (I meters Ej above or 0 below the HAG, E4. Top of platform of Machinery andfor equipment servicing the building Is 0, feet Q meters 0 above or D below thrit HAG. F5. Zone AO only- If no Mood depth number is avaliable. Is the top of the bottom floor elevated In accordance with the community's floodplain managell)qnk ordinance? D Yes n No 0 Unknown, The local official must certify this information in:Soc(Jop G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OROWNER'$ REPRESENTATIVP CERTIRCAilt% The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A. B, and E forZona A (wfthoLA a FEMA•Issued or community issued IdFE) or Z"a, A9,nu$L!Iyri here. The statements in $eolfoos A, 0, and 15 are correct to ttae best of my knowledge. Property Owner's or Owner's Authorized Representative's Name Addr6as city State ZIP Code --fig—natu-ro' Date Telephone comments tl SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFOR. The isa-FRZ03 by tow 01 01dirtanceto adMini E rthe catfrrrttirYlty --: In management ordinance, can complete sections A (of and of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable ftem(s) and sign beiow. Check the measurement used In Items GS-Glo. In Puezto Ron only, enter meters, GI. F-) The information In $e(;Von G was taken from other documentation that has been signed and seated by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect wbo is authorized by few to certify elevation information, (indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2, . j A community offidat completed Section E for a building t0oated In Zone A (without a FEMA-lesuad or oammurtilly-issued 8FE) or Zone A0. 133. The fol'towing information (Items G4-G10) Is provided for community iloodp)aIn management purposes. G4. Permit Number Date Permit issued GT This permit has been Issued for, El New Construction 0 Substantial improvement G8. Elevation of as-butit lowest floor (including basement) of the bulkling., feet 0 meters Datum G9, BFE or (in Zane AC) depth of flooding at the building site; feet d meters Datum G10, Commuriltv's design flood elevatlow C fast ❑ meters Datum Locai Official's Nome Title Community Noma Telopho" Siginatme Date Comments Issued gLe-CuS&WAo �'ri FIEMA Form 036-0-33 (7112) Replaces all previous edjtioits. g { F S Yn " "� F f ak Y rM1 d r`w. x ✓ Flb 4Y iY X h +. ��" b y �" t r .. (gyp}` t. 4 ✓ �S yr I e pi 7� Wmo jY, «' . x r y ? " ° ^ ale x r ✓ r, �' w a r n '' ^.3:• tg'� vv Wi 1 tF } ^"fir^ ,V. ,g; ..3 r "Y p q,'^� Arm''' r aka `'�,�t��.✓�S S "' " ^'.x vT 1 h tr Y '� .. H .. .. � r � n 1 v' v