HomeMy Public PortalAboutR 98:217No. 98-217 Date of Adoption July 20, 1998 RESOII1TION APPROVLNG DEVELO~ AG~FFI,~fr ~ RAIA WllEREAS, the Borough of Carteret (the "Borough") has entered into a Regional Contribution Agreement ("RCA") with the Township of Readington (the "Township") pursuant to which the Borough agrees to construct low and moderate income housing; and WItEREAS, Frank Raia has proposed a 28 unit project known as the Cardinal Commons Project which will satisfy a portion of the Borough's obligation under the RCA with the Township; and ~, the Borough and the New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing ("COAH") have approved the Cardinal China Project (the "Project"); and WI~, the Borough and Raja wish to enter into a development agreement (the "Development Agreement") in connection with the Project; NOW, ~, BE IT RESOLV[D by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret that the attached Development Agreement is hereby approved. BE IT FUR~ RESOLV~ that the Mayor and Borough Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Development Agreement on behalf of the Borough. BF. IT FURTHI~ RESOLVED that the Development Agreement shall be advertised as prescribed by law. Adopted this 20th day of Ju$y, 1998 and certified as a true copy of the original on July 21, 1998. KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, MUNICIPAL CLERK RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE COUNCILMAN YES NO NV A.B. COUNCILMAN ~ YES NO NV A.B. CRI~.I.KY X GUTOWSKI X FAILACE X MANCUSO X FAZEKAS X 0 ' BRIEN X X - Indicate Vote AB Absent NV - Not Voting XOR - Indicates Vote to Overrule Veto $ ] ] Adopted at a meeting of the Municipal Council July 20, 1998 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TI'd, Development Agreement ~, made tl"d,31 ¢'~day of '-~ t.'-I/ , 1998 by and between FRANK RAJA ("Rata") with of'flees located at 450 7~' Street. Hoboken. New Jersey 07030 (the "Developer") and the Borough ofCarteret, a Municipal Corporation with offices located at 60 Cook Avenue, Carte'et, New Jeraey ("the Borough") WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Borough has entered into a regional contribution agreement ("RCA") with the Township of Readinglo~n (the "Township"). by which the Borough agreed to assume certain potnion of the Townskip!s low and moderate iucome housing obligations (the "Ho~rsing Obligations"), and WHEREAS, Rata is th~ owner of the building krlown as the "Cardinal China Building" locat,d at 253 Romanowski Str*et. within the Borough (the "Building"); and WHEREAS. Rata has P%vlously renovated certain properties to provide low and moderate income housing units; and WHEREAS, the Borough wishes to satiafy a portion of its obligation under the RCA with the Township by providin Raja with funding to r~novate the Building in order to create low and moderate income housii~g. Is/OW, l.n consideration Of the covenants conta~ne~t l~erein, the par~les agree as tollows: I. IlE!~'ELOPER'$ OBLIGATIONI~ JUL-20-'ig.'.q8 13¢3=2g g"~0t"~ LEANZR ~ AGRAPI[~IS TO 1 ~%8..~.9r3 F'.134 .01 R,iavvate the Build/nc - The Developer agrees to renovate the building in order to create twenty-eight (28) new, low and moderate income housing, in accordance with such plans ~s shall be approved by the Borough or its designee (the "Project"). SucI~ affordable housing units will be built with th, following dimensior~ ~md ~aro' the following re~tal cost lo the urut tenant,: No. of Unrra No. of Brs. Sq. Pt. Annual Rent 2 0,5 520 $5,064/$422 15 1 527 $5,06415422 6 1 555 $5,064/$422 3 I 560 $5,064/$422 2 1 490 $5,064/$422 The monthly ten! shall include only water ~nd s~,ver charges. Thc Tenant shall be mspon.sible for ~e payment of all electric charges aasoeiated w/th the electric heat, electric hot lwater heater, and any other elec~city utilized during the cou..~e of their t~ancy. The Developer agree8 to provide the Borough with proposed plans for renovation withii~ 60 ~lay* of the oxccution of thc Dcvolopm~nt Agreement. .02 Core, lib'ace wj~ COAH Rc~'utations - The Developer r~ognizes that in order to accomplish the it/tended purpose the Borough must obtain the approval of the State of New Jer*ey Council on Afi`ordable Housing. The Developer a~rees to submit all requir&d or requested documontation to COAH in connection with the 2 Project. The Developer agrees that my and all documents to be submitted to COAH shall first be approved in va-lting by the Borough, md that any obligation on thc part of the Borough to make payments is expressly contingent upon approval of the l~roj~ct by COAH. 1.03 D~velopment of?roiect - The Developer a~ees to commence the Project within 60 days of approval by COAH and to diligeaffiy prosecute the Project to completion. In the event the D~vetoper shall fail to begin the Project within 60 days of COAH approval the Borough shall have the right to terminate this Development A~reen~ent by giving written notice to the Developer, Further, the Developer agree~ to complete the Project within 12 months of commencemem. If the Developer shall fail to complete the Project within 12 months of the commencement ihen the Borough shall have the right to terminate this Development Agreement by giving x,,'titten notice to the Developer, ullles$ such failure has been On account of circumstances beyond the control of the Developer, slleh as a delay in obtahling Township monies, or a force majeure eve, alt. .04 ~ -!The Developer agrees to obtain at its sole color and expense, any and all permits ~quired to complete the Project. .05 llliP, l.~gJ~I9.~ - D~veloper agrees to allow the Borough to insp~t the Project from time to tinle m is reasonably requested by tho Boro~agh. Developer further agrees to!allow the Borough to inspect any and all books and r~cords regarding the PrSjeet, for the put, pose of verifying cost in order to assure conformity w~th any application made to COAH. 1.06 Continenev - This Development Agreement is subj~el to the review mid approval of the Department of Community Affairs. Division of Housing and Community Resources ("DCA"), and is expressly conting~n~ upon the Project gaining the approvals required by any and all Federal, State or County agency, necessary for the Borough to satisfy it~ obligation with the RCA with the Town~hlp. The Dcvelopor agrees to cooperate and make ~uah applications a~ a~e necessary to obtain such approvals. 1.07 Com~lianc~.wit~ Law - The Developer agr~s to comply a4th all laws, rules, ordirmn¢~s and s~atutes in the performance and development of this Project. 1.08 ~; The Developer agrees to indemrdfy, defend and hold the Borough harmless fi'om and against any and all logs, cost, claims, dm'nsec and expense (including. but not limited to, ressotmble attorney fees) arising out of or in any way resulting bom any claim or suit by any party (including, but not limited to, claims by ¢'mploy~es of the D,veloper) m connection with tho Project of the performance of this Development Aero. mem. D~v¢loper agr~ to maintain at all times during the Project g~n~al liability insurance with an insurance carrier authorized to do business in the Stat~ of N~w J'ersey in the amount of not less than $ [,000,000 Dollars, and to name the Borough as an a~lditional insured. The Developer also agrees to maintain work,rs eompe, nsation in.~ urane¢ while perforating the Project, ,09 Compliance with Orant Am~rnent - The Dowlop~r agrees to comply with the terms and ~onditions of the Grant Agreement bcnYeen thc DCA and 4 the Borough pursuant lo which the $638,000 o£Balanced Housing Funds has been provid~l to the Borough. 1.10 AH.MS - Affordable ~o~.t~i.n~ A~,ree~qg[~. The De,,'elop~r agrees to enter into an Affordable Housing Agn'eement, Declaration of Covenants, Conditio~ and Restnctlolt$ w~th the Affordable Housing Marmgcment Service ("AFLMS") section of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs in order ~o monitor mffordability controls pursuant to N,J.A.C. 5:14, Chapter 4 and eertif3' eligible households for occupation of a Cardinal Commons unit. 1.11 Provision for Coi~t Certifics__ti0n - Upon project completion and prior to Developer's final drawdown of loan proceeds as authorized in the agreed upon drawdown schedule, the Developer agrees to provide a Certification of his costs incurr~ in connection with the Cardin~l ~ommons project to the DCA, I! is agreed that such cost certification shall be prepared by Certified l%bliz A~co~tant on an sc~ruai basis and shall compare projected cost per Atta~hm~llt B of the Grallt Agreement wiffi actual 1.12 Reea?ture of Excess Cost Allo~0ola - The D~eloper agrees that if b~dgeted cOStS exceexl a~tual, D~A may, at its sole ¢liscretion, either request rennin o~the loan .~urplus or reallocat¢ such loan monies to other underbudgeted cost categories. 2. t~OROUGH'$ OBLIGATIONS 2.01 The Borough agrees to be respon,,ible for the administration of the Grant 5 ~UL-~O- i998 08:~8 FROM Agreement with the DCA and for monitoring th~ Development Agr~'¢mcnt. 2.02 The Borough recognizes arld agrees that thc DCA will trana£er $14,000. from the Balanced l-{ousi~g Funds total of $638,000 directly to the Affordable Housing Management Services to pay for their monitoring of affordability controls and certifying eligible households pursuant to the AH. MS Affordable HOusing Agreemt, nt with the Developer. Conseque~ntly, the Borough understands that it will receive no more than $624,000 for purposes o£reimburs~ment and payment of Developer. 2.03 The Borough recognizes that this property is or will be the subject of a payment in lien of taxx agreement with Developer and that this project will be fiirth,,r funded by $500,000 of P, egional Coritribution Agreement funds between the Borough and the Township of Readington and $~;1 i!,000 of County Home Funds.. 3. P__A,~t~MENT OF P.-EADINGTON RCA AND ]~ALANCED HO~I~G 3.0; ~!!tL.q.~$jL~M s - The Boroul~ shall a'ansfer $$00,000 of Rcading~on RCA Funds to Raia for the Project, in the form ora loan. .02 Timing of Payments - It is anticipated that the Borough will receive at least four payments of $25~1,000 each f~om thc Township of Readington to fund this Project and other Projects. The ftrst such payraerlt is due on or about April 1, 1998. Raia shall receive at least $12$,000, and up to $250,000 fl'or~ each payment, if no other Projects are eligible to receive payment, tmtil $300,000 of Readington RCA funds has been I'l'ansferred to a~zd received by him. In the event that this Project h~ progressed such that its prosecution and completion outpaces thc payments from the Township of Readingtor~, the Borough agrees to take such measures as are reasonably necessary to assist R~ia in secl~-~g low interest loans from the County of Middlesex, with Rata paying the interest thereon, 3.03 Amount of Balaaeed Housing Funds - The Borough shall transfer up to $638,000 of Balanced Housing Funds to Rs. ia for the Project, ~ tho form ora loan. The B~rough and Developer agree that the Borough will transfer the first $1,1,000 ($500.00 per xait) fi`om the Balan¢~l Housing Funds total of up to $638,000. directly to Affordable I-lousing Management Seme~ to administer afrordability controls and certify eligible households. 3.0l 2~ · The Borough of Carterot has c~ternporaneously entered into a Grant Agreement with the DCA which will provide the Borough with the $638,000,00 of grant funds pursuant to its "Neighborhood Preservation Balanced Housing Program". It is anticipated that the Borough will transfer monies to Developer on a r~quisition basis pursuant to a drawdown schedule promulgated by the DCA based upon extent of project completion and which is agreeable to Developer and the Borough. 4, LOAN TERMS - REAIHNGTOI~J_RCA AND BALANCED HOUSING FUNDS a,01 READINGTONRCA FUNDS 7 ~ T~e t~s of~e $500,000 loan to Raia ahall be as £oIlow~: a) Raja shall make annua~ payments of$I0,O00 p~yabl~ on or before 1anu~ ~1 of each y~ co~ene~g ~anua~ 31, 2~ The bal~ee of~e ~hall be due ~d payable on or before ~anu~ 31, 2030, ~ ~e fo~ ora ballon pa~en~. b) no intact; c) ~ecu~ by a non r~ourse mortgage on th~ prope~; d) ~a s~l ~ute a no~eco~ not~ satisf~to~ to C~er~ ~dencing the h~ein desc~bed 1o~', e) the lo~ by C~er~ shall not be assi~able by ~a wi~out the ~en cons~t of C~e~t; ~ the obligations ~d~ the lo~ by ~a shill be bading u~n Raa's succes~r ~d aai~s, no~ithst~din8 the foggo~g, ~ t~e event R~a shsll ~;sfer title to ~y of~e prepay for which a po~on of the 1o~ has been m~e. or in the event ora c~ge in Raia's co.rate s~c~e or sta~$, o~ ~ death, ~e note ~d mortgage shall become i~ediately due ~d pay~le. _ ~.02 B~C~D.~OUS~G ~e te~a of the $638,0~. [o~ to Raja ~I be as follows', a) ~ia ,hall m~e ~n~l pa~ent~ of $10,000 payable on or before Au~st I of each ye~ co~cing at the ~d of the second ye~ follawing ~e Bomugb's issuance ofC~ificates of Occup~cy for 8 the Project. The balance of loan shall be due and payable on or before thirty (30) 7ears from the first day ofthe month following the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy for the project by the Borough ail as set forth in the Mortgage Note e×ecuted by Raja; b) interest will be payable ~ 2% per annum; c) secured by a non recourse mortgage on the proper~y subject to the review and approval of the DCA; d) Raia shall execute a no~reeoun~e note subject to thc review and approval of the DCA; e) the loan by DCA ,hall not be assignable by Rata without the written consent of the DCA; the obligations reader the loan by Raia shall be binding upon Raia's successor and a~signs, notwithstanding the foregoing. In the event Raia shall transfer title to any of the property for wl~ich a portion of the loan has been made. or in the event of* change in Raia's corporat~ structm-e or st,ms, other than death~ the note and _ mor~gag~ ~h~,ll become immediately due and payable. 5.01 ~ - This Agteem~t shall be binding on the pattie,, their successors and assigns. $.02 ]Notices - All notice, demands and reque,t~, required or permitted to be given or 9 made under any provision &this Agreement, shall be in writing and shall be g~ven or made by facsimile and overnight courier (Federal Express) or registered or certified mail, return reeeip! requested, postage paid, addressed as follows: If to Raia: 450 Seventh Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 With a copy to: Frank Leanza, 15q, Leanza & Agrapidis, 255 Route 17 South Haekensaek, NJ 07601 If to the Borough: Borough of Carteret Att: Kathleen Barney, Municipal Clerk 61 Cooke Avenue Carteret, NJ 07008 With a copy to: Craig Y. Cough.lin, Borough Attorney 555 Route One South 4~h Floor Iselin, New Jersey 08830 Any such notice, demand or request shall be deemed given or made on the next business day after delivery to the overnight courier and, if mailed, on the third (3rd) busings day after the date so mailed. N'otwithatandin8 the foregoing, in the ease of the emergency referred to harem, the notice to be given, if practical, by tel*phone or £~simile, sent to Raia or the Borough at its respective address or addresses as aforesaid, and such notice shall be deemed given on the day on which telephone call is made or the day on which the telegram or cable gram is sent, ~ applicable. 503 ~ - No statements, representatives, prior agreements or 10 - , .TUL-2~~i998 08:~1 ~ROH LFANZA & AGRAPI~)IS TO i??~_.~8.._~,~9~' P. i3 understanding not herein set forth shall have any force or effect unles~ an appropriate amendment is executed by all par~ies hereto. This Agreement shall become effective only upon execution hero&by both parties hereto and delivery of a fully executed resolution hereof IN WITNESS W/4'I~REOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to bc executed by duly autl~uu~l ~-- ATTEST: BOROUG[I OF CARTERET , mR '" ~l ~ LEANZA//ESQ. I~RA~K RAIA I1